40 files found in Library "Modem Utilities"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
15_846B.ZIP Yes 14804 8/11/1993
Software setup "STOP" booklet for Sportster
high speed modems.
15_974C.ZIP Yes 5765 8/11/1993
Quick reference card for US Robotics
Sportster modems.
288TECH.ZIP Yes 16800 9/11/1994
Discussions on why few callers get a 28,800
V.FC/V.34 connect over dial up phone lines
288TXT.ZIP Yes 18814 10/14/1994
Having troubles getting a 28.8 Connect rate
with your USR? So are a lot of people. Read
these posts to and from USR for help.
28SETUP.ZIP Yes 8824 7/9/1994
Text file on the best setting for several
different 28.8 Modem's include's Init
String's and NRAM setting. There setting are
from a Modem Beta Tester. @X01/@X0FUNITED
COURIERS '94 @X01\
300BPS.ZIP Yes 2547 8/9/1993
What can you do with a 300bps Modem?? Here is
list of uses for one.
ATPLUS10.ZIP Yes 59641 9/17/1993
ATPlus v1.0; Send "AT" commands to your modem
from the DOS command line. Accepts command
line switches, or reads from its
configuration file. Works with or w/out a
FOSSIL driver and supports COM1 - COM4
including non-standard ports. Output can be
redirected, or suppressed.
CLASS20.ZIP Yes 7295 9/30/1994 ZyXEL Class 2.0 fax command list
COMDOG1.ZIP Yes 32316 1/4/1995
Locates modems & shows port # - Free COMdog
is a freeware utility that sniffs out modems
connected to or configured as PC serial ports
and displays their port numbers.
COMPRT25.ZIP Yes 30028 9/27/1993
COMPORT V2.5 Manipulate and Display COM and
LPT Port Info
COMST11.ZIP Yes 22715 8/1/1993
COMSET v11.0; 11 setup/test modems/uarts Ver
11 supports Com1-4, IRQ2-7, speeds to
57.6kbps. Returns errorlevels to batch files
depending on modem's state. Unlike mode.com,
Comset works with any Uart. Also swaps ports,
logs in Com3&4 to DOS, displays port status.
CTSSPU22.ZIP Yes 152212 12/22/1994
problems. Detect multiple com ports at one
address, IRQ used, ports that can't generate
IRQs, and other conflicts. Detects failed
UARTs. NEW "Modem-finder" & BIOS options.
Reports port settings, writes to log file.
Change any port setting. Version 2 allows
operation under Windows and OS/2! DOS 2+, any
DSI144DF.ZIP Yes 603 8/27/1994 MDM file for DIGICOM Softmodem V.32terbo (192)
ECHO090B.ZIP Yes 7778 8/5/1993
EEcho is a simple utility to send line(s) of
text out the COMM port using a FOSSIL driver
FINDIRQ.ZIP Yes 47968 8/25/1993 Utility For Finding Active IRQs
FST550.ZIP Yes 12671 1/23/1995
Author : Michael Spalter Fast serial cards
have become very popular lately due to the
proliferation of high speed (V32/V32bis)
modems. Whilst the computer press have been
keen to cover modems in general, little
coverage has been given to serial cards
(they're just not sexy enough for mainstream
articles). This means that, whilst many
people want or need fast serial cards, there
INITS.ZIP Yes 16264 3/30/1995
All types of modems listed with the proper
init string to make them run. Very detailed.
MDM400.ZIP Yes 16710 8/17/1993
SatisFAXtion Modem/400: Information and
Solutions to Common Problems
MDMDEF.ZIP Yes 17494 11/28/1994 Current eSoft Modem Definition File
MM_100.ZIP Yes 40047 2/9/1995
Modem Messenger v1.0! A serial port answering
machine for those times when your BBS or host
is down. It'll answer incoming calls on any
port informing the caller about delays,
expected availability and more. Configurable
output, port specifications, including fossil
support. -AV by author. Freeware.
MODEM210.ZIP Yes 84689 12/1/1994
MODEM v2.10a - Add full modem control to your
batch programs. Status checking. Dialing.
Even a basic terminal program. Information is
sent back to the batch file via the DOS
ERRORLEVEL variable. Can also be used with
regular (EXE or COM compiled) programs if
they can detect the ERRORLEVEL. From Pinnacle
MODEMD60.ZIP Yes 155187 12/31/1994
Modem Doctor 6.0S,modem/uart diagnostics The
premier modem/uart system utility. Ver 6
tests ports, IRQ's, & modem self- connect
tests, handshake tests & more than 60 others.
