==SILENT KEYS== Ronald Pain VK1WP Ronald T.W. Pain (VK1WP) died at his home in Canberra on 12.1.95 aged 78 years. A notice to this effect was included under "Deaths" in the Sydney Morning Herald last Saturday 15.1.95. Ronald served as a commissioned officer in 6 Div. Signals and 9 Div. Signals (NX180) in the AIF during WW2 rising to the rank of Major. He then resigned from the Australian Army and served with the British Army in India and Malaya rising to the rank of Lt. Colonel. On returning to civiian life he very successfully established Mellolite Venetian Blinds until taken over by Hunter Douglas. He then went into business making aluminium windows (Day View). Upon retirement he undertook Mission work in PNG during which time he gained his Amateur Licence, firstly P29NRP (1976) then P29rp (1978). He returned to NSW in 1979 and built himself a house at Coomba Park (near Forster) and was issued with the callsign VK2DBH. About 4 years ago he moved to Canberra and was allotted VK1WP. He was a member of the WIA. He is survived by his wife Margaret, 4 children and 12 grandchildren. --A. Franklyn Pain VK2DYP Norman Rex Martin VK2AID Norman passes away peacefully on the 22nd of December 1994 after a short illness. Norman was born at Cooma in 1915 and always enjoyed the magic of the radio waves. Leaving school early, he studied radio and was employed all his life in the industry. First licenced in 1936 as VK2JE, Norman's gear and licence were con- fiscated at the outbreak of World War II. He did not return to Amateur Radio until his retirement in 1981, this time as VK2AID. It was in his late life that he was able to make many overseas contacts. He is survived by his wife Nell, a daughter in America, and his son Lloyd VK2BYU. Vale Ronald VK1WP and Norman VK2AID. ==VK2 PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE== This is Michael Corbin, VK2PFQ. Attention everyone who has not as yet written to their Federal Member, and unfortunately, that seems to be quite a few, at least that's how it appears from the feedback we are getting from some city electorates. How do I convince people to write a letter to save themselves. I would like to think that everyone who listens to the broadcast would have written by now, but of course apathy is something only the individual can control. I exhort everyone who is capable of writing to do so and do so today. To this end my report this week will be brief. That will allow you to get stuck into it right after the broadcast. Short of ideas or what to say, well then stick to the view that amateurs provide a community service in time of disaster. In my time of involvement with the hobby, amateurs have assisted in times of flood, fire, earthquake and cyclone. My father, the late Jim Corbin, the original VK2YC, was awarded the M.B.E. for his work in the floods in and around the Maitland area in the fifties. He always said it was the Institute that won it. Not him! It happened, to cut a long story short, that the Army, who was at the time in control of all rescue work. There was no WICEN or SES in those days. It was not even thought of!!! Anyhow the Army it appears, lost, I think it was three Army ducks. My father, always reckoned that Hams had the ability to set up a network at the drop of a hat..you know...for the same sorts of reasons that apply today. We have the gear, we have the network we etc. etc.... It came to pass that the WIA NSW Division was challenged by a Major Cox I recall, who couldn't find his missing army ducks. The challenge to "put your radio where your mouth is". Amateur Radio Operators found them within hours!!!! The whole rescue operation was then run from my father's Chemist shop at 78 Maloney St., Eastlakes. There were, I recall Hams everywhere all over the place and at all hours of the day and night. The pay was then exactly what it is today....3/5th's of 5/8th's of....You know the rest. The same thing happened last year with the Bushfires, when I understand the SES lost communications around Gosford....Amateurs to the rescue once more. Our only problem is, WE DON'T SELL OURSELVES ENOUGH....Yes we are a modest lot, and...Yes we do hide our light under a bushel----Well, it's about time we had something more to say. If our Dural Repeater was on the air last time, perhaps it would have been another story. If our Institute propaganda machine had been doing it's job, then everyone would have known about what amateur radio did for the community. Well it wasn't and they didn't. Another wonderful opportunity gone