Galacticomm, Inc. presents A Report on Worldgroup (a.k.a. "Project Victory") for Sysops of The Major BBS Disclaimer: The information contained in this document represents the current view of Galacticomm, Inc. on the issues and products discussed as of the date of publication. Because Galacticomm must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Galacticomm, and Galacticomm cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information presented within _ the product in discussion here is in beta test, and all technical specifications, marketing information and prices are subject to change without notice. The Major BBS is a registered trademark of Galacticomm, Inc., and Worldgroup is a trademark of Galacticomm, Inc. All other marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. This document is Copyright a 1995 by Galacticomm, Inc., and all rights are reserved. Scott J. Brinker President & CEO Jeff Torello Beta Coordinator Introduction The future is clear: to compete, online services _ both commercial and private _ must provide their users with a graphical user interface. But it is not enough to be "pretty," it must be fast, functional, ergonomic, and 100% intuitive. Above all else, it must have the property that both novice and advanced users will prefer to use it, by saving them time, offering them better services (available through total multimedia integration), and providing solid reliability under varying line conditions. Achieving these goals mandates a client/server approach. Instead of a "dumb terminal," the client-side software should have application- specific intelligence. This gives you the benefits of offline operation, dedicated processing power on the user's computer, and the ability to take full advantage of local multimedia capabilities, including video and high-fidelity sound. In addition, with control of both sides of the link, you can establish a multi-threaded, error- correcting protocol for reliable synchronization between the host system and the caller (i.e., no dropped characters or marred menus, as ANSI and linear graphical languages are susceptible to). Background file transfers can be executed, not only for convenience, but for auto-updating of applications and eventually for AI-ish "look ahead" on menus and services. The mission of Worldgroup is to integrate this level of client/server, and hence multimedia, computing into the next generation of The Major BBS. Imagine the ultimate merge between Microsoft Mail, Lotus Notes, CompuServe, America Online and existing BBS platforms. Worldgroup combines the best of electronic mail, workgroups, and commercial online services, and packages it into an off-the-shelf solution that is viable for launching any private or consumer-oriented online service. In the spirit of Galacticomm's emphasis on extensibility, Worldgroup is designed to be an open platform for third-party applications, such as games, databases, shopping malls, document systems, accounting services, mail and file gateways, and more. In addition to server-side "agents" (similar to modules for The Major BBS Version 6), developers and advanced Sysops will have the ability to create and modify "apps" for client-side operation. This document will briefly sketch out both the server and client sides of Worldgroup. Screen shots of certain areas are included to allow for a better understanding and first-hand view of the client applications. A complete client is available for download (or ftp) from the Galacticomm Demo System at 305/583-7808 ( _ The file is located in the WG library/directory and is called WGCLIENT.ZIP. Background Where did the concept of Worldgroup originate? The first incarnation on Worldgroup began in 1990, when Tim Stryker began work on something called BBScript. It started out as a scripting environment, but it put too much load on the BBS host machine. In the beginning of 1993, Stryker discovered Visual Basic. Suddenly, the picture was clear. The best way to do BBScript was to move to a client/server architecture _ where each script, if you will, would run on the client (user's) machine. Rather than create a custom scripting language, we would use Visual Basic. Development was started around this time, and the client/server engine was completed late that year. After the release of 6.2, we shifted into high gear on Project Victory and concentrated all our efforts on getting the client-side applications written. Why "Worldgroup"? The name itself is an intersection between workgroups and the outside world. Workgroups imply drudgery while the word "worldgroup" conjures up images of people interacting with each other. Everyone who was shown a preview of the product during design stages invariably made the comment that this was much more than just a BBS. After lengthy debate, we decided to give the product a new name, to really emphasize the paradigm shift we're about to unleash on the market. However, you could also think of it as The Major BBS Version 7. How is Worldgroup more than just a "pretty face"? Worldgroup isn't just a Windows "front-end" to The Major BBS. Instead of the BBS machine _ the server _ driving the applications, the actual program executables are running on the user's machine; the client. The server just becomes more of a data server, from which the client requests things. In this way, the server can deal with any arbitrary data, compressed