Good morning. It's Sunday the 12th of March and here is the GB2RS news broadcast, prepared by the RSGB and intended for all radio amateurs and short-wave listeners. Now this week's headlines:- The RSGB London Amateur Radio and Computer Show is taking place this weekend. And RSGB headquarters will be open to visitors next Saturday. Today, Sunday the 12th of March, is the second day of the RSGB London Amateur Radio and Computer Show, which is taking place at the Lee Valley Leisure Centre, Picketts Lock Lane, Edmonton, in north London. This major annual event features over 100 trade stands, an RSGB book and information stand, lectures, special interest groups and a bring and buy stall. RSGB Morse tests will be available on demand, but don't forget to bring two passport-size photographs along if you wish to take your test at the Show. There will be talk-in stations on 2-metres and 70-centimetres, and doors open at 10.00 am with priority admission for the disabled. Refreshments are available on site. The official 8-page Show guide, which was published in the March edition of Radio Communication, includes a full programme of events and travel details. Next Saturday, the 18th, RSGB Headquarters at Potters Bar will be open to visitors. This is not a formal open day so there will be no guided tours, but the shack, museum, library and bookshop will be available from 10 am to 4 pm. King's College London is holding a 'Radio And Communication Day' on Friday the 24th of March, which will be open to the general public. There will be an exhibition, a series of presentations on the development of radio and the unveiling of a plaque commemorating the work of Sir Edward Appleton. There will be an RSGB stand at the exhibition, with representatives available to answer questions about amateur radio and the Novice licence. The 'Radio Day' will be held at King's College Strand campus, located next to Somerset House and close to Waterloo Bridge. The closest underground station is Temple. For further information call Anne Robinson on 0171 873 2696. Would all G1s please note that they now have a new QSL bureau sub-manager. He is Mr M Marriott, G0OPC, Greenfield View, March Road, Friday Bridge, Near Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, PE14 0HA, who takes over from Mr R Kingstone, G4HHB. This year is the 100th anniversary of Marconi's first successful experimental transmissions and there will be a number of special event stations and exhibitions on International Marconi Day on the 22nd of April and during the course of the year. At RSGB headquarters in Potters Bar there will be a Marconi exhibition and a special event station, GB100IMD {that is GB one hundred IMD}, at the RSGB's annual Open Day which this year is also on Saturday the 22nd of April. Would anyone celebrating the 100th anniversary of Marconi's work please let us know at RSGB headquarters so we can give your special event station or exhibition a mention on GB2RS. The new RSGB Liaison Officer for South Gwynedd is Gordon Rogers, GW0RJV, whose address is Maesgwersyl, Garthmyl, Newtown, Powys SY15 6RS, tel: 01686 640611, who is also RLO for Powys. RLOs hold a wide range of information and are available to help RSGB members in their county. Now some items of HF DX news from the weekly RSGB DX News Sheet which is edited by Brendan McCartney, G4DYO. From Paraguay, NI5D and KD5IC will sign 'ZP stroke own calls' from Thursday the 16th of March until the 15th of April. Try 7.250 and 14.240MHz. From South Africa, ZS6YA is signing ZS9RWR from now until the end of May for the Rugby World Cup games. In major contests he will sign ZS9F. And from Jamaica, K6JAH/6Y5 will be active from now until Wednesday the 22nd of March on 10 to 40 metres, SSB only. Next the Rally News: Today, Sunday the 12th of March, is the Wythall Radio Club Rally, at Wythall Park, Silver Street, Wythall, near Birmingham. It features the usual traders in three halls and a marquee, a bring and buy stall, and bar and refreshment facilities. Talk-in