Good morning. It's Sunday the 18th of September and here is the GB2RS news broadcast, prepared by the RSGB and intended for all radio amateurs and short-wave listeners. First the headlines:- The RSGB will be at Earl's Court this week, and we have news of an RSGB Open Meeting in Bristol. From next Tuesday the 20th, until Sunday the 25th of September, a huge consumer electronics show, LIVE'94, will be held at Earls Court, in London. This year the RSGB has coordinated an 'Amateur Radio Village' in conjunction with seven other companies. The group of stands will feature all aspects of amateur radio. LIVE 94 covers a wide range of activities including music, broadcasting, computers and photography. The Society's aim at the show is to introduce the hobby to as many people as possible and well over a hundred thousand visitors are expected at this seven-day event. GB3RS and GB2VHF, will be operational from Earl's Court. Full details can be found in the September RadCom, pages 26 and 88. Now a reminder of a mis-print in the September edition of Radio Communication. The new twelve-hour book hotline number is 0956 707373 and not as printed. Full details of this new service, which was introduced last week, can be found on page 4 of September's RadCom. Next Wednesday, the 21st of September, Bradford University will be holding a one day exhibition as part of the Appleton Project. This is an attempt to create a permanent Museum dedicated to the memory of Bradford born Sir Edward Appleton, discoverer of the Ionosphere and one of the 'fathers' of Radar. The exhibition's aim is to further the interest of young people in communications and science. On display will be GB0APP, operating on 80 and 40 metres, plus VHF Packet, operated by members of Rishworth School Radio Club. UHF operation depends on there being enough local fixed and mobile stations to communicate with on the day. Further details about GB0APP can be obtained from Emma, 2E1BVJ, who is QTHR, or from Rishworth School. The latest batch of repeater applications forwarded by the RSGB to the Radiocommunications Agency had just one application, a site change for GB3AY, a 2 metre Repeater covering Ayrshire. All applications are processed by the RSGB's Repeater Management Group to whom any enquiries should be addressed. As usual, the Society will keep repeater keepers informed of progress by distributing the RA's monthly progress reports. An RSGB Regional Meeting takes place on Saturday the 22nd of October in Bristol. The doors open at 12.30pm, when light refreshments will be available, and the meeting commences at 2pm. Members of the RSGB Council will be in attendance plus representatives of HQ. Full details will appear in the October edition of RadCom which is scheduled to be posted to all RSGB members during this week. Now some items of HF DX news from the weekly RSGB DX News Sheet which is edited by Brendan McCartney, G4DYO. From Malaysia, GM0DEQ will be active as 9M2/GM0DEQ or 9M6/GM0DEQ as appropriate, from several Islands, from today Sunday the 18th until Sunday the 2nd of October using mainly CW, with some SSB. And from Nepal, G4SSC hopes to be active as 9N1SC from now until the 14th October. Check 21.100MHz at 1000 UTC, 14.150MHz at 1500 UTC and 10.150MHz from 2200 to 2400 UTC. Next, the Rally news and we know of no events for today, Sunday the 18th of September. However we know of four events for next Sunday the 25th of September. These rallies are definitely happening, despite a published report to the contrary. The Harlow Amateur Radio and Computer Show is to be held at the Harlow Sports Centre. There is easy access off the M11 motorway at junction 7, the A414 and other, routes which will be signposted. Doors open 10.30am. This year's event has extra floor space and more entrances will be used. The event features many trade stands and a bring and buy area. Full catering and lounge bar facilities will be available in the complex. Talk-in will be on S22 and SU22 by G6UT. For further details contact Mike, 0850 487863. The Three Counties Rally is to be held at the Three Counties Show Ground, Malvern. Doors open at 10.30am. The event features a large selection of trade stands, covering radio and computer, a bring and buy stall and four lecture periods on amateur radio topics. The site has catering facilities. Further details from G4PQZ on 0905 773181. The North Wakefield Radio Club Rally is to be held at the Outwood Grange