Good morning. It's Sunday the 19th of March and here is the GB2RS news broadcast, prepared by the RSGB and intended for all radio amateurs and short-wave listeners. King's College London is holding a 'Radio And Communication Day' on Friday the 24th of March, which will be open to the general public. There will be an exhibition, a series of presentations on the development of radio and the unveiling of a plaque commemorating the work of Sir Edward Appleton. There will be an RSGB stand at the exhibition, with representatives available to answer questions about amateur radio and the Novice licence. The 'Radio Day' will be held at King's College Strand campus, located next to Somerset House and close to Waterloo Bridge. The closest underground station is Temple. For further information call Anne Robinson on 0171 873 2696. This year is the 100th anniversary of Marconi's first successful experimental transmissions and there will be a number of special event stations and exhibitions on International Marconi Day on the 22nd of April and during the course of the year. At RSGB headquarters in Potters Bar there will be a Marconi exhibition and a special event station, GB100IMD {that is "GB one hundred IMD"}, at the RSGB's annual Open Day which this year is also on Saturday the 22nd of April. Would anyone celebrating the 100th anniversary of Marconi's work please let us know at RSGB headquarters so we can give your special event station or exhibition a mention on GB2RS. Now some items of HF DX news from the weekly RSGB DX News Sheet which is edited by Brendan McCartney, G4DYO. A major expedition to Conway Reef is planned for Friday the 24th of March until Monday the 3rd of April. Callsigns will be 3D2CT on SSB and 3D2CU on CW and RTTY. The group plans to run three stations simultaneously, round the clock, and particular attention will be given to working European stations. Check the usual DX frequencies. The operators are SM7PKK, SM6CAS, OH1RY, NI6T and JH4RHF. From Europa Island, FR5HG will sign FR5HG/E from now until the end of April on CW, RTTY and SSB. His QSL Manager is F6FNU. From the Netherlands, PA56W is a special event station which will be on the air until Thursday the 23rd of March in order to commemorate the return of the Queen of the Netherlands in 1945, after the war. And from Anguilla, AA4NC will sign VP2EN as from Wednesday the 22nd until Wednesday the 29th of March on all bands, including participation in the CQ WPX SSB contest next weekend. Outside the contest he'll be active on RTTY. His QSL information is via his home call, that's AA4NC. Next the Rally News: Today, Sunday the 19th of March, the Norbreck Amateur Radio Electronic and Computing Exhibition is taking place at the Norbreck Castle Exhibition Centre, Blackpool. There are over 100 trade stands, a bring and buy stall, an RSGB information stand and bookstall, and RSGB President Clive Trotman, GW4YKL, will be in attendance. Talk-in will be on 2-metres, channel S22. Also today, the Tiverton Mid-Devon Rally is taking place at Pannier Market, Tiverton. The rally features trade stands, a bring and buy stall and refreshments in two halls. The doors open at 10.00 am. Talk-in is on 2-metres channel S22. Next Sunday, the 26th of March, the Bournemouth Radio Society annual sale will take place at Kinson Community Centre, Pelhams Park, Millhams Road, Kinson, Bournemouth. The event will feature amateur radio and computer traders, clubs and specialist groups. Doors open at 10.30am and there will be talk-in on 2-metres channel S22. Details from Malcolm, G0UCX, on 01202 747745. Also next Sunday, the Magnum Radio and Computer Rally will take place at the Magnum Leisure Centre, Irvine. The event will feature the usual traders, special interest groups, a bring and buy stand, and Morse tests on demand. Take two passport-size photographs and identification if you wish to take your Morse test at the rally. Doors will open at 11.00am or 10.30 am for disabled visitors, and further details may be obtained from Bob, GM0DEQ, on 01563 574660. Also on Sunday the 26th, the Pontefract and District Amateur Radio Society rally will take place at the Carleton Community Centre, Carleton, near Pontefract. This event will feature trade stands, a bring and buy stand and a bookstall. RSGB Morse tests will be available on demand, but don't forget to take two passport-size photographs along if you wish to take your test at the rally. Doors open at 11.00am or 10.30 am for disabled visitors. For details contact Colin, G0NQE, on 01977 677006. Now for the HF contest news: This weekend, the Bermuda Contest is taking place, and next weekend - the 25th and 26th of March - is the CQ WPX SSB contest. As usual, HF National Field Day this year will be held over the first weekend in June, the 3rd and 4th. There is a small change to the rules this year - a second receiver will be allowed in both the Open and Restricted sections. That is, you will be allowed to use one transmitter and one receiver (or one transceiver) plus an additional receiver. Note that a transceiver with a built-in second receiver, such as the FT-1000, counts as two receivers. Groups wishing to compete must send details of the site to be used to: David Hill, G4IQM, 14 The Garrones, Worth, Crawley, West Sussex, RH10 7YT, to arrive no later than the 6th of May. The full rules are published in the April RadCom, which is due to be posted to all members this week. Next some VHF contest news: Next week, Sunday the 26th of March, another 70 MHz contest will take place - it is the 70 MHz Fixed station and SWL contest, and the rules for this contest can be found in the February RadCom. Also on Sunday the 26th will be the final Winter Microwave Cumulative contest on all bands from 2.3 GHz and up between 0900 and 2100 UTC. Although this contest does not appear in the VHF Contest Calendar in this month's RadCom, the full rules were published in the November edition. The Stoke on Trent VHF repeater, GB3VT, on channel R5, became operational on the 7th of March from its new location. The Wrotham {pronounced "Rootam"} UHF repeater, GB3NK, on channel RB4, returned to service on the 11th of March after being off the air for several months. This protracted period of downtime was due to difficulties in obtaining rigging services at non-commercial rates to replace a defective antenna. The Daventry UHF repeater, GB3XX, on channel RB13, which has been off the air since the end of February, returned to service on the 14th of March. The Chelmsford UHF repeater, GB3ER, on channel RB3 was shut down temporarily for maintenance on the 12th of March and it is expected to be off the air for about one week more. And now news of a special event station: GB0SET will be operational on the HF bands on Thursday and Friday, the 23rd and 24th of March, from the North East Wales Institute, Wrexham, to commemorate Science, Education and Technology week. It is hoped that British astronaut Helen Sharman will be visiting the station. For further information, contact Ian, GW1MVL on 01978 845858, or via Packet: GW1MVL at GB7WXM. And now the solar factual data: The period from 6th to the 12th of March saw solar flux levels decline. Geomagnetic activity increased from quiet levels to active conditions. We are sorry to report that due to a problem with the American auto re-route computer, some data is not available, and this is also effecting the daily solar bulletins put out onto the packet network by G0CAS. Solar flux levels declined from 84 units on the 6th to 76 units by the 12th. The average for the period was 80 units. Solar activity was very low, but on the 6th a C3.5/1N solar flare took place. Associated with this event was a type 2 and type 4 sweep with an estimated shock velocity of 600km per second. The 90 day solar flux average on the 12th was 84 units, which is down one unit from last week. Geomagnetic activity started the period at very low levels and was down to only Ap 2 units on the 8th. Levels increased to unsettled over the period from the 9th to the 11th, then increased again to active levels with an Ap index of 27 on the 12th. The average for the period was Ap 12 units. The aa indices, as supplied by the British Geological Survey for the period from the 28th of February to the 6th of March, started at major storm levels with the daily figure for the 28th at 61.9 nanoTeslas. During the mid-evening period 136 nanoTeslas, K6, was recorded. Activity declined to quiet levels by the 3rd when the daily figure was only 10.0 nanoTeslas. Active conditions returned on the 4th and the 5th with 39.0 and 29.5 nanoTeslas being recorded respectively. The 6th was the quietest day with only 8.4 nanoTeslas, the average for the period was 34.5 nanoTeslas, about K3. I'll repeat the figures: flux - 80; Ap index - 12. Now the ionospheric data for Central France. The F2 daytime critical frequencies at Poitiers, as reported by Meudon for the period from the 3rd to the 9th of March, averaged 6.8MHz. Levels were at their best on the 4th at 8.1MHz but collapsed to only 5.1MHz the following day, a slight recovery was made when levels increased to 7.1MHz by the 9th. The darkness hour lows averaged 2.6MHz. The daytime highs are taking place anywhere between 11.00 and 17.00 hours. The darkness hour lows mostly around 05.00 to 06.00 hours, but as early as 22.00 hours as on