President's weekly address This is Michael Corbin VK2PFQ. What about a Country Branch of the W.I.A...What did he say??...Yes, you heard it correctly...What about a country branch of the W.I.A.... Well, that was what was suggested to me this week. It might not be such a bad idea if the goings on in the City don't improve. It's fast getting to the stage when yet another sleepless night makes you wonder what the hell you are doing in this job of President anyhow. Let me share a couple of thoughts with you. We will call it " A week in the life of the President of the N.S.W. Division". Lets start with last Sunday...... You'll recall I told you that the Federal Councillors had been replaced. Further, you might remember I said that this medium was not the place to discuss it.....Well, I've changed my mind. Members ought to be made aware that SOME of us on Council are trying to do the right thing while others are not. It all began when we asked Federal for a copy of the last three Federal Council meetings...It was all over an item in the minutes of an extraordinary Federal Convention held on 30th July last. The following is an extract.... Heading: AMATEUR RADIO MAGAZINE "Sub Committee to approach four respondents: i.e. Hallmark, Peacock Press, Griffin Graphics and Jamie Harrison to produce one issue each. January to April. Sub Committee before the next convention to produce a draft contract for long term publication (to be circulated prior to the convention to all councillors). October meeting will determine when the contract will commence. Final decision at February Meeting. Each of the four would be made an offer at a fixed rate. Federal Office operates as normal. Sub committee is seeking co-operation of Publications Committee and Editor. Printer will remain the same. Material will be supplied camera ready art. Federal Secretary to consult Industrial Printing re negotiating print account. Federal Office to do advertising. Magazine will be in the same format. Fifth respondent to be acknowledged as unsuccessful. W. Roper to be advised that he is on the short list. Sub-committee to respond to all six applicants."...Unquote. Five people on the present Council considered it was inappropriate for Mr. Harrison to be involved in the selection of a replacement producer of Amateur Radio Magazine as there was an obvious relationship with one of the respondents. Four councillors did not. I believe it is the democratic right of anyone, including Jamie Harrison, to apply to run Amateur Radio Magazine. The propriety of a relative being involved in any selection process is undesirable. At a special meeting of the Federal Executive held last Sunday. The Resolution that I have just read to you was scraped. Mr.Bill Roper, the present editor, was offered a 2 year contract. Details are presently being prepared. This action was as a result of this Division advising all federal Councillors of our concerns. Quite apart from this there was another matter concerning Mr. Harrison. He had been chosen as a delegate to the IARU Region 3 conference in Singapore this coming week... the cost.... around $2,300.00 to the Wireless Institute of Australia Federal. That's partly OUR MONEY. The N.S.W. Division thought that since Mr. Harrison no longer represented this Division, such a trip might not be appropriate. A motion to this end was forwarded to the Federal office as an Urgent agenda item for last Sunday's Meeting. It turned out that as a result of, according to one Delegate, threatened legal action..... A majority of the delegates did not agree with us ... Mr. Harrison left yesterday. Well that doesn't seem to be much to loose any sleep over you might say.....Well, I haven't finished yet. At the last Council Meeting a group of six Repeater Applications were approved. Ian Rosser our new NTAC man, presented these for our perusal and discussion. The Applications were passed over to Mr. Harrison for forwarding to the Spectrum Management Authority for the issuing of licenses. Pretty simple stuff eh! Well it seems that instead of taking them home to write the necessary letter, the Secretary, Mr. Harrison left them in the Office.... at least he claims he did, why or what for, the Lord only knows. Anyhow they seem to have disappeared ... explanation .... SOMEONE PINCHED 'EM! It was even suggested that Barry White was seen looking at them!!!!! Could it be that they were suggesting that Barry stole them? I hardly think so...DO YOU?.....I have contacted Barry and he tells me that he had not even SEEN these applications. However, he did admit, UNDER INTENSE QUESTIONING, that he had discussed one application regarding the Great Lakes Club with Ian Rosser.