School, Potovens Lane, Outwood, Wakefield, located just one mile from the M1 and the M62. The event features trade stands covering all the radio and computer interests, local radio groups, a Novice stand and a bring and buy stall. The RSGB Morse Test will be available on demand, subject to the usual fee and the need to bring two passport size photographs. Further details from G4RCG on 0924 362144 or G0EVT on 0924 825443. The SDX Cluster Support Group (GB7SDX) Junk Sale is to be held at the Community Centre, Maryhill Road, Glasgow. There are facilities for disabled and also ample car parking space. Doors open at 11am. The tea rooms will be open to provide hot/cold drinks and also light snacks. Talk-in will be on two metres, channel S22. Further details from John, GM0OPS on 041 638 7670 or via packet to GB7SAN. Finally, a reminder that the Peterborough Radio and Electronics Society, East of England Rally which was to have taken place next weekend is the one event which has been cancelled. Now for the HF contest news: Firstly, the rules and dates for the RSGB QRS Cumulative Contests for September and October 1994 have not been published. Anyone requiring a copy of the rules should contact Chris Burbanks on 01602 376441 {Newsreaders: note that we will be introducing the new STD codes (see RadCom, Sept, p7) into GB2RS from this week. The extra '1' is not an error and the codes really do work now} The CQ WW RTTY DX Contest takes place from 0000 on Saturday the 24th until 2400 on Sunday the 25th on the 3.5 to 28MHz, but not the WARC bands. Also the Scandinavian Activity SSB Contest takes place from 1500 on Saturday the 24th until 1800 on Sunday the 25th, on 3.5 to 28MHz, but not the WARC bands. See September RadCom page 18 for more information on both of these events. The RSGB 21/28MHz SSB Contest takes place from 0700 to 1900 UTC on Sunday the 2nd of October. See June RadCom page 82 for full details. Next some VHF contest news: The RSGB 144MHz CW Cumulative Contests will take place from 2030 to 2300 local time, on Thursday the 29th of September, on Friday the 14th and Monday the 31st of October. General rules will apply. Use 4422 summary sheet to show scores for each day, and the best three days will be totalled. Please send all logs plus a single 427 cover sheet for entry. Rule 10 applies. There are two sections; the first for single operator or portable entries, and the other for listeners. The Adjudicator is David Johnson, G4DHF, 65 West Street, Bourne, Lincolnshire PE10 9PA. The RSGB 70MHz Trophy and SWL Contest takes place from 0900 to 1400 UTC on Sunday the 25th of September. There are three sections: Single Operator Fixed, All Others and Listeners. See July Radcom page 82 for further details. Another RSGB 10GHz Summer Cumulative Contest takes place from 0900 to 2100 UTC next Sunday the 25th. See April's RadCom for details. Special event stations active this week include: GB30FYD which will be operated by members of the Scarborough Special Events Group during today, Sunday the 18th. The call is to celebrate the 30th anniversary of RAF Flyingdales. This is the first amateur radio operation from inside the early warning base, which is situated on the North Yorkshire Moors. Operation will be on 80 and 40 metres, CW and SSB and 2 metres SSB and FM. Further details from Roy, G4SSH whose address is correct in the RSGB Call Book. GB0THS will be aired during Space Science Day on Tuesday the 20th of September. It will be operated on 80 metres telephony by Novice licensees under supervision, at the Thomas Hardye School, Dorchester. The school's callsigns, GX0VBY and GX7THS, will also be in use. The station is also hoping to access weather satellites and to use slow scan television. If you can offer a sked on SSTV, please telephone the school on 0305 266064. GB2VK, will be operated by members of the Dragon Amateur Radio Club to commemorate the 76th Anniversary of the first direct messages from Britain to Australia. Activity will be next Thursday the 22nd, from 0001 to 2359 UTC, on CW and SSB, from the site of Marconi's Long Wave Transatlantic Wireless station at Waunfawr, Caernarfon. Contact Dewi, GW0ABL on 0248 713647 for further information. And now the solar factual data: The period from the 5th to the 11th of September has seen some slight increase in solar activity with a few B and C class flares, a very small proton event and a considerable increase in magnetic