SB DX @ WW $RTDX0120 VK2SG RTTY DX Notes, 20 January BID: RTDX0120 VK2SG RTTY DX Notes for week ending 20 January, 1995 Our thanks this week go to ZS5S, W2JGR, WB2CJL, WX5L, AA5AU, W5KSI, N5PSI, W5ZPA, K5KR, WS7I, JF1MGI, SP4CHY, I5IGQ, IK5ACO, IK1CJO, DJ3IW and the Central Europe DX Cluster DB0SPC, the K5NV DX PacketCluster and IK5PWJ PacketCluster. Bandpass: Friday 13 0251-10120 VP8SGP 0705-14069 TL8MS PCT 1147-14069 ST2SA PCT 1205-14078 NZ2P/DU1 PCT 1257-14085 VP29EI 1341-14082 9G1BS 1343-14069 ST2AA PCT 1412-14086 CO2KG 1427-14084 A45ZX 1522-14084 IS0FMI 1547-14087 GI4WXE 2201-10120 VP8SGP qsx up 2 Saturday 14 1136-14076 EA8AFJ 1226-14080 CT3AR PCT 1318-14083 SP2EIW 1319-14084 GI4WXA 1331-14087 S57J 1335-14089 GW0PYT 1346-14079 9A1CEI 1349-14082 S57J 1355-14087 RA2FB Kaliningrad 1409-14087 IS0FMI 1410-14089 LX1DA 1411-14083 UN7GY 1447-14083 9A1CEI 1506-14086 4X6UO 1612-14085 FG5GI 2201-14086 8P6NC 2211-14087 AL7BB Sunday 15 0019-14085 HC1SC 0720-14085 UN7GY 0724-14083 EW8OS 0913-14078 PK4TJ PCT 1110-14081 VK0FPS Antartica 1333-14084 SV5AZP 1425-14086 ZC4ZZ 1509-14079 S57J 1540-14083 GI0LEC 1547-14084 CU3EM 1559-14081 OM3CPS 1606-14084 9A1AKL 1623-14088 LX1DA 1639-14082 EA6BH 1926-14083 PJ9JT 2002-14085 3DA0CA 2007-21086 A35RK 2052-14086 AL7BB 2120-14086 TY1PS 2125-14071 HP1KZ PCT 2147-14082 FG5GI 2229-14086 KL7WP 2241-14086 ZP6CC 2305-14083 AZ7FAF 2305-14085 VP8CKN Monday 16 1020-14088 UN7GY 1258-14085 JW0I 1335-14084 GI0BQX 1455-14088 UT2UF 1533-14089 VK2KM 1930-14069 PA0CXC/5Z4 QSL John Fung-Loy, P.O. Box 44145, Nairobi Kenya 2143-14087 9J2HN 2214-14089 FG5FI Amtor FEC Tuesday 17 0011-14084 VP8CKN 0100-14081 VI0ANT 0702-14087 UT5RP 0745-14088 A41KT 1130-14090 GI0BQX 1145-14069 TL8MS PCT 1324-14087 OY1CT 1431-14089 A41LS 1534-14086 GI4WXA 1616-14074 OE5KV PCT 2230-14074 PP2ZDX PCT 2302-14087 VP8CKN Wednesday 18 1540-14081 CT3AR G-Tor 0824-14069 5H3MS PCT 1035-14069 TL8MS PCT 1249-14088 EY8WW 1305-14083 YO3FRI 1328-14082 UX5HY 1329-14086 9G1BS 1516-14081 SV5AZP 1534-14086 CU3EM 1541-14089 JW0I 1555-14085 OD5PL Thursday 19 0007-14077 PZ2AC 0647-14069 5H3MS PCT 1000-14087 UX2DZ 1135-14086 GW0PYT 1137-14069 TL8MS PCT 1429-14088 A45XC Notes of Interest SOUTH GEORGIA, VP8. The VP8SGP team has left about five days earlier than originally planned. No reason known at this time. SOUTH SHETLAND, VP8. Wondy, K5KR worked VP8CQS on SSB and at the inquiry of RTTY activity, the op answered that the RTTY gear had not arrived yet. That was Jan 19. Keep your fingers and why not toes crossed, stay tuned anyway. BANGLADESH, S21. Joe, ZS5S says that Andrew, S21YE is active from Dhaka using a TS50, a KAM+ and a dipole at 30 feet. He is new on digi modes and doesn't like the pileups. The route for QSL is Terry, G0EHX @ GB7MSF.#18.GBR.EU. Andrew holds the call G4VLV. Send Bandpass and Notes for next week Bulletin to Jules, W2JGR @ W5KSI.#NOLA.LA.USA.NA. GL de (DX2) Luciano, I5FLN @ ZS5S.ZAF.AF /EX SP KT7H @ N7DUO.#WWA.WA.USA.NOAM 1/20/95 This confirms the RTTY bulletin for 1/20/95. /EX