SB DX @ ALLBBS $OPDX.168 Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 168 The Ohio/Penn Dx PacketCluster DX Bulletin No. 168 BID: $OPDX.168 July 25, 1994 Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio Online at 216-237-8208 14400/9600/2400/1200/300 8/N/1 Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, ARRL DX Bulletin, DF4RD, DL7VEE & DXNL, DL5IAR, K4CEF & Southeastern Cluster Group, AD1C, NA2M, W4VQ, N8AC and VE3OUL for the following DX information. 6W, SENEGAL. Jean-Louis, 6W6JX, has been very busy lately on 15/20/30/40 meters. Check these bands between 0630 and 0930z, and again between 1630 1900z. QSL is via CBA. 9M8, EAST MALYSIA. Dave, 9M8BT, has been on 20 meters. He was heard on 14220 and 14226 kHz (free style) between 1315 and 1500z. QSL via N5FTR. D2, ANGOLA. There was a report that Rich, AA4HU, was heard active from here as D2/AA4HU. His length of stay and QSL information is unknown at this time. He was heard on the 14226 DX Net around 2245z. DF0, RUGEN ISLAND (IOTA EU-057). NODXA members and dear friends, Holger/DL7VTM, Birgit/DL7VTZ, Falk/DL7UTA and Fritz/DL7VRO and his daughter Silke will possibly be active from July 29-30 and also participate in the RSGB IOTA Contest. The island is located in the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern State East Group. They may be using the callsign DF0FA. If the group does not make it to Rugen Island, they may go to Denmark to be active as OZ/DL7UTA, OZ/DL7VTM or OZ/DL7VTZ. Part of this group was active earlier this year from Zambia as 9I2A, 9I2M and 9I2Z. DL8AAM/P. ISLAND OF FEHMARN (IOTA EU-128). Tom, DL8AAM, will be active from this Schleswig-Holstein State East Group during the IOTA Contest this coming weekend. QSL via the bureau is "OK". FH, MAYOTTE. Elio, FH5CB, can be found almost daily on or around 14256 kHz between 0400 and 0500z. QSL via FH8CB (ed. YEP that is correct!). IS1A/0S1A, PRINCIPALITY OF SEBORGA. This one continues to get interesting and intriguing every week. According to the ARRL DX Bulletin: Paul, I1RBJ (operator of IS1A/0S1A), has called the DXCC Desk and reported to them that he had returned from the ITU, and that under an agreement with the ITU and the Italian government, he would now be using the callsign IS1A/0S1A. (ed. So what does this mean for all those 0S1A contacts that were made?) Also, there will be a one day operation by 3A2LF as 3A2LF/0S0C on July 25 which will be CW only. The ARRL DX Bulletin also reports that the principality of Seborga is located 20 km north of Monaco and is 517 meters above sea level. The principality was established on 20 August, 959 AD. It is about 5 square km in area, and currently has 300 inhabitants. Amateurs are reminded that there is currently no DXCC status for this one. OY, FAROE ISLANDS. Two stations were heard this past week on 20 meters. OY1R was heard on CW around 14040-50 kHz between 1245 and 1545z. QSL via W2KF. OY1HJ was heard on SSB, 14258 kHz around 1515z. QSL via OY6FRA. R1MVI, MALYJ VYSOTSKIJ ISLAND. Just a reminder that this operation will take place between July 30-31. Not much is known about this operation other than that Russian and Finnish operators will be active during the first Russian CW & SSB DX Contest. S2, BANGLADESH. Erik, S21ZG, continues to be active from here. He was heard on July 24th, on 14006 kHz at 0108z calling CQ, with very few takers. TN0CW, CONGO (UPDATE). Rudi, DK7PE, has gone QRT from Brazzaville around July 19th and is back home in Germany. It took Rudi 2 years to negotiate with the Office National de Postes et Telecommunication (ONPT) to receive a permit to operate. During his operation, which began July 8th, Rudi logged almost 6000 QSOs on 9 bands using a vertical antenna for 40-10 meters, a quarter wave slope on 160 meters and a TS-50 plus an FL2100Z. Rudi has prepared all the documentation to be sent to the League. He is also considering another trip to Brazzaville sometime later this year. V85, BRUNEI. V85KX was very active on 14025 kHz between 1230 and 1430z. QSL via G3JKX. AN EARLY CONTEST STATION REPORT. Mike, N0BSH, reports he will be in PJ7-land in October for the the CQ WW SSB Contest. (ed. If there are any other early contest station reports, send them to the OPDXB!) DXAC NEWS (From the DXAC and DX-Reflector on InterNet): The DXAC has received a new petition from W9ARV to add the Balleny Islands to the DXCC Countries List. The Balleny Islands are located in the Antarctic at Latitude 66 55S, Longitude 163 20E. The applicant claims they qualify under Point 2A, greater than 225 miles from a Point 1 country. In this case the Point 1 country is New Zealand. A new petition has been received from the Chinese Radio Sports Association (Wang Xun, BZ1WX) to add Huang Yan Dao (Yellow Stone Island) aka Scarborough Reef, to the DXCC Countries List. The applicant claims it qualifies under Point 2, Separation by Water. No supporting information was attached. The orginal petition was filed by Hans, DK9KX but was withdrawn a few weeks before the BS7H operation took place. Also, a petition has been received from Nao Akiyama, NX1L, to add Austral Islands and the Marquesas Islands to the DXCC Countries List. The applicant claims it qualifies under Point 2, Separation by Water and that French Polynesia is a Point 1 country. All three petitions as of press time have not been added to the DXAC's agenda by the DXAC Chairman Robert Beatty (W4VQ). Jim Dionne, K1MEM, has been appointed DXAC representative for the New England Division, replacing Bill Shipp, KC1AG. THE OHIO/PENN DX BULLETIN NOW HAS A MAILING LIST ON INTERNET! This Mailing List is for the sole purpose of mailing and distributing the Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin. This will make it easier for individuals to receive the bulletins. It will also make it easier for individuals to unsubscribe from the distribution list if they have to. To unsubscribe: Send a message to "" and in the "Subject:" line put "unsubscribe" (no quotes). To subscribe or resubscribe: Send a message to "" and in the "Subject:" line put "subscribe" (no quotes). Please continue to send DX information for the OPDX Bulletin via the following addresses only: InterNet Mail to: -or- BitNet Mail to: aq474%cleveland.freenet@cunyvm PRODIGY Mail to: DFJH48A Packet Radio to: KB8NW @ WA8BXN.OH.USA.NA BARF-80 BBS : Online at 216-237-8208 14400/9600/2400/1200/300 and leave a message with the Sysop! Remember! This is "YOUR" bulletin. I will continue to write the OPDX Bulletin as long as I continue to receive the input. As we head to the bottom of the sunspot cycle, information and DXpeditions become less and less. So "PLEASE HELP" and contribute DX information. Thanks to the many who have contributed information in the past. 73 and Good DX, Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW Editor of the OPDX SPECIAL NOTE FROM EDITOR: There will probably be no bulletin next week (August 1). I am (and have been) on vacation. Please keep sending your DX information. (You never know, I may put one together if I receive enough information.) FAX YOUR DX INFORMATION NOW! Faxing is available Monday/Wednesday/Friday from 0430 to 2330z only. The number is 216-237-8208 and the FAX card is sharing the same phone line as BARF-80 BBS using a data/fax/phone switch. Excerpts and distribution of The OPDX Bulletin are granted as long as KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80 receive credit. /EX