(Something about a clash of frequency allocations) Well, I'll give YOU the list of the six applicant. YOU make up your own mind. BLUE MOUNTAIN A.R.C. ......Application.... LOST SOUTHERN HIGHLANDS A.R.C. ...Application.... LOST KEMPSEY A.R.C. ......Application....NOT LOST SYDNEY A.T.V. GROUP ......Application.... LOST PARRAMATTA A.R.C. ......Application....NOT LOST LIVERPOOL A.R.C. ......Application.... LOST See any pattern ? I can't resist it... Hmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!! As President I apologise for this. Ian Rosser who is laid up, will forward the necessary replacement forms out this week, to those unfortunate Clubs who have had their applications maliciously stolen...Really .. You'd think we came down in the last shower. Wouldn't you. The Institute will provide express mail envelopes to expedite the applications. The Secretary has not bothered to apologise to anyone, so I'll do it on behalf of those of us on Council, who only want to get on with the job - despite the constant opposition we continually face from some delinquent councillors. It's not the only thing to have been discovered that has been "stolen". It appears Mr. Harrison also left some minutes of several Council meetings, a lever arch folder labeled FOLIO 3 along with some other things, on the top of the safe way way way back in June. These have disappeared as well...Oh dear Oh dear! .... the "theft" was discovered last Thursday, about the same time as a request came from the Federal office asking about some outstanding matters that our secretary had not take care of!!!!!!! Don't you think it's strange that it took from 23rd June 'till now to discover the loss???? .... Perhaps I should take up the matter of these breaches in our Security net with our Divisional Security Officer, John Robinson VK2XY .... Yes, I'll do that first thing Monday morning. Now, after things like this you can see why the Country blokes are suggesting they form their own branch of the W.I.A. ...Can you blame them? The whole thing is completely ridiculous. The S.M.A. must be killing themselves laughing..... The W.I.A. seems hell bent on self destruction. How could we ever be considered a force to be reckoned with, when we spend all our time fighting amongst ourselves. When they want those much talked about bits of 70 cms and 2 metres they will just waltz in and take them. It now appears that Federal is just as big a shemozzle. There is, or rather there were, several common denominators, but part of that been fixed. Why is it, that, some people seem to have a hidden agendas?..... why can't we just all be amateur radio operators and enthusiast, who belong to a club, which is supposed to be looking after it's members. If you wonder why I mention these matters at all it's really quite simple. My agenda and those who support me on Council is to fix the problem. Anyone who opposes this aim is against the members. I tell you so that you won't be under any false impressions as to whose who. The majority of amateurs want peace and I mean to see that they get it! Well hang in there Country Members. Give us until the next election. Then you can show, who or what you want, by the way you vote. Apart from this the week didn't go too badly, except for the usual collection of "slings and arrows" on Packet Radio. I'm prepared to hang in there until election time, and with the support of you the members and enough Councillors, we will get the job done. By then I hope it will be time for me to retire back to the Country or .... maybe I'll run appears there is going to be a cast of thousands running..... I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. See you next week. WIA Morse class --------------- The next Morse class at W.I.A. Parramatta will commence on the 28th September 1994 at 7pm, providing there are enough students attend- ing. Could any one interested in attending this course please contact the Office and leave your name and phone number with Mrs. Morris, or on the answering machine at any hour. W.I.A.Exams ----------- Don't forget, that the next exams to be held by the W.I.A. (N.S.W. Division) at 109 Wigram Street Parramatta will be on 18th September and applications close this Friday the 9th September 12pm All enquiries to the office on 689-2417. Jim Walker VK2XJW Education & Exam. Coordinator 1994 Callbook ------------- There are heaps and heaps of 1994 callbooks still in stock. Owing to filed day inactivity we have surplus stocks. Why not call the office to reserve your copy ? Price: $11.00 to members -- $12.50 posted. Scout/Guide JOTA 1994 --------------------- I would like to once (again) extend my thanks to W.I.A. for its continued support for Jamboree On The Air each year. As you are aware, JOTA is a world wide activity, encompassing most countries in the world. Last year there were 517,466 partici- pants in the Scout and Guide movements. There were 10,798 Radio bases operating, and 33,596 Amateur Operators made these figures possible. We are very proud of that result and very grateful to your fellow operators who usually come forward and assist us at this time of the year. This year JOTA is being held during the weekend of 16/17th October. We are looking forward to a very successful year again, having a new team at the helm at NSW Branch and from the support your organisation gives us. I therefore ask you to spread this information throughout your Division, and ask for your support again