is on channel S22. Next Sunday, the 19th of March, the Norbreck Amateur Radio Electronic and Computing Exhibition will take place at the Norbreck Castle Exhibition Centre, Blackpool. Details from Peter, G6CGF, on 0151 630 5790. Also on Sunday the 19th, the Tiverton Mid-Devon Rally will take place at Pannier Market, Tiverton. The rally features trade stands, a bring and buy stall and refreshments in two halls. The doors open at 10.00 am. Talk-in will be on channel S22 and further details may be obtained from G4TSW, Mid-Devon Rally, P O Box 3, Tiverton, Devon. Now for the HF contest news: The RSGB Commonwealth contest is taking place today, the 12th of March. This contest, which started at 1200 UTC yesterday, continues until 1200 UTC today. Work Commonwealth call areas on CW only and send RST and serial number. The full rules were published in the November 94 edition of Radio Communication. Next weekend, the 18th and 19th of March, the Bermuda Contest takes place, and the following weekend - the 25th and 26th of March - is the CQ WPX SSB contest. As usual, HF National Field Day this year will be held over the first weekend in June, the 3rd and 4th. There is a small change to the rules this year - a second receiver will be allowed in both the Open and Restricted sections. That is, you will be allowed to use one transmitter and one receiver (or one transceiver) plus an additional receiver. Note that a transceiver with a built-in second receiver, such as the FT-1000, counts as two receivers. Groups wishing to compete must send details of the site to be used to: David Hill, G4IQM, 14 The Garrones, Worth, Crawley, West Sussex, RH10 7YT, to arrive no later than the 6th of May. The full rules will be published in the April edition of RadCom, but groups wishing to receive an advance copy are welcome to request one from the RadCom office at RSGB Headquarters. Next some VHF contest news: Today, Sunday the 12th of March is another event in the 70MHz Cumulative Contest, which is taking place between 1000 and 1200 UTC. The rules can be found in the January RadCom. And in two weeks time, on Sunday the 26th of March, another 70 MHz contest will take place - it is the 70 MHz Fixed station and SWL contest, and the rules for this contest can be found in the February RadCom. After extensive consultation that took place with regard to the 4-metres or 6-metres contest debate earlier in the year and at the VHF Convention on the 19th of February, the VHF Contest Committee chairman is pleased to announce that there will be no changes with respect to 4-metres in this year's Field Day, and he would like to thank all correspondents for their input. As a result of this feedback, the VHF Contest Committee is currently looking at ways of promoting new 6-metre and 4-metre events. Now some beacon news: G0RDI/P has been authorised as an NBFM beacon on 50.83MHz at Amersham for a limited period of six months. The current power level is 1W and identification is by keyed tone. GB3WV, the 1.3 GHz ATV repeater on channel RT2R located at Weymouth, Dorset, was taken out of service on the 25th of February. The Salisbury UHF repeater, GB3SW, on channel RB9, resumed service on the 17th of February. The Harrow UHF repeater, GB3HR, on channel RB14, is temporarily off the air due to a transmitter fault. The Daventry UHF repeater, GB3XX, on channel RB13 is temporarily off the air due to a fault with the repeater logic. GB3HK at Hawick on channel RB14 is temporarily off the air due to a fault with the transmitter PA. And now the solar factual data: The period from the 27th of February to the 5th of March saw solar activity at very low levels. Sunspot numbers increased slightly and the geomagnetic activity was mostly unsettled to active. The sunspot indices increased slightly every day from 56 on the 27th to 85 on the 5th, the mean for the period was 71. Solar flux levels up to the 4th varied little day to day and were about 90 units, but on the 5th declined to 84 units. The average for the period was 89 