NCSA Mosaic for Microsoft Windows User's Guide


Just as you might make notes in the margin of an often read book or article, there may be times when you want to "make notes in the margin" of a document you have found on the Web. NCSA Mosaic's annotation feature allows you to do this.

The annotation features are available from the Annotate menu.

The Annotate menu

Annotate...Annotate opens the Annotate window, allowing you to create a new annotation.

The Annotate Window

By default, the email entry in the mosaic.ini file will appear in this field. Change the entry if appropriate.
This entry can be changed to describe the annotation content.
Enter the Annotation Text:
Enter your annotation in this field.
Clean Slate
Erases the contents of the annotation text field.
Include File...
Includes the selected file in the annotation. (Not yet implemented)
Deletes the highlighted text. (Not yet implemented)
Records the annotation.
Closes the Annotation window
Provides Annotation window instructions. (Not yet implemented)

If you open an annotated document, the heading "Personal Annotation" will appear at the bottom of the document. Selecting Annotation...Annotation will display the annotation.

Annotate...Edit this annotation and Annotate...Delete this annotation allow you to edit and delete annotations respectively.

Personal annotations are maintained on your system and are available only to you. Group annotations are maintained on a group server and are available to all members of a specified group. NCSA Mosaic for Microsoft Windows is capable of handling both personal and group annotations, but not simultaneously. See "Annotations section" in ``Editing the File mosaic.ini'' for instructions on switching between the two.

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