begging... So, pen to paper without further delay. Need an address, give us a call, we will give you one....or better still ring your Local Council and ask them for the name of your local Federal Member. It would be a shame if we lost this because of apathy. The Divisional Council, which by the way has several new members.... Yeah! More have resigned, last night created a committee which will prepare an urgent submission for the SMA. This committee which will be chaired by PETER JENSEN VK2AQJ. It comprises DAVE HORSFALL VK2KFU, CESAR MIRANDA VK2TCM and RICHARD MURNANE VK2SKY. This committee, except for the chairman, was not, as will be alleged by the "knockers" hand picked; it was made up of volunteers. A submission will be prepared and once ratified by the Council, will be presented to the Government and the S.M.A. So in the meantime write those letters PLEASE...As I have said before, YOUR FUTURE is in YOUR HANDS. If you have written, then get your mates to write a letter....stand over them if necessary, but write.... Since the last Council meeting there have been three resignations from Council. John Robinson VK2XY, Jim Walker VK2XJW and Terry Ryeland VK2UX. As is provided in the M. and A's the Council can operate as it is, or invite the next elected candidate to fill the vacancy created. The order in which these vacancies were filled was, Peter Jensen VK2AQJ, Eric Fossey VK2EFY and Steve Pullan VK2QZ. Peter Jeremy VK2PJ declined owing to business/family commitments. I am at a loss to know why Messrs. Walker and Ryeland having resigned, had any business being last Thursday evening inside the Divisional Office....Not only were they in the office they were.... in the back room?????? How do I know....they set off the alarm. The Security Company called to report a break in?!@#$??...They did't realise, hear or suspect a thing.....Bang! Got Yah! I will be writing to them requesting an explanation. To date of those who have resigned, Terry Ryeland is the ONLY one who has returned his keys!!!! Terry also returned his Fax machine....We can't even find the others. Indeed we still don't know how many we really have.... Reason??? Someone stole(?) lost(?)....whatever(?)...The asset register. Ah! But, that won't happen again. I wonder why one of them was going through cabinets; I can understand them wanting to check "the top of the safe", in case someone had left something there? But they had resigned....they had no business being there under ANY circumstances. I'm not one for calling the Police but, it sure leaves a bad taste in the mouth. I'm really growing very, very tired of this sort of nonsense. I had promised this week information on our disagreement with the Federal body and our threathened withdrawal. There have been some more developments. I really don't like to telegraph my punches. So, I won't. See you next week. ==DIVISIONAL NEWS== Proposed Band Plan changes For those who have had the time to follow the technical aspects of the hobby will be aware that some changes are to occur this year to the suggested mode usages in Australia of Amateur radio Service bands from 10 metres through to 13 centimetres. he present band plans appear in the information pages of the annual callbook, the magazine "Amateur Radio", and other sources at the hobby's disposal and provide the reference to all on how best to use the bands. For some time John VK3KWA, Chairman of the Federal Technical Advisory Committee has been seeking input for band paln changes and the review has now been completed. Your State Technical committee and your Federal Councillor have the latest updates. Before the changes can be introduced they have to be placed before a Federal meeting and voted upon by all States. In a broadcast such as this, it is impractical to cover evry change in detail so we will use, in part, the summary prepared by John VK3KWA. The changes are of a technical aspect and are a separate subject to the proposed licence fee adjustment. This year it is exected that new regulations will be introduced which includes the new grade of "Limited Novice" and access to 10 metres by "Limited Licensees". at 10 metres there is a chance the Limiteds (Z calls) will have a sub band from 28.7 upwards. Plan changes have included a suggested Domestic FM segment 29.000 to 29.200, a separate simplex portion to the existing international FM portion at 29.5 to 29.7. It is b not clear in the proposed 10 metre changes if the 'limited' sub band overlaps with the existing Novice part. At 6 metres minor changes to