NEWINFO.TXT This describes some of the latest third generation WEFAX programs I have created. They all use the same simple clipper interface described in September 1991 QST. They differ from the 2nd generation in having cleaner map and satpix rendition, easier user interface, and rela- tively little dependence on processor speed. It is aimed at the 286 and up IBM clone. Like all the previous pro- grams you must activate GWBASIC from DOS and then load the program. Or you can make a batch file like this: wm.bat (a one line batch file) gwbasic.exe wxmap.bas which will start the WXMAP program from the DOS line by just keying WM. Since there are a lot of laptops now with a 640x480 VGA screen with 16 or more gray shades, the satpix program, WXPIX, is configured specifically for that. It also will work with any VGA or EGA screen and will provide false colors with a color screen. The map program, WXMAP, works within the 640k computer normal operating space, but the WXPIX program requires more memory so you must create a RAMDISK so you can access the higher memory. This is done by adding a line to your machine's CONFIG.SYS . For a machine with 2 mb. of memo- ry, add: device=c:\dos\ramdrive.sys 1024 512 64 /e If you have 4 mb. then use: device=c:\dos\ramdrive.sys 3072 512 64 /e Some later versions of DOS may use a slightly different format to form a RAMDISK, so check your DOS book. While the earlier programs required you to POKE in modifications to the program to adapt it to your machine, we have simplified that by just cataloguing all the choices in a SYSTEM CONFIGURATION list which is contained in the last lines of the program. Typically, you LOAD the program and LIST 1000-2000 to see this list. If you are using the COM1 port and your RAMDISK is labelled D: it will probably work as is. The Gross Timer number, GT, may have to be lowered a small amount to get line SYNC. After you have some map or satpix copy, you can then adjust the Line Timing, LT, to exactly square the picture (if neces- sary). After you have settled on a working configuration, just SAVE (ie,hit F4) the program under it's same name. Note that you can change the CONFIGURATION list without saving it and see how it works. When you return to BASIC the modified program is still loaded so you type F1 (ie, LIST) 1000-2000 and make further mods and RUN (ie, hit F2) another map again until you are satisfied. THEN you can SAVE the new configuration. WXMAP.BAS This uses EASICGAB.ASM, EASIVGAB.ASM, EASIATTB.ASM, and SAVEB.ASM machine language programs, so they all must be in the same directory as WXMAP.BAS. This program is hi-resolution with each line divided into 960 pixels. Since only 640 pixels/line can be seen at a time, it has provisions for scrolling across the map field. You can shrink the map in CGA mode to see a larger piece. You can SAVE the map to any designated disk for later viewing or printing or you can print it out immediately. You can schedule it to copy a map anytime in the next 24 hours (sked time entered in 24 hour time) with or without initial synchronizing. You can watch the map being re- ceived, so adjusting the tuning for best reception is easy. Satpix are copied with this program in only two shades--black and white. It only uses a modest amount of memory but has hi resolution. A suffix is automatically added to any SAVEd file to tag which screen format it was recorded in (VGA, CGA, etc). SEEMAP.BAS This uses SEEB.ASM machine language to implement. It detects the file name suffix designator and adapts to the format used to record the map you are trying to see. As in WXMAP, you can scroll the map to put the starting point for printing in the upper left corner of the screen and hit P lightly (only once) to start printing. When you have as much map as you want, hit any key to stop print- ing. The printer finishes it's current 3 pass cycle before it actually stops. MAPSKED.BAS This uses the same machine language programs as WXMAP.BAS. It can be scheduled to copy up to 5 maps over the next 24 hours, each map being automatically SAVEd to whatever disk you specify (in Path part of File Name) under 5 different file names. When you have time, you can review them with SEEMAP and choose to Print the file, retain the file or, discard the file. All times are in 24 hour format. Remember to set your computer clock on time. Typically you set the sked turn-on time a minute or two early and call for SYNChronizing to account for schedule slop at the transmitting end. If