images, distributed database records, or whatever, and pipe it down to the client, which then handles all the real work. This opens up a universe of possibilities that were unfathomable under the traditional BBS-to-dumb-terminal model. There's good reason why the rest of the computing world is migrating in flocks to the client/server paradigm: it maximizes power for the users and flexibility for the host server. Client Side Operations The Galacticomm "Worldgroup Manager" is the user-side tool that will run the show. It is a Windows application. Future ports to Macintosh, PowerMac, PowerPC, native OS/2, and UNIX platforms are under consideration. Tailored after the Windows 3.x Program Manager, the Worldgroup Manager will group all of the services that the user connects to, with each service represented by an icon. The user can organize these into groups as he chooses. First-Time Connection There are three ways in which a user can first access the client/server features of an online service running the Worldgroup server software. " The Sysop distributes a disk to the user which he will install in Windows with "A:SETUP". This disk could have both the client, as well as that particular service's information and main menu EXE. (It is even reasonable to consider distributing a CD-ROM, which might include various multimedia video and sound clips to enhance the experience.) If the user already has the client installed, then the new service will just be added to it. The Sysop can preassign an account and password, or have the user sign-up when he first connects. " A user who already has the Worldgroup Manager, and uses it for other services, hears about a new system he wants to call. He creates a new entry in his client, labeling it as either a modem, serial, LAN, or Telnet connection. He then connects to the system, which senses him as supporting the client/sever protocol, and proceeds to download all of the relevant EXE and data files _ automatically. " A user connects to a Worldgroup-based service with a regular ASCII/ANSI (/RIP) terminal program. He can take advantage of almost all of the regular BBS features in this mode, just like previous versions of The Major BBS. At any time, he can choose to download the client and the relevant files for that system, and switch over to client/server. It is this open distribution that the first key advantage Worldgroup has over regular Windows e-mail and workgroup packages becomes clear. You want to make it easy for new people to join, whether you're catering to a private group of individuals or to the public at large. To this end, the Worldgroup Manager is planned to be marketed as shareware, at a fraction of the cost of other off-the- shelf terminal programs, and at a tiny fraction of the cost of other workgroup client licenses, such as Lotus Notes. X.25 connectivity will be handled through the dial-up modem support in the client. Direct TCP/IP support (via Winsock) will allow the client to be used over the Internet as well. Use of Worldgroup Services Once a user has set up an account on a Worldgroup-based service, and installed the Worldgroup Manager, he can use it like any other Windows application: click on the service icon he wants to launch, and he's ready to go. The Sysop of each service will be able to provide a Windows icon to represent his service in the user's client. The Sysop will also have the option of displaying a welcome screen when the user selects his service. The welcome screen will be a fixed layout, very much like a standard Windows About box: icon on the left, text on the right, an OK button on the far right. The Sysop will be able to configure this text. In future versions _ or even in Worldgroup 1.0 if he has access to Visual Basic programming talent _ the Sysop will have the option of assigning an EXE file to be executed at this time, to launch intricate logon sequences, with multimedia animation, video and sound. Once the user has selected a service, but hasn't yet initiated a communications connection over a modem or LAN, he is considered to be "on deck." In this state, he can perform offline operations related to that service: sort through messages in his In Box; place new messages and files into his Out Box; and so forth. The service's main menu, which consists of a menu bar, a toolbar, and "program" icons grouped on a floating window, is available at this time. As soon as the user selects a feature that requires a connection, such as retrieving new mail, scanning a remote database, or distributing a file to other users, the client automatically dials the service (or connects over the Internet or LAN) and brings him on line. The user can also manually initiate a connection at any time. This is the essence of the client/server architecture. Not only does the user get a graphical interface, the server machine is not required to do "everything" as it has in the past. The user's computer, the client, now does its share of the work. In some instances a connection to the server is only required to transmit a message, and nothing more. After the user is connected and identified by the server (i.e. has been accepted as a valid account with a correct password), mandatory updates to the client software can be automatically detected and downloaded to the client. Updates to that server's main menu, including new applications, will also be transmitted