to help us make NSW the biggest Participating State in Australia. Yours in Radio Scouting Ron Edwards, for John Vincent Branch Electronic Activities Leader Report on the 6m VK2RWI repeater ----------------------------- The 6m repeater has suffered a couple of major setbacks. I have found that the exciter output of 53.850MHz has become unstable and it drifts off frequency. The frequency has been drifting around the repeater's output frequency up to plus minus 100kHz or so. This explains some of the funny noises some of you users have been hearing. John VK2XTB has offered to make a new exciter board using a modified M5 transceiver being Phased Locked Looped controlled. I would like to thank John for this offer. I have found another crystal locked exciter in my junk box collection being close to 53.850MHz. This other exciter not of the Phillips FM variety is very stable and needs a crystal cut from Hy-Q in Melbourne. Secondly the Beacon at Dural is too close being 430kHz away from the repeater's input of 52.850MHz. Even though there are three cavity filters this is still not enough filtration for the receiver. If the beacon is turned off then the repeater functions properly. Both Dave VK2KFU and I have sought to have the repeater's receiver relocated elsewhere via a 70cm link to overcome this desense problem by the 6m beacon. For that I would like to thank Dave VK2KFU and Peter VK2XZP for their help with this. I would like to apologise for this inconvenience because it may be out of operation for 4 to 6 weeks. When the 6m repeater returns, it will be bigger and better than Ben Hur, you'll see!! Tony Liolio VK2ZLT Reciprocal licensing update --------------------------- Agreements for reciprocal licensing, permitting amateurs from Australia to operate in overseas countries without having to sit an examination there, and vice-versa, have been in place between Australia and various countries for many years. A separate bilateral arrangement exists with each country in the scheme. Presently, 16 countries have reciprocal licensing arrangements with Australia and negotiations are under way with at least seven more. These 16 countries are: Canada Denmark France (inc. New caledonia) Germany India Israel Japan Malaysia New Zealand Papua New Guinea Poland Solomon Islands Spain Switzerland United Kingsom USA Countries with which reciprocal agreements are currently under negotiation are: Austria Greece Italy Kiribati Peru South Korea Vanuatu With the likelihood that Australia will enter an agreement with CEPT (European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications) countries for short term visitors, then perhaps the protracted time and effort currently needed by the Spectrum Management Agency and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade to effect reciprocal licensing agreements will disappear. However, bilateral agreements between Australia and other countries for permanent residents in Australia from overseas will still be necessary. WICEN News The next WICEN Blue Mountains meeting will be tomorrow, starting at 8pm. The location is the Glenbrook Bush Fire Brigade Station and there will be a talk in on 147.175 MHz simplex for people needing directions. The guest speaker will be Phil VK2GPB who will be giving a lecture and showing some videos on bushfire awareness and survival techniques. All interested persons are invited to attend, and for more information please contact Alan VK2YYJ on (02) 839-1388 during office hours. Exercise-stressed members will be pleased to learn that there are no major exercises this month, although October will be somewhat busy. The VRA Annual Conference, celebrating 25 years, will be held at Wagga on the weekend of 8-9th October. At this conference Max Walters will step down after 25 years as President, so a large attendance is expected. There will be a Dinner on Saturday 8th October, and an informal gathering on Sunday 9th. There is also a family outing on Saturday whilst delegates are at the conference. Any WICEN member wishing to attend should contact the State Co-ordinator, John Howard VK2AMH on (02) 477-6616, TODAY. The "Hawkesbury Classic Paddle" is on the weekend of 22nd-23rd October; and as before, Kevin VK2CKD is in charge. The WICEN Co-ordinators conference will be held at Bathurst on the weekend of 29-30th October. The format will be primarily a training Seminar with emphasis on Regional administration, and Operations with a short business session. All members are invited, and they will be able to contribute towards its success. WICEN is always looking for members to provide the community with communications assistance. Write to WICEN (NSW) Inc, PO Box 123, St Leonards 2065 for further information, or come up on one of the WICEN nets: Blue Mountains on the first Monday of each month at 8.30pm on channel 7175 simplex, Hunter each Wednesday at 7.30pm on channel 6900, Northern Rivers each Wednesday at 8pm around 3610 kHz, Central Coast each Thursday at 8.30pm on channel 7125, and Sydney each Thursday at 9.30pm on channels 7150/8275. If