Good morning. It's Sunday the 10th of July and here is the GB2RS news broadcast, prepared by the RSGB and intended for all radio amateurs and short-wave listeners. First the headlines:- Amateurs help summon emergency services, Two youngsters pass the 12 words per minute Morse, and Liverpool celebrates a distinguished scientist and former RSGB President. Amateur radio was used just over a week ago to call out the emergency services to a serious lorry accident. On the evening of Wednesday the 29th Nigel Harrison, GM6XAC, was mobile on the A68, near Oxton in the Borders when he witnessed a tanker overturning and spilling some of its load of Formaldehyde. He used two metres SSB to call Mike Clarke, GM6OFO, in Perth and asked him to call the Police. The Perth Police contacted the Borders emergency services who were later reported by GM6XAC/M as having arrived on the scene. Congratulations to both of these stations on their quick thinking and prompt action. Congratulations are also due to a couple of the youngest candidates ever to pass the RSGB 12 words per minute Morse test. The two, both girls, were successful at their first attempt at the test in June. Nine-year-old Jannelle, lives in Portadown, Northern Ireland and is the daughter of GI0UJG. She was taught by GI0PUZ, who sends GB2CW Slow Morse broadcasts on 2 metres. Diane, who lives in Standon, Staffordshire is ten years old. Her Morse Tutor was G0SKG, who is the RSGB Liaison Officer for the West Midlands. Diane's parents are G0UUM and G0UUN. The city of Liverpool is celebrating this week the centenary of the first public demonstration of wireless. The experiments were carried out in 1894 by Sir Oliver Lodge who was Professor of Physics at the University of Liverpool. Lodge, who became President of the Radio Society of Great Britain in 1925, developed the work of Clerk-Maxwell and Hertz to pre-date many of Marconi's tests. As part of the celebrations, the Liverpool and District Amateur Radio Society is running a special event station, GB6OL, until tomorrow. The Radiocommunications Agency has informed the Society that Turkey is now participating in the CEPT T/R 61-01 agreement. This means that a reciprocal licence is no longer required for UK amateurs to operate in Turkey. Next weekend, the 16th and 17th, many special event stations will be active from lifeboat stations. This is to raise money for the Worked All Britain 25th Anniversary Lifeboat Appeal. Full details can be found in the July edition of Radio Communication. In addition to those listed in RadCom, GB0SHL will be operating from the St Helier Lifeboat Station. The RSGB QSL Sub-Manager for the entire GI Callsign series is now Mr A Barr, GI7FFF, whose address is correct in the RSGB Call Book. He has taken over the GI Class B series from Mr J M Bruce. The Goole 70 centimetre repeater GB3GC, became operational again on Wednesday, the 29th of June. The repeater is located in Goole, North Humberside and operates on channel RB4, which has its output on 433.1MHz and input on 434.7MHz. Further details and/or reports should go to the repeater keeper G0GLZ, whose address is correct in the RSGB Call Book. The Isle of Anglesey 24 centimetre Television repeater GB3TM, is scheduled to become operational next Friday, the 15th of July. The repeater is located at Nebo and operates on channel RMT2R, which has its output on 1316MHz and input on 1249MHz. Further details and/or reports should go to the repeater keeper David, GW8PBX, whose address is correct in the RSGB Call Book. Now some items of HF DX news from the weekly RSGB DX News Sheet which is edited by Brendan McCartney, G4DYO. From the Congo, DK7PE hopes to be active as TN0CW, the callsign applied for, from tomorrow, Monday the 11th for 10 days. Operation will be on all bands, 160 to 10 metres, with split frequency, 160 metre activity, transmit on 1.827MHz to Europe from 2000 to 2100 UTC. From Marianas