Support for IRQ 2-15, Digiboards, Burst tests
measure thruput and handshaking, ID's all
active IRQ's motherboard type and much more!
MODEMTXT.ZIP Yes 11149 9/5/1993 Compares High Speed Modems for value
MODEMUTL.ZIP Yes 84803 12/31/1994
Add full modem control to your batch programs
with MODEM. Status checking. Dialing. Even a
basic terminal program. Information is sent
back to the batch file via the DOS ERRORLEVEL
variable. Can also be used with regular (EXE
or COM compiled) programs, if they can detect
the ERRORLEVEL. From Pinnacle Software the
creators of the Sapphire BBS. Voice support:
dial 514-345-9578, or call our free files BBS
at 514-345-8654 (download on first call).
MODWKS20.ZIP Yes 143476 1/2/1995
MODEM WORKSHOP 2.0 Modem book on disk. How to
choose and set up a modem and tele-
communications software. Informative sections
include: modem testing, BBSs, message bases,
online services, e-mail, shareware jewels,
how to unzip .zip files, AT commands, how to
use Interlink, packet-switching networks,
modem terms, emoticons, and more. Steven Woas
MQ72FIX.ZIP Yes 13047 11/27/1993 MKEQuote fix for modem send error
PARA14.ZIP Yes 85511 10/31/1994
Parallel Port Information System v1.45 by Jay
Lowe and Don Schuman Parallel is a simple
utility which displays the configuration of
the parallel ports (LPT ports) in your system.
PRTFIX.ZIP Yes 15528 8/29/1994
CTS PORTFIX v1.0: DOS TSR to prevent comm
port lockups on computers using the SMC super
I/O port chip. PortFix uses only 704 bytes of
memory. Most users can run it once and forget
about it.
RAS.ZIP Yes 17776 4/18/1994
Windows NT & Workgroup Remote Access Server
drivers including ZyXEL
TRADEIN.ZIP Yes 1966 9/7/1993 US Robotics Upgrade Program Info
USR_DUAL.ZIP Yes 2455 12/20/1994
[0;1;5;31mTHE GHOSTSHIP (613) 446-7843
Warning to all USR V34 DUAL OWNERS Major flaw
in USRobotic Dual V34 discovered. Can result
in total damage to your 28.8 Dual Standard
Please READ and SPREAD Dec/19/94 The modem
you save could be your sysop or one of the
top group couriers !
V32TERBO.ZIP Yes 3239 8/25/1993 USRobotics announces V.32terbo product line
WATCHCD.ZIP Yes 14171 2/11/1995
WatchCD: a TSR carrier monitor reboot utility
which flushes caches to disk prior to reboot.
Versions for COM ports 1-4. Supports several
different caches including SmartDrive 4.0+.
PC-Cache and caches from Norton Utilities.
WATCHD10.ZIP Yes 25596 1/11/1995
WATCHDCD 1.0 by Gary Chanson Monitors the a
serial port and restarts a DESQview task if a
disconnect is detected. Programmable
disconnect delay and optional log to file.
WHYV34.ZIP Yes 7160 12/18/1994
v12/17/94 . Article on V.34 and V.FC
("fast class") modems, phone lines,
terminology, concepts, technology, problems,
issues, troubleshooting, and limitations. Why
connections will typically be slower than
28.8kbps. By Paul Munoz-Colman, FunStuff
Software, publishers of Personal Calendar(tm).
Z-288-2.ZIP Yes 18297 7/8/1994
Information, Instructions & Parameters for
the ZOOM 28.8K Modem.
ZFAX_288.ZIP Yes 1869 3/30/1995
Information on setting up a Zoom VFX 28800
modem with Front Door and BGFAX. By Bob Dunn
ZLST9309.ZIP Yes 3208 9/6/1993
Z-List; List of BBS's with ZyXel modems. If
you have a ZyXel...join the list!
ZUT231_.ZIP Yes 72791 7/3/1994
(v2.31) ZuTSR, voice feature add-on for most
mailer/BBS software using a Fossil driver :
Call differentiation data/fax/voice, message
replaying and recording, call transfer and
much more; can be used as a function library
for your own programs (int14h). For ZyXELs
and Rockwell based modems. Shareware
(12/25/50 $) by kawk@zerebrm.hanse.de
ZYXFAQ38.ZIP Yes 53726 4/25/1994
(v3.8) Answers on frequently asked questions
about ZyXEL modems. (E) recd 26-apr-94 at