SB RAC @ CANADA < VA3RAC $RAC_9408.16 RAC SPECIAL NEWS BULLETIN INTERNET EDITION - 16 AUGUST 1994 Issued at RAC Administrative Office P.O. Box 356 Kingston, ON, K7L 4W2 Internet Editor: Cam Inglis Internet Transmission:Steve Cutway VE3GRS IN THIS BULLETIN IMPORTANT ISSUES DISCUSSED AT RAC CONVENTION IN CALGARY ELECTION NOTICE NEXT RAC PACKET BULLETIN IMPORTANT ISSUES DISCUSSED AT RAC CONVENTION IN CALGARY The rapidly changing face of amateur radio was evident at the annual Board of Directors of Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC) meeting in Calgary on July 27 and 28. Here are a few highlights of the many important issues confronted by RAC's Board: RAC's Board elected a new streamlined executive with Farrell Hopwood, VE7RD, as President; Tim Ellam, VE6SH, as First Vice-President; Jim Dean, VE3IQ, as Vice-President Government Affairs and Ken Pulfer, VE3PU, as Secretary-Treasurer. In addition, the Board appointed executive assistants Debbie Norman as General Manager and Tim Ray, VE3XV, as Honourary Legal Counsel. In keeping with the federal government's desire to have amateurs control their own destiny through the delegation of the administration of the Amateur Radio Service to RAC, much attention was devoted to the progress of the joint RAC/Industry Canada working group. Jim Dean, VE3IQ, apprised the Board of the significant progress made in only a few months toward amateurs taking responsibility for the process - operator certification, call sign assignment and document distribution. Issues of station licensing and spectrum surveillance and management remain at the stage of very early discussion. The Board was pleased with the results of discussions with Radio Amateur du Quebec inc. (RAQI) to have that organization assist RAC in providing future delegated service to almost one-third of Canadians who speak French. The Board members were encouraged by the progress being made in the band planning processes. Reports submitted by both the HF and VHF/UHF Band Planning Committees indicated that the work to arrive at a national consensus on these plans is progressing very satisfactorily. These volunteer band plans are well on their way toward completion and publication. George Spencer, VE3AGS, Chairman of the RAC/IARU Niagara 95 Conference submitted a report on the arrangements and organization to host this important international conference. This is the first time Canada has had this privilege. ELECTION NOTICE ATTENTION RAC MEMBERS!! An election for the full slate of candidates for the Board of directors of the Radio Amateurs of Canada will take place this fall. The deadline for submission of nominations for candidates is rapidly approaching! All nominations must be received at Kingston by September 1, 1994. Nominations must be signed by 10 RAC Members, and must be accompanied by a biographical sketch of up to 300 words in length. To be eligible, candidates must be full Members of RAC, and must be resident in the Region for which they are nominated. The names and addresses of the present Board members can be found at the front of the current issue of The Canadian Amateur, with the exception of the Quebec Director, Jean Guy Riverin VE2JGR, who has resigned, and been replaced by: Mr Pierre Roger, VE2TQS 330 Mozart E., #48 Montreal, QC H2S 1B9 All nominations should be sent to: RAC Administrative Office P.O. Box 356 Kingston, ON K7L 4W2 NEXT RAC PACKET BULLETIN The print version of this bulletin is sent on the 15th of the month to RAC affiliated clubs, all Section Managers, Bulletin Managers and Official Bulletin Stations throughout each RAC Section. The packet and Internet editions are transmitted as soon thereafter as possible. The next regular bulletin should be transmitted on or about September 15, 1994. Watch for it! 73 de VA3RAC Steve VE3GRS at the keyboard