VK2 Div. President's message. This is Michael Corbin VK2PFQ. This has been the quietest week on record so far, at least it was 'till Thursday. It was then that I found, when I needed a couple of cheques signed that......guess what.... the only ones who can sign cheques beside myself were ALL MISSING! One bloke is in America, he's the emergency back up signature. Another is/was, in Singapore, who knows. Nobody bothered to tell me. Another has disappeared without trace.... He's the Office Manager no less. I think he is on holidays ...I knew that he would not be here next week but.... The last one had a fax machine on his 'phone. I thought that was a novel idea, particularly since most people dislike talking to answering machines.... but what happens if you don't have a fax machine or you ring on a normal phone and it beeps at you. It's one hell of a way to run an Institute...Isn't it? All this came about because we still don't have any keys. The Security Officer was asked to get some cut but he disappeared on holidays. The Office Secretary, Mrs. Morris is on sick leave and there is only one set of keys between 5 councillors. The other 4 councillors however ALL have keys, and keys to everything. Oh yeah there was another problem too. All the people who knew the combination to the safe are the same few who have keys .... perhaps with one exception... Hmmm. Can't get into the Office, can't get a cheque signed... even if we could get into the office we can't get a cheque because the book is locked up in the safe.... I wonder if these things are engineered....no. They just happen.... Don't they! Some people say I knock the opposition too much... but what am I supposed to do, make 'em out to be a bunch of angels, when by their actions, they indicate they are the exact opposite?...What would you do? The reason we have not bothered to get these keys before today, was because there was co-operation... that's ceased. New barrels for locks about 14 of them @ $26.00 each that's $364.00 plus $48.00 service call and key copies @ $7.20 each ..9 councillors times 3 that's about $600.00 we thought we might save the cost...by spending about $90.00 on extra copies. Anyhow it didn't matter Peter Kloppenberg. VK2CPK our acting secretary, used one of his own personal cheques. Don't be alarmed at this Acting Secretary stuff... Peter's normal title is Assistant Secretary. But since nobody has told us, including himself, when to expect Mr. Harrison back from Singapore, we really didn't have much choice. As to the position of Office Manager... that's a story in itself, but I'll save that one for another time. This coming Friday there will be a meeting of the Council. As before this meeting will be an open meeting... all are invited to attend... that's members ONLY of course. At the last meeting I had no less than three tape recorders on the "Official table". I wonder why. The only one who really needs one is the Minute Secretary... she does not have one. The antics of these "Recorders of History" was at times comical. Those who come this time should not expect the same entertainment .... I've "outlawed" the use of tape Recorders at all future meetings. It's really ridiculous when you come to think about it. Five people on Council agree that all meetings of Council should be held "in the open". We believe.... It's YOUR INSTITUTE, and YOU have a right to know what's going on. There will, of course, be matters which should be dealt with confidentially... can't think of one at the moment... but, should the occasion arise, then the Council will go into the smaller office. Meetings will continue to be "open" as long as the gallery behaves themselves. If the last meeting was any indication, then I don't expect any trouble. I wonder what the problems was with the previous Council? I almost forgot... we have a couple of vacancies on our Broadcast team. Jim Walker VK2XJW has decided to call it a day, and I reckon that's fair enough considering all the things he does at the moment. Only for Jim there would not have been any Broadcast after the closure of the Station here at Dural by some members of the previous Council. Almost single handed Jim kept the Broadcast going, along with his many many other duties. I think his last rostered shift made him realise that he was over extending himself. He went straight from Dural to Parramatta to do some examination supervising. Thanks Jim..... A job well done! Thanks also to Dave Barry VK2CFB for his help in the past. I am informed his work situation has changed. Dave was also one of those who stuck through all the trouble.... Dave, I'll keep your seat warm for when you come back. Will all volunteers please contact Steve Pullan or myself. I bet those late item people had a heart attack last night when they tried to fax something to me. I had forgotten to change the plugs back.....it's a bit of involved story. Anyhow I fixed it up when I came home around midnight. Gentlemen you will be pleased to