Islands, JA6VZB will sign AH0T next Thursday the 14th until Sunday the 17th of July on all HF bands using CW, SSB and maybe RTTY. From Tonga, JE1DXC hopes to be active from Tongatapu, Thursday the 14th until Thursday the 27th of July. His A35 callsign is awaited. Activity will be 10 - 40 metres, CW and SSB but with emphasis on 30 and 20 metres. And from Egypt, OK2FUN is now active as SU1KR on all HF bands. Now the rallies we know of for today, Sunday the 10th of July: The VHF/UHF DX Convention, organised by the Northern Lights VHF Contest Group is being held at Reaseheath College, Nantwich, Cheshire. This new event for VHF/UHF users features specialised trade stands, computer software demonstrations and a lecture program, which includes such topics as: six metres, Yagi design, 70 centimetres EME, three centimetres and sporadic-E. Refreshments will be available. The Horncastle Amateur Radio Electronics and Computer Fair is being held at a venue which is mid-way between Lincoln and Skegness and will be signposted on the main roads from Boston, Louth, Skegness and Lincoln. The event features trade stands, a bring and buy stall and refreshments. Talk-in will be on 2 metres, channel S22. The Sussex Amateur Radio and Computer Fair is being held at Brighton Racecourse. Doors open at 10.30am. The event features trade stands covering amateur radio, satellite communications and computer interests, and a bring and buy stall. Refreshments will be available, as will a free shuttle to Brighton sea front. Next the two events we know of for next Sunday the 17th of July: The McMichael Rally and Car Boot Sale is to be held at the Haymill Youth and Community Centre, Burnham Lane, near Burnham railway station, Slough. Doors open 10.30am. The event features a car boot sale, no advanced booking is required. Talk-in will be on 2 metres, channel S22. For further details contact Neil, G0SVN or Roy on 0628 25952. The Radio Amateur Invalid and Blind Club (RAIBC) Romsey Picnic is to be held at Broadlands, Romsey, Hampshire. All members, families, friends and supporters are welcome. The event features a junk sale, a bring and buy stall and a grand draw. Refreshments will be available and talk-in will be on 2 metres, channel S22. Any contributions for the junk sale and offers of prizes for the draw will be greatly appreciated. The callsign GB0IBC, will be aired throughout the event. For further details call John, G4COM on 0703 693017. A date for your diary: The RSGB's Woburn Rally will take place on Sunday the 7th of August at Woburn Park, Bedfordshire. Full details and a map of the surrounding area can be found in July Radcom page 33. For further information contact Norman Miller, G3MVV, on 0277 225563. Now for the HF contest news: The IARU Championship Contest finishes today at 1200 UTC. This covers all HF bands, except the WARC bands, phone and CW, and contestants exchange ITU zones. The RSGB Short-Wave Listener Contest takes place at the same time. See the July edition of Radio Communication for further details for both contests. The RSGB Low Power Field Day CW Contest takes place next Sunday the 17th of July from 0900 to 1200 and from 1300 to 1600 UTC, using frequencies in the range 3.510 to 3.560MHz and 7.010 to 7.040MHz. See April's RadCom page 80 for full details. Next some VHF contest news: The fourth RSGB 24GHz Summer Cumulative Contest takes place from 0900 to 2100 UTC, today Sunday the 10th. See April's RadCom page 82 for full details. The RSGB 144MHz Low Power Contest will take place on Saturday the 23rd from 1400 to 2200UTC. It features four entry sections: single operator fixed, single operator portable, all others and Listener. The RSGB 432MHz Low Power Contest will take place on Sunday the 24th of July from 0800 to 1400UTC. April RadCom has further details of both of these low power events. Special event stations active this month include: GB800DON which