SB TAPR @ TAPR $TAPR801.001 NEWS: TAPR to make available ARRL CNC and DC Proceedings Please use BID: $TAPR801.001 Tucson Amateur Packet Radio August 1st, 1994 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TAPR to make available ARRL CNC and DC Proceedings ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TAPR has arranged an agreement with the ARRL to be the distribution point of past proceedings of the ARRL Computer Networking Conferences and Digital Conferences. This will apply to proceedings that are more than two years old. For example, the ARRL will continue to distribute the 12th (1993) and 13th (1994) proceedings this year, then next year TAPR will begin to distribute the 12th (1993). In this way, TAPR and the ARRL hopes that these proceedings will be fully available to digitally interested hams. Proceedings should be available from the TAPR office the end of August. TAPR would like the thank Mark Wilson, AA2Z, and Jon Bloom, KE3Z, for their help at the ARRL with this arrangement. --- There has been interest in having many of the papers available in electronic form. TAPR will begin to work on contacting authors for premission to generate computer versions of many of the papers. If you are an author of an ARRL CNC or DC proceedings paper and would like to give TAPR premission to make available your paper electronically, please send e-mail to If you have the paper in electronic form already, please send that also. More on this project as it forms. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tucson Amateur Packet Radio 8987-309 E Tanque Verde Rd #337 * Tucson, Az * 85749-9399 * 817-383-0000 JOIN TAPR! Be a part of the digital revolution! /EX