footnote wording is proposed and WICEN has requested a simplex frequency of 53.150 MHz. Yet to be finalised is a national fox hunting frequency and perhaps a second WICEN channel. At 2 metres where it is expected that Novices will gain packet access, it is proposed to expand, for the final time, a packet sub band 144.700 to 145.200 MHz. This is required as this sub band would form part of Novice lecence conditions. CW practice beacons would have to move from below 145 to jus5t below the satellite portion, channels for linear transponders, national fox hunting, WICEN, information beacons, RTTY and SSTV/FAX are proposed in the 145-146 region as well as two clear channels for earth/shuttle communications. At 70 cm it is proposed to expand packet channel capacity to reduce 2 metre crowding. Proposed also are special purpose simplex frequencies for RRTY, SSTV/FAX and fox hunting. There is to be an expansion from the present 1 MHz wide linking channels at 420 and 440 to 3 MHz portions, i.e. 420 to 423 and 440 to 443 MHz. This is achieved by recommending that ATV operation at 425 to 432 be VSB in place of DSB. At 23 cm the phasing out of the CAA radars centred on 1275 MHz will allow adoption of a wider ATV portion at 1280, able to support one FM or two VSB channels, introduction of narrow modes, including beacons, at 1270 to 1272 and expanding repeater offsets from 12 to the international 20 MHz. At 13 cm, a band where we are lo tose 100 MHz of the 150 MHz secondary service to MDS, the band plan reassigns various modes to above 2.4 GHz and aligns as required to international concepts and usage. That in brief is the proposed band planning which will be voted upon at a future Federal meeting. A copy of the proposal is available to inspect at the Parramatta office. Future broadcasts may, where practicable, contain expanded details. Before closing this report - an allied matter concerning the VK2RWI 23 cm repeater. The band plan changes include the conversion this year of 12 MHz offset systems to the international 20 MHz offset. At present VK2RWI operates on the 12 MHz offset with an input at 1293.750 and an output at 1281.750 MHz. Our change would be to shift to an output at 1273.750 MHz. The repeater equipment is frequency adjustable so if there is any preference to change to alternative channels you can forward your proposals and reasons by writing to the Dural Engineer (Dave VK2ZTB) at the Parramatta office at P.O. Box 1066 Parramatta 2124 or on the FAX to (02) 633 1525 by the end of January 1995. 23 cm repeater VK2RWI During this week the 23 cm repeater has ben ut of service for minor maintenance. It will return to service in the near future. The checks have indicated that there is antenna problems which at the moment are presenting some difficulties. It is proposed as part of band plan changes to adopt the 20 MHz international offset later this year. This will have the advantage of diplexing into a single antenna rather than the pair of antennas which present different coverage patterns. To provide for the single antenna operation, the VK2WI technical team seeks cavity equipment able to operate at 23 cm or able to be modified to the band. If you have anything suitable or know where something can be obtained, please let the team know. Trash & Treasure The next Trash and Treasure at Amateur Radio House Parramatta will be on Sunday 29th January. Items for sale include leftovers from the test equipment from last time, a large quantity of Low Noise Converters, for personal shoppers only. However country members will be able to place an order, so contact the Divisional Office for LNCs. These are Plessey model 12A LNCs. There will be the usual private stalls selling all kinds of gear. Sellers will be admitted at 12 noon, buyers come in at 1 pm. There will be hot dogs and cold drinks on sale. ==FEDERAL NEWS== Electromagnetic compatibility networks The Federal government has moved to establish a nationwide education and training program on electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) standards to help the Australian manufacturers and suppliers of electronics equipment meet the government's new EMC standards which will come into force on 1 January 1996. All electronic equipment manufactured or assembled in Australia, as well as imported equipment, will be required to meet the new EMC standards. It will not be retrospective, however. Goods produced before that date will not need to comply. The Australian Electrical and Electronics Manufacturers Association earlier