will be operated by members of RAF Finningley Amateur Radio Society for Doncaster's 800 years Festival Celebration. The station is located at the Gala event at Edlington Welfare, next Saturday the 16th, from 0800 to 1800 UTC, using HF CW and SSB, plus FM and SSB on 2 metres and 70 centimetres. GB1WSF, Washington School Festival, will be active from Monday the 18th until Friday the 22nd of July from Washington School, Spout Lane, Washington, Tyne and Wear. Operation will be on VHF, UHF, Packet and SSTV with the students taking part in the activities and demonstrations of amateur radio. Before we go into the solar forecast, here's some news for those on packet radio. The RSGB's Propagation Studies Committee is running an experimental service on the bulletin board network with the help of G0CAS. Messages carrying the previous day's solar and geophysical data are on the TO field under SUN. And now the solar factual data: The period from the 27th of June to the 3rd of July has seen an M flare, the first since last February, but despite this solar activity remains very low. Sporadic E has been reported on most days on 10 and 6 metres. On the 30th of June an M2.5/1B flare together with a B7.4 and C2.4/SF occurred. It is believed to be associated with an eruptive prominence. It was accompanied with a steep rise in X-Ray flux. The sunspots meaned at 40 with the solar flux levels averaging 80 units. Geomagnetic activity has been very unsettled with periods up to sub-storm in high latitudes; the Ap indices averaged 22.5 units but peaked at 30 on the 2nd. Though this seems a lot, slowly the disturbed periods are getting quieter each rotation. The state has been 'nil nothing to report'. The aa indices, as supplied by the British Geological Survey for the 21st to the 27th of June, gave an average for the daily index of 18 nanoTeslas. The 23rd and 24th were very quiet days, being down to 7.2 and 6.3 nanoTeslas with some periods of only 2 nanoTeslas. The X-Ray flux increased considerably over the period, and averaged A5.8 units, but on the 1st of July rose to A8.1, the highest levels since last May. The June spot count averaged RI 28.1 with the maximum of 63 on the 11th and zeros on the 1st to the 5th. The smoothed value for December 93 is 38.6 +/-5. The electron fluence levels are still well above normal. I'll repeat the figures. Spots - 40; Flux - 80; Ap index - 22.5; X-ray flux - A5.8; Spots June RI 28.1. Now the ionospheric data for Central France: The F2 daytime critical frequencies at Poitiers, as reported by Meudon, averaged 5.9MHz and the darkness hour lows 3.4MHz. The highs are now centred about 20.00 hours, and the lows 03.00 hours. I'll repeat the figures. Highs - 5.9MHz; lows - 3.4MHz Now the ionospheric data for the north: We have not received any data from Ekaterinberg this week, partly due to building work being carried out at the communications centre at Meudon. We apologise for any inconvenience. And lastly the solar forecast: This week, the active side of the sun will be rotating away. Solar flux levels are expected to be about the 85s, and geomagnetic activity is expected to be quieter than of late, with levels being about just unsettled. Daylight MUFs are expected to be about 21MHz, and the darkness hours about 14MHz in the south. Northern stations could be down on these levels. North/south paths are expected to be best. Sporadic E, though of less intensity, is expected to be on 10 and 6 metres particularly during daylight hours. And that's the end of the solar information. Finally in the main news, SSL has informed the Society that as of last Wednesday morning, the latest callsigns issued were in the G0 Uniform Zulu and G7 Sierra Lima series, and Novice calls in the 2 0 Alpha India and 2 1 Delta Delta series. -- NEWS FOR THE SOUTH EAST Meeting for Tuesday the 12th of July: Stevenage and District Amateur Radio Society has a 'Project Night' with