units. Several small sub flares were reported on the 28th and the 3rd. The electron fluence increased from moderate levels on the 27th and the 28th, to very high levels on the 1st to the 3rd before declining to high levels on the 4th. The X-Ray flux remained almost stationary for the period and averaged B1.0 units. The 90-day solar flux average on the 5th was 85 units, one unit up on last week. Geomagnetic levels were mostly active with the most disturbed day being the 28th with an Ap index of 28 units; the most likely cause was a disappearing filament from the south-west quadrant of the sun on the 26th. The only quiet day was the 3rd with an Ap index of 7 units. The average for the period was Ap 19 units. The state has been 'mag alert' for most of the period. The aa indices as supplied by the British Geological Survey for the period from the 21st to the 27th of February were very quiet up to the 26th. The 25th was down to only 4.8 nanoTeslas. Levels increased to 25.9 nanoTeslas on the 26th and increased again to 'Sub Storm' levels on the 27th with 43.0 nanoTeslas being recorded. The average for the period was 14.9 nanoTeslas, about K2. The monthly RI sunspot number for February was 29.9, with a maximum of 47 on the 22nd and a minimum of 12 on the 8th. The smoothed monthly sunspot number for August 1994 was RI 26.8, +/- 5. I'll repeat the figures: Spots - 71; Flux - 89, Ap index - 19, X-Ray flux - B1.0, February spots - RI 29.9. Now the ionospheric data for Central France The F2 daytime critical frequencies at Poitiers, as reported by Meudon for the period from the 24th of February to the 2nd of March, averaged 7.8MHz, the best day being the 26th up to 9.6MHz. Levels declined to 6.8MHz on the 1st due to the high geomagnetic activity. The darkness hour lows declined from 3.7MHz on the 25th to 2.0MHz by the 28th, and averaged 3.2MHz. The daytime highs are taking place anywhere between 10.00 hours and 17.00 hours, with the darkness hour lows between 04.00 and 06.00 hours. I'll repeat the figures: highs-7.8MHz, lows-3.2MHz. And lastly the solar forecast. This week solar flux levels are expected to increase to the high 80s, but solar activity should remain very low. Geomagnetic activity is expected to be at active levels for the next few days and then decline to quiet levels for the rest of the week. Ionospheric MUFs for the south are expected to increase this week from about 18MHz up to 24 later in the week. Levels for the north will be some three MegaHertz lower than the south. The darkness hour lows are expected to be about 8MHz. And that's the end of the solar information. Finally in the main news, SSL has informed the Society that as of last Wednesday morning, the latest callsigns allocated were in the G0 Victor Uniform and G7 Uniform Papa series, and Novice calls in the 2 0 Alfa Juliet and 2 1 Delta Uniform series. -- NEWS FOR THE SOUTH EAST Meeting for Sunday the 12th of March: Hoddesdon Radio Club has a stand at the London Amateur Radio and Computer Show at Lee Valley Leisure Centre. The club needs volunteers to help with the stand. For details telephone 0992 460841. Meeting for Tuesday the 14th of March: Stevenage and District Amateur Radio Society has its Annual General Meeting. Contact Peter, G7HCL on 0438 724509 for details. Meetings for Wednesday the 15th of March: Aylesbury Vale Radio Society has a contest operations discussion meeting. For further details contact Ivan, G3KLT on 01296 437720. Brighton and District Amateur Radio Society meets for a talk entitled 'Switched Mode Power Supplies and Other Things' by Jim, G4XRU. More details from Harold, G3WR who is QTHR. Darenth Valley Radio Society has a crystal set competition. For further information telephone 01689 826846. Hastings Electronics and Radio Club has its Annual General Meeting. Telephone 01424 830454 for more details. Worthing and District Amateur Radio Club gathers for a discussion with a visit by RSGB RLO G4DRV. For more details contact G4GPX on 01903 753893. Meetings for Thursday the 