New for version 1.09 of Lost Caverns: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o The game should now support up to 999,999 rooms instead of just 65,000 - I had no way to really test this. The game now uses CHRROOM.DAT instead of CHRGAME.DAT. You'll need to move all your rooms from CHRGAME.DAT to CHRROOM.DAT - to do this, use LCCONV. Before running LCCONV, you'll need to do the following: 1. Make a CHRROOM.DAT (copy it from CHRROOM.VIR). 2. Load Btrieve by typing BBSBTR in your \BBSV6 directory 3. Run LCCONV.EXE This was a really painful upgrade mainly because short integers needed to be replaced by long integers - in several hundred places. This game is big - real big. o There was a bug preventing the game from working with v6.25 of Major BBS - its been resolved. The game should now function fine with version 6.25. o When creating a move, users were asked to pick a class which can use the move but given a list of races. This was a totally cosmetic bug and not very important to fix, but it was easy enough - so I fixed it for this version. o If a user typed ready by itself it gave the ready help twice - this was fixed. o When you paged another user from within the game you'd receive a double message (same with many global commands). This has been fixed. Keep the bug reports coming PLEASE - I want to nab the rest of them for version 1.1 of Lost Caverns. Ian Rintel