New for version 1.06 of Lost Caverns of Miczyk o Items can now have a chance of breaking each time they are used. This gives you the flexibility of being able to have very potent items which break quickly - so the lucky player who finds such an item isn't super powerful for very long. Additionally this will encourage the players to hold 'reserve' items in case a weapon breaks. o There was a little bug in the text shown when an 'attack' command missed - you may have noticed random characters in place of the monsters' names - this bug has been erradicated. o There was a bug with the items and because of it you could no longer create items for the head. There was also no way to create items which were not wearable. This part of items was rewritten so it will now function properly. You may notice that existing items are now 'wearable' by different body parts then they were - you'll need to edit these so you don't have swords made for the neck (unless you want to start a new tie fashion) o There was a bug that some people were experiencing when using the command 'get' or 'take'. This caused the bbs to GP immediately, but this is fixed in this version o I improved the speed of the realtime routine for checking to add monsters. The realtime routine no longer runs constantly. The realtime routine will stop running whenever the maximum number of monsters are alive. Anytime a monster is killed it is restarted. o There is now a "Room Restriction Override Command". Users holding the GAMEOP key will have this setting turned to 'OFF' when they enter the game. They may use the 'OVERRIDE' command to toggle it ON (or back off) at any time. This override command will simply prevent any of the room restrictions (time, level, warp, item requirement) from being valid - this way Gameops may enter and edit these rooms at will. Thanks to Jeff Ober for this suggestion! o In addition to not allowing room #1 to be a warp room, it also may not be locked out by level, time or by requiring an item.