there are any other regular nets then we'd like to hear about them. -- Dave VK2KFU, WICEN (NSW) Inc. Publicity Officer Shepparton 1994 Communications Day ---------------------------------- Amateur television activities will be a highlight of this year's Shepparton Communications Day on the 18 of September. A comprehensive display of the latest techniques will be demonstrated by John, VK3LM and Alf, VK3CQE. SSTV was a great success when last demonstrated at Shepparton several years ago. Staying with the television theme, Wayne, VK3XQA will display amateur fast scan television and hopes to feature another of his Carcam broadcasts from the streets of Shepparton back to the venue. The availability of today's hi-tech video equipment allows activities in both of these fields only dreamed about a few years ago. At the other end of the time-line a comprehensive display of vintage radios restored to their former glory will feature. This equipment proved very popular in 1993 and members of the vintage radio fraternity will be out in force to show off their handy work. Some vintage radio equipment, kits and parts will be available for sale. Major traders who have indicated that they will be attending include AJ & J Coman, Daycom Electronics, Dick Smith Electronics, Icom Australia, Nally Towers, Strictly Ham and ZRV Electronics. Once again a comprehensive display of the latest equipment will be on display. Trade/swap tables will be available from $5 (depending on the size required) plus the normal admission charge. Tables not prepaid for will attract a $5 surcharge and be subject to availability. Space limitations and the hiring of the tables make pre-booking necessary. Amongst the trade tables will be a large quantity of equipment from the estate of the late Alan Styles, VK3TV. This will include test equipment, radios and parts. Requests for Disposals tables and payment must be made to the Shepparton and District Amateur Radio Club, P.O. Box 692, Shepparton, 3630. Ted - VK3MBK will provide a Melbourne contact for general information, telephone 03 386842. Admission remains at $5 per head (accompanying children free) and includes the usual free tea and coffee. A two course meal consisting of a barbecue lunch with salad plus sweets for $5 will be available. Morning and afternoon teas will also be served. The venue will be the Shepparton Youth Club Hall located in Rowe St Shepparton. Doors will open at 10 am. Talk-in will be provided by VK3SOL on VK3RGV 2 metres, 146.650 MHz. Call on the output if you have trouble raising it on your handheld once in the city itself!! Members of the Shepparton and District Amateur Radio Club look forward to seeing you on Sunday the 18 September at the 1994 Communications Day. Peter, VK3YF Communications Day Publicity Oficer News brief ---------- Researchers at the University of Sydney have made an interesting discovery that could yield major benefits in the areas of solar energy and optics ... and they owe it all to a fish. The physicists were arguing at lunchtime over what makes a fish so "silvery" and, unable to reach a conclusion, they went to the Pyrmont Fish Market, bought the shiniest fish they could find, and took it back to the lab. The skin of the fish contained "multiple stacks of organic crystals, interleaved by layers of watery tissues, arranged on Chaos Theory principles", in other words in an apparently disordered manner, instead of neat arrays of cells. The highly efficient reflectors are intended to confuse predators, but this new discovery promises to lead to more efficient solar mirrors and other optical and reflective devices. **************************************** Regular listeners to this broadcast may remember when we reported two years ago that a computer had temporarliy taken over from the human disk jockey at Sydney AM station 2SM, following a takeover by the company Wesgo. After a transition period of a few weeks the humans returned, and 2SM was reborn with a new program format. The interesting thing about the exercise was that during those few weeks, the station's ratings had jumped by 40 per cent. Perhaps someone learned from that exercise, as the station (now known as Gold 1269) is making extensive use of the computerised DJ once again. The Sydney Morning Herald's radio columnist, Richard Ackland, highlights the apparent work schedule of the station's DJ, Andy Church, who goes to air from 6am to midday, and 7pm to midnight six days a week. A rather tough workload for a human, but Andy programs the computer with his playlist, and spends most of his "air-time" away from the studio. The computer's hard disk holds the digitised audio for about 1,000 songs, and pre-recorded station IDs and music back-announcement; news reports are patched in automatically from station 2WS. ******************************************** On Wednesday, the Minister for Communication, Mr. Lee, officially launched a new mobile phone service that covers ALL of Australia, even the most remote outback locations. Calls from mobile stations can now be relayed via satellite