known all late item are included in this weeks Broadcast. See you next week. Federal News Radio direction finding championships Frank Sleep VK4CAU has provided an update on our July WIA NEWS item on the upcoming radio direction finding championships in Europe. This competition is to be the 7th World Championships, not the Region 1 Championships, as previously stated. Frank VK4CAU will be attending as Australia's only competitor, apparently the first time Australia has been represented in any world championships. Radio Sport is coming to Australia, says Frank, probably first to VK4. It seems the Townsville Amateur Radio Club is considering submitting a proposal to conduct the next Region 3 ARDF games here. Frank suggests we need a Federal ARDF Coordinator, saying it would be a tremendous boost to the WIA if the Year 2000 World Championships could be held in Australia, perhaps as a demonstration sport for the Olympics. [ We have since been informed that it will NOT be a demo sport - DH ] Divisional News WIA Morse class The next Morse class at W.I.A. Parramatta will commence on the 28th September 1994 at 7pm, providing there are enough students attend- ing. Could any one interested in attending this course please contact the Office and leave your name and phone number with Mrs. Morris, or on the answering machine at any hour. Jim Walker VK2XJW Education & Exam. Coordinator Attention all club examiners The WIA is interested in creating a register of coming examination dates for all of New South Wales. Consequently we would like to hear from all clubs, affiliated or otherwise, reagarding their coming examination dates for all levels and types of examinations. This should include costs, closing dates, etc. Please fax the details to the Broadcast Officer, Michael Corbin, on (02) 626 6066. If you do not have access to a fax machine please phone on (02) 626 9288. So far we've only had one response, so please get cracking there, examiners. Note to clubs: requesting for clubs to send two faxes next week. One with tour club information and the other, details of your examinations. WICEN News The Sydney WICEN 2m repeater has had its cavities re-aligned, and objective reports are welcome. Thanks go to Bob VK2CAN for his assistance. Unfinancial members are reminded that their membership will officially terminate on 30th September. The only exercise this month is the Kelloggs Cycling Challenge, on the 18th of September. The event co-ordinator is David VK2KLX. Looking ahead to October, there is the VRA Annual Conference on the weekend of 8-9th October, to be held in Wagga, and further details will appear in a later broadcast. The "Hawkesbury Classic Paddle" is on the weekend of 22nd-23rd Oclober; and as before, Kevin VK2CKD is in charge. The WICEN Co-ordinators conference will be held at Bathurst on the weekend of 29-30th October, and the format will be that of a training Seminar with emphasis on Regional administration, and Operations with a short business session. Naturally, all members are invited to participate. Those regions wishing to have their activities publicised on this broadcast are requested to get the details to the Publicity Officer, Dave VK2KFU, by Thursday night at the latest. Packet radio is the preferred medium, to either VK2AAB or VK2OP BBS. Alternatively, you can use the WICEN telephone BBS on (02) 888-2763, which is available at speeds from 300 bps to 14,400 bps. WICEN is always looking for members to provide the community with communications assistance. Write to WICEN (NSW) Inc, PO Box 123, St Leonards 2065 for further information, or come up on one of the WICEN nets: Blue Mountains on the first Monday of each month at 8.30pm on channel 7175 simplex, Hunter each Wednesday at 7.30pm on channel 6900, Northern Rivers each Wednesday at 8pm around 3610 kHz, Central Coast each Thursday at 8.30pm on channel 7125, and Sydney each Thursday at 9.30pm on channels 7150/8275. If there are any other regular nets then we'd like to hear about them. Magazine Roundup ---------------- Here again is a summary of the local magazines, which in the author's opinion could be of interest to Amateurs. This month's item refers to the September issues of these magazines. "Electronics Australia" features an article by Tom Moffat VK7TM about whether Morse code is really dead; Neville Williams VK2XV continues his series on the development of radio and television; and a simple pre-amp for scanner listeners is described, as is a simple micro-controller project. "Silicon Chip" describes the TEA1100 fast nicad charger chip; an automatic discharger for nicad battery packs is described; a simple VOX switch is built; a long-wave weather information receiver is constructed; and Garry Cratt VK2YBX shows how to use the various satellite elements and the programs that use them. The final article on building a " dual-diversity" tuner is also interesting in that it describes how to align a receiver with a "magic wand". "Amateur Radio" continues