Youthnet NEWS 005 7/3/94 Alexis Leynes N9KYJ BBS: N9KYJ@W9ZMR.IL.USA.NOAM E-mail: Topics: Casey Halley AB5RG and DXCC Field day aftermath Correspondence Casey Halley AB5RG attains elusive DXCC. Nine year old Casey Halley AB5RG was able to obtain his DXCC award this past month. At nine years old, he is the youngest ham operator to obtain DXCC for now. After a few years of chasing DX on the ham bands, he was able to obtain DXCC. How hard you may ask is it to obtain DXCC. Not that hard. You just need to contact at least 100 countries on the ARRL DXCC list. Once you have made it through the pile-up, you would have to wait for a QSL card from the station you have contacted. I talked to many DX'ers out here in Illinois, and some of them over 50 and retired has been trying to obtain their DXCC for years and still no luck. Now you may ask is what is Casey's secret. Well, after a phone conversation with his mother Wende KB5TNU, I was able to find Casey on vacation with his father AG5GU and his older brother Codey KB5WYJ in Michigan. This is what I found out. He was able to make many contacts through pile-ups because of his young voice out on the air (and he sounds like a YL), also through persistence and dedication with a goal in mind. One of the most interesting contacts was made on a school day morning when Albania was heard on 15 meters and was signing off. Now he has a choice, wait for his turn or go to school (personally Other activities he has is with the Cub Scouts (Second year Leab low [pardon my spelling]), he enjoys go-cart racing, Junior Rodeo ridding and miniature bucking horses. He plans to set up an amateur radio station at his future high school named South Eastern H.S., and for College he may go to the Mass Institute of Technology or Harvard. A final note, he wanted to tell all of us, if you are going to upgrade, he say's to keep at it until you do. I would wait). Instead, he called in the DX station and explained his situation. And a few weeks later, a QSL card came from that station. He say's he is proud to attain DXCC certification. He has already attained his three goals, which was an Extra class license, Worked all States (WAS), and DXCC. Now he is going for a Worked all Zones award. Casey was interested in the hobby back when his father was studying for the test. He saw the type the questions that were asked, and told his father that he can memorize and comprehend the questions. Almost his whole family are hams. His father, Marty has an extra call of AB5GU, his mother Wende has a call KB5TNU, and his older brother Codey is KB5WYJ. Casey also has a younger brother age 1. Marty told me that he went to his box in the shack and took out a strait key and started shaking it, and say's he might be on the air in a few years. My thanks to Halley family for their cooperation. Field Day aftermath. Field day has came and gone. If this was your first field day, I hope it was fun. For me, my field day began with the Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network (SATERN) and ended with a fox hunt and a dinner at a Pizza restaurant afterwards. If you had an interesting field day, send the story to me and I'll see what I can do with it. Correspondence I like reading the messages you are sending me. If you have any questions or comments, just send a message to my packet or E- mail address. Here is one I received from Russia: Subj: to: Alex, N9KYJ Date: 94-06-21 08:30:16 EDT From: To: Alex N9KYJ Dear OM ! Just recently I read Youthnet NEWS 004 and find it interesting for me. Your explanation about Field Day seems useful for schoolboys into two matters - as the ham radio hint and exercise in Good Ham English ( please put in mind that our native language is Russian !) Here I am act as educator and manage the educational project : The packet radio as a tool for learning of a new communications technology, informatics itself and the wat for exchange of information between schools ( good name for it - The pilot project "World without borders" ). If you will be interesting I will sent you some details. If you know somebody who manage the programs in schools with packet radio - please give them my address for correspondence. We need in counterparts in all aspects. My professional interests are the space physics ( my subject is the polar magnetic storms, auroras etc.) and the data collection systems. I am 54 and work in Academy of Sciences and additionally act as educator here in Troitsk in local schools. I spent winter over at South Pole in 1977 and was operate as KC4AAA. Cordially, Alexander N. Zaitzev ------------------------------------------------------------ Our e-mail address : packet : For more contact information, contact me (info below) Final Note: I thank you again for reading Youthnet NEWS 005. Any questions about Youthnet NEWS can be addressed to me via E-mail, Packet, or even via the Mail. If you want to contribute to Youthnet NEWS, please send it in to the following addresses: Packet: N9KYJ@W9ZMR.IL.USA.NOAM (note I'm using NOAM instead of NA) E-mail: Mail: Alexis Leynes N9KYJ 7703 Bolton way, Hanover Park, IL 60103-2733 USA 73's DE Alex N9KYJ =>