SB DX @ ALLBBS $OPDX.175 Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 175 The Ohio/Penn Dx PacketCluster DX Bulletin No. 175 BID: $OPDX.175 September 19, 1994 Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio Online at 216-237-8208 14400/9600/2400/1200/300 8/N/1 Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, DF4RD, DL7VEE & DX NEWS Letter, DL8AAM, DL8ZAJ, Japan DX News, JA0CVW, G3ZAY, K4CEF & Southeastern Cluster group, JA1IDY, JA6VZB, K2UFT, WD8E, VE2DR, VE3UOL and VE3CW for the following DX information. 1B, TRNC. Both KU0J and DK8FD have been active from here as 1B/. Activity has been mainly on CW, 17, 30 and 40 meters. Just a reminder that the DXAC recently rejected (by a 14 to 1 vote) a petition for new DXCC country status for the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). DXAC members stated that the TRNC did not meet DXCC Criteria Point 1, Government. 1P, PRINCIPALITY OF SEBORGA. Tom, DL8AAM (co-editor of the Germany Ham magazine "FUNKAMATEUR") will be active for 5 days starting around September 25th. His callsign will be IK/DL8AAM/1P and he will be using a TS-50S into a vertical. Tom's main purpose for going there, we quote, "To get first hand information about this territory, not all these second hand and commentary personal ideas, and I think the best way is to have a visit down there." BV, TAIWAN. Fritz, WD8E, will be in BV-land the last part of October. Again this is a business trip and operations will be limited. He will sign BV/WD8E. His activities were not mentioned, but QSL to his CBA or via bureau. All cards from his last two operations have been answered. CARIBBEAN DXPEDITION. Dieter, DL3KDV, will be traveling through the Caribbean and will be active from the following places: J6 - November 9-17th, J8 - November 18th through December 1st and J7 - December 2-12th. Dieter will be operating on CW/SSB/RTTY and on 160-10 meters. C5, THE GAMBIA. Gary, C53HG, has been quite active lately on 17 and 20 meters CW/SSB. His activity varies on 17 meters, as early as 1330z and as late as 2130z. On 20 meters, look for him on either mode between 1830 and 2230z. His QTH is in Banjul and he has a stateside QSL Manager of W3HCW. INDIAN OCEAN TRIP. The Japanese Magazine FIVE NINE is sponsoring a trip through the Indian Ocean area to celebrate ten years of publication of the magazine. Participating operators will be Toshi/JA1ELY, Chao/JA1ETQ, Ted/JA1IDY, Mako/JA1OEM and Setsu/JL1UXH. Their tentative schedule at this point is as follows: 3B6 Oct. 14-22 by JA1OEM 3B6 Oct. 23-24 by JA1ELY, JA1ETQ, JA1IDY and JL1UXH D68 Oct. 24-31 by JA1ELY, JA1ETQ, JA1IDY and JL1UXH FR Oct. 25-30 by JA1OEM FH Oct. 27-28 by JA1ELY, JA1ETQ, JA1IDY and JL1UXH 5R8 Nov. 1 -20 by JA1OEM Licenses are in hand, but callsigns are yet unassigned except for 5R8HP. Activity will be mainly on low bands, WARC bands (plus the other normal bands), CW, SSB, RTTY and one other mode as of yet undecided. Rigs are two FT-850s and amplifiers. Antennas are a tribander, a duo-bander for the WARCs and wire antennas for 160, 80, 40 and 30 meters. No QSL Manager has been announced as of yet. Two of these operators carried out a successful DXpedition previously to S79 as S79ELY and S79IDY and a CQWW Phone contest operation as S79J, making about 3000 QSOs despite frequent power outages. KC6/V6/KH2, REP. OF BELAU, MICRONESIA, GUAM. Tosy, JA6VZB, will be active this week (September 22-26th) from KC6ZZ's QTH as KC6VW. Activity will be on 160-10 meters (including the WARC bands), CW/SSB/SSTV and participation in the CQ WW RTTY Contest (24-25th). From September 26-28th, Tosy will be active as V63BM from Micronesia but mainly on SSTV. He plans to send Micronesian underwater pictures which he has taken on his trip. On the 28th and 29th, Tosy will be active as AH0T/KH2 from Guam using CW/SSB/RTTY/SSTV. QSL via the bureau to JA6BSM (not JA6VZB). All QSLs will be issued automatically through the bureau. KH8, SWAINS ISLAND (AMERICAN SAMOA). Lanny, W5BOS, will be active from this one starting around September 21st or 22nd. This will be a new IOTA for you IOTA chasers. His operation will only last for a few days and activity will be on CW/SSB. PACIFIC DXPEDITION (Upate and change of plans.) Teo, DJ1RL, and Harry, DL6NA, will now be active from Rarotonga (ZK1) from October 19-22nd instead of Niue as reported in OPDX.173. Meanwhile, Harry has received his callsign of 3D2AN for the Fiji operation October 17-19th. ADDED NOTE: Harry wants to inform the DX community that he is not (and has never been) the QSL Manager for D44BS. QSLs go direct to D44BS. S9, SAO TOME. Charlie, S92SS, says he is now on 160 meters but due to his work schedule he can only be active on Fridays and Saturdays. For U.S. and Canadian stations, begin looking for Charlie around 0000z on his favorite frequency of 1835 kHz. QSL ROUTE CHANGE. Adam, N7VEW, announces he is the new QSL Manager for Randy, TJ1JR, in Yaounde, Cameroon. QSL via his CBA with a SASE. XZ, MYANMAR. An interesting report from the "Japan DX News" states that JA1UT, JR0CGJ and G3NOM will be traveling to Myanmar to demonstrate SSTV. The three operators will arrive in XZ on September 17th. After a day of discussions and explanations of their intentions, the group will demostrate SSTV on the 19th. Activity will be on 14230 and 21330 kHz during their afternoon. They will also try to obtain permission to be active on CW/SSB/RTTY, if not for this trip, then maybe the next. The operators will leave Myanmar on the 20th. ZF2, CAYMAN ISLANDS. Dick, K2UFT, will be active as ZF2SY from November 19-23rd. He expects to be operating in the late evening (0300-0600z) and early morning hours (1000-1400z), primarily CW, with emphasis on WARC bands, 80 and 40 meters. QSL to K2UFT. ZONE 2. Chris, VE2DR (President of the Quebec HF Club), states that a schedule has been arranged for individuals needing to work Zone 2 stations. No dates were mentioned, but check the following times and frequencies (+/- few kHz): 3797 kHz at 0000z, 7070 kHz at 0100z and 14180 kHz at 0200z. FAX YOUR DX INFORMATION NOW! Faxing is available Monday/Wednesday/Friday from 0430 to 2330z only. The number is 216-237-8208 and the FAX card is sharing the same phone line as BARF-80 BBS using a data/fax/phone switch. Excerpts and distribution of The OPDX Bulletin are granted as long as KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80 receive credit. To contribute DX info, call BARF-80 BBS online at 216-237-8208 14400/9600/2400/1200/300 and leave a message with the Sysop or send InterNet Mail to: or send BitNet Mail to: aq474%cleveland.freenet@cunyvm or send PRODIGY Mail to: DFJH48A or send a message via packet to KB8NW @ WA8BXN.OH.USA.NA /EX