last year expressed the concern that there may be some dumping of overseas- made non-complying equipment leading up to that date. Central to the goverment's education and training program on EMC will be the establishment of EMC Regional Networks, managed around the country by local co-ordinators. The scheme is to be co-ordinated on a national basis by the Australian Electronics Development Centre (AEDC), based in Melbourne. The AEDC is a company dedicated to providing specialised training for the Australian electronics and telecommunications industry. It is sponsored by a variety of communications, computer and electronics companies, along with several government departments. In November, the AEDC called for proposals from interested parties wishing to become co-ordinators in the scheme and is presently working on establishing the EMC Regional Networks, the objective being to provide access to the knowledge of EMC experts and EMC programs, a forum for government and industry dealings over EMC issues and a structure for network members to work on specific EMC issues. According to the AEDC, over 18 months the EMC Regional Networks will help both industry in general and individual companies develop and implement strategies for compliance with national and international technical standards for EMC. The WIA has made contact with the AEDC to see where the Institute and the hobby might benefit from some involvement. ------------------------------------------ Special event stations Amateur radio will play a role in publicising the British-sponsored 1995 "Expedition Island Earth, Jason project" which, each year, takes a team of scientists and students on a scientific expedition. In March 1995, the Jason Project will explore the volcanic islands of Hawaii. promotion for the expedition will be carried out at a number of UK sites, through the National Galleries and Museums. The activities will be accompanied by several special event amateur radio stations. In the UK, GB6JAS will focus on VHF, UHF and satellite working. Further afield, GB0JAS will be heard on the HF bands. They plan schedules with British research vessels in the North and South Atlantic, according to the event organiser, Alan Clayton G7HZZ (QTHR). The special event stations plan to commence operations on 5 March. Further information will be available in amateur radio press and on packet radio, closer to the date. ==WICEN NEWS== We trust that all WICEN members are writing letters to the various politicians, objecting to the proposed massive fee increase. It is a good idea to write to the politicians' opposite numbers as well; a full list is circulating on packet radio and on Usenet. Don't bother signing any petitions, as they are generally regarded as a joke; a personal letter is far more effective, amd in the eyes of the politician it can represent a hundred votes. By the same token, don't send in any "form letters", as they are quickly recognised for what they are. In your letter, you might like to point out how CB operators, who are allowed to conduct business on their bands, have had their fees eliminated, yet the specially-trained Amateurs who make up WICEN and cannot transact business are facing an almost doubling of their fees. There are no events this month, but two new events for the calendar are the Bathurst Car Rally on the weekend of 25-26th February, and the Eugowra Car Rally on 8th April; the organiser is Alan VK2YYJ, and please note that both events are merely tentative at this stage. Alan advises that a major event is the Oberon Car Rally on 29th April, and many people are required; he can be contacted on packet radio as VK2YYJ at VK2CZR. In the meantime, regular events for March include the RTA Car Rally over the week of 4-11th, and the annual Bungonia Cave Rescue on the weekend of 18-19th. Those regions wishing to have their activities publicised on this broadcast are requested to get the details to the Publicity Officer, Dave VK2KFU, by Thursday night at the latest; packet radio is the preferred medium, to VK2AAB, VK2OP, or VK2GJB. WICEN is always looking for members to provide the community with communications assistance. Write to WICEN (NSW) Inc, PO Box 123, St Leonards 2065 for further information, or come up on one of the WICEN nets: Blue Mountains on the first Monday of each month at 8.30pm on channel 7175 simplex, Hunter each Wednesday at 7.30pm on channel 6900, Northern Rivers each Wednesday at 8pm around 3610 kHz, Central Coast each Thursday at 8.30pm on channel 7125, and Sydney