to the Optus ground station at Belrose on Sydney's Northern Beaches, where the calls enter the conventional long-distance network. Telecom is expected to launch a competing system sometime next year. The Optus system will initially service companies operating in remote areas; with mobile sets costing $8,000 each, and calls costing up to $2.40 a minute, not many private individuals are expected to use the service at this stage. The people at Optus has other reasons to say "Yes!" this week, as the company's $200 million "B3" satellite was successfully launched last Sunday morning (28th August). B3 replaces the unfortunate B2 satellite which reportedly went into "terrestrial service" over a large part of Western China last year. B3 will carry telecommunications and Pay TV traffic. However, not everyone was smiling in space circles this week... a $550 million dollar Japanese satellite named "Kiku" (or "Chrysanthemum") failed to reach its final geostationary orbit due to an engine failure. It now sits in a highly eccentric elliptical orbit, and adds another two tonnes to the growing collection of "space junk". ***************************************** "News briefs" looks at communications news items that appear in the mainstream media. Thanks this week go to "The Australian" and "The Sydney Morning Herald". If your local or regional paper runs an item of interest to Radio Amateurs, why not send a clipping to the Divisional Office? -- Richard Murnane VK2SKY IPS weekly report ----------------- 26 August - 1 September 1994 Issue No 35 Date of issue: 02 September 94 INDICES: Date 26 27 28 29 30 31 01 10cm 72 71 71 78 83 82 86 A 8 8 7 4 3 6 (10 estimated) T 26 19 25 21 28 25 24 SUMMARY OF ACTIVITY Solar activity was moderate on 30th August, with 2 M1 flares, low on 1st Spetember, and very low for the remainder of the period. The geomagnetic field at Learmonth (WA) was quiet 26th and 30th August, and quiet to unsettled otherwise. Ionospheric F2 critical frequencies at Sydney were near pre- dicted monthly values with enhancements of up to 30 per cent on 29th, and up to 50 per cent on 30th August. FORECAST FOR THE NEXT WEEK (2 - 8 September) SOLAR: Moderate to low (isolated fadeouts possible). GEOMAGNETIC: Quiet to unsettled, until 6 September then in- creasing to active levels with possible minor storm periods during local night. IONOSPHERIC: Near predicted monthly values, until 6 September after which degraded conditions are expected. Courtesy of IPS Radio and Space Services, Sydney Summary provided by Pat VK2JPA ANARTS Broadcast Officer CLUB NEWS Waverley Amateur Radio Society (Inc.) ------------------------------------- The Committee of the Waverley Amateur Radio Society has been busy over the last couple of weeks and has got some news for club members about our meeting venue. Come along to the next club meeting to be held on Wednesday the 21st September at the Waverley Council's Multi Purpose Centre in Bondi Junction to find out more about it. Also at this meeting Aub Topp VK2AXT, the N.S.W. Divisional Lib- rarian, will be our guest lecturer. Listen to next week's broadcast for further details. Submitted by Eric van de Weyer VK2KUR Castle Hill Amateur Radio Club ------------------------------ The next meeting of the Castle Hill Amateur Radio Club will be held on Wednesday, 7th September at 8 p.m. The venue will be Castle Hill Military Radio Museum. Our lecturer for the evening will be Tony Lamacchia, VK2BTL. Tony will be enlightening us on the subject of "Radio Explosive Hazards" as applied to RF in military applications. Tony is an expert in this field and his talk promises to be most interesting. Visitors are most welcome to attend and even more welcome to join our club. For further details contact Ian O'Toole, VK2ZIO on (02) 680 2112. from Ian O'Toole, Publicity Officer, CHARC Australian Amateur Televison Club Inc. -------------------------------------- The next General Meeting of the A.A.T.C. Inc is on September 11th, the 2nd Sunday of the month at 1.00 pm at Amateur House, Parramatta. The technical lecture on the day will be the assembly and overview of the new 1.2GHz pre-amp designed by Mark VK2XOF. Boards for this project will be available from the Treasurer on the day including assembly information. The new 1250 MHz ATV receiver will be shown with boards and assembly also available. - by the way if we have power bring that 1.4meg blank floppy for a special software re- lease. Lectures at meetings to come will be on the correct use of oscilloscopes, plus how to make 1.2 GHz go to Newcastle and beyond and hints on using IBM CAD Easytrax PCB design software. The printed circuit board Open Day for A.A.T.C. members only will be held at Bexley on October 30th - the object will be to make a PCB of for a club project, EA/SC magazine project or your choice. For more information about the A.A.T.C. listen to the net on Tuesday nights from the Liverpool area on 146.625 MHz - approx 19.30 hrs - or watch us on 1250 MHz from our Oakdale repeater any- time. AATC Inc. Publicity Officer Bob Barnes VJ2R