VE3ONT TO BE ACTIVE IN 1994 EME CONTEST Again in 1994, the Toronto VHF Society - VE3ONT, will participate in the ARRL EME Contest using the Institute for Space and Terrestrial Science's 46m (150') Algonquin Park dish (grid square FN05xw). This year's operation will provide an increased opportunity to work 144 MHz stations. UTC Date VE3ONT TX freq listening range approx. times Oct 29 432.050 MHz 432.050 - 432.060 0645 - 1815 UTC Oct 30 1296.050 1296.050 - 1296.060 0754 - 1844 Nov 26 144.100 144.100 - 144.110 0538 - 1645 Nov 27 144.100 144.100 - 144.110 0646 - 1713 Because the Algonquin dish has a 9 degree lower elevation limit, stations with horizon fixed antennas in eastern North America will have a limited chance to work VE3ONT. The following operating hints will improve your chance of making a QSO. - As in 1993, VE3ONT will work "split" frequency. Do not call on VE3ONT's TX frequency. Pick a random frequency in the listening range. Use the full range; we will be looking for stations in the clear. - VE3ONT will use circular polarization on all bands. You may use linear or circular polarization to work us. If circular, use RHCP on TX and RX for 144 and 432. On 1296 we will have switchable sense so you may use either the satellite or EME polarization convention. - Conditions permitting, VE3ONT may start each operating period on SSB to work strong stations as quickly as possible. Please do not call again for a second contact on CW. Conversely, if you work us on CW please do not call again for a SSB QSO. - All contacts will be "random" with no schedules or sequencing. Please be patient; QRM on our end was intense in 1993. Low power and OSCAR class stations are encouraged to make an EME contact. 100 watts delivered to a single long yagi should be sufficient on 144 and 432. On 1296, stations were worked with as little as 10 watts and a 2m (6') dish in 1993. Use of the dish at the Algonquin Space Complex is always subject to last minute preemption for non-Amateur purposes. QSLs with an SAE to Dennis Mungham VE3ASO, RR 3, Mountain, Ontario, Canada, K0E 1S0. Reception reports are also welcome. Send your log to the ARRL. For further information contact Peter Shilton VE3VD, (905) 774-8766. Latest developments will be provided at the Central States VHF Conference July 29-30, Memphis, TN, and the International EME Conference, Gottskars, Sweden, August 26-28. de VE3ASO, VE3VD, W9IP July 16, 1994. Michael Owen W9IP MOWE@SLUMUS.STLAWU.EDU