MUF.EXE... an Es muf calculator for PCs. DISCLAIMER: This program is in the public domain and is installed and executed AT YOUR OWN RISK. Give details of a known path that is open via Es (eg from the cluster, off-air, Band II, etc), and MUF.EXE will calculate the critical frequency (Fcrit), the Maximum Usable Frequency (MUF), and the Frequency of Optimum Traffic (FOT) in the E layer. The programme will also give a hint as to where you should beam, and into which region you might make contacts. The calculations are based on information accumulated over a number of years, and seem to represent single-skip Es quite well (however, no guarantee of accurancy is given). To download you will need UUDECODE and an up-to-date version of PKUNZIP. USAGE: MUF [fromloc, toloc, homeloc, are Maidenhead (world-wide) locators, specified in 4 or 6 character forms (case insensitive). For example, em64, EM64, EM64df, em64DF are all valid. The 4 character form assumes the center of the square] Example 1 (I type "muf io91sv jn05 144.3 jo02pb") ------------------------------------------------- Es from io91sv to jn05 (on 144.30MHz), az = 171/el = 15.2 719Km [Fcrit 45.75MHz, MUF 249.29MHz] [mid-point JN08dq] => from jo02pb try to IN95oh, az = 192/el = 14.2 766Km [FOT 151.20MHz] (this is based on my shortest ever 2m Es QSO. Note the MUF... Band III TV was actually reported during this opening!) Example 2 (I type "muf jn67 jn46 50.1 jo02pb") ---------------------------------------------- Es from jn67 to jn46 (on 50.10MHz), az = 251/el = 33.2 324Km [Fcrit 28.51MHz, MUF 155.37MHz] [mid-point JN57la] => from jo02pb try to KN01hw, az = 120/el = 2.6 1842Km [FOT 150.98MHz] (this is from a 6m report... If you see something similar on the DX-cluster it's time to get blasting on 2m!) Example 3 (I type "muf jo31 jn61 144.3 jo02pb") ----------------------------------------------- Es from jo31 to jn61 (on 144.30MHz), az = 155/el = 7.6 1202Km [Fcrit 32.41MHz, MUF 176.62MHz] [mid-point JN56al] => from jo02pb try to JN90ju, az = 126/el = 2.7 1824Km [FOT 171.24MHz] (In this case you might be better off watching for Band III TV!) Example 4 (I type "muf jo61 jn61 50.2 jo02pb") ---------------------------------------------- Es from jo61 to jn61 (on 50.20MHz), az = 180/el = 8.6 1112Km [Fcrit 11.80MHz, MUF 64.30MHz] [mid-point JN66ll] => from jo02pb try to KN20hu, az = 116/el = 0.9 2167Km [FOT 64.10MHz] (In this case the geometry is perfect for you to KN20, but the MUF isn't high enough, so forget it!). 73, Mark G4PCS