ÚÄ¿ Welcome... to ChristNet ÚÄÄÙ ÀÄÄ¿ Christian Fellowship Network ÀÄÄ¿ ÚÄÄÙ ³ ³ ChristNet Operating Guidelines ³ ³ Updated: Sep 12, 1994 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Ministry Outreach of TBB Computer Ministries, Inc. A California Non-Profit Corporation Home of Treasures From Heaven CD ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ "ChristNet Christian Fellowship Network" (sm) (hereafter referred to as ChristNet, CCFN multi-tier computer/telephone communications Network comprised of one Network HUB Bulletin Board System and several participating Regional Hubs, Hubs and Nodes. CCFN is operated and owned by "TBB Computer Ministries, Inc." - a California Non-Profit Corporation, as serves as a Ministry Outreach of The Believer's Board. The Network is operated by the President/Chairman/CEO of TBB, Randy Tincher, who serves as the NetHub Host, acknowledging that Jesus Christ is the NetHub SysOp. The NetHub Host reserves the right to admit or refuse any BBS or SYSOP as a member of the Network. The NetHub Host further reserves the right to remove or suspend "Network Access" of any individual node for any action considered detrimental to the goals, spirit or quality of "TBB Computer Ministries, Inc.". Net Host BBS Operations ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The NetHub BBS equipment is NOT the property of any system relaying "ChristNet Christian Fellowship Network". No claims may be made against the software and/or hardware that "comprises" the NetHub BBS. All software and hardware required to run the NetHub BBS is either officially registered or privately owned and used with permis- sion by "TBB Computer Ministries, Inc.". The CCFN is not owned by the nodes, but rather "TBB Computer Ministries, Inc.". Acceptance is made by the NetHub Host, or any of it's recognized Regional Hubs or Hubs. Applications are to be uploaded to the HUB you will relay thru. Approved ChristNet HUBS may bring on Nodes which they approve with out an approval process from the NetHost SysOp; an application sent to Randy Tincher is still required by the HUB you relay thru and it is their responsibility to forward the application. The sponsoring HUBS will be held accountable for the Nodes they bring online. CCFN is a "No Fee" Network. The expenses of the Network are offset by "grace giving" from any of the Hubs, Nodes, or callers of the network. No Node may charge it's callers for access to the CCFN. BBS/Network Software ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Network members must use lawfully registered software as defined by the respective software author's documentation such as K-Mail, Rnet, Qnet, RoseMail, Tnet, QWiKerNet, MkNet and TriNet, etc for their echo transfers. Network members must use lawfully registered software as defined by the respective software author's documentation such as PCBoard, GAP, Wildcat!, Spitfire, Searchlight, TriTel, RBBS, UltraBBS, Remote Access and QBBS, etc for their Node operation. The NetHub Host reserves the right to decline and/or termi- nate access to the Network to those individuals failing to operate with the properly registered or purchased software used for netmail operations. Pursuant to the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986, 18 USC 2510 et. seq., all BBS SYSOPs and users participating within CCFN, must be aware that there are no facilities provided by the Network for sending or receiving confidential electronic communica- tions. Although CCFN maintains the capability and capacity to send and receive mail that is flagged as "Receiver-Only" or "Routed Mail.", mail so flagged is not to be considered by any user as actual "private" messages. The purpose of the "R/O", "Routed Mail" or "Point-to-Point" flags are in-tended solely to provide a means to limit the possible number of nodes and/or users that may have access to the mail for display purposes. All participating Network SysOps must agree, as a condition of network membership and participation, that they will notify anyone reading or exchanging messages within all CCFN conferences on their BBS of all network guidelines and that ChristNet - has no facilities for exchanging confidential electronic communications. Suitable bulletins and/or news displays should be placed in a prominent place within the users' viewing capabilities, indicating that no confiden- tial communications capabilities are available within the ChristNet - Network. All messages posted in relayed conferences are deemed to be public. Access policies to the private conferences must be maintained to restrict access to only the private conference members as de- scribed in these guidelines. The ChristNet - Christian Fellowship Network, nor The Believer's Board and all member SysOps assume no accountability or liability whatsoever for any violations of this policy by any and all users of the ChristNet - Network. Network Hub SysOps ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The Conferance Co-ordinator is responsible for "enforcing" any/all guidelines which pertain to CCFN. Regional Hubs and Hubs must relay at least once a day to maintain service to their downstream Nodes. No Regional Hub or Hub should intentionally shut down for over (24) consecutive hours without first making provisions for the continued relaying of it nodes. Regional Hubs & Hubs MUST carry ALL ChristNet Forums. When any Hub SysOp has been "notified" by the Conference Co- ordinator to remove the "Net Access" of a Node, the Hub SysOp should remove the node's access imediatly. In the event that the Hub SysOp "does not" comply with a "node-access-removal" request, the NetHub Host may remove the Regional Hub, or Hubs access to TBB. Conference Host(ess) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Network members must use lawfully registered software as defined Conference Host(ess) are appointed by the Network's Conference Co- ordinator. If you are interested in Hosting a Forum, please post to Randy Tincher in the Open Forum. The duties of the CH are described below: 1) Ensure that message traffic is kept on topic and politely redirect off topic users to the "appropriate" conference. 2) Notify the CC of problems regarding config errors such as Duplicate Mail and Cross-Echoes. 3) Notify the CC of a user who violates any and/or all conference rules. 4) Do not flame or help fan the flames of a user who is "out of line". Report the situation to his or her SysOp first. If actions continue, the CH may recommend the removal of the caller by posting to the Network CC. 5) Maintain the friendly atmosphere within the Conference and make the new callers feel welcome. Where appropriate, you should assist in answering questions which relate to the subject of your conference. 6) Post the Conference Rules at least once a month. 