HTML Writer Version History --------------------------- Version Notes ------- --------------------- 0.5 First realese to the "general public". All bug fixes and new features done by the author. 0.5a Limited release (mostly bug fixes). Fixed the bug which displayed the wrong title in the Save As dialog box. After the user selected the path to Mosaic (File|Test), the Save As dialog box still had the title "Location of Mosaic". FIX: Added this line to the mnuFTest Subroutine: frmMDI.CMDialog1.DialogTitle = "" Changed the logic dealing with executing or activating Mosaic for testing a document. One user reported that even after giving the path to Mosaic, HTML Writer kept asking him for the location of Mosaic. I revised the decision logic in the mnuFTest sub to hopefully fix this. Needs more testing. 4/24/94 - Got some feedback from one user and it looks like the fix worked. Added the Horizontal Rule (
to the "HTML|Style" pull-down menu.
Rearranged some of the menu items in the HTML menu. I changed the
Interactive menu entry to Lists and moved the Bulleted, Numbered and
Definition Lists to this entry (deleting them from the Paragraph submenu).
I also moved the Horizontal Rule menu entry from Other to Paragraph.
(Seemed to fit better under Paragraph than orphaned out in Other.)
Cleaned up a few quirks in the user interface and made a few other changes
to "tighten up" the code.
0.6a FIXED the "really weird bug..." mentioned above! It was the Windows API call
to GetPrivateProfileString in the MDIFrom_Load subroutine. Since most of the
initialization file reading is done in the ReadINI subroutine, I missed a key
setting that I needed for the code which gets the main window position and size
data from HTMLWRIT.INI. Most of the calls are GetPrivateProfileInt, but I had
one GetPrivateProfileString (for the Maximize status) call which was the problem.
The problem was the nSize parameter in the GetPrivateProfileString call. It
tells this function how long the string is in memory so that it knows how many
characters it can write to this memory location. I had used Len(IniString) to
set this, but had neglected to initialize the length of this string with the
IniString = String(255, 0) command. All the strange problems cleared up once I
added this command to the beginning of the MDI_Load subroutine.
NOTICE: This is pretty serious bug that may affect other operations of HTML
Writer! If your HTMLWRIT.EXE file is dated 4/26/94, get a new copy as soon as
Oops! Forgot to change the version number in 0.6. The version number in the
Help|About box should now be correct (0.6a).
Updated the on-line help to reflect some of the changes made since version 0.5.
The on-line help is still not complete, but I'll get to that as soon as I can.
0.7 Fixed bug that caused 'Untitled' documents to generate an error and not
save the document when exiting HTML Writer. To fix this I just added a test
on exit to see if the document was named 'Untitled'. If it was named
'Untitled' then the SaveFileAs routine is called.
Added the List Item tag to the "HTML|List menu". This function will
insert the tag at the current text cursor position or at the BEGINNING
of a block of highlighted text.
Added support for testing HTML documents in Cello from within HTML Writer.
To select which program (Mosaic or Cello) you'd like to test your documents
in, select either the "Options|Test in Mosaic" or "Options|Test in Cello"
menu item. The currently selected program for testing will have a check mark
by it. The selected test program, as well as the paths to Mosaic and/or
Cello (if applicable), are saved in the HTMLWRIT.INI file. Now when you
you select "File|Test...", the program that is checked will be used for
testing the currently active document.
I also fixed a small bug that may have caused HTML Writer to not find Mosaic
if Mosaic was moved to another directory after HTML Writer had first "learned"
Mosaic's path.
Added a Paste button to the inlined image and remote link URL dialog box.
Now, when selecting a URL for remote links or inlined images, clicking on the
Paste button takes the text from the Clipboard and inserts it as the URL for
the "href=" or "src=" commands. The Clipboard is checked to make sure that
there is text in the Clipboard, but the Clipboard text is NOT checked to assure
that it is a valid URL (that's your job for now). This can be VERY handy for
grabbing URLs that you find in other HTML documents, Usenet newsgroup posts, etc.
Added text search-and-replace. Selecting the "Search|Replace..." menu entry
brings up a dialog box similar to the one for "Search|Find..." but with some
additional controls. After filling in the "Find What" and the "Replace With"
text, clicking on the Verify button brings up a message box which allows you to:
replace the text that is found (Yes), skip this instance (no), or cancel the
search-and-replace altogether (cancel). Clicking on the All button will cause
all instances of the given text to be replaced. All search-and-replace actions
are sensitive to the current position of the text cursor in the document and the
direction and case sensitive options in the Replace dialog box.
Possible Future Features
Better printing. Getting good printed output from Windows applications
can be tricky. I'll work on this as I have time, but since the main use
for HTML documents is for hypertext applications, I don't see much need
to hurry on this. The File|Print menu option will provide a decent
print out, and you can always bring your HTML document into a word
processor (even good old Write!) to get better printing control.
A small status box in the toolbar or elsewhere which identifies the
function of the button the mouse is over. For example, when the mouse
is over the "H1" button, the status box would report: "Heading level 1".
To do this I'll have to do a significant amount of additional programming
or use an add-on program module. The add-on module I would like to use
has just been released and I am testing it now. If it works properly,
the next version will have this 'improved' Toolbar.
More Toolbar buttons. Some users have asked for more HTML 'tags' to be on
the toolbar, such as: Test, heading levels 4-6, and remote links. I'd
like more user input on this to decide which HTML 'tags' should be added to
the toolbar since I can only have 20 buttons on the toolbar if I use the
add-on module mentioned in the previous paragraph.
I am also thinking of adding support for a small and large toolbar. The small
toolbar would be better for VGA (640 x 480) displays, while the large toolbar
would have more buttons for SVGA (800 x 600) and higher displays.
Perhaps I need to add more "intelligence" to the list functions so that
they are better at adding new list items and multiple levels. I'll see
what I can come up with.