each Thursday at 9.30pm on channels 7150/8275. If there are any other regular nets then we'd like to hear about them. -- Dave VK2KFU, WICEN (NSW) Inc. Publicity Officer ==NEWS BRIEFS== Old spy satellites turn green One of the problems facing scientists studying environmental degradation has been the lack of detailed knowledge of how things were before the environment came under close scrutiny. Now, thanks to some old spy satellites, all that is about to change. U.S. President, Bill Clinton, is about to declassify millions of old spy satellite photographs taken between 1960 and 1972. These photographs provide a long-term base line from which to examine how the environment has changed over the last 35 years. Also of interest is how spy technology has changed over the years. One of the early spy satellites, Keyhole 1, took its photographs on good oldfashioned film which was returned to earth by parachute for further analysis. Nowadays, of course, images are transferred by electronic means. *************** Still on matters orbital, a joint Japanese-German space capsule ended up somewhere in the Pacific Ocean this week instead of at Woomera, South Australia. The capsule failed to reach its correct orbit following a failure in the second-stage booster. The capsule re-entered the Earth's atmosphere somewhere between Japan and South America at 9 am on Monday. Australian officials said that the failure would not affect our plans to make Woomera an international centre for space research. The Japanese government, meanwhile, plans to continue its space shuttle development programme. The Japanese intend to launch the shuttles from Kygoshima Space Centre and land them at the Woomera base. *************** News Briefs looks at communications news items that appear in the mainstream media. Thanks this week go to the Sydney Morning Herald. If your local or regional paper runs an item of interest to amateur radio operators, why not send a clipping to the Divisional office? Once again on the subject of writing to the papers re the fees increase, those of you with Internet accesss might be interested to know that at least two major newspapers are on the net as well. If you wish to send letters to the Editor of either the Sydney Morning Herald or The Australian, you can now do so without putting pen to paper. The email address for the Herald is letters@smh.com.au, while The Australian's address is ausletr@ozemail.com.au. In addition, several journalists at each paper have their own email addresses. Does anyone know of any other media outlets on the net? If so, please contact the Divisional office. Perhaps a letter on the issue of this massive fee increase or the so-called spectrum access tax might be appropriate. For the best chance of publication keep your letters to less than 200 words, and confine yourself to one or two major points. --Richard Murnane VK2SKY ==ROYAL AUST. SIG2 REUNION== Royal Australian Signals Extraordinary Reunion This is being organised by the Sigs 2 Australian Division Wagga Wagga on 11-12 March 1995. It marks the 50th annniversary of our victory in the Pacific and the 80th anniversary of the Sigs 2 Divisional Prism Signals Second Divi- sion - an extraordinary occasion. Signals veterans, next of kin and friends are cordially invited to attend this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to meet up with those you have served, and are serving with, or our friends. On Saturday 11th March, a morning reception, a memorial service at 4.30 pm with medals, and evening dinner at 6.30 pm at the Wagga Wagga Leagues Club (dress - lounge suits). This will give you the opportunity to reminisce from Gallipoli to the present day. Then to Sunday at Lemy Barracks with an 11 am chapel service, barbecue, a flight of pigeons, and a memorabilia display. For those staying on, an informal evening meal at the Wagga Wagga RSL Club. Partners and wives are welcome. The meal on the night of 11th March will be a hot selection - three meats at $19.00 a head. We have to have a firm count a few days before, and we have the room to ourselves on the night. Kelvin O'Connell will be in Wagga Wagga on Friday afternoon and will meet trains and coaches, planes etc. We are asking wives of departed members if they are interested in attending, or even any interested family or next of kin. There will be a wreath-laying on the afternoon of 11th March at about 4.30 pm in remembrance of comrades who have passed on. This will be held at the Memorial Garden and Lagoon end of Bayliss Street. For