you miss the SYNC period, the next map with a SYNC period will be copied. WXPIX.BAS This program uses 3VGA.ASM, VU960A.ASM, and SAVEPIX.ASM machine language programs. It copies satpix's and also maps in 16 shades of gray (or 16 colors). It is 960 pixel hi resolution and you can see ground features with proper sun angles. The visual photo's have a black sky background and the IR photos have a white sky back- ground. In gray shades, black is hot and white is cold. The higher the cloud, the whiter it shows on IR. You can always hit H key to Halt copying whenever you wish. The screen gives a rolling display of the last 480 lines sent. After picture is first copied hit Q or V to switch to a viewing and scrolling mode. You can position whatev- er part of the pix you want to SAVE to the upper left corner of the screen and SAVE all of the subsequent lines or perhaps only one screen full (ie, 480 lines) or maybe one screen full in the Shrink mode (960 lines). The pix can be S(hrunk) by hitting S and then eXpanded by keying X. Since you are generally only interested in a portion of the picture, you can include the DATE/TIME as a file name---for example a pix at 1230Z on May 31 might be given file name 31MY1230. This eliminates having to store the pix header and saves storage memory. These pix files can be compressed also to further reduce storage memory. While 64 shades are available in some of the previous programs, 16 shades suffices for most purposes and uses half the memory. Note that you can also copy MAPS in 16 shades and they will be somewhat more readable in poor conditions than the WXMAP Black/White maps. This program also will work on any VGA machine since 16 color 640x480 is identical on all machines. The SVGA cards are not standardized at all. If you copy a map with this program and want to save it on paper instead of saving it in a file, you can scroll the upper left corner where you want to start and tap P to print it. Be sure your printer is turned on with paper in it. The printed map will be the same quality as from WXMAP. Printing can also be initiated from the SEEPIX program below. SEEPIX.BAS This uses VU960A.ASM machine language program. It has several color palettes available including grays. You can even create your own palette. LOAD the program and LIST 97-120 to see the #1 palette along with instructions for changing it. If you find one you like just reSAVE the program. This is a simple program, so LIST (then ENTER) it and study the lines. You can find the line with the Default file name and change it to your own RAMDISK designator, for example. TX16.BAS This program transmits any 16 shade picture or map copied with program WXPIX.BAS. It uses machine language program TX16.ASM. Hardware connections to the transmitter are described on the opening screen. While an inexpensive transformer is mentioned there, any isolation transformer will work. I actually use my fone patch as isolation and just feed the capacitive coupled output from pins 7 and 5 of the 9-pin serial port directly into the terminals of the patch where the fone line normally connects. Like WXPIX.BAS, this program has a SYSTEM CONFIGURA- TION located at lines 1000 to 2000. You just LOAD the program and LIST 1000-2000. The values for all of the items has already been determined in WXPIX so just trans- fer them to this program and reSAVE it with the new values. Be sure to get the values for LT and for GT determined carefully in WXPIX to get perfectly vertical pictures without any sync breaklocks. The picture file, FILENAME.960, must be converted to the proper format and transferred to the RAMDISK as PIX.WX before the transmission can begin. The program 960TOTX.BAS (with associated 960TOTX.ASM) does this for you. CTX16.BAS This is a combined file conversion and transmission program. It uses both 960TOTX.ASM and TX16.ASM. It will generally be the program to use. The separate programs are more convenient for a single floppy drive machine where the pix files are stored on floppies. I have 3rd generation SVGA 64 shade WEFAX programs now but they are included in a package that copies Color SSTV (with the same simple clipper interface shown in September 1991 QST) and the whole package is not yet ready for distribution. COMMENTS As with the previous programs we have developed, you can freely make copies for others to use, but ONLY if no charge is made for the copies. This is NOT shareware, so please do not send any money. Have fun, Ben--K3BC September 18,1993