activity. On the 9th, 10th and 11th small flares were reported, the largest being a C8.7/SF which produced a very small Proton event, reaching only 1.2 particle flux units. The daily Sunspot indices have declined considerably and meaned at 59 for the period. Solar flux levels have slightly increased and averaged 88 units. The 90 day flux average on the 11th September was 80 units. Due to a coronal hole in the sun's northern hemisphere, the geomagnetic Ap indices rose to sub-storm levels by the 7th, reaching 36 units. By the 11th they were declining and were back to just unsettled. The period averaged an Ap of 22 units. The state has been mainly 'nil', but a solar wind warning was reported being up to 400km per second, (normal levels are around 300km per second). This was accompanied by a high electron fluence three orders of magnitude above normal. The daily aa indices, as supplied by the British Geological Survey for the period the 30th of August to the 5th of September, averaged 12.3 nanoTeslas, about K2. The 2nd was a very quiet day with periods down to only 2 nanoTeslas. There was no disturbed day. The X-Ray flux has declined overall with the period averaging A7.8 units, which is about the level we would expect at this time. I'll repeat the figures. Spots - 59; Flux - 88; Ap index-22; X-ray flux - A7.8. Now the ionospheric data for Central France: The F2 daytime critical frequencies at Poitiers, as reported by Meudon, averaged 7.3MHz, which is an increase on last week's figure. It looks as though the seasonal changes are now beginning to exert their influence. The 6th was the best day with levels up to 8.1MHz. The darkness hour lows averaged 2.6MHz down on last week, again a sign of the seasonal changes taking place. There have been many periods of Blanketing E lasting up to 5 hours at times, mainly due to the high geomagnetic levels. I'll repeat the figures. Highs - 7.3MHz; lows - 2.6MHz. Now the ionospheric data for the north: We regret that the data from Ekaterinberg is very patchy. Of the data we have, the F2 daytime critical frequencies were about 5.3MHz and the darkness hour lows 2.4MHz. These depressed levels are due to the magnetic storms which were more severe in the north. I'll repeat the figures: Highs - 5.3MHz; lows - 2.4MHz. And lastly the solar forecast: This week, the quietest part of the sun will be looking our way. Solar flux levels are expected to be about the 70's. Geomagnetic activity is expected to be quiet. Ionospheric daytime MUFs in the south are expected to reach 21MHz, with the darkness hour lows being about 12MHz. Northern levels will be down on these, but the expected quiet geomagnetic activity should help somewhat. North/south paths will be the best. And that's the end of the solar information. Finally in the main news, SSL has informed the Society that as of last Wednesday morning, the latest callsigns allocated were in the G0 Victor Golf and G7 Tango Romeo series, and Novice calls in the 2 0 Alpha India and 2 1 Delta Kilo series. -- NEWS FOR THE SOUTH EAST Meetings for Monday the 19th of September: Bishops Stortford Amateur Radio Society has a talk entitled 'Domestic satellite receivers for amateur purposes'. Details from Neil, G0TVJ on 0279 655384. Braintree and District Amateur Radio Society has a talk on 'ATUs - Design, Construction and Use' by Dave, G3PEN. Details from Margaret on 0376 327431. Sevenoaks and District Amateur Radio Society has a talk entitled 'Communications' by Eve Fuller, Editor of the Sevenoaks Chronicle. Thanet Electronics Club for Youth has a recruiting meeting at the Quarterdeck Centre, Zion Place, Margate at 7.30pm. Parents as well as youngesters are invited to come along. Further details from the club leader, Ken Smith, G3JIX, who is the Senior Novice Instructor for Kent. Meetings for Tuesday the 20th of September: Bromley and District Amateur Radio Society has a 'Test Equipment' evening by Ian, G4VTD. For details telephone 081 777 0420. Reigate Amateur Transmitting Society has a Surplus equipment Sale at 8pm. For further details telephone 0342 325322. Stevenage and District Amateur Radio Society has a Project Night - How are the Projects going? For further information contact Neil, 2E1ASZ on 0438 350882. Meetings for Wednesday the 21st of September: Aylesbury Vale Radio Society has a Surplus Equipment Sale. For further details contact Martyn, G4XZJ, on 0296 81097. Hastings Electronics and Radio Club has a 