SB DX @ ALLBBS $OPDX.164 Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 164 The Ohio/Penn Dx PacketCluster DX Bulletin No. 164 BID: $OPDX.164 June 27, 1994 Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio Online at 216-237-8208 14400/9600/2400/1200/300 8/N/1 Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, DF4RD, DL7VEE & DXNL, K4CEF & Southeastern Cluster Group, N4ZR, WA4IUM, W5KNE & QRZ DX, W6RCL, IK4MGP, RW3AH and 9V1YC for the following DX information. 3W, VIETNAM. Paul, AA2AV, and Mike, K1MR, are supposed to be currently active from here until July 2nd, but there has not been any QSNs reported. Paul, who is there for some research on Agent Orange, has requested the callsign 3W3AV. They plan to be active mainly on 20 and 40 meters CW (possible activity between 1130-1230z and 2200-2400z). 4U1WB QSL ROUTE. Pete, N4ZR, wanted OPDX to mention that he is not the manager for 4U1WB, other than for CQ WPX activity in May 1992 (the CW portion). Manager for other operations continues to be KK4HD. 5H, TANZANIA. Andy, RW3AH, (Russian ARES Chief Co-ordinator) informs OPDX that R3ARES/5H, the club station of HQ Russian ARES, has moved with the Russian rescue team to Tanzania from their recent operation in former Yugoslavia (R3ARES/YU). The rescue team from the Russian Ministry of emergency situations is providing humanitarian UN aid for Rwanda refugees in Tanzania. This station is only active daily during the R_ARES Net on 14292 kHz at 0700z (sometimes at 1700z). QSL via RW3AH. 9N, NEPAL. Presently there are only three operators in 9N-land (9N1AA, 9N1HA AND 9N1RB). It is reported that only 9N1AA and 9N1HA have their own station. 9N1AA's name is Satish, and he has worked SSB and RTTY in the past, but has recently discovered the mode PACTOR. He has found it to be an excellent mode for communication, but Satish is having a problem working stateside stations and is looking for anybody that could help him solve the problem. If you can help, leave a message in JA5TX's Mailbox, Satish checks it daily. 9V, SINGAPORE. The station 9V1ARU of the Singapore Amateur Radio Transmitting Society will be active in the upcoming IARU contest under the "HQ" category as an official IARU region 3 member organization. Operators will be 9V1YC, 9V1ZB and JE1JKL, plus additional society members (callsigns not confirmed yet). The station is restricted by law to only operate at 100W, so they hope stations will be looking for them. This is the very first legal Singapore multi-op station in an international contest. They are trying to encourage contesting amongst the less active Singapore ham, in hopes that more local operators will try the bigger contests. 9V1ARU will also be used to promote the upcoming IARU region 3 conference to be held in Singapore this September. BS, SCARBOROUGH REEF (HUANGYAN DAO), SOUTH CHINA SEA. After being delayed for one day (due to the weather) the BS7H DXpedition hit the air waves on June 25th. Several JA sourceshave stated the DXpedition was only active from 0900 to 2300z and then went QRT. They made around 2000 QSOs in which none of the contacts were made on CW because they did not bring a keyer. Last week New England Division Rep to the DXAC, Bill Shipp, KC1AG, reported that DK9KX has withdrawn his petition for new country status for Scarborough Reef. No reason was given, but information from KJ4VH indicates that he (also Martti and others) are aware of this withdrawal and they would proceed anyway with the first Scarborough Reef DXpedition. CN, MOROCCO. Valentini, IK4JQO, will be signing CN2VA from August 6-22th. He will operate only SSB on 10-80 meters (especially 12-17 meters). He will also be active from Mogador Island (AF-065). QSL via IK4JQO. FR/G, GLORIOSO ISLAND. "QRZ DX" mentioned that FR5ZQ will be active during the months of July and August. This country is rated 17th on the OPDX Most Wanted List for 1993. HH, HAITI. For a short period of time (length was not given)there will be some activity from N4MU/HH2 and W6RCL/HH2. They are both employed by U.S. television news agencies and temporarily assigned to Port-Au-Prince, Haiti. N4MU is running 100 W to a TS-50 and has concentrated on 15-40 meters, while W6RCL is running 100 W to an IC-725 and has a longwire which loads from 160-10 meters. Both are SSB only operations, neither of them brought a key or keyer. W6CRL was last heard on 14190 kHz around 0300z. JOURNEY TO PETER I ISLAND: "CLOSE TO THE EDGE". This is a 30 minute documentary on this dangerous and exciting DXpedition through the Falkland Islands, the Drake Passage and onto Peter I Island. The video shows enormous icebergs, animal and marine life, massive Antarctic storms and how the DXpedition team was able to make almost 60,000 QSOs. The documentary was produced professionally from 12 hours of videotape shot by Terry Dubson, W6MHB. Those that are interested in this documentary can contact: Jerry Branson, AA6BB, 93787 Dorsey Lane, Junction City, OR 97448. There is a $25 donation (which includes shipping). ZS, SOUTH AFRICA. ZS6IR plans to be active on SSB daily from 2000 to 0600z between 3780 and 3800 kHz and between 7045 and 7055 kHz. QSL via DL4JZ (Note: The address of ZS6IR in the callbook is wrong). FAX YOUR DX INFORMATION NOW! Faxing is available Monday/Wednesday/Friday from 0430 to 2330z only. The number is 216-237-8208 and the FAX card is sharing the same phone line as BARF-80 BBS using a data/fax/phone switch. Excerpts and distribution of The OPDX Bulletin are granted as long as KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80 receive credit. To contribute DX info, call BARF-80 BBS online at 216-237-8208 14400/9600/2400/1200/300 and leave a message with the Sysop or send InterNet Mail to: or send BitNet Mail to: aq474%cleveland.freenet@cunyvm or send PRODIGY Mail to: DFJH48A or send a message via packet to KB8NW @ WA8BXN.OH.USA.NA /EX