VHF LOG PROGRAM WRITTEN BY AA5ZX, KC5BOY, and KC5BPC...... a personal note: Hello and welcome to VHF LOG. This program was written by HAMS, for HAMS. We have tested this software for any bugs, and we dont think you will find any (but if you do let us know).....It took us a while to write this, and as we have all heard the phrase, time is money....This program is not copy protected in any way, and is shareware as is....HOWEVER- It would be nice to know that some people still believe in a days work for a days pay.... Thank you for trying this program, and if you like it, within 45 days please reward our efforts, by sending $15 dollars (Check or MO). The address is listed at the point where you end the software, but I will list it again here.., VHF LOG 1239 JASMINE st. AMARILLO, TEXAS- 79107 When we receive a kind donation of $15 dollars from you, we will send to you at no charge a NEW COPY of this program, with " YOUR CALL SIGN " included on the opening page in the software.....(where "your call" is now.) Plus any NEW INFORMATION ON THIS , OR OTHER SOFTWARE PRODUCTS (in the works) ..... THANKS AGAIN FOR USING *** VHF LOG ***. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STARTING: After unziping, type VHF2 at the prompt. The files: The files you should have are , VHF2.EXE VHF2.OBJ RECORD.DAT (sample file) VHFLOG.TXT (this file) ---------------------------------------- MEDIA: This program can run on a floppy, however if the "record.dat" file gets too large (many entrys), you may run out of room... Its best to put it on a Hard drive....Just unzip it and put it into any directory you choose. ----------------------------------------- MISC: The program it self is pretty easy to use, just follow the prompts. On entering in data, you can just hit enter in the date/time fields, as this puts the time your computer is using in these fields. Also, if your computer is on standard time, then the program shows standard time. If you want to show UTC, then set your computer clock to UTC time, and UTC date, at the DOS PROMPT (before starting the software). A word about printers: I tested the print funtions using a HP LASERJET 2 P, and had no problems printing out the records. You can print out the records in two ways. The first way, is when you are viewing to the screen..., just hit the print screen key. This way will "show/print" you ALL the information on every callsign you entered, with the confirn (y/n) on the right side...... The second way is to tell the software to send the log to the Printer... The print out then shows you the confirm (y/n) NEXT to the grid worked. I did it this way, so it would be easy to see if you have confirmed that certain grid at a glance, instead of searching back and forth over the whole page. There is one omit- when you print to the printer, and not the screen, the time worked is not printed in the line..This is normal...., and if you want the time printed, just do it the first way I mentioned above..... The "RECORD.DAT" file is where all your information is stored to, and read from, it's important that you treat this file WITH CARE !!! There is a sample "RECORD.DAT" file with a few calls entered, that I have included with this package. You may delete it after your ready to enter in the "Real" information to your log. The program will write a NEW "RECORD.DAT" file if it does not find one, and this is good when you are starting the logging for the first time. After that, the program add's to the file each time a call is entered.... Thats about it, and so I'll say 73, and 88's to thou's that apply... Hope to see you down the log ..._._ de AA5ZX sk sk ..