VHF-UHF DX Group ---------------- The next VHF-UHF DX Group meeting will be held on Tuesday 20 September at Amateur Radio House. This meeting will be an equipment workshop on the construction of high power linear ampli- fiers and low noise preamplifliers. Working examples of linears and preamplifliers will be exhibited to demonstrate how practical construction problems are solved. The Group also sponsors activity nights on 144 MHz on Tuesdays and 70 centimetres on Thursdays. Why not check into the Group's Sunday evening net on 146.5 MHz FM for details of Group activities. The Sunday evening net starts at 8:15 pm. Submitted on behalf of Richard Sourlie VK2ARS FROM THE ST GEORGE AMATEUR RADIO SOCIETY Next month's meeting of the Society will be held at the usual venue, that is in the 1st Allawah Scout Hall, corner of Bellevue Pde. and Blakesley Rd., South Hurstville at 7.30pm Wednesday evening the 7th of September 1994. The Society's guest speaker for this meeting will be Roger Henley VK2ZIG who will be giving those present an interesting run down on project Raven, which is the VHF & UHF radio system used for military communications. Visitors are always welcome to club meetings, coffee, tea and biscuits are provided and the members look forward to meeting those interested in attending. Members and other interested amateurs are advised that on Saturday the 17th of September the society will be holding its annual Bill Shakespeare Auction. The auction will be held at the normal meeting venue, that is in the 1st. Allawah Scout Hall corner of Bellevue Pde and Blakesley Rd, South Hurstville. Equipment for the auction will be accepted between 10 and 11am. Viewing of equipment between 11 and 12noon. Auction to start at 12noon sharp. Credit card facilities are expected to be available for those re- quiring this facility and the snack bar will be open during the course of the auction. Inquiries regarding any specific details are welcome, please phone Publicity Officer, ALLAN VK2XF at home on 533-1006. de Allan VK2XF, Publicity Officer. Great Lakes Radio Club ---------------------- The Great Lakes Radio Club, at its August meeting, took initial steps to establish, as part of its program for the coming year, a second voice repeater linked to its main repeater, VK2RGL, for coverage of areas of the lakes system to the south-east. These areas, which include some pretty rough terrain, are, in places, shielded from the main repeater, but contain some busy through roads, making coverage desirable. Since the Great Lakes Club is open to CB operators, as well as to amateurs, it has just placed into service, at a temporary location, a UHF CB repeater, on Channel 4. This repeater is primarily for the use of emergency services, particularly the NSW Bush Fire Brigade, but is for general use when not otherwise required. It will be moved to a higher location as soon as the site is ready. For the benefit of travellers, and for amateurs who may have difficulty in otherwise receiving the WIA Sunday news broadcasts, as well as for local amateurs, the club's repeater re-transmits these broadcasts on automatic relay. We have also just commenced running a local call-back program following the Sunday morning broadcast. This takes place initially on the repeater, after which calls are also taken on various bands, details of which are given on the repeater. The repeater frequencies agin are, input 147.975 MHz, output 147.375 MHz. Don't forget to also listen for our local net on Thursday nights at 1930 EAST. Club members are reminded that annual subscriptions, set at $15 for the coming year, are now due. With other projects in the pipeline, we need your support. Stan Ellis, VK2DDL Coming events St. George ARS meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 September St. George ARS Bill Shakespeare Auction . . . . . .17 September Special event Marconi - Australia contact . . . . .22 September CQ WW RTTY DX Contest . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-25 September Divisional Trash & Treasure Sale . . . . . . . . .25 September Morse classes commence at WIA . . . . . . . . . . .28 September Unpaid WICEN memberships expire . . . . . . . . . .30 September VK/ZL Oceania DX Contest Phone. . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 October VK/ZL Oceania DX Contest CW . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9 October VRA Annual Conference Wagga . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9 October JOTA 1994 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-16 October Second Annual Technical Symposium (S.A.). . . . . . 17 October Hawkesbury Canoe Classic . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-23 October CQ WW DX Contest Phone . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29-30 October WICEN Coordinators Conference . . . . . . . . . . . .30 October ---------------------------------------------------------------- VK2WI Broadcast, 4th September 1994. Copyright 1994 WIA (NSW) & contributors. Material may be used elsewhere if the source is acknowledged