at this time. Messages and files waiting in the user's Out Box are sent to the server; new messages and files addressed to him on the server are brought into his In Box (actually, each user can configure whether or not he wants these actions to be automatic or upon his explicit request). Worldgroup Baseline Applications Worldgroup will include a complete suite of client/server applications in the baseline package. Special attention has been paid to providing easy online help for novice users throughout all of the applications. As an example of the baseline conversion to client/server, the next few sections will show the new e-mail and forums modules. For further details and a first hand experience of all the baseline changes, you can download the client software from the Demo System. New Messaging Subsystem In addition to the client/server capabilities, Worldgroup will also include a significant upgrade to the Galacticomm messaging subsystem. For performance improvements, Worldgroup forums can be split among multiple data files, at the option of the Sysop. In addition, the directory where files attached to forum messages will be stored can be specified _ including the option of overlapping forums in a single directory _ to cut back on the number of subdirectories created. Cleanup of forums and e-mail has been moved online, in real time. Also, Re-indexing is no longer required. Other significant messaging improvements will include: thread identification (with support for threads over networked forums as well); a flag to identify high-priority mail; the option of adding comments when forwarding or copying a message; and the option of displaying or not displaying a complete cc: list in the body text of a mail message. Perhaps most importantly, Galacticomm will introduce the capability for "plug-in mail handlers," that can be developed by third parties. This will allow for seamless integration of networked forums, such as USENET groups and FIDO echoes, without having to piggy-back on the MHS handler. The architecture will target realistic support for 10,000 Forums. Electronic Mail When writing a new message, the user will have check box options for requesting a return receipt when the message is received, tagging the message as "priority mail" (which will alert the reader of its urgency), and deciding whether or not the list of carbon copy addresses will be shown to each addressee. Buttons at the bottom of the window will let the user attach a file to a message (and in Windows fashion, a common file dialog box will open for this purpose), set options for saving the message in his filing cabinet, send the message immediately, or save the message in his Out Box for later transmission. To address a message, a user can either type directly in a "To:" field, or click on the address book icon to bring up a common address book dialog box that will let him select local and networked addresses (including distribution lists) from a list box. The user can add entries to this list either by manually typing them in, or by "clipping" addresses from other e-mail or forum messages. A "Details" button will display any comments that the user associated with an entry. A "Find" button can be used to search the user database on the connected server. And to help clarify network messaging (i.e., the Internet, MHS, etc.), a "Carriers" button will display information on addressing schemes for each "gateway" supported by the server. The cc: list can also be built from the address book. When a user reads mail in his In Box, icons will identify new messages that haven't been read yet, as well as "priority" messages. The In Box is displayed as a list of these messages, with the author, date, and topic. A user can then click on a button (or double-click on a list item) to read a particular message. A button to manually "Get New Mail" from the server is also available on the In Box window. (Note: thanks to the new, error-correcting, multi-threaded protocol, downloading mail and files can be accomplished in the background while the user performs other tasks online, such as teleconferencing or taking a poll.) After reading a message, which is displayed in a scrollable window, the user can select from a group of buttons to reply to the message, delete it, file it in his filing cabinet, forward or copy it (and optionally add comments to it) to other users, download any attached file, follow the thread of a topic, clip the "From" address to his address book, or move to the next or previous message. The user can also use the common Windows clipboard to copy text directly from the message to other Windows applications. Replies and new messages that are stored in the user's Out Box can be viewed in a list box with the destination, "To:" field, topic, date, and message status (either holding or ready to upload). Buttons at the bottom of the window let the user edit a message, delete it, send it, hold it, or send all messages. Additional e-mail features include the multi-folder filing cabinet and an e-mail Preferences window. In Preferences, a user can set advanced options for how outgoing mail is sent, auto-filing directives, an "auto-forward" address, etc. Forums (Group Discussion Areas) Message forums (based on the accepted "bulletin board" model) provide the ideal venue for asynchronous group discussions, both inside the company, through a LAN, as