***PRESIDENT'S ADDRESS*** This is Michael Corbin VK2PFQ. As you know by know, this weekend is R.D. Contest Weekend. This contest is held annually on the weekend nearest to 15th August, the date on which hostilities ceased in the South West Pacific Area. As a mark of respect for our fallen amateur radio comrades, I do not propose to discuss the latest goings on in this Division. Instead I would encourage all amateurs, particularly those who have not considered it yet, to participate in this contest. If you're not sure of the Rules, consult Page 33 of July A.R. If you're not a member borrow a copy. There is however one bit of local news I must give you and that is .. .. This week on Friday the 19th August, there will be a meeting of the "Council" of the W.I.A. N.S.W. Division, timed to start at 7.30 p.m.. As this meeting is an important one, where discussions will take place concerning our legal advice, I directed the Secretary last Monday 9th August to advise all Councillors that this would be an "open meeting" I again stress....This is a very important meeting with far reaching consequences. I believe that members should be given the opportunity to hear for themselves, the arguments put forward by Councillors for and against, the proposal that "This meeting instruct the Divisional Barrister to proceed as per the advice received from Messrs. Lewarne and Goldsmith of Parramatta." I have formulated this motion only as a basis for discussion, not as an attempt to dictate to members. Councillors have been made aware of the importance of their attendance at this meeting. Further, I have also directed the Secretary to seek opinions on this matter, in writing, from anyone who is unable to attend. All MEMBERS, members being the operative word, are invited to attend. Non-Members are not welcome on this occasion. I request, in advance, that anyone attending should come to listen rather than to participate. You'll get that opportunity at the next election! Good luck in the Contest.... See you next week. 6 Metre repeater on air The 6m repeater has finally been commissioned. The output of the repeater is 53.850 MHz, with a 1 MHz negative input -- i.e. 52.850 MHz input and 53.850 MHz output. The unit is a modified 828E Phillips transceiver. There are three cavity filters in use, one on the repeater's transmit frequency, one on the repeater's receive frequency, and one on the 6m beacon. Thanks go to Tony Liolio VK2ZLT, Dale Woodside VK2TZ, David Horsfall VK2KFU, Colin Mackinnon VK2DYM, John Telek VK2XTB, Steven Kuhl VK2TQ and Ray Hardimon VK2ZZK for turning a dream into a reality. i would also like to give a special thanks to Michael Corbin our NSW WIA President for permission to install the unit at Dural. The repeater unit was turned on at 5,45 pm this afternoon. At about 7.30 pm the power was turned off to the unit as per instructions while the broadcast takes place. All going well power will be restored at the conclusion of the broadcast. (submitted by Tony Liolio VK2ZLT) WICEN News This is a reminder that the Sydney WICEN repeater on channels 150/8275 is now back on air following extended repairs and main- tenance; signal reports would be appreciated. There are no new events on the WICEN calendar in the immediate future, so in the meantime here are the events this month. Hunter WICEN meet on Monday, and Pauline VK2GTB will make you welcome; and Sydney South will have their AGM on Tuesday, with Kevin VK2CKD in the hot-seat. Those members who are also involved with other emergency services may be interested in the "Rescue Expo" at Darling Harbour next Sunday, 21st August. This is followed by the Windsor-Sackville Regatta on Saturday 27th August, from 0730 to 1330. Contact details are scanty at the moment, but interested personnel may contact John Buxton VK2GJB. Also, don't forget that contributions to the newsletter close on 30th August. WICEN is always looking for members to provide the community with communications assistance. Write to WICEN (NSW) Inc, PO Box 123, St Leonards 2065 for further information, or come up on one of the WICEN nets: Blue Mountains on the first Monday of each month at 8.30pm on channel 7175 simplex, Hunter each Wednesday at 7.30pm on channel 6900, Northern Rivers each Wednesday at 8pm around 3610 kHz, Central Coast each Thursday at 8.30pm on channel 7125, and Sydney each Thursday at 9.30pm on channels 7150/8275. If there are any other regular nets then we'd like to hear about them. WICEN (NSW) Inc. operates a telephone BBS, and it is accessible at speeds from 300 to 14,400 bps on (02) 888-2763. Brett VK2XMU is the "Sysop", and all listeners are invited to use it. A lot of programs, such as "virus scanners" and "PGP", are available for downloading. -- Dave VK2KFU, WICEN (NSW) Inc. Publicity Officer Radio to Rwanda High-frequency radios built by Adelaide manufacturer Codan are being shipped to Rwanda to help in the World Food Programme's massive distribution task. Staff at the South Australian plant have worked overtime without charge to complete the radios, after Codan took an urgent order from the Australian International Development Assistance Bureau for 18 of its systems. The managing director, Mr. Michael Heard said the request was just one of many Codan had received in recent weeks from international aid agencies operating in the African nation. This