SB DX @ ALLUS $RTDX0217 VK2SG RTTY DX Notes, 17 February BID: RTDX0217 VK2SG RTTY DX Notes for week ending 17 February, 1995 Our information this week came from I5FLN and the IK5PWJ Packet Cluster, JF1MGI, WB2CJL, W5KSI, WX5L and the K5NV Packet Cluster, ZS5S, and the NJ0M and N0AT nodes of the Minnesota DX Packet Cluster Network. Thanks for all your help. Bandpass: Friday 10 0917-14082 YJ0AXC QSL JE1DXC 1336-14086 9K2KF 1342-14084 UN5PR 2056-14080 EA8PDT 2246-14086 VK2KM 2313-14084 PY5CA Saturday 11 0019-14087 VP9CKN 0739-14084 TA2FM 0918-14083 ZD7DP 1231-14085 OA4CZO 1305-14083 WP4Q 1321-14087 UA9FJ 1328-14091 FG5GZ 1332-14084 UT2IZ 1424-14082 SV5BYP 1506-14081 A71EY 1524-14087 RA1ZD 1529-14085 9A3FT 1542-14085 UA2AO 1600-7036 S50C 1602-14082 S51DX 1626-14087 PJ2MI 1636-14085 EM0F 1716-14084 S51DX 1721-21084 D2EV Pactor 1756-14083 D68UY QSL via DK7UY 1946-14086 ZD7DP 1951-14084 FG5FI 1954-14083 WP4Q 2001-14088 3DA0CA 2011-14084 EA8PDT 2146-14088 OH2LU 2150-14085 V31AR 2212-14084 5T5JC 2216-14084 8P6QA 2239-14088 JA1AYC 2242-14086 5T5JC 2248-14086 VP8CKN 2354-14083 LU1CIB Sunday 12 0004-14083 AZ7FAF 0012-14085 LU1CIB 0039-14085 JA3PFZ 0213-14079 JA3DLE/1 Pactor 0250-14085 V73C 0309-14087 VP8CKN 0442-21083 3D2XC 0801-14084 ZD7DP 0928-14087 3D2RW QSL ZL1AMO 1128-14085 SV5BYP 1254-21080 D68UY 1339-21086 S54A 1349-14087 A71EY 1352-14087 LZ1MC 1353-14085 LX1TI 1358-14090 SV5AZK 1418-14084 JW0I 1442-14082 HI8BG 1450-14082 HI8LG 1503-14084 ZA1MH 1848-14085 CU3EM 1856-14083 ZD7DP 1925-14083 5T5JC 2037-21082 FG5FI 2038-21082 FGFGI 2125-21085 PJ8JQ 2128-21085 PJ9JT 2129-14082 FM5FM 2132-14085 VP8WA 2200-14083 HK4DWY 2301-14083 DP1KGI wkg xcv - QSL via DD6UAB see note Monday 13 0010-14087 DP1KGI QSX up 0027-14087 VP8CKN 0134-14086 VP8CIL 1247-14078 HI8BG Pactor 1925-14086 VP8CIL 2304-14083 DP1KGI Tuesday 14 0206-14083 ZP5LOB 0240-14083 DP1KGI still there 1003-14087 3D2RW 1353-14085 A71EY 2307-14081 9Q5TT 2259-14083 DP1KGI 2352-14080 CX7BF Wednesdy 15 0005-14082 DP1KGI 0030-14082 LU8VCC 0051-14083 PZ1BS 0105-14086 XE1XOE 0146-14086 CX7BG 0200-14086 CX7BF 2031-14084 9Q5TT QSL via ON5NT 2252-14083 DP1KGI 2358-14083 DP1KGI Still there Thursday 16 1922-21082 D68UY 1939-28098 LU2MEK Notes of Interest: DOMINICA, J7 - J75A now until 24 February, by Lou, WA6SBS, and George, N6ZS on CW, SSB and RTTY, including the ARRL CW DX Contest. QSL via N6ZS CBA. BARBADOS, 8P - From 19 February to 2 March, Peter, W0SA will be active as 8P9NX on RTTY and CW. QSL home CBA. QSL Route for DP1KGI: Thomas Schoentag DD6UAB, Kienofenpromenade 3, D-17279 Lychen, Germany. The VK2SG RTTY DX NOTES are available on Internet via Telnet or FTP at The directory is called \rttynote. For next week's bulletin send your Bandpass and Notes of Interest to Bob, WB2CJL @ W5KSI.#NOLA.LA.USA.NA. 73 and good hunting de Jules W2JGR @ W5KSI.#NOLA.LA.USA.NA. /EX SP KT7H @ N7DUO.#WWA.WA.USA.NOAM 2/17/95 This confirms the RTTY bulletin for 2/17/95. /EX