BSI White Pages v1.1 BSI White Pages is an add-on module for The Major BBS v6.2x which enables a System Operator to place a virtual "Phone Book" online for use by the system staff and/or users. There can be an unlimited number of categories, and an unlimited number of entries per category. As a System Operator, you will appreciate all of the functionality that White Pages has to offer: o - Create and maintain categories online o - Appoint a moderator to maintain entries within a category o - Completely configurable security for each category o - Searching functionality within categories o - Easy to use, user-friendly interface Possible uses for the White Pages: o - System Phone numbers Useful information about your BBS. List any important numbers users may need to know about your system, including your voice, tech support, and modem numbers. o - Special Interest Groups Cater to different clubs and activities on your BBS. If a member of the "C programming users group" requests a list of local members online, it would be a snap to create a category and appoint that user as the moderator. o - Online Rolodex As a Sysop, there may be some numbers you may want access to from anywhere. You can create a category for your use only, and place all of your important numbers there for easy access from wherever you go. o - System Events For well frequented events or GT's, why not a category with all of your usual "haunts". List the names and numbers of your GT locations, so users can find any useful information, such as locations, hours, prices, and etc. o - Local Interests Keep a database of local numbers which are useful to your users. Such as informational services, restaurants, and various points of interest. o - Online advertising In online advertising, you could list names and numbers of reputable business in your area, where your customers would get good deals on goods and services. o - BBS Listing Make your own BBS list, so your users can call other BBS's and spread the word about the excellent service you offer on your BBS. o - And many more! There is an unlimited number of uses for the BSI White Pages, much more than is listed here. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Place the installations diskette in your floppy drive and type: A:INSTALL (or the appropriate drive letter) The installation program will prompt for the destination drive, and your BBS directory. Once these options are completed, White Pages will be installed in your BBS directory and ready to configure. If you received Whte Pages in .ZIP format, copy the file BSIWPxxx.ZIP to your BBS directory and type: PKUNZIP BSIWPxxx.ZIP When the process is complete, BSI White Pages will be installed and ready to configure. ("xxx" in the above example is the version number of White Pages) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONFIGURATIONS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The configuration for White Pages is quite simple, and only a few options need be configured in the CNF options. In level 3 (Security and Accounting) CNF options, the following options must be taken into consideration. ACTCODE - This option is where you enter your activation code that you received from BSI Technologies to use your copy of White Pages. Without a valid activation code, White Pages will not operate. USEKEY - Enter here the key you would require for the users to be able to access the White Pages module. The default setting is NORMAL, which only excludes members of the DEMO class. CATKEY - Enter here the key which you would require for a user to have the abiiity to add, delete, and modify category entries. This key is meant for whoever is in carge of the whole White Pages module, since they will have the power to create and delete categories at will. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATING A CATEGORY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- To create a category, select the option "A" (Add a category). White Pages will prompt for a number of options. These options are defined as follows. 1) Enter the name of the new category: For this option, enter the name you wish to give to the category that you are creating. 2) Enter the key needed to see this category on the listing: The System Operator may choose to make certain categories "invisible" to certain users. Whether they are for special interest groups, Adults only, or even Sysop categories, you have the option of requiring a key to see them on the listing. Note: This key does not restrict actual USAGE of the category. (See next option) 3) Enter the key needed to view records in this category: In order to "Select" a category, a user must own the correct key. For example, the "AD&D Users Group" category may require the "AD&D" key in order for someone to be able to see those entries. 4) Enter the key needed to update this category: The System Operator has the option to maintain the information in the categories himself, or to appoint a moderator to handle the information. For example, you could appoint the secretary of the "C users group" as the moderator of the "C users group" category. He would then be able to add, delete, and modify entries. 5) Enter the moderator of this category: The System Operator has the ability to appoint a moderator to a category or just maintain it himself. This option is only a text entry to specify the moderator of the category, and in no way entitles a user to any specific privledges. It is merely a tool to enable a user to contact the correct person in reference to any information concerning thier category. 6) Will this category allow any additional info? In addition to the standard Title, Phone number, and Comment information entered for each record, there lies the possibility to enter a few lines of additional information, retrieved by selecting the "View Details on an entry" option. If you would like for this category to allow the Moderator to add additional information, select yes. (Note - Holders of the MASTER key ALWAYS have the ability to add additional information, even if the category configuration says otherwise. Following these easy instructions, it will be simple to create and maintain your categories. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATING ENTRIES WITHIN A CATEGORY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Preparing to add a record. -------------------------- In order to create actual listings, you must first insure that the category in which to place those entries is created. Once you have decided on a category, "select" that category for use. Once selected, use the "Add a new record" selection. When adding a new record, you will be prompted for a title, a phone number, and a notes field. The title and note fields may be up to 30 characters, while the phone can be 14 characters in length ( "(305) 434-0189" or "+41-34-1234567" ). Record entry/Saving your information. ------------------------------------- After entering the title, phone, and notes, all of your entries will be redisplayed and you will be prompted to accept them. If you answer no, record entry mode will end without saving, and you will be returned to the menu. If you answer yes, the record will be saved. Additional information. ----------------------- If additional information is not allowed for this category, record entry will end at this point. However, if additional information is enabled, you will be prompted with the option to enter the additional information. If you choose to continue, you will be instructed to enter up to four lines of additional information, with up to 38 chars/line. When done entering your text, you will be prompted with the option to save that information. Selecting no will cause entry mode to end without saving, while yes will save the additional information before placing you back at the menu. NOTE - When entering additional information, the main record has already been saved to disk. Answering no to save additional information does not have an effect on the original record entry. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAINTAINING INFORMATION WITHIN A CATEGORY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maintaining information within a category is QUITE self explanitory. The System Operator or Moderator can EDIT a record within a category, or DELETE a record. The only function which should be mentioned in this section concerns the EDIT command. Upon editing a record, the moderator will be able to modify the phone number, notes, and (if the configuration permits) the additional information. What is special about this section, is the additional information editing. If additional information is not enabled for this category, then the option for additional information will not even appear for the moderator. However, this option will ALWAYS appear for a user with the MASTER key, and he will be able to create, edit, or delete the additional information for the record specified. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOOKING UP RECORDS WITHIN A CATEGORY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Full category listing --------------------- Selecting the option to "List entire category" will show a sequential listing of all entries within the current category in alphabetical order. Any entry that has additional information available will have an asterisk after the notes. At the end of the listing, if any of the listed items had some additional information available, the message "* - Denotes additional information available" will appear at the bottom. Using search conditions ----------------------- Select the "Search for an entry" option if you would like to search for an entry within a category. When this option is selected, is will prompt for your search conditions. After the conditions are entered, the entire category will be scanned looking for matches of your search criteria in the title field. As matches are found, they will be displayed in alphabetical order in the list. In this listing, records with additional information will again be marked by an asterisk. When the search is complete, a total number of matches will be displayed the listing. Viewing detailed information ---------------------------- To see the full information on an entry, use the "View details on entry" command. You will be prompted for the name of the entry you wish to see the details on. Enter the entry title or select the number from the available list, and a box of information will appear. If this particular entry has some additional information available, it will also appear. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you do not own a registered copy of the BSI White Pages, you can get a 30 day activation code to evaluate the White Pages. Call BSI Technologies at (305) 434-0189 to get your activation code.