Here are the specific conference guidelines for the COMMON Conference: This is a place in which we can all share our religious and spiritual ideas and experiences. The rules are based on respect for each other. Everyone here is encouraged to participate, regardless of their religion or lack of religion. We are encouraged to share but not to bicker. We are encouraged to let others know what we believe and why we believe it. However, personal attacks or attacks on another person's religion are not permitted. When it comes to quotes from the Bible, please quote only a verse or two. We all have Bibles, and if we are interested we can look up verses. Let your Light shine. Do not try to convert anyone else to your point of view or your religion. Calling other religions "not really Christian" or "only a cult" is not permitted. In fact, because "cult" is a word loaded with pejorative baggage, it's a term best avoided. Please express your opinions and beliefs as such, not as the Only Truth. Expressions such as "I believe," "my religion teaches," and "in my opinion" are encouraged. Please be respectful of others and their beliefs, and express yourself with compassion. Occasionally someone will share a problem with us. If you respond, please answer with empathy and charity. Please do not play therapist, and please do not denigrate people whose problems you don't understand. Finally, please avoid the use of words that cannot be used in prime time on national television. Also, do not use words that denigrate any race, ethnic group, affectional preference, gender, etc.