their discussion on beam antennas with bent elements, this time with a lot of theory; describes some interesting hints and kinks; and continues their series on the FM- 828 circuits. "Amateur Radio Action" concludes their article on getting the most out of commercial antennas; discusses weather satellites and remote imaging; and describes the new G-TOR protocol. Be listening next month for another summary of the local magazines. -- Dave VK2KFU News briefs ----------- Have you ever had a prolonged stay in hospital? If so, you may have taken along your 2 metre handheld to chat on the local repeater. It's a handy way to break the monotony of being confined to a hospital bed. However, if the Therapeutic Goods Administration has its way, you might not be able to do it on your next visit. The TGA has raised concerns about the effects of radio frequency interference caused to sensitive medical equipment and is urging hospitals to ban the use of mobile phones and, presumably, other transmitters. This follows a recent report by the United States Food and Drug Administration which said that RFI had caused equipment failures in patient breathing monitors, anaesthetic gas monitors, and even power-driven wheelchairs. Studies by Telecom's Research Laboratories at Melbourne's Monash Medical Centre and others indicate that heart-monitoring equipment and drug infusion pumps could also be affected. The researchers highlight reports of similar problems in Europe and Canada. They recommend that mobile phones and other radio transmitters not be used within 2 metres of any electronic medical equipment, that they be barred completely from intensive care areas. If it's any comfort, amateurs aren't the only ones who would be put out by such a ban. Many doctors make extensive use of mobile phones to keep in touch with their patients and they have protested to the TGA over the proposed ban. Thanks to the Sydney Morning Herald If your local or regional paper runs an item of interest to Amateur radio why not send a clipping to the Divisional office. from Richard Murnane VK2SKY IPS WEEKLY REPORT ----------------- 2 - 8 SEPTEMBER 1994 ISSUE No 36 DATE OF ISSUE: 09 SEPTEMBER 94 INDICES: DATE 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 10CM 90 ** 94 94 95 92 89 A 5 6 3 8 14 25 (29 ESTIMATED) T 27 32 33 33 29 28 25 ** NO 10CM FLUX VALUE WAS AVAILABLE FOR 3 SEPTEMBER SUMMARY OF ACTIVITY SOLAR ACTIVITY WAS VERY LOW 2ND - 7TH SEPTEMBER AND LOW ON 8TH. THE GEOMAGNETIC FIELD AT LEARMONTH (WA) QUIET ON 2ND, QUIET TO UNSETTLED ON 3RD - 4TH, PROGRESSING THROUGH UNSETTLED ON 5TH, TO UNSETTLED TO ACTIVE 6TH - 8TH SEPTEMBER. IONOSPHERIC F2 CRITICAL FREQUENCIES AT SYDNEY WERE NEAR PRE- DICTED MONTHLY VALUES THROUGHOUT THE PERIOD. FORECAST FOR THE NEXT WEEK (9 - 15 SEPTEMBER) SOLAR: LOW TO VERY LOW. GEOMAGNETIC: QUIET TO UNSETTLED 11 - 15 SEPTEMBER. IONOSPHERIC: NEAR PREDICTED MONTHLY VALUES THROUGHOUT THE WEEK, FOLLOWING DEGRADED PROPAGATION CONDITIONS 9 - 10 SEPTEMBER. COURTESY OF IPS RADIO AND SPACE SERVICES, SYDNEY SUMMARY BY PAT VK2JPA ANARTS BROADCAST OFFICER ------------ CLUB NEWS Waverley Amateur Radio Society (Inc.) ------------------------------------- Members of the Society and others interested will be pleased to know that the committee has negotiated the lease on permanent pre- mises for the Society that will allow 24 hour access. Full details will be notified at the next monthly meeting on Wednesday the 21st September at the current venue in Waverley Council's Multi- Function Centre located at 31 Spring Street, Bondi Junction. The meeting will begin at 7:00 pm where the main topic for the evening will be a talk by Aub Topp (VK2AXT), the W.I.A. Librarian who will tell us about the facilities offered by the library. Parts for the Society's low cost modem will also be available at the meeting. Submitted by Eric van de Weyer VK2KUR Central Coast Amateur Radio Club lecture night ---------------------------------------------- The subject for the Septmber Central Coast Amateur Radio Club Lecture Night is "Modern commercial two-way radio practices", and this lecture will be presented by Ray Wells VK2TV. Ray has had many years' experience in the field of commercial two-way radio. He is the manager of his own consultancy and installation company and has been involved with many organizations operating a diverse range of networks. Ray will describe modern techniques in commercial two-way radio services and how commercial operations have been revolutionised in recent years. many of these techniques are equally applicable to amateur radio. Free tea and coffee will be provided and visitors are most welcome. Bob Fitzgerald VK2XRF CCARC Publicity Officer VHF-UHF DX Group ---------------- The next VHF-UHF DX Group meeting will be held on Tuesday 20 September at Amateur Radio House. This meeting will be an equipment workshop on the construction of high power linear ampli- fiers and low noise preamplifliers. Working examples of linears