16th of March: Cray Valley Radio Society has a construction contest. Contact Tony, G4WIF on 0171 739 5057 during office hours for more details. Shefford and District Amateur Radio Society meets for a talk by Alan Jubb about his latest 'Shacklog' computer program. He will also be demonstrating rig connections. More details from P Bradfield on 0462 700618. Southend and District Radio Society gathers for a talk about apples. Further details from Bob, G0RSW on 0585 442776 during the day or 0702 712775 in the evenings. Sutton and Cheam Radio Society meets for a talk entitled 'Early Television' by Ray, G2KU. Contact John, G0BWV on 0181 644 9945 for more details. Meetings for Friday the 17th of March: East Kent Radio Society has a talk by Paul, G3VJF entitled 'How I Got Started in Ham Radio and What Happened Then'. For further details telephone Paul, G3VJF on 01227 743070. Maidstone YMCA Amateur Radio Society meets for an open lecture with G3ORP on antenna systems as well as RAE questions. More details from John, G0RHO on 01622 832259. Radio Society of Harrow has a construction contest. For further details telephone 0171 252 2700 during the day or 0895 632377 evenings. Meeting for Saturday the 18th of March: Crystal Palace and District Radio Club meets for a talk entitled 'Oscilloscopes in Amateur Radio' by P Burton, G3ZPB. For details call 0181 699 5732. NEWS FOR THE SOUTH WEST Meeting for Sunday the 12th of March: Flight Refuelling Amateur Radio Society gathers to discuss its contest strategy for 1995. For more details telephone 01425 653404. Meetings for Tuesday the 14th of March: Blackmore Vale Amateur Radio Society meets for a talk on Smith Charts by Rob, G3MYM. Contact Stuart, G7JIF on 0935 814055 for further information. Portland Amateur Radio Club has its first general meeting at the Kimberlin Club, Blacknor Road, Westcliff Estate, Weston, Portland, Dorset. New members are very welcome. Further information from Carol, 2E1DQZ on 01305 823373. Meeting for Wednesday the 15th of March: South Bristol Amateur Radio Club gathers for a model railway magazine evening. Telephone 01275 834282 for more details. Meeting for Thursday the 16th of March: Yeovil Amateur Radio Club meets for a talk by G3GC entitled 'Getting the Best Out of Your Aerial'. Details from Cedric, G4JBL, telephone 0258 473845. Meetings for Friday the 17th of March: Saltash and District Amateur Radio Club visits Widegates Astronomy Observatory. For further details contact Brian, G7SSH on 01752 844321. Taunton and District Amateur Radio Club meets for a talk on kites by Paul Foulds. Contact G3WNI on 0823 680778 for details. NEWS FOR EAST ANGLIA Meetings for Sunday the 12th of March: Norfolk Amateur Radio Club visits the London Amateur and Radio Computer Show. For details contact Mike, G4EOL on 0603 789792. Yarmouth Radio Club visits the London Amateur and Radio Computer Show. Contact Tony, G3NHU for details. Meeting for Wednesday the 15th of March: Norfolk Amateur Radio Club has a briefing on the CW National Field Day. For further information contact Mike, G4EOL on 0603 789792. Meeting for Thursday the 16th of March: Kings Lynn Amateur Radio Club has a lecture on 24cm amateur television by Mark, G0LGJ. Details from Ian, G0BMS, telephone 01553 765614. Meeting for Friday the 17th of March: Cambridge and District Amateur Radio Club has a 'meet your committee' evening. Contact John, G0GKP on 0954 200072 for more details. NEWS FOR THE MIDLANDS Meeting for Monday the 13th of March: Mansfield Amateur Radio Society has a junk sale. More details from Mick, G0UYQ on 01623 792243. Meetings for Tuesday the 14th of March: Bromsgrove Amateur Radio Society meets for an question and answer in practice session. For further information contact Barry, G0TPG on 0527 542266. Loughborough and District Amateur Radio Club has a junk sale. Telephone 01509 231289 for details. Mid-Warwickshire Amateur Radio Society meets for a talk entitled 'Living Without Electricity' by Bill Ford. Contact G8HRI on 01926 424465 for