Lost Caverns - New Features in 1.07 I apologize for the file CHRLC106.ZIP - it turns out that it wasn't 1.06, somehow I included the files from 1.05 in that .ZIP (which you probably figured out since it said 1.05 in the audit trail). You can read in the new106.txt file all the improvements which were made in 1.06, but even more improvements were made in this version - read on. o The spelltype 'Deafen' was missing from the menu of spells. This caused the numbers of all spells after 'Blind' to be off by one on the menu. The result was that you'd actually be creating a different spell then you thought you were creating. o Blind now causes a player to temporarily lose his or her ability to see things in a room. The player will be notified when his or her eyesight has returned. o Deafen now causes a player to temporarily become deaf. The player will not see anything said by other players. The player also will not be notified when a new monster is created and other game announcements. o The main game menu will now ONLY show options to which each user has access to. o Character names can now be 3 characters long. In previous versions users were forced to use at least four characters even though they were told they could use 3. o If a player types ? or help in a shop it will now give the user help on shops.