Simon, G0EVZ. Details from Neil, 2E1ASZ, tel: 0438 350882. Meetings for Wednesday the 13th of July: Bracknell Amateur Radio Club has an evening of Mini-Talks. For details contact Steve, G4AUC on 0344 420577. Chesham and District Amateur Radio Society has a Pedestrian Direction Finding Hunt. Details from Ian, G0RTF on 0494 676391. Cheshunt and District Amateur Radio Club has a Video night. For further details contact Roger, G4OAA on 0992 464795. Darenth Valley Radio Society has a talk entitled 'The Seventh Cavalry, the Pogo Stick and the Guide to Personal Communications' by Brian, G8DIU. More details from Len, G0HRD, tel: 0474 703322. Worthing and District Amateur Radio Club has a talk and slide show entitled 'Radar Defences". For further details contact G4GPX on 0903 753893. Meetings for Thursday the 14th of July: Colchester Radio Amateurs have a talk on 'Top Band Radio Direction Finding' by Philip, G0NXH. Further details from Trevor, G0URJ on 0206 764034. Echelford Amateur Radio Society has a talk entitled 'Clandestine Radio' by Pat Hawker, G3VA. Contact Peter, G6PMT on 0344 843472 for further details. Edgware and District Radio Society has a talk entitled 'Search and Rescue' by Graham, G3SGC. Details from Rod, G0SQL, tel: 081 204 1868. Reading and District Amateur Radio Club has a Junk Sale. Further information from Tony, G0OPB on 0734 698274 (evenings). Shefford and District Amateur Radio Society has a Barbecue evening. Contact Paul, G1GSN on 0462 700618 for details. Southgate Amateur Radio Club has a talk and demonstration on 'Receiving Weather Satellites Maps at home' by Keith, G3NCD. Details from Brian, G0MEE on 081 360 2453. Meetings for Friday the 15th of July: Clifton Amateur Radio Society has a talk entitled 'Learn Morse Code in an Hour' by Steve, G3RVW. Further details from Keith, G4TJE on 081 859 7630. West Kent Amateur Radio Society has a talk and video entitled 'Concorde', by Keith, G8KGM at 8pm. Visitors from other clubs are most welcome. Details from G3OHV on 0892 664960. Winchester Amateur Radio Club has a talk entitled 'Transmitting Video' by Steve, G4JGS. Contact John, G4AXO, tel: 0962 860807 for further details. Meeting for Saturday the 16th of July: Crystal Palace and District Radio Club has its Annual Outing, with visits to a vineyard and the Kent and East Sussex Railway. Details from Wilf, G3DSC on 081 699 5732. NEWS FOR SOUTH WEST Meetings for Monday the 13th of July: Exeter Amateur Radio Society Club has 'Ian's Talk'. For details contact Ray, G3YBK 0392 78710. South Bristol Amateur Radio Club has a talk: "Showing DIY Crystal Set" by George, G0JQW. For more information tel: 0275 834282. Meetings for Thursday the 14th of July: Yeovil Amateur Radio Club has a visit to Stockland Hill TV Transmitting Station. Contact Cedric, G4JBL on 0258 473845 for further details. Meeting for Friday the 15th of July: Shirehampton Amateur Radio Club has a Direction Finding Briefing Session, by G0CJG. For further details contact Ron, G4GTD on 0272 770504. Meeting for Sunday the 17th of July: Flight Refuelling (Wimborne) Amateur Radio Society has a 'Hamfest Planning evening'. Further details from John, G4POF who is QTHR. NEWS FOR EAST ANGLIA Meeting for today Sunday the 10th of July: Felixstowe and District Amateur Radio Society has a Direction Finding Hunt and Barbecue at 2pm. For further details contact Paul, G4YQC on 0394 273507 any evening. Meetings for Wednesday the 13th of July: Ipswich Radio Club has a Barbecue at Hallowtree Camp Site. Details from Sheila, G8HYE on 0473 742072. Norfolk Amateur Radio Club has a Construction QRP evening. More details from Sheila, G0KWP on 0603 618810. Meeting for Thursday the 14th of July: Dereham Amateur Radio Club has a Barbecue at Joe's, G7MPQ. Further information is available from Mark, G0LGJ, tel: 0362 691099. Meeting for Friday the 15th of July: Cambridge and District Amateur Radio Club has a Direction