details. Meetings for Wednesday the 15th of March: Derby and District Amateur Radio Society has an illustrated talk about hospital radio. For further details contact Hayley, G7PXA on 01773 856904. Telford and District Amateur Radio Society holds its annual construction competition. Contact Dave, G4EIX on 01952 588878 for more details. Meetings for Thursday the 16th of March: Amateur Radio Club of Nottingham has a surplus equipment sale. Further details from Simon, G0IEG on 0115 950 1733. Solihull Amateur Radio Society meets for a talk by 'Badger Boards'. For more details contact Paul, G8AYY who is QTHR. Meetings for Friday the 17th of March: Coventry Amateur Radio Society has a night on the air, featuring RTTY and construction. For more details contact John, G8SEQ on 0203 617367 South Notts Amateur Radio Club has a construction evening. Telephone 01509 672734 for details. Spilsby Amateur Radio Society has a junk sale. Call Clive, G6HYF on 01790 752712 for more details. NEWS FOR THE NORTH OF ENGLAND Meetings for Monday the 13th of March: Sheffield Amateur Radio Club meets for a talk on the workings of RAYNET by Rick. For further details telephone 0114 244 6282. Thornton Cleveleys Amateur Radio Society meets to the make final arrangements for the Norbreck Rally. Telephone 01253 853554 for further details. Meetings for Tuesday the 14th of March: Buxton Radio Amateurs has a live Morse session with Derek, G4IHO. For more details contact Derek, G4IHO on 01298 25506. Chester and District Amateur Radio Society meets for a talk entitled 'Review of 73 Years of Radio' by Dave, G2FVA. For details call 0151 608 3229. Sheffield Amateur Radio Club has a ten pin bowling competition. For details telephone 0114 244 6282. Meetings for Wednesday the 15th of March: Denby Dale Amateur Radio Society has a talk on 'Digital Electronics and Repeater Controls' by G0PRF. Deatils from Kevin, G1FYS on 01484 547553. Hornsea Amateur Radio Society meets for a talk on single tube colour imaging by G8EQZ. Telephone 01964 533331 for details. Mid-Cheshire Amateur Radio Society has a talk on HF Propagation by David, G4XUV. For further information call Ted, G0RBA on 01606 592207. Wirral Amateur Radio Society meets for a talk on PMR conversion by G4EWJ. Telephone 0151 644 6094 for more details. Meetings for Thursday the 16th of March: Grimsby Amateur Radio Society meets for a talk: 'Navy Communication Systems, before Satellites' by G3DOT. For details telephone 01472 825899. Keighley Amateur Radio Society has a visit from a crime prevention officer. For details call 01274 496222. Pontefract and District Amateur Radio Society meets for a rally review and arrangements. Telephone 01977 677006 for more details. Rolls Royce Amateur Radio Club has an RAE course night. Telephone 01282 869614 for details. Meetings for Friday the 17th of March: South Manchester Radio Club meets for a talk on Computer Assembly by Ray, G6OCW. For details contact Edward, G7FQY on 061 969 1964. Tynemouth Amateur Radio Club meets for a talk: 'Memoirs From QSL Cards - A Reflection' by G7RET. Details from Glen, G0SBN on 0191 286 8851. NEWS FOR SCOTLAND Meeting for Tuesday the 14th of March: Inverclyde Amateur Radio Group has a talk and video by Tom, GM4FDM on his operation from the Shiant Islands. For further information contact Jim, GM0GMN who is QTHR or telephone 0585 371974. Meeting for Friday the 17th of March: Aberdeen Amateur Radio Society meets for a talk entitled 'Curing TVI and Breakthrough'. Further details from Martin, GM0JCN on 01569 731177. NEWS FOR NORTHERN IRELAND Meeting for Wednesday the 15th of March: Belfast RSGB Group meets for a talk by Jeff, RS 75793 entitled' The Mediterranean the Easy Way'. Details from Richard, GI0OUM who is QTHR. Meeting for Saturday the 18th of March: Lagan Valley Amateur Radio Society has its annual Hamfest. For details telephone 01846 601941. -- GB2RS is prepared by the Radio Society of Great Britain and is broadcast in the 80m, 40m, 6m and 2m bands. Tel +44 1707 659015 Fax +44 1707 645105