[ From Packet radio by Cesar VK2TCM ] MICHAEL CORBIN'S MESSAGE In an endeavour to keep my fellow amateurs fully informed. The following is a transcript of Michael Corbin's report, broadcasted on Sunday 3rd July, 1994. *********************************************** " This is Michael Corbin VK2PFQ Firstly I wish to thank all those who called in after last weeks Broadcast with words of encouragement and support for the continuation of my weekly "broadcast tapes". I also wish to thank those who wrote to me. It is nice to know that there is support out there for what I am trying to achieve. The Principal reason for these chats is because I wish to keep all members informed of exactly what is going on within the Division. It also serves to take away the credibility of the "Rumour-Mongers". The content of last weeks tape did not please everyone however. The evening reader was so intent upon NOT playing the tape that he began the Broadcast at page 5, yes page 5, of the prepared script. Despite signs being waved at him through the windows of the studio, he sailed on his merry way through the Broadcast. Had it not been for the Engineer's intervention AFTER the Broadcast, then my tape would not have been heard at all. The shame of this attempted censorship was that the item informing members of the passing of the father of our Office Secretary, Margaret Morris, was completely left out of the evening Broadcast .... I have of course apologised to Margaret for this oversight. I just can't resist having a dig..... but wasn't there a big deal made about censoring Broadcasts during the term of the last Council. In fact I recall that moves were made to expel the offender from the WIA.... Hmmmmmmmmmmmm Makes you wonder doesn't it. However, I am pleased to inform you that no such action will be contemplated in this instance ....Any action would be counterproductive. On Monday night 4th July the "straw poll" will be counted. The results will be advised in my next Broadcast. I hope that by this time you have made your wishes known by lodging your vote. If you have not voted, about the only way you could get your vote in, would be to post it at Parramatta Post Office. I have no idea how many votes have been returned as the Locked Mail Bag will not be picked up until Monday afternoon. I can assure you that nobody has been running up to the Post Office to pick the bag up to see how heavy it is. Now, for those Audio purists, I have pensioned off my trusty National Tape Recorder circa 1970, in favour of an Akai Cassette Deck. Until this week it had resided peacefully in my Caravan at South Durras. I may well be advised to send it back down there. Although you only hear the tape in Mono, I'm here to tell you that this tape has been recorded in stereo. You can put that in your useless information file. As you can see this has been what they call in the business a NO NEWS week. Oh I nearly forgot, today is the first day of the NEW Broadcast Roster courtesy of Steve Pullan VK2QZ. I wish to thank all those volunteers who have given of their time to bring the news to their fellow amateurs. Thanks volunteers and thanks Steve for your organisation of these multitudes, and by the way, we still want to hear from a Printer. I was going to say amateur printer there for a minute. The Institute has an urgent need for access to a cheap .... you'll note I said cheap as opposed to free ...source of printing. Surely there must be someone out there. See you next week. " ************************************************** This is a true and accurate transcription, of the relevant broadcast tape, and is made with permission from Michael Corbin VK2PFQ. Yours in amateur radio, CESAR MIRANDA, VK2TCM