ÚÄ¿ Welcome... to ChristNet ÚÄÄÙ ÀÄÄ¿ Christian Fellowship Network ÀÄÄ¿ ÚÄÄÙ ³ ³ ChristNet Forum Listing ³ ³ Updated: Sep 12, 1994 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Ministry Outreach of TBB Computer Ministries, Inc. A California Non-Profit Corporation Home of Treasures From Heaven CD ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ þ 3 Required Forums: CN-AdMin, Open Forum & Prayer/Praise þ ChristNet SysOp & Host(ess) ONLY in CN-AdMin please. þ Forum ##s are TBB's actual numbers (used for QWK Mail Tossers). ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ *** The Following rules apply to EACH ChristNet Forum *** 1. The management team of ChristNet Christian Fellowship Network reserves the right to terminate ANY and/or ALL discussion on a specific topic, at their discretion, when it believes the post or thread has gone off topic, or does not magnify Christ. 2. All messages are to remain on-topic. Threads that become specific will be moved to their appropriate Forum. 3. Absolutely *NO FLAMES* - This means no personal insults, character at- tacks, false innuendoes, etc. 4. Avoid Over-Quoting! Normally, 3 to 5 lines of quoting is enough to remind the sender what you are replying to. Do NOT quote an entire post! 5. CCFN/TBB nor any of the HUBS or NODES shall ever be liable for any or all claims arising out of the use of CCFN. 6. Finally, remember, this is an electronic church and we are in the presence of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Be concise in your posts, be courteous and post unto others as you would have them post to you. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Name/Number: 7 - ChristNet Administration Description: A private communication forum exclusively for the Network SysOps and Conference Host(ess) to discuss day-to-day operation of the network. Also the conference used to announce and advise the network SysOps of changes, and/or new information available on the network. Host/Node: Randy Tincher - BELIEVER Name/Number: 8 - Open Forum Description: This conference exists to fellowship with the brethren. It is the "family meeting" place, the "town hall" and in general a place to meet other believers. The posts will range from personal introductions to light hearted discussions about various topics. Threads which become very focused will be redirected to a more specific forum. Host/Node: Bill Quigley - QUIGS T&T BBS Name/Number: 9 - Praise/Prayer Description: Prayer and Praise Conference Cords to Bind us together in His Love The Prayer/Praise Forum is a required Forum for each ChristNet Node. This Forum is a special place where both Prayer Requests may be posted, and also the Praise Reports may be shared so that others who are walking through similar trials my receive encouragement, hope and learn how others with similar trials have overcome the trials through the power of prayer. The guidelines are very simply - only four types of posts allowed: 1. Prayer Requests (Individual or Group*) 2. Prayer Responses (From a Prayer Request) 3. Praise Reports (Oh Magnify the Lord) 4. Praise Replies (How the Praise Report helped you) * Note: if you submit a group prayer list, then you as the sender are re- sponsible for keeping the Prayer & Praise Conf. up to date on the status of the requests on said list, ie, Praise reports, updated prayer requests. As Believers in the Lord, Jesus Christ, we daily live a spiritual battle where the evil one wants to destroy and discourage each of us. This Forum will be very closely monitored to ensure that each post falls into one of the four allowable categories. The Bible teaches us..."Base your happiness on your hope in Christ. When trials come, endure them patiently;steadfast- ly maintain THE HABIT OF PRAYER!" Romans 12:12 (Ph) Let's also remember to post the Praise Reports - you may never know in this lifetime just how powerful they are! Countless times posts that lift what the Lord has done give tremendous hope to others who are walking through the same trial - with hope in the future, there is power in the present. The most powerful gift we as believers have is prayer! By the shed blood of Jesus Christ, may we boldly come before the Throne of Grace, lifting up our needs in Jesus' name. Host/Node: Open... Name/Number: 10 - The Vision... Description: Focuses on the Corporate Mission Statement of TBB Computer Ministries, Incorporated. TBB is a California Non-Profit Corporation and has a "Vision" to open a 400 acre+ Christian Retreat Center for International use. This Forum discusses the progress and contributions of His Vision. Host/Node: Randy Tincher - President - TBB, Inc. Name/Number: 11 - ProLife Description: Nationally, this topic continues to receive a great deal of press. With the new administration already lifting restrictions which have been in place for years, this conference allows for each person to learn what the Bible teaches the believer about this volatile social issue. Host/Node: Open... Name/Number: 12 - Teens Only! Description: This Conference is designed for use by the teenage caller only. A place to discuss the difficulties of attending secular schools, what your youth group is doing, etc. This is an excellent place to ask for help with the daily struggles which are so strong among the peer group. Host/Node: Branin Johnson - BELIEVER Name/Number: 13 - Rapha/Abuse Description: From the Hebrew word, Rapha means "healing". Today in this broken and confused world, millions of people each day are walking towards healthy living by walking a 12 step program where the "higher power" is the Lord, Jesus Christ. This forum is not available to debate Jesus Christ as the "higher power" but rather a safe harbor for those working a program to encourage others and a place for those with questions to seek answers from the "professionals" who have been down the same road. This Forum will not debate the wordly higher power concept and will not allow debate about established groups that wish to endorse other than Jesus Christ as the Higher Power. It is a place to begin a recovery of any type where Jesus Christ is the Higher Power and take those hard steps to walk towards healing. Naturally, all of the established ChristNet guidelines apply and ChristNet can not be held accountable for any individuals recovery process - we just hold Jesus as the Master and trust that since He is the one that made us, He can fix the damage done to that which He created. Host/Node: Randy Tincher - BELIEVER Sponsors: Steve Aterburn/New Life Treatment Centers Name/Number: 14 - Family/Couples Description: This forum is for the discussion of how to bring joy and love into your marriage. Also, discussions about the things can tear apart a couple and how to avoid them. In all, a place to share ideas, problems and seek advice from those who have experience for all types of couples in Christ. Host/Node: Open... Name/Number: 15 - Single Folks Description: This forum is for the those who are now SINGLE no matter how your life has brought you to this place. You may have never been married, or recently divorced, or may be now a widow. No matter the case, this is the Forum to talk and meet those who also are not married at this time in their lives. Host/Node: Open.... Name/Number: 16 - Market Place Ministry Description: This is a forum which reaches the Business and Professional Men & Women who each day derive their income from a very professional position. If you are a Professional, this forum is a place to discuss the roles you have letting Jesus shine thru all the Corporate clutter. Host/Node: Open... Name/Number: 17 - 4$ale/BBS Ads Description: This is the place to post your BBS announcements and/or ads. They may be ascii or Ansi. Description: Through the power of multiple BBS's, list the items you have for sale, or list the items you are looking for. No restriction on what can be in the posts as long as no illegal items are advertised or sought. 1. Absolutely no copyrighted material will be illegally sold and/or listed in this forum. For Sale Ads are restricted to Christian and Electronic Goods in this forum. This means NO amway products, MCI telephone ads, cars etc. 2 ChristNet will not be held responsible for any damage resulting from the use of any product, service, or advice sold in this forum. No warranties are expressed or implied. *ALL* sellers must agree that what they are selling will not be DOA (Dead On Arrival). Host/Node: Each ChristNet SysOp Name/Number: 18 - BBS Ministry Description: This forum is for the discussion of operating a computer ministry. BBS is actually a acronym for "Bulletin Board System". This is the BBS Ministry conference. General chit-chat between SysOps, tech talk and other BBS stuff is encouraged here. This conference is maintained for the use of SysOps, would-be SysOps, users, and others willing to dis- cuss this addictive habit called BBSing. We'll talk tech, doors, software and hardware. Other nets may be discussed, but not gossiped about here. The basic rules of no personal attacks and no unpleasantries exist. There's a lot of lee-way in chit-chat here. Host/Node: Open... Name/Number: 19- Cult/Occult Description: This forum is for the discussion of Cult and/or Occult groups and/or activity. These range greatly from groups who appear to be "Christian" to the blatant Satanic ones. Those using this forum are encouraged to pray for God's armor as the topics will require spiritual maturity. Host/Node: Open... Name/Number: 20 - Theology Description: This forum is for the discussion of all sorts of ideas, thoughts and beliefs. The threads will heat up because of the various view points. Of all the forums on ChristNet this *is* the debate forum. Host/Node: Open... Name/Number: 21 - Bible Study Description: This forum is for the discussion of Bible study material, studies which are available and when things really become solid in this forum, our Host(ess) will actually be leading us in a daily study. Host/Node: Open... Name/Number: 22 - TBB Board Room Description: A private forum for the Officers and Directors of TBB, Inc. to communicate and deal with the Corporate matters of the Company. Host/Node: Randy Tincher - Chairman - TBB, Inc. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Additional Conferences may be added from time to time as the Lord leads (but probably not until after Christmas or so. If you have an idea for a new conference, simply post a message to Curtis Taylor in Open Forum. From there, the Network SysOps will be advised of the suggestion and be asked if they would carry such a conference. If a majority will carry the conference, guidelines will be established and the conference will be installed. When you make your suggestion, please also indicate if you would be willing to serve as the Host(ess) for this conference. *eof: CN-FORUM.TXT*