'Get Together night' for members to say what the club can do for them. Further details from Stan, G4ITM on 0424 430579. Kingston and District Amateur Radio Society has a Surplus equipment Sale, auctioneer Dick, G8DPS. Further details from Ray, G0KXK on 081 398 1128. Mid Sussex Amateur Radio Society has a 13 week Morse Class, to be taken by Phil, G3LCF starting at 7.30pm. For further details contact Phil, G3LCF on 0444 831400. Worthing and District Amateur Radio Club has a Discussion evening. For further details contact G4GPX on 0903 753893. Meetings for Thursday the 22nd of September: Crowborough and District Amateur Radio Society has a Foxhunt at Jarvis Brook at 7.15pm. For further details contact Mick, G6UUO on 0892 661807. Reading and District Amateur Radio Club has a talk '60 Years ago - A 1934 evening' by G4JNU and G4JTR. Details from Tony, G0OPB on 0734 698274 evenings. Shefford and District Amateur Radio Society has a Video entitled 'National Power Grid' and a Activity night. Details from Paul, G1GSN, on 0462 700618. Southgate Amateur Radio Club has a Tutorial and a Demonstration 'PC Contest Simulation'. Further information from Brian, G0MEE on 081 360 2453. Vange Amateur Radio Society has a talk 'Waves and All That' by John, G4XTS. Contact Doris on 0268 552606 for further information. Meetings for Friday the 23rd of September: Itchen Valley Amateur Radio Club has a talk entitled 'Modern Map Making' by Ray Tarling from Ordnance Survey. Further details from Les, G3ABA on 0703 732997. Maidstone YMCA Amateur Radio Society has a 'Nostalgia Evening - bring those old rare QSL cards, old radios etc. Contact John, G0RHO on 0622 832259 for details. Southend & District Radio Society has a talk by Peter Patton on Railways. For further details contact Stephen, G1XGP on 071 623 9611, day. NEWS FOR SOUTH WEST Meetings for Monday the 19th of September: Weston Super Mare Radio Society has a 'Workshop Evening'. Further details from Graham, G8WAR on 0934 415700. Wincanton Amateur Radio Club has an Open Meeting evening. Further details from Dave, G3ZXX on 0963 34360. Meetings for Tuesday the 20th of September: Plymouth Radio Club has a Talk on Raynet by G6BJJ. Contact Frank, G7LUL on 0752 563222 for further details. Salisbury Radio & Electronic Society has a 'Jamboree On The Air' planning evening. Contact David on 0722 330971 for further details. Meetings for Wednesday the 21st of September: South Bristol Amateur Radio Club has a Photographic equipment show. For more information tel: 0275 834282. Trowbridge and District Amateur Radio Club has a Social evening. For further details contact Ian, G0GRI on 0225 864698 (evenings only). Meeting for Thursday the 22nd of September: Yeovil Amateur Radio Club has a talk 'Satellite TV DX-ing' by G4JBH. Contact Cedric, G4JBL on 0258 473845 for further information. Meeting for Friday the 23rd of September: Torbay Amateur Radio Society has a talk 'Dartmoor Wildlife' by Mr J Weymouth. Further information from Walt, G3HTX on 0803 526762. NEWS FOR EAST ANGLIA Meeting for Monday the 19th of September: Felixstowe and District Amateur Radio Society has a Visit to Aldburgh Life Boat Station. Details from Paul, G4YQC on 0394 273507, evenings. Meeting for Wednesday the 21st of September: Norfolk Amateur Radio Club has a Construction QRP evening. For further information contact Sheila, G0KWP on 0603 618810. Meeting for Thursday the 22nd of September: Yarmouth Radio Club has a talk entitled 'First Radio' by G7SEH. For further details contact Tony, G3NHU, on 0493 721173. Meeting for Friday the 23rd of September: Cambridge and District Amateur Radio Club has a Club Publicity event, as evening classes take registrations. Details from G0GKP on 0954 200072. NEWS FOR THE MIDLANDS Meeting for today Sunday the 18th of September: West Bromwich Central Radio Club has a talk entitled 'Earth Bondage' by John, G8NZO at 7.30pm. Details from Ian, G0PAI, tel: 021 561 2884. Meetings for Monday the 19th of September: Aldridge and Barr Beacon Amateur Radio Club has a Talk by Derek Pearson, G3ZOM of Jandek. Further details from Charles, G0NOL on 0922 36162. Stourbridge and District Amateur Radio Society has a Talk 'Building Personal Computers' by G7KPF. Contact G7HEZ on 0384 374354 for more details. Meetings for Tuesday the 20th of September: Radio Society of Bloxwich has a Society Net at 8pm on 432.725MHz. For further details from Chris, G0MLY on 0922 683877. Rugby Amateur