more information, Sydney listeners can contact Wilbur Wright on phone/fax (02) 948 4512, or Kelvin O'Connell on phone (06) 21 5737. ==IPS REPORT== IPS WEEKLY REPORT ----------------- 13 JANUARY - 19 JANUARY DATE OF ISSUE: 20 JANUARY 1995 INDICES: DATE 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10CM 75 77 81 83 84 87 90 A 9 2 2 15 22 19 ( 4 ESTIMATED) T 28 17 42 36 21 -14 33 SOLAR ACTIVITY WAS VERY LOW 13TH-17TH JANUARY AND LOW 18TH-19TH. THE GEOMAGNETIC FIELD AT LEARMONTH WAS QUIET TO UNSETTLED 13TH-16TH, UNSETTLED TO ACTIVE 17TH-18TH, AND QUIET ON 19TH. IONOSPHERIC F2 CRITICAL FREQUENCIES AT SYDNEY WERE NEAR NORMAL TO 15 PER CENT ENHANCED 13TH-16TH. ON 17TH-18TH, FREQUENCIES WERE DEPRESSED BY UP TO 25 PER CENT DURING DAYLIGHT HOURS, AND NEAR NORMAL TO 15 PER CENT ENHANCED DURING LOCAL NIGHT. ON 19TH, FREQUENCIES WERE ENHANCED BY 15-20 PER CENT DURING DAYLIGHT HOURS, OTHERWISE NEAR PREDICTED MONTHLY VALUES. FORECAST (20 JANUARY - 26 JANUARY) SOLAR: LOW GEOMAGNETIC: ACTIVE 20 JANUARY, THEN UNSETTLED. IONOSPHERIC: DEPRESSED BY 15 PER CENT ON 21 JANUARY, OTHERWISE NEAR PREDICTED MONTHLY VALUES. COURTESY OF THE IPS RADIO AND SPACE SERVICES SUMMARY BY PAT VK2JPA ANARTS BROADCAST OFFICER ==CLUB NEWS: MID STH. COAST== Mid South Coast Amateur Radio Club The Annual General Meeting of the Mid South Coast Amateur Radio Club Inc. will be held at the "H Ranch". Little Forest Road, Milton on Saturday 4th february. Annual reports will be presented and election of officers for the forthcoming year will be held. Arrivals are from 10.30 onwards. Visitors and families are most welcome. Please bring your picnic or barbecue lunch. Our meeting place is a spectacular one with great mountain and ocean views and the South Coast is justly proud of its reputation for hospitality. We look forward to seeing you there. from Stan VK2EL, Club Secretary ==CLUB NEWS: VHF TO SHF DX GROUP== From the VHF to SHF DX Interest Group The new year has started very quickly, but have you given any thoughts of what you are going to do this year? or are you going to add some excitements to your VHF/UHF contacts, the thrill of the chase and getting that new station a bit further away. FM is OK, but SSB is better, contacts over distances of 300Km + are regularly been made. Get the thrill of getting a QSL card from that station knowing a repeater didn't help, you did it! If you are interested in hearing more, join our Sunday net or come to our next meeting to be held at the WIA at Wigram Street, Parramatta starting time 7.30 Tuesday the 24 January 1995. All welcome. The Group's Sunday net starts at 11:00 am after the end of the morning broadcast - I repeat - the morning broadcast, not the evening broadcast. The net uses 146.5MHz FM, this FM portion runs for approximately 30 minutes and then; transfers to 144.150 MHz Upper Sideband. The SSB activity night which is still being held every Tuesday evening 20:00 to 21:00 AEST is well patronised but certainly we would like to see some new stations so let's see you there and join in the fun. -- Richard Soulie VK2ARS Publicity Coordinator ==CLUB NEWS: AATC== Australian Amateur Television Club The next meeting of the A.A.T.C. will be a combined committee meeting and minor general meeting - January 29th on a Sunday 1.00 pm at RCS Radio Bexley. The purpose of this unusual procedure is so the Technical Committee can assess from the members attending as to what the AATC will have on display at the Wyong Field Day ... a practice run you might say. So please be here with your intended items for display to be logged on Sunday 29th of January 1995 at 1.00 pm - locstat = RCS Bexley. ------------- The AATC welcomes any one interested in Amateur Television to call over on the day for information as to what, where and how. -------------- For more information about the A.A.T.C. listen to the net on Tuesday nights from the Liverpool area on 146.625 MHz - approx 19.30 hrs - or watch us on 1250 MHz from our Oakdale repeater any- time. Also you can ring the Publicity Officer on (02) 587-3491 bus. hrs. --------------- Remember the Wyong Field Day is only 5 weeks away - see us there! AATC Inc. Publicity Officer Bob Barnes ==CLUB NEWS: CHIFLEY== Do you want to get your own Amateur Radio licence? The Chifley Amateur Radio Club is conducting classes for the amateur radio licence. They will cover Morse Code, Theory, and regulations, for an amateur radio licence. The classes are on every Wednesday night at 7-30 pm. The address is: Good Shepherd School Hall, Hyatts Road, Plumpton. 