amounted to some $2 million worth of equipment to date. Mr. Heard said the radios were considered ideal for Rwandan conditions. "They were developed originally to withstand the rigours of the Australian outback and are among the most advanced of their kind in the world," he said. They were now providing a vital communications link for aid operators struggling to co-ordinate the Rwandan aid effort. The owners have donated 10 systems, worth about $50,000, and staff have given up their time free to get the radios into Africa. "Everyone is involved, from production right through to manage- ment," Mr. Heard said. From the Australian Financial Review 8th August 1994, submitted by Brad VK2KQH. IPS weekly report ----------------- 05 August - 11 August 1994 Issue No 32 Date of issue: 12 August 1994 INDICES: Date 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 10cm 76 75 76 74 75 78 77 A 6 5 4 2 6 15 (15 estimated) T 21 22 29 27 28 31 34 SUMMARY OF ACTIVITY Solar activity was very low all week. The geomagnetic field at Learmonth (WA) was quiet or mostly quiet until 10th August when the field became unsettled to active, re- turning to unsettled on 11th. Ionospheric F2 critical frequencies at Sydney to the 9th were near predicted monthly values with enhancements of up to 50 per cent late in the UT day. On 10th-11th, frequencies were about 10 per cent above predicted monthly values, with enhancements of up to 50 per cent during local night on 11th. Spread F was observed 0800-1500 UT on 11th. FORECAST FOR THE NEXT WEEK (12 - 18 August) SOLAR: Very low. GEOMAGNETIC: Unsettled 12-13 August then quiet to unsettled conditions. IONOSPHERIC: Near to 10 per cent above predicted monthly values for August. Courtesy of IPS Radio and Space Services, Sydney Summary by Pat VK2JPA ANARTS Broadcast Officer Waverley Amateur Radio Society ------------------------------ Anyone wishing to be able to design and make professional quality printed circuit boards, should attend the next meeting of the Wav- erley Amateur Radio Society where Bob Barnes will demonstrate the Protel circuit design software, copies of which will be available to those attending who bring a diskette. A follow-up session, covering actual board production will be arranged for a later date. If you want to get into packet radio without spending too much money, you should build the Society's low cost Baycom modem, for which instructions and key components will be available at the meeting. All those interested will be made wlcome at the meeting which is to be held on Wednesday 17th August starting at 7.00 pm. The venue is Waverley Council's new multi-purpose centre located close to the railway station at 31 Spring Street, Bondi Junction, Simon Buxton - VK2EII - Publicity Officer VHF-UHF DX Group ---------------- The next VHF-UHF DX Group meeting will be held on Tuesday 20 September at Amateur Radio House. This meeting will be an equipment workshop on the construction of high power linear ampli- fiers and low noise preamplifliers. Working examples of linears and preamplifliers will be exhibited to demonstrate how practical construction problems are solved. The Group also sponsors activity nights on 144 MHz on Tuesdays and 70 centimetres on Thursdays. Things usually get underway after 8 pm. Why not check into the Group's Sunday evening net on 146.5 MHz FM for details of Group activities. The Sunday evening net starts at 8:15 pm. Submitted on behalf of Richard Sourlie VK2ARS FROM THE ST GEORGE AMATEUR RADIO SOCIETY Members and other interested amateurs are advised that on Saturday the 17th of September the society will be holding its annual Bill Shakespeare Auction. The auction will be held at the normal meeting venue, that is in the 1st. Allawah Scout Hall corner of Bellevue Pde and Blakesley Rd, South Hurstville. Equipment for the auction will be accepted between 10 and 11am. Viewing of equipment between 11 and 12noon. Auction to start at 12noon sharp. Credit card facilities are expected to be available for those re- quiring this facility and the snack bar will be open during the course of the auction. Inquiries regarding any specific details are welcome, please phone Publicity Officer, ALLAN VK2XF at home on 533-1006. de Allan VK2XF, Publicity Officer. Central Coast Amateur Radio Club -------------------------------- The Central Coast Amateur Radio Club will be holding a Flea Market at its club rooms on Saturday 20th August. As a result, the usual mid-month Friday lecture night will not be held in August. The Flea Market will commence at 1.00 p.m. and a number of trading tables are available in the Club Rooms. Vendors can also trade from their boots, tailgates or trailers in the carpark. No fees will be charged to traders and free of charge tea, coffee and biscuits will be available during the afternoon. Bargains abound, so come along to the Central Coast Amateur Radio Club Flea Market, commencing at 1.00 p.m. on Saturday 20th August at the CCARC Club Rooms in Dandaloo Street, Kariong, and help re- cycle some of the trash and treasure from the 1994 Gosford/wyong Field Day. From Bob Fitzgerald, VK2XRF, CCARC Publicity Officer ----------------------------------------------------------------- VK2WI Broadcast, 13th-14th August 1994. Copyright 1994 WIA (NSW) & contributors. Material may be used elsewhere if the source is acknowledged.