the 6th. I'll repeat the figures: highs - 6.8MHz; lows - 2.6MHz. And lastly the solar forecast. This week the quiet side of the sun will be rotating into view, solar activity is expected to be very low. Solar flux levels are expected to be in to the low 80s. Geomagnetic activity is expected to be very quiet for most of the week. An Ap index of only one was recorded on the last solar rotation. Conditions may increase up to unsettled levels next weekend. Ionospheric MUFs for the south are expected to increase up to about 28MHz by midweek and 25MHz for the north, but may decline next weekend due to the expected higher levels of geomagnetic activity. The darkness hour lows are expected to be about 10MHz. And that's the end of the solar information. Finally in the main news, SSL has informed the Society that as of last Wednesday morning, the latest callsigns allocated were in the G0 Victor Uniform and G7 Uniform Papa series, and Novice calls in the 2 0 Alfa Kilo and 2 1 Delta Victor series. -- NEWS FOR THE SOUTH EAST Meetings for Monday the 20th of March: Braintree and District Amateur Radio Society has a table-top sale and operating evening. Telephone 01376 327431 for details. Sevenoaks and District Amateur Radio Society meets for a talk entitled 'The Radio Control of Models' by Alistair Dunlop. Details from The Secretary, Sevenoaks and DARS, c/o Sevenoaks District Council, Argyle Road, Sevenoaks, Kent TN13 1HG. Meetings for Tuesday the 21st of March: Bromley and District Amateur Radio Society has a construction evening with a contest, with Alan, G0TLK. For details contact Alan, G0TLK on 0181 777 0420. Chichester and District Amateur Radio Club meets for a talk on SSTV by Mike, G8JVE. For further information contact D P Clear, G0KNU, 1 Milestone Cottages, Fishborne, Chichester, West Sussex P018 8AU. Dacorum Amateur Radio Transmitting Society meets for a talk on the novice licence by John, G4JOV. For details contact Dacorum ARTS at 48 Northfield Road, Harpenden, Herts AL5 5HZ. Maidenhead and District Amateur Radio Club has its Annual General Meeting. Contact Roy, G4XYN on 01628 25952 for details. Shefford and District Amateur Radio Society has a committee meeting at the QTH of G6RHL. For more details telephone P Bradfield on 0462 700618. Meetings for Wednesday the 22nd of March: Chesham and District Amateur Radio Society has an inter-club quiz night challenge. For further information contact Ian, G0RTF on 0494 676391. Farnborough and District Radio Society gathers for the 'Ivan Hurst Lecture', For more details contact Andy, G4XYW on 01344 761184. Grafton Radio Society meets for a talk by Rod, G0JUZ entitled 'My Work as a Professional Photographer'. For further details contact John, G0DFZ on 0171 272 2328. Newbury and District Amateur Radio Society meets for a talk entitled 'Weather Fax' by Philip Mitchell. Details from the club secretary on 0635 863310. Worthing and District Amateur Radio Club has a talk on satellites by G1HJH. Contact Roy Bannister on 01903 753893 for more details. Meetings for Thursday the 23rd of March: Colchester Radio Amateurs gets an insight into the work of Essex County Rescue Service from Andy Taylor. For more details telephone 0206 383510. Reading and District Amateur Radio Club has an alignment evening. For details contact Tony, G0OPB on 0734 698274 (evenings). Southend and District Radio Society meets for a talk about accident investigation by the road traffic division of Southend Police. Further details from Bob, G0RSW on 0585 442776 during the day or 0702 712775 evenings. Southgate Amateur Radio Club has a Show debrief. Contact M E Viney, G0ANN on 01707 850146 for details. Vange Amateur Radio Society gathers for a talk about steam engines. Contact Doris on 0268 552606 for further details. Meetings for Friday the 24th of March: Itchen Valley Amateur Radio Club has its annual surplus equipment sale. For details contact Les, G3ABA who is QTHR or telephone 01703 732997. NEWS FOR THE SOUTH WEST Meeting for Sunday the 19th of March: Dorset Flight Refuelling Amateur Radio Society meets for a talk entitled 'UFOs - The Evidence' by S Gerrard. Telephone 01425 653404 for details. Meetings for Thursday the 23rd of March: Bristol Amateur Radio Club has a club computers evening. For details contact David, G4ZBT on 0117 9654886. Yeovil Amateur Radio Club meets for a constructors' contest. Further information from Cedric, G4JBL, QTHR or call 0258 473845. Meeting for Friday the 24th of March: Torbay Amateur Radio Society has a talk by Derrick, G3LHJ on operating contests. Contact Walt, G3HTX on 0803 526762 for details. NEWS FOR EAST ANGLIA Meeting for Monday the 20th of March: Felixstowe and