Finding Event evening. Call John, G0GKP on 0954 200072 for details. NEWS FOR THE MIDLANDS Meetings for Monday the 11th of July: Louth and District Amateur Radio Society has a Junk Sale at the British Legion Hall, Louth at 7pm. For further details contact Neil on 0472 388261. Stratford on Avon and District Amateur Radio Society has a talk on 'Electronic Building Blocks' by Bill Mansfield. Further details from Martin, G3XZO on 0789 740073. Meetings for Tuesday the 12th of July: Bromsgrove Amateur Radio Society has a Two Metre Direction Finding Hunt. Further details from Barry, G0TPG on 0527 542266. Buxton Radio Amateurs has a JOTA Discussion and a Bring and Buy Sale. For further details contact Derek, G4IHO, tel: 0298 25506. Loughborough and District Amateur Radio Club has a 'Golf' Competition, at Shelthorpe Golf Course at 7.15pm. Further details from G8SNF, tel: 0509 218259. Meetings for Wednesday 13th of July: Derby and District Amateur Radio Society has a Visit to Watnall Weather Centre, starting at 7.30pm. Contact G3VGW on 0773 852475 if you need directions. For club details contact Hayley, G7PXA on 0773 856904. Telford and District Amateur Radio Society has a two metre and seventy centimetre Direction Finding Hunt, starting at 7.30pm from HQ. For further information contact Dave, G4EIX, on 0952 588878. Meetings for Thursday the 14th of July: Amateur Radio Club of Nottingham has a Surplus Equipment Sale. Further details from Simon, G0IEG on 0602 501733. Redditch Radio Club has a talk on 'Uses of Packet Radio' by Steve, G4FPV. For further details contact G3EVT Tel: 0789 762041. Salop Amateur Radio Society has a Visit to Whittington House B.T., Oswestry. The number of participants is limited to 12. Contact Sheila, G0SST 0743 361935 for further details. Meetings for Friday the 15th of July: Coventry Amateur Radio Society has a Project Evening. Contact David, G1ORG, tel: 0203 311468 for further details. South Notts Amateur Radio Club meets for a members only Open Forum. Contact Julie, G0SOU on 0602 216342 for further details. NEWS FOR THE NORTH OF ENGLAND Meetings for Monday the 11th of July: Mansfield Amateur Radio Society has a Discussion night. Details from Howard, G1JGY on 0623 423697. Sheffield Amateur Radio Club has a talk entitled 'I Was Rare DX - S21ZD' by Bob, G4APV. For further details contact David, G0JJR, Tel: 0742 446282. Meetings for Tuesday the 12th of July: Chester and District Amateur Radio Society has a Barbecue. Further details from G0OXA, tel: 051 608 3229. Wakefield and District Radio Society meets for a talk on 'Heraldry' by Gordon, G0ISJ. Further details from Roy, G0TBY on 0924 893321. Meetings for Thursday the 14th of July: Grimsby Amateur Radio Society has a Direction Finding Hunt. For further information contact John, G3DOT, 0472 825899. Hambleton Amateur Radio Society has a Practical night. For further details contact Nigel, G0NHM, 0609 776608. Meetings for Friday the 15th of July: Goole Radio and Electronics Society has a Discussion evening. For further information contact Steve, G8VHL on 0405 769130. South Manchester Radio Club has an EGM. Members are urged to attend. For further details contact Edward, G7FQY on 061 969 1964. Meeting for Saturday the 16th of July: Spen Valley Amateur Radio Society has its Open Day at Old Bank WMC, Mirfield from 1.30 - 4.30pm. Details from G1CTO on 0924 497767. NEWS FOR SCOTLAND Meeting for Friday the 15th of July: Aberdeen Amateur Radio Society has its Scottish Amateur Radio Convention Planning evening. Details from Gordon, GM7PXW, tel 0224 780591. NEWS FOR WALES Meeting for Monday the 11th of July: Newport Amateur Radio Society has a 'General meeting for next Island Trip'. Details from Pat Pearl, GW7MVQ whose work number is 0633 250017. -- GB2RS is prepared by the Radio Society of Great Britain and is broadcast in the 80m, 40m, 6m and 2m bands. Tel +44 707 659015 Fax +44 707 645105