IRTS News for 5th March 1995 INTERNATIONAL MARCONI DAY ------------------------- This year the world celebrates the centennial of Marconi's first radio transmission, and the annual International Marconi Day takes on an added interest. Ballybunnion's association with amateur radio is well known, and through the efforts of amateurs in the area a street has been named Marconi Avenue, and a fine plaque has been erected to commemorate the operation of a Marconi station in the town from 1912 to 1922. Wireless telephonic communication was made for the first time from east to west in 1919 from the Ballybunnion site to Louisburgh, Cape Brett, in Nova Scotia. This year, during International Marconi Day, members of the Kerry Radio Group will operate a special event station from the original Marconi site in Ballybunnion.. Further information may be had from John EI6AH. BUS TRIP TO ENNISKILLEN ----------------------- As a result of numerous enquiries at the Phoenix ARC rally in Coolmine last Sunday, Phil EI9P has agreed to organise a bus to the Enniskillen rally from Navan if enough interest exists. This was a regular feature in the past, and was always a great day out. If you are interested in travelling, give Phil a ring at 046 31515 to book a place. SKERRIES ARC ------------ Members of the Skerries club are busy at the moment replacing their VHF antenna, and also erecting a new G5RV for HF operation. The club has taken possession of a computer, and when a suitable modem has been built, hopes to be active on packet. ISLANDS ON THE AIR ------------------ The 'Islands On The Air' contest is certainly the most popular contest in EI, and the 1995 event promises to be no exception. To date we have confirmation that Declan EI6FR and his group plan to operate from Inishmaam in the Aran Islands. Sean EI4GK and his group will, as always, operate from Inishmore in the Aran Islands, and the Cork Radio Club, led by Anthony EI2HY, will travel to Clare Island in W. Cork. We would like to hear from any other groups who are planning to take part in this event. CORK REPEATER GROUP ------------------- The AGM of the Cork Repeater Group will take place on Tuesday 15 March at 8 pm in the Wilton Park Hotel, Bishopstown, and all are welcome to attend. The Cork repeater continues to give excellent coverage over most of Munster, and before long a 70 cms repeater will be up and running, serving the Cork city area. Filters have been ordered from U.S., and are due to be delivered shortly. If you cannot attend the meeting you may send your subscription to John Mooney EI6AK at QTHr. SOUTH DUBLIN ARC ---------------- Members of SDR travelled to Co. Leitrim on Sunday, 26 February, to look for a suitable site to operate a station over the St. Patrick's weekend. A site was found in Aghnacashel, near Drumshanbo, at about 1000 ft. A.S.L. with a clear view to east and south. Simplex communication with Dublin was possible on 2m FM, using a half wave whip mounted on the car. The Limerick repeater was accessible, and a number of contacts on 80m were made during the trip. SDR members will return to this site on Sunday 19 March with 2m and 70 cms beams which, it is hoped, will enable simplex contacts to be made with much of the S. and E. of the country. DAVE MOORE SAVES THE DAY ------------------------ Special thanks to Dave Moore EI4BZ who was able to pull a few items from the hat at the last minute for this week's bulletin. Up until 8.30 of the night on which this bulletin was written there was only one item of news, that from SDR. One other item would have arrived from Limerick only for a sick FAX machine at the Department of Pathology: surgery will be performed, and it should be working by the time this is being read. Once again we appeal for items from clubs or groups around EI and GI for the radio news. Nothing is too small to be included, and it is your news that makes the bulletins interesting. Plans for operation over St. Patrick's weekend would be of interest, as there are still many seeking some of the rarer counties for the WEIC award. ITEMS FOR INCLUSION ------------------- That concludes the bulletin for this week. Items for inclusion in the radio news bulletins should be addressed to Steve Wright EI5DD, c/o Department of Pathology, Regional Hospital, Galway. Fax messages may be sent to EI5DD at 091 24216. All such items will be forwarded to Dave Moore EI4BZ for inclusion in the printed news. Items for the printed newsletter only should be sent direct to Dave at QTHr, or phoned to 021 632444 (daytime) or 021 883555 (evenings). Items may be sent by packet to EI4BZ at EI7DKB-5, or by fax to 021 632730.