District Amateur Radio Society has its Annual General Meeting. For more details contact Paul, G4YQC on 0394 273507. Meeting for Tuesday the 21st of March: Bury St Edmunds Amateur Radio Society gathers for a talk by Nigel, G4IJF entitled 'The Recent History of Ipswich Airport'. For more details telephone 01284 728418 (preferably between 2.30 and 4pm). Meeting for Wednesday the 22nd of March: Norfolk Amateur Radio Club meets for a talk entitled 'Science For All' by Arnold, G3PTB. Contact Mike, G4EOL on 0603 789792 for details. NEWS FOR THE MIDLANDS Meeting for Sunday the 19th of March: Spalding and District Amateur Radio Society has a junk sale. For more details telephone 01775 750382. Meeting for Monday the 20th of March: Stourbridge and District Amateur Radio Society has its Annual General Meeting. For further information contact the Secretary, G7HEZ on 01384 374354. Meetings for Tuesday the 21st of March: Loughborough and District Amateur Radio Club meets for a talk entitled 'Early TV' by B Senior. For details telephone 01509 218259. The Radio Society of Bloxwich gathers for a talk and demonstration on ATV. For further information contact Chris, G0MLY who is QTHR or phone 01922 683877. Meeting for Wednesday the 22nd of March: Derby and District Amateur Radio Society has its Annual General Meeting. Telephone 01773 856904 for more details. Meeting for Thursday the 23rd of March: Amateur Radio Club of Nottingham has a talk on fast scan TV. Contact Simon, G0IEG on 0115 950 1733 for further details. Salop Amateur Radio Society has an open evening and on air event. For details contact Ian, G7SBD who is QTHR. Meeting for Friday the 24th of March: South Notts Amateur Radio Club meets for a talk on LF Propagation by Chris, G3SJJ. For further details contact the secretary on 01509 672734. NEWS FOR THE NORTH OF ENGLAND Meeting for Sunday the 19th of March: Denby Dale Amateur Radio Society embarks on a coach trip to the Norbreck Rally. More details from Kevin, G1FYS on 01484 547553. Meetings for Monday the 20th of March: Liverpool and District Amateur Radio Society has a surplus sale. Telephone 0151 722 1178 for details. Sheffield Amateur Radio Club has a quiz in preparation for the interclub competition. For details telephone 0114 244 6282. Thornton Cleveleys Amateur Radio Society meets for a talk by RSGB President Clive Trotman, GW4YKL. Telephone 01253 853554 for details. Meetings for Tuesday the 21st of March: Bury Radio Society has a technical forum and beginners CW class. Contact Laurence, G4KLT on 0161 762 9308 for more details. Chester and District Amateur Radio Society meets for a talk on short wave monitoring. For further details telephone 051 608 3229. Halifax and District Amateur Radio Society gathers for a talk entitled 'Hudds 70cm Repeater' by John, G0PRF. For further information contact David, G0DLM who is QTHR or telephone 01422 202306. Sheffield Amateur Radio Club is due to go on a swimming trip. For details telephone 0114 244 6282. Wakefield and District Radio Society meets at 8.00pm for a talk entitled 'Telephone Answering Machines' by John, G0SZV. Further information from Roy, G0TBY, on 01924 893321. Meetings for Wednesday the 22nd of March: Hornsea Amateur Radio Club meets for a talk on modern trawlers by G7NNT. Telephone 01964 562258 for details. Mid-Cheshire Amateur Radio Society has a National Field Day planning evening. Contact Ted, G0RBA on 01606 592207 for details. Meetings for Friday the 24th of March: South Manchester Radio Club has a surplus equipment sale. For more information telephone 0161 969 1964. Tynemouth Amateur Radio Club has a talk entitled 'Call My Radio Bluff' by G0MEF and G3PGC. For details contact Glen, G0SBN on 01091 286 8851. NEWS FOR SCOTLAND Meetings for Wednesday the 22nd of March: Glenrothes and District Amateur Radio Club has an Extraordinary General Meeting. Further details from John, GM4AQO on 01592 874719. Lothians Radio Society has a junk sale. For details telephone 031 337 7311. Perth and District Amateur Radio Society meets for a talk entitled 'Amateur Radio On Stamps' by Ron, GM3THI. For further information contact GM3THI who is QTHR. Meeting for Friday the 24th of March: Aberdeen Amateur Radio Society screens the video 'CQ-Worldwide-DX SSB Contest'. Contact Martin, GM0JCN on 01569 731177 for details. NEWS FOR WALES Meeting for Monday the 20th of March: Dragon Amateur Radio Club meets for a talk entitled 'Memories of Anglesey Radio' by Gareth, GW3RXD. Contact Tony, GW0FMQ on 01248 600963 for further details. -- GB2RS is prepared by the Radio Society of Great Britain and is broadcast in the 80m, 40m, 6m and 2m bands. Tel +44 1707 659015 Fax +44 1707 645105