well as wide area, through modems, X.25, and the Internet. It is a many-to-many tool for sharing information, ideas, and related files. This application is designed to securely support both internal group coordination and external discussion areas for customers, beta testers, prospects, vendors, the press, etc. (It's through this open, wide-area support that the key advantage of participation by the outside world is achieved over internal-use-only products such as Lotus Notes and Microsoft Mail.) As many as 10,000 forums can be created on one system, including both "local" (messages stored only in that system's database) and "networked" (e.g., Internet, FIDO, MajorNet, etc.) forums. Each Forum will have its messages organized in both chronological order as well as by topic "threads." Reading a message would look something like this: When reading a message, the user could choose to post a public reply in that forum, send a private e-mail reply to its author, file it in his filing cabinet, copy the message to someone else, download any attached file, clip the addresses of the author or the directed recipient, or display a map of the conversation's thread. If he was the author, or a forum-Op, he would also have the options of modifying or deleting the message. Buttons at the bottom of the window let him move to the next or previous message, either chronologically or by thread. A powerful "scan" feature is also included, which provides the equivalent of the BBS feature known as "Quickscan," as well as offering a sophisticated keyword search engine. The user can choose only new messages, messages directed to him, messages with a particular starting date, messages with only specific keywords in them, etc., as well as specify which forums to scan in the process. He can also save a search set up as his "default," to initiate Quickscan-type searches on a regular basis. From this window, he can also look up "Info" on each forum, such as its description, Forum-Op, number of messages, number of files, number of threads, any surcharges, message lifetime, etc. If the user prefers to work offline, he can now initiate a "download messages" command to collect the new messages and threads he has tagged online. Check box options let him specify whether or not to disconnect when the download is complete, and whether or not to include file attachments that may be associated with his new messages. The user can also access his filing cabinet from the forums application (both the filing cabinet and the address book are shared among multiple applications in Worldgroup). In addition, a "set preferences" option lets him specify advanced configuration information for message quoting, auto-clip of addresses, auto-delete of offline messages after "x" number of days, auto-filing of messages into his filing cabinet, etc. The Worldgroup Server The Major BBS Version 6 is the foundation for the "server" side of the Worldgroup client/server architecture. All hardware and connectivity options will continue to be fully supported, as will regular ASCII/ANSI/RIP interaction by non-Worldgroup users. Performance A highly-tuned OSI model was used to create the client/server "layers" for Worldgroup. Although client/server agents on the server side will tend to be very database intensive (most of the work agents perform will be reading and writing from Btrieve databases and regular DOS files), this should be balanced by the off-loading of work to the client. (In fact, while the user is working offline, which may be the majority of the use in workgroup scenarios, he will be contributing zero load to the server.) In addition, the users perception of performance may be quite higher than it actually is, due to the multitasking capabilities of the Windows environment. While a file transfer is being conducted in the background, the user can be doing something else, while at the same time listening to an audio CD being played from his CD- ROM, or any other common Windows task. Connectivity Galacticomm's strength in modem, serial, X.25, Internet, and LAN connectivity will continue in Worldgroup. The client software will initially support modem, serial, Novell SPX LAN, and TCP/IP Internet connections, andX.25 access can be achieved by using a modem connection through an X.25 network to the server. The recent introduction of Galacticomm's Internet Connectivity Option will also provide regular WWW, telnet, and ftp services, as well as providing the opportunity for Worldgroup clients to work with servers through the Internet. At the same time, Galacticomm's new Galacticomm Custom Device Interface (GCDI), will allow selected third-party developers to create additional connectivity add-ons for the Worldgroup server platform. Security Because of the open distribution of the Worldgroup client software, all security access issues will be addressed solely by the server. Client/server database variables requested by client programs will do a server-level check to make sure that the user requesting that variable has verified authorization. For some applications, this may just be a positive match between the client's identified User-ID (which must be established by a successful password check at connect time) and the User-ID associated with that database variable. Or, in more sophisticated situations, a Locks and Keys check will be made, as it is now under the Version 