Youthnet NEWS Announcement Alexis Leynes N9KYJ E-mail: BBS: N9KYJ@W9ZMR.IL.USA.NOAM IMPORTANT SURVEY FOR THE YOUNG HAM! This is a very important survey, if you would want to send an opinion to me about Youthnet NEWS or anything else, please do so via my Packet address or my Internet E-mail addresses. If you have anything else to add please send me a message. Please include in your reply; your age, and a way to contact you for more information. There is no age limit and all messages will be returned with a reply. 1. What made you interested in Ham Radio? 2. Why do kids want to be hams? 3. Are you more interested in building radio equipment or using them? 4. Are their ham clubs for young hams? 5. What would young hams want to see more in ham radio? 6. Do you think, as a young ham, that you are well represented in ham clubs, the FCC, ARRL, ect..? 7. What do you talk about with the adults on the air? 8. Is the testing requirements easier or harder for you? What do you want to see in these tests? 9. How do you think ham radio is helping you in everyday life? 10. If you have parents who are not in the hobby, are they supportive? 11. What aspect of ham radio are you interested in (voice, FM, AM, SSB, HF, VHF, UHF, ATV, Packet, Fax, DX, Contest, Special Events, biking/hiking ect...)? If you happen to know of a young ham in your area and reading this message yourself, please copy down the questions and ask him or her to answer it. Thank you very much for all of your support. Final Note: Edition 007 delay Due to technical difficulties, Youthnet NEWS edition 007 will not be sent this week. If you have any interesting stories about Fox hunting (for example: first time hunting, or an interesting hunt), send me your stories to my E-mail adresses or Packet address and I'll include it in edition 007 all due on Sunday, August 7, 1994. By the way, I hope to see you at the International Packet Youth Forum (send me a message for more details) Mondays at 0100 UTC. The International Packet Youth Forum (IPYF) is a place where young hams meet and just talk (or type) from all over the world (this is an equal oppurtunity net). 73's DE Alex N9KYJ E-mail: Packet: N9KYJ@W9ZMR.IL.USA.NOAM 73's DE Alex N9KYJ All Rights are Reserved 1994. Alexis Leynes N9KYJ | Youthnet NEWS is an Editor in Chief | amateur radio ------------------------| informational service BBS: | for the young radio N9KYJ@W9ZMR.IL.USA.NOAM | amateur operator. E-mail: | Youthnet NEWS also apears on the Internet newsgroups under and All rights are reserved.