100 metres south of Jersey Road. Opposite the new shopping centre building (Plumpton Markets). Postal address: Chifley Amateur Radio Club Post Box 280 Mount Druitt 2770 Telephone number: 671-6992 or 637-2226 Once you have your Amateur radio licence, we will then show you how to connect your home computer to your radio and talk to the world using your computer. Using any one of the many DIGITAL modes of communicating is a fascinating way to use your radio and computer. Come along to our club rooms any Saturday afternoon and have a talk to any of any of our members for more information or come along on Wednesday night 8th Feb at 7-30 pm. Visitors are always welcome. ------------------------------------------------------------------ JVFAX demonstration The Chifley Amateur Radio Clyb will be putting on a JVFAX demonstartion on 28th January at 1-30 pm. This demonstration will show you how easy it is to send and receive weather fax, or any other fax, SSTV, in colour using an IBM compatible computer and a very simple modem. JVFAX70 is avery interesting program, it will open your eyes as it has to many other people. The circuit board that we use is from RCS Radio. This JVFAX demonstration is open to everyone. As always VISITORS ARE ALWAYS welcome. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Bi-Monthly General Meeting On 11th February the Chifley Amateur Radio Club will be holding its bi-monthly general meeting, at the club rooms starting at 1-30 pm. At this meeting the members are able to ask the committee questions on operation of the club. At these meetings the committee ask the members for feedback on various topics in relation to the club. These meetings are held so the members and the committee can communicate better, so no one feels like they are left in the dark. ------------------------------------------------------------------ The Chifley Amateur Radio Club holds meetings EVERY Saturday afternoon from 1-30 pm to 4-00 pm. These meetings are held for the members and their friends to come along and tlk about any amateur radio, computer, related subject, or just to have a cuppa and chat with some friends. So come along any Saturday afternoon and meet some of the members of the Chifley Amateur Radio Club. You will be welcome. ------------------------------------------------------------------ JVFAX demonstration on 28th January at 1-30 pm Classes start on 8th February at 7-30 pm General meeting on 11th February at 1-30 pm from the Chifley Amateur Radio Club Inc. Publicity Officer: Ray Sparks VK2FKO ==COMING EVENTS== Coming events Now, a summary of upcoming events of interest to members and other Radio Amateurs and Short Wave Listeners ... Please note that the Divisional Office will be closed this month; however, you can still call us, as the phone has been redirected to a duty Councillor. VHF to SHF Interest Group meeting. . . . . . . . . . . . Tuesday AATC net 146.625 MHz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tuesday Australia Day. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Thursday Chifley ARC JVFAX demonstration. . . . . . . . . . . . .Saturday Divisional Trash and Treasure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sunday AATC combined committee/general meeting. . . . . . . . . .Sunday Divisional Office reopens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ?? February WIA Federal convention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 February Mid South Coast ARC AGM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 February Chifley ARC classes begin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 February Chifley ARC general meeting. . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 February Bathurst Car Rally (WICEN--contact Alan VK2YYJ). .25-26 February Central Coast ARC Field Day at Wyong . . . . . . . . 26 February RTA Big NSW Bike Ride (WICEN). . . . . . . . . . . . .4-11 March RAS Extraordinary Reunion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-11 March If you have an event you'd like publicised on the weekly broad- cast, then please send details to the Divisional Broadcast Officer, Michael Corbin VK2PFQ, by phone on (02) 626-9288, or by fax on (02) 626-6066.Items can also be forwarded to the Divisional Office before close of business on the Friday before the broad- cast. ------------------------------------------------------------------ VK2WI Broadcast, 15th January 1995. Copyright 1995 WIA (NSW) & contributors. Material may be used elsewhere if the source is acknowledged.