6 architecture. The important point that must be stressed is that at no time can a user compromise the security of the server without having the password to a Sysop-privileged account. Regular password changes and physical security to the server system remain the best prevention against any such illegal breach. Through these mechanisms, it becomes safe and practical for a company to distribute the Worldgroup client to its customers and prospects without risking the integrity of its LAN security or the confidentiality of its internal workgroups. Automatic Client/Server Version Control Another key feature of Worldgroup will be the ability for the client programs to automatically update themselves from the server. This will save the Sysop from "redistribution" headaches every time a new version is released. Each system will have a unique "sysid" code. Each file associated with a client application will also have a version code incorporated in its name. Every released version of a file should have a new unique file name (for example, GCSEM100.EXE vs. GCSEM101.EXE). When a physical connection is established between the client and the server, the server will first verify the user's Worldgroup Manager version code. If the local Worldgroup Manager version number is less than the server's, the user may have to update. If just the last digit is different between the two, the user is given a choice whether he wants to update or not. Otherwise, an update is automatically initiated. After the client is verified to be the correct version, the main menu application will be verified. If a new main menu needs to be transmitted, the user will be notified that his main menu is being "refreshed," and the appropriate files will be downloaded to him. Whenever the user selects an application from the main menu, all of the apps files will be verified synchronously before it is spawned. If files need to be updated, the main menu will calculate the total number of bytes needed to update, and either get all the files synchronously or pop up a window to let the user know to try back later (meanwhile it will update in the background). Any given application will only need to have its files verified by the server once per online session. The main menu will keep track of which applications have already been verified. Development Environment and Toolkits The Worldgroup server has been developed in Borland C and Assembly, using the Btrieve database engine and the Phar Lap 286 DOS Extender. To modify the server source code, or to write the server-side code for applications, a developer will need Borland C 3.1 or 4.02 and the Phar Lap 286 DOS Extender. A Btrieve developer's kit and an 80x86 assembler are optional. The Worldgroup client has been developed in Borland C and Assembly for the low-level code and communications utilities. Visual Basic was used to create most of the client user interface. The Btrieve Windows DLL provides the basic client-side database services. Visual Basic extensions by Sheridan Software and Crescent Software were also used for specific enhancements. To modify or develop Worldgroup client-side code, a developer will need Visual Basic Pro 3.0 and 3-D Widgets by Sheridan Software (this latter requirement may change before release). Borland C 3.1 or 4.0, an 80x86 assembler, the Btrieve for Windows developer's kit, and other Visual Basic third-party toolkits are optional. The power and simplicity of the Visual Basic environment will give a very broad audience the opportunity to customize Worldgroup online services. Galacticomm Developer Products Galacticomm currently plans to offer four developer kits for Worldgroup: Client-side Development Kit, which will include the client- side engine in DLL form and the Visual Basic code for all the client-side apps and main menu. Documentation will include an overview of client/server, the client-side engine API, and the dynapak reference guide. Client/Server Development Kit, which will include the client-side Development Kit, along with the server-side engine in LIB form and the source code to all of the server- side applications (equivalent to the Developer's C Source Kit for Version 6 of The Major BBS). Additional documentation will cover the server-side engine API for agent development. Extended Source Kit, which will contain further C source code associated with the offline utilities for the server (similar to the existing product for Version 6) as well as the client-side Worldgroup Manager source. Client/Server Engine Source Kit, which will provide the full client-side and server-side engine sources. This will be particularly well-suited for approved developers to port the client capabilities to other platforms. The specific contents of these kits are tentative at this time, and pricing is not yet available. Visual Basic Third-Party Toolkits Over 200 custom controls and other companion products are commercially available for Visual Basic for Windows _ giving client/server developers instant access to megabytes of specialized tools and programming libraries. Some examples include: MicroHelp High Edit, an integrated word processor that lets developers include WYSIWYG, desktop-publishing features into applications via a custom control. RoboHelp, by Blue Sky Software Corp., which integrates bitmaps, sound clips, and video clips be included into Windows help files. ImageKnife/VBX, a