Transmitting Society has its Presentation of Awards and Cups night, followed by Contest plans discussion. Details from Peter, G0JEW on 01455 552449. Worksop Amateur Radio Society has a Junk Sale at the Club HQ, at 59/61 West Street, Worksop at 7.30pm. Further details from Bill, G4UFY on 0909 472786. Meetings for Wednesday 21st of September: Derby and District Amateur Radio Society has a Cheese and wine party in the club room. Contact Hayley, G7PXA on 0773 856904 for further details. Telford and District Amateur Radio Society has a Special Open Night, with various attractions provided. For further details contact Dave, G4EIX, on 0952 588878. Meetings for Thursday the 22nd of September: Amateur Radio Club of Nottingham has a talk 'Meteorology' by Ernie Perperdine. For further information contact Simon, G0IEG on 0602 501733. Salop Amateur Radio Society has a 'Novelty Foxhunt' devised by Chris, G7NBP. For further details contact Sheila, G0SST on 0743 361935. Meeting for Friday the 23rd of September: South Notts Amateur Radio Club has a Construction and On Air, HF and VHF night. Contact Julie, G0SOU on 0602 216342 for further details. NEWS FOR THE NORTH OF ENGLAND Meetings for Monday the 19th of September: Sheffield Amateur Radio Club has its fifth Round, Inter Club Contest eliminator. Further details from David, G0JJR Tel: 0742 446282. Thornton Cleveleys Amateur Radio Society has a Quiz evening conducted by Bill, G2CBH. Further details from G4BFH who is QTHR. The UK FM Group (Western) has its Annual General Meeting at the Grappenhall Community Centre, Belhouse Lane, Warrington at 7.30pm. All members are urged to attend. Contact Gordon, G3LEQ on 0565 652652 for further details. Meetings for Tuesday the 20th of September: Chester and District Amateur Radio Society has a talk entitled 'Monitoring' by Dennis, G3EWZ. Further details are available from G0OXA, tel: 051 608 3229. Halifax and District Amateur Radio Society meets for its AGM at 7.30pm. Contact David, G0DLM on 0422 202306 for further details. Liverpool and District Amateur Radio Society has a Presentation Night. Further details from Ian, G4WWX QTHR. Wakefield and District Radio Society has a Discussion re the future programme. Further details from Roy, G0TBY 0924 893321. Meeting for Wednesday the 21st of September: Keighley Amateur Radio Society has a Quiz at Northern Heights. For further details contact Kathy, G0RLO on 0274 496222. Mid-Cheshire Amateur Radio Society meets for its Annual General Meeting at 8.30pm. Details from Ted, G0RBA on 0606 592207. South Tyneside Amateur Radio Society has its first Meeting at 7pm at South Tyneside College, South Shields. Details from Albert, G7PZY 091 427 0219. Meetings for Thursday the 22nd of September: Grimsby Amateur Radio Society has a 'HFA getting the stands ready' night. For further details contact John, G3DOT, on 0472 825899. Hambleton Amateur Radio Society has talk 'Packet Radio'. Further details from Bob, G7RNH on 0642 710886. Meetings for Friday the 23rd of September: South Manchester Radio Club has a Surplus Equipment Sale at 8pm. For further details contact Edward, G7FQY, tel: 061 969 1964. NEWS FOR SCOTLAND Meeting for Tuesday the 20th of September: Dundee Amateur Radio Club has a Lecture entitled 'Viewing the bands - DIY panoramic reception' by Bill Wilson, Aberdeen ARS. Details from GM4FSB who is QTHR. Meeting for Friday the 23rd of September: Aberdeen Amateur Radio Society has a Building Contest evening. Contact Martin, GM0JCN on 0569 731177 for further information. NEWS FOR WALES Meeting for Monday the 19th of September: Dragon Amateur Radio Club has a talk 'The ATV Repeater' by John, GW3JGA. Further details from Tony, GW0FMQ, tel: 0248 600963. Meeting for Tuesday the 20th of September: Wrexham Amateur Radio Society has a Quiz Night. Contact Ian, GW1MVL on 0978 845858 for details. Meeting for Thursday the 22nd of September: Mid-Glam Radio Group has an Open evening at the Aberkenfig Sports and Social Club, Aberkenfig at 7.30pm. For further details contact Roger on 0656 733729 or Tom on 0656 736954. NEWS FOR NORTHERN IRELAND Meeting for Wednesday the 21st of September: Belfast RSGB Group has its first meeting of the new season at the Belmont Road venue at 8pm. Further details from Richard, GI0OUM who is QTHR. -- GB2RS is prepared by the Radio Society of Great Britain and is broadcast in the 80m, 40m, 6m and 2m bands. Tel +44 1707 659015 Fax +44 1707 645105