Here is a transcription of Mike Corbin's address on Sunday 26th June 1994; it was requested that I publicise it. For the record, it was typed by the secretary where I work, and I fixed a few obvious errors, but doubtless some remain (try transcribing something yourself and you'll see what I mean). Punctuation and paragraphing is mine. So without further ado... (David Horsfall - VK2KFU) This is Michael Corbin VK2PFQ. Well, Members, there is only one more full week for you to send in that questionnaire. I urge all of you out there who belong to that group known affectionately as the "silent majority" to record your preference; the greater the number of people who reply, the easier it will be to gauge the feelings of the membership. Seven hundred people voted at the last election and we need a return of around the same to obtain a meaningful result. I appeal to everybody, particularly the country members. Don't condemn this exercise as something which will only affect the city slickers, or something which was created by the city folk. You are the ones that it really affects. As long as this state of affairs exists, your Council can do nothing but administer the Division. No decisions on anything which might be regarded as having a political flavour can be made. Nothing can be done which might upset the A Team, the B Team or any other faction or individual. All we can do is pay the day-to-day running expenses. What a ridiculous set of circumstances! What a way to run a business! So members, the decision is in your hands. If you have not sent in your answers please do it now, don't put it off, have a say in the future of the NSW Division. But don't rush off quite yet as there are some pretty important things to follow. Last Thursday there was a meeting of your "Council" [a mention of how all future references to "Council" are in quotes - DH] at Parramatta. I am not at liberty to release all the details of that meeting; a copy of these minutes will be available for perusal at Divisional office when they have been ratified by the next Council meeting, which by the way fellow Council members has been changed from Friday 8th to Thursday 7th. Yes, I've made an executive decision. It appears that as I was driving home that on that evening I had (and "had" is the operative word) a pre-arranged engagement with Blacktown City Council. I thank you in advance for your understanding; Secretary please note and advise accordingly. There are two other matters which I will discuss with you that arose at that meeting. The first one concerned the broadcast of two weeks ago. You'll probably remember the announcer was Peter Naish VK2BPN. A "Council" member took exception to the fact that Peter stated, and he said something like "things will soon return to normal, Steve Pullan VK2QZ has taken over the reorganisation of the broadcast roster, a position which he relinquished as a result of all the goings on". Now, that is not verbatim, the intent is there. What was wrong with that, I ask you, it's a matter of fact. Anyhow this "Council" member went on to say that it was insulting to those who were on the roster which he had prepared after all the others had quit; he demanded that Peter broadcast an apology. Well, he's not going to, not because he refused but because I would not dignify such a proposal by asking him. I will however unconditionally commend all those who took part in the emergency roster here at Dural, thus providing the Amateur radio fraternity with a weekly news broadcast. The following list was given to me by Jim Walker VK2XJW and I read it in its entirety and in the order in which it was written. I think there might be someone missing from this, but anyhow: VK2ESS Eric Horman VK2XJW Jim Walker VK2DJW Tony Williams VK2JPJ Peter Vernon VK2XBR Julie Kentwell Pat Johnston (no callsign) VK2FRJ John Rajca VK2CFB Dave Barry VK2CZX Peter Balnaves VK2ZLT Tony Liolio VK2UX Terry Ryeland VK2WR Ian Griggs (a line drawn) VK2KFU Dave Horsfall for maintenance help. Well, once again a genuine word of thanks to these people for giving up their time to inform you, particulary the country members. But hang on, this list is incomplete! What about the 2 weeks when EVERYONE spat the dummy and the only one left to do the broadcast was yours truly, VK2PFQ, but I couldn't have done it without Dave Horsfall VK2KFU and Peter Naish VK2BPN. I wonder why Jim left me off the list? Anyhow, in case someone else was overlooked, I apologise on behalf of the Institute and thank everyone for their help. You know, that's the worst of lists which thank people, someone is always left off, hmmmmm. Now to a matter much closer to my heart. At the same "Council" meeting an attempt was made to silence my weekly dissertations. It appears that these are a little too pithy for some listeners or at least that is what is being claimed. Allegations were made that some council members had been telephoned with demands to "silence that clown". Gosh, you know, I don't write these broadcast notes for the fun of it; I believe that they are necessary. I believe that as "President" it is my duty to inform. Issues need to be aired, country members must be made aware of what is going on down here in the Big Smoke. Without the broadcast, country Amateurs are just a collection of mushrooms. Well, if some believe that, and I don't, then I intend to make you country people the most informed mushrooms in Ham radio land. I do not apologise for anything I have said in the past. I will as I have often stated before, continue to present the facts as I see them from where I sit as "President", without fear or favour. In my position I don't expect to win friends, that's not what I'm here for. I took on this position to bring the Institute back on track. I can't do it without offending somebody, I'm sure. I don't apologise; I'm here to do a job and I will do it despite interference. You will recall I said there was an attempt to silence me. This attempt was made in the form of a motion to have all scripts of the President's address approved by all members of the Council prior to broadcast. Just what will they think of next? Imagine a leader of any organisation being censored (and that's spelt "ored" for you Julie, not "ured" [his actual words - DH]). Consider the following scenario. TV Interviewer: "Mr President, what do you think of such and such?", or perhaps "Mr President, what is your opinion regarding the introduction of so and so?" to which the President would reply: "Oh look, I'm sorry, I've got no comment to make. You see, my council demands that answers to any questions must be subject to their approval". You'd be laughed off the screen! What a way to suggest an organisation the size of ours ought to be run. The motion for censorship was moved, seconded and the vote was 2 for, 2 abstentions, and 5 against. Now, for those critics who might criticise me for releasing that information you will note that there are no names supplied. Anyhow I survived. The democratic process will continue; members will continue to be informed. But, I'd like to hear what you think. I've only had one abusive phone call since I took on this job, and it was nothing to do with the broadcast. If you don't want any more weekly messages from me, let us know on the callbacks. I won't be here but I'll be listening via my tape recorder and various spies. Or better still, why don't you write me a nasty letter, or something. A final note to those who are concerned about the audio quality of my messages, well, it hasn't improved because I still haven't got a new tape recorder but I've taken it on board, and last week on the evening broadcast Terry Ryeland read out a roster for people who were going to read the broadcast this weekend. It appears that this roster was not approved; it appears what happened was Terry couldn't find anything to write the people who called in on 40m on, so he delved in the drawer and found himself a piece of paper and recorded all the callsigns there, and pertinent comments, and when Tony Liolio came for the evening broadcast he thought what's this, he turned it over and saw a broadcast roster, so he said, well, this must be the broadcast roster, much to the chagrin of VK2FBI, but he wrote a very witty packet, I thought, (laughs) and took it in the spirit in which it was meant. It was a mistake, so, it's as you were. Thank you members, see you next week. [ End of transcription ]