custom control package for manipulating images of all kinds (TIFF, PCX, GIF, DIB, JPEG, etc.) in any application. SpyWorks-VB, a powerful tool for both debugging Windows apps, as well as incorporating features such as "subclassing" for intercepting any Windows message going to a form or control. Visual/db Database Manager, a complete relational DBMS that creates, reads, and writes industry-standard dBASE- type database (DBF), index (NDX), and memo (DBT) files. NeuroWindows, a neural network DLL for Visual Basic that gives applications the capability to simulate the recognition abilities of the human brain in problem-solving scenarios. A product directory of add-ons is included with the Visual Basic package. Also, the magazine BasicPro features ads and reviews of popular enhancement products. A number of good books are available on Visual Basic programming techniques, as is a yearly VBITS technical summit. Potential Third-Party Products The Worldgroup platform will open the possibilities for new, multimillion dollar third-party applications built on its foundation. With the ease of Visual Basic, stunning results may be achieved in record time. And the dynamics of the Windows market should give developers a longer product cycle, resulting in higher profits and more resources for expansion. Several "killer" apps that are envisioned include: Client/server database engines, which manage "differences" between the central and remote databases _ giving each user full data manipulation capabilities, even in intermittent online circumstances. Online catalog shopping, bidding, and browsing; color photographs could be downloaded, as could AVI movies and sound clips. The user could keep local records of products. When he's ready to order he simply enters his credit card in a client-side form, connects, and kicks off an invoice on the server. Workgroup suites, including project management, meeting schedules, contact management, and personal information databases. Local/remote sales and inventory systems, where field staff could enter orders _ perhaps even allow customers or dealers to work with restricted aspects of the system. Awesome multiplayer games, with stunning graphics, animation, video, and sound; joystick, mouse, VR gloves and helmets, etc. Collections of specialized "global" commands combined into a floating toolbox _ sort of a Norton Desktop for the online services on the extreme side. Document management and real "whiteboard" software, either for internal-use only, or possibly with outside world participation. A complete technical support center, with bug tracking, feature voting, knowledge database, customer activity threads, update file downloads, etc., which could be used by company management, support staff, and customers to automate the technical support process. The ultimate "matchmaker in cyberspace" software, with special chat support for photographs, movies, sound clips, animation, etc. Investment management packages: stock quote feeds for the server, and tracking and portfolio tools for the client. Mail gateways to cc:Mail, Microsoft Mail, DaVinci; and shared database gateways with Lotus Notes, Microsoft Schedule+, etc. And that's just the beginning! Conclusion Online services are the wave of the future. They will provide the critical networks by which PC users will gather information and communicate with the world. Already, the concepts of enterprise computing and mobile computing have made email, remote access, and workgroup applications a major success. Worldgroup technology will certainly cater to those internal communication and coordination markets, but will reach far beyond the physical and conceptual walls of an organization: call it "worldgroup," or "customer-company interactive services." Ultimately, though, it is the bridge and merger between the multibillion dollar email/workgroup market and the multibillion dollar commercial online service market. Worldgroup is currently scheduled to begin beta test in January 1995. The final shipping product is excepted to be released in late March 1995. There will be a significant, wide-area gamma release in early March 1995. These dates are tentative and subject to change. Specific pricing is not available at this time, although a two-user copy of the Worldgroup server is expected to have a significantly higher list price (around $795) than the current Major BBS Version 6. The retail price should remain under $500. The Advanced LAN Option will also be integrated into the baseline two-user product. There will be a very competitive upgrade option for existing Version 6 customers (around $199). There will be a developers source upgrade as well (around $149) that will include a complete client/server kit, minus Visual Basic Pro 3.0. The Worldgroup client software will be offered as shareware; there will probably be a separate charge for the client user's manual. Support for clients may be handled through a support contract with the Sysop or possibly an independent 900 number. The details of the Worldgroup support plans will be available after beta test. Future versions of the Worldgroup client and server software, as well as Worldgroup add-on options, will be released over the 1995 calendar year. This project will be the most exciting release ever introduced by Galacticomm _ or for that matter any other manufacturer _ in the ready-to-explode BBS