7) Always direct and maintain Conference communication in such a manner that glorifies the Lord Jesus Christ. Network Guidelines ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ While it is not the intent of CCFN or the NetHub Host not to interfere with any SysOps authority on his or her own BBS, all relayed conferences are subject to the jurisdiction of these guide- lines. These Network guidelines are explained in detail below and ChristNet SysOps are responsible for the enforcement these Network guidelines. 1. No Illegal Activities: Any illegal activities, including but not limited to the promotion of illegal acts and promotion of software copyright infringement will not be allowed within the ChristNet Network. Any such activities constitute a grievous reason for the removal of the node or hub from the Net, and may necessitate compensatory action against the violator for any legal liabilities. 2. No Aliases/Handles: "Aliases" must not be used anywhere in CCFN conferences, except the Women's and Men's Victims of Abuse con- ferences. We are not telling you that you can not have aliased users but if you do they must NOT be able to access or enter messages into ANY of ChristNet's conferences, except the Women's and Men's - Victims of Abuse conferences. An alias is defined as a name used by a caller whose intent is to prevent identification of the caller by the SysOps and any other ChristNet Network member. SysOps of each participating BBS are responsible for ensuring that only validated users are allowed to exchange messages within conferences that are relayed by ChristNet. Handles are considered the same as aliases. People using Aliases in the Victim's Forums must be known by their actual name to the local SysOp. 3. No Flames or Personal Attacks: Anyone found to be abusive in nature, such as but not limited to, name calling, insults, slanderous statements, arrogant or instigative posts or any other rude, lewd or otherwise obnoxious behavior or comments, is to be removed from the conference. Further occurrences of this abuse will result in the user(s) being removed from the Network completely. The ChristNet - Christian Fellowship Network, The Believer's Board and all member SysOps assume no accountability or liability whatsoever for any violations of this policy by any and all users of the ChristNet Network. Network SysOps can and will be held accountable for failure to remove any user or users who make statements that are abusive, slanderous or demeaning to any individual, group, organization either social, political, theological or racial. 4. Message Posting / Quoting: All messages posted in the echoed conferences are considered public and readable by all callers. Until that time, there is no method of sending or routing mail. All messages remain the property of CCFN and as such shall not be copied onto other message bases, or echoed on other networks. Quot- ing must be held to an absolute minimum. For all Conferences, a five line maximum must be adhered to. As callers post in any Con- ference, their agreement of this policy is acknowledged. 5. Configuration Errors: Network member SysOps MUST monitor the CN-Admin conference on a timely basis to be aware of announcements (conference additions or deletions) or mail regarding configuration errors (duplicates and cross-echoes). SysOps must "correct" any detrimental activity coming into the CCFN via their board, on a timely basis, including but not limited to duplicates, cross-echoes, abusive users and improper or excessive taglines. 6. Forum Requirements: ChristNet - requires each participating Node carry three "mandatory" conferences. They are CN-AdMin (SysOp and Conference Host communication with restricted access), Open Forum (our conference in common for all callers) and Prayer/Praise Forum - (the heart of a Christian's life). The balance of the Conferences are not mandatory however highly encouraged to be echoed. 7. Network Taglines: All posts are restricted to no more than three (2) taglines. Typically, one will be the callers offline reader and the second will be the mail door which processed the QWK file. The QWK relays tagline will look like the below and MUST con- tain the word "ChristNet" in the second position, following your Mail Tosser ID: ' KMail 3.01 ' ChristNet ' Lake Forest, CA ' 714 457-1019/1020/1021 ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | | | | | | Your SoftID NetWork ID Free space for your system's ID, or..... 8. Network Related Discussions or Debates: Network business will be discussed in the ChristNet Admin conference only. If a thread does develop elsewhere, move it into the CN-Admin conference. 9. Abusive Users or SysOps: No offensive or abusive language. The use of any word, group of words, expression, comment, suggestion, or proposal which is profane, filthy, lewd, lascivious, obscene, indecent, or that is demeaning ethnically or racially is strictly prohibited within the ChristNet Network. Network member SysOps must remove any users from the echoes for flaming and/or fighting. We cannot ask that users be removed as "users of your board" but if they are a problem to ChristNet Network they must not have access to it. 10. This Network does not exist for the benefit of, nor will it allow the promotions, or proselytizing of views, opinions, or organi- zations that promote anything contrary to the exaltation of the Lord Jesus Christ, as described in our statement of faith. 11. Resolution of disputes follow a chain of command. A CH would take matters to the CC and then if no resolution is reached, the Net Hub Host will make a final determination. A caller would first post their concern(s) to the CH, if no resolution is reached, the caller, at their option, ask the CC to review the matter. Finally, if there is still no resolution, the caller may ask the NetHub Host to make a final determination. Callers are encouraged to first ask the advise of their Home Node SysOp when unsure of guidelines or procedures. 12. PCBoard or similar BBS-Software-specific Macros: PCBoard or similar macros are not to be used anywhere in the Network. Although PCBoard BBSs will probably make up a majority of the network, the macros it supports are NOT supported by the other BBS software packages. 13. ANSI and RIP In Messages: ANSI and RIP are permitted ONLY in the ChristNet ANSI&RIP Forum, BBS Ads Forum and "Teens-Only" Forum. 14. The Management Team of ChristNet Christian Fellowship Network reserves all rights to terminate ANY and/or ALL discussions, or posts, or threads which have become hostile, posted off-forum-topic, or for any other reason deemed necessary to maintain a "Christ-Like" Forum environment. ChristNet Management Team reserves these "rights" regard -less of individual forum guidelines. Making Amendments To These