and preamplifliers will be exhibited to demonstrate how practical construction problems are solved. All listeners are invited to attend. The Group also sponsors activity nights on 144 MHz on Tuesdays and 70 centimetres on Thursdays. Why not check into the Group's Sunday evening net on 146.5 MHz FM for details of Group activities. The Sunday evening net starts at 8:15 pm. Submitted on behalf of Richard Sourlie VK2ARS FROM THE ST GEORGE AMATEUR RADIO SOCIETY ---------------------------------------- Just a final reminder from St. George to members and other interested amateurs that next Saturday the 17th of September the society will be holding its annual Bill Shakespeare Auction. The auction will be held at the normal meeting venue, that is in the 1st. Allawah Scout Hall corner of Bellevue Pde and Blakesley Rd, South Hurstville. Equipment for the auction will be accepted between 10 and 11am. Viewing of equipment between 11 and 12noon. Auction to start at 12noon sharp. Credit card facilities are expected to be available for those re- quiring this facility and the snack bar will be open during the course of the auction. Inquiries regarding any specific details are welcome, please phone Publicity Officer, ALLAN VK2XF at home on 533-1006. de Allan VK2XF, Publicity Officer. Parramatta Amateur Radio Club Just a friendly reminder to club members and guests that the next meeting of P.A.R.C. will be held on Thursday 15th September at the WIA headquarters, 109 Wigram Street Parramatta -- time 7.30 local. This is our practical meeting night and we hope to show off the com- pleted club repeater and announce the callsign and commissioning date and time. So if you want to check it out before it goes into service, be there. As usual, tea, coffee and biscuits and a good talk can be had by everybody. from Jim Walker VK2XJW Liverpool and District Amateur Radio Club The Liverpool club is holding its AGM next Tuesday night ast 8 pm. All members and guests are welcome -- and here's a thought -- all members bring a guest and get them to join. We won't be holding a foxhunt on the evening but we will be commenc- ing mobile foxhunts soon and we could do with a little help from keen foxhunters. So see see you there at the Scout camp, Cambridge Avenue Glenbrook (? -- Glenfield?) 8 pm next Tuesday night. from Brad VK2QQ for the Liverpool and Districts Amateur Radio Club Wahroonga The Wahroonga Amateur Historical Radio Association will hold a meeting of members next Sunday 18th September at 3 pm to discuss and set rosters for operating the special event callsign VK2WAH on Thursday 22nd September, commemorating the anniversary of the first radio message from the UK to Australia. Other amateurs who are interested in operating are also invited to attend. The meeting is at 59 Westbrook Avenue Wahroonga at 3 pm and afternoon tea will be served. For more information contact Jo Harris VK2KAA (02) 489 4393. from David Ramsay VK2KLX, Secretary Manly-Warringah The Manly-Warringah Radio Society is calling Sydney amateurs north of the Harbour. Their lecture night is next Wednesday 21st of September at the Warringah Volunteer Services Centre Terrey Hills. This month's lecturer will be the club's resident CW expert Vic Joyce VK2EVJ who will talk on the subject of Morse code and high frequency antenna design. The Manly-Warringah Radio Society meets every Wednesday night with a business meeting on the second Wednesday and lectures on the third Wednesday of the month. Visitors are always welcome. If you need help to find the club rooms just call in on VK2MB on 146.875 MHz. For more information on the Society, call the Publicity Officer Richard VK2SKY, available on (02) 971 4431 a.h. from Richard VK2SKY Coming events St. George ARS Bill Shakespeare Auction . . . . . .17 September Cave Rescue Building Blocks exercise . . . . . 17-18 September Shepparton Vic Communications Day . . . . . . . . .18 September Amateur exams at WIA Parramatta . . . . . . . . . .18 September Hunter WICEN meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 September VHF-UHF DX Group meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 September Waverley Amateur Radio Society meeting . . . . . .21 September Manly-Warringah Radio Society lecture night . . . .21 September Special event Marconi - Australia contact . . . . .22 September CQ WW RTTY DX Contest . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-25 September Divisional Trash & Treasure Sale . . . . . . . . .25 September Morse classes commence at WIA Parramatta. . . . . .28 September Unpaid WICEN memberships expire . . . . . . . . . .30 September VK/ZL Oceania DX Contest Phone. . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 October WIA (NSW) broadcast goes to 10 am . . . . . . . . . . 2 October ----------------------------------------------------------------- VK2WI Broadcast, 11th September 1994. Copyright 1994 WIA (NSW) & contributors. Material may be used elsewhere if the source is acknowledged.