market. It is the true integration of client/server and multimedia into a market that has been the leader of interactivity, but a slow starter in interface. It is high time to bring these services into the mainstream, the way Prodigy and America Online have at a broad level. After careful analysis, Galacticomm strongly believes that no other BBS industry player will be able to match these capabilities until at least late 1995. By then, new advancements will keep Galacticomm customers, dealers, and third-party developers at the head of the pack. Your success will help make that happen. Based on announced product plans by Microsoft and Lotus, Galacticomm also believes that the big giants in the workgroup market will fail to successfully reach the "outside" world, primarily due to license restrictions and to a lesser extent inexperience in the open online community, until at least 1996. This is the ultimate window of opportunity. Common Questions and Answers Are Version 6.x modules and Add-ons compatible with Worldgroup ? Add-on modules written for the Version 6 platform should work fine under Worldgroup, except for any product that uses the messaging system. Due to the extensive changes in the messaging architecture, products that fall into this category will need to be updated. We've done our best to get early copies of Worldgroup and the messaging API to all of our third party developers and we hope to see Worldgroup versions of most products shortly after we ship. What if I have Add-ons that don't have a C/S interface? Since the client has a built in ANSI terminal, and can automatically detect when a module doesn't have a C/S interface, all of these products should still be accessible to your client/server users. Of course, we're encouraging all of our vendors to write C/S compatible products from now on. Does the server have to run under Windows now? Absolutely not. Worldgroup can be considered The Major BBS Version 7.0, in this respect. Maximum performance is achieved by running the server under DOS. Does the Sysop have a client/server interface? For the most part, yes. The remote sysop (system management) module has not been converted to C/S, but just about everything else has. The console will still support ANSI only, of course. What about Windows `95? Will the client work with it? The existing client works under Windows `95 (tested with the Windows `95 Beta 2 release). Galacticomm plans to port the client to a 32-bit, Windows `95 application when it becomes feasible. Does Worldgroup support RIP and ANSI ? Worldgroup supports the full Version 6 suite of interfaces, including RIP and ASCII/ANSI. Any other languages that you may have should continue to work as well. Of course, you should encourage your users to switch to the client. New modules will move to the client/server platform, and there are more features/functionality with the client than there can be with ANSI or RIP. Will the new offline capabilities affect my income potential ? Actually, they can increase your income. If you look at your system statistics, you will most likely find that the module with the highest system usage is an interactive, online module. Most users don't spend the majority of their time in e-mail and forums. With the offline capabilities of the client, users will be able to spend even less time writing messages (or write more message in the same amount of time) and spend more time doing interactive things online. In addition, users can now download in the background, so you can charge them for doing more than one thing at a time (e.g. 100 credits per file download, 60 credits per message written ). Instead of a user just downloading four files and leaving, they can now download four files, and while they're waiting, write a few messages, play a game or two, chit chat in Teleconference, etc. What about Pre-orders? Although Worldgroup is still in final beta testing, we'd like to give you the opportunity to launch one of the first Worldgroup systems. We are currently taking orders for shipments in the April to May time-frame. When you order, we'll immediately put your name into our queue. When Worldgroup development is finalized, we'll start shipping from the pre-orders on a first-in, first-out basis. We'll need to take your credit number at the time you place your order, so we can ship Worldgroup as soon as it's available. But we won't charge your card until the product ships. Unfortunately, we won't be able to accept COD orders for pre-order. By instituting this new program, we hope to make it as convenient as possible to get Worldgroup in your hands. You can order it today and relax, knowing that Worldgroup will arrive on your doorstep at the earliest possible date. What about the Automatic Software Update Program (ASUP)? We have increased the ASUP price to $599. This has been done to provide you with better service. As an ASUP customer, you will be placed in the front of the sales queue when Worldgroup ships. As updates are released, you will once again be given priority and placed first in the queue. Also, all ASUP shipments will be via Federal Express so you will receive the updates in a timely manner. If you are currently an ASUP customer, you will receive all of these benefits as well. Should you choose not to purchase an ASUP, you can still purchase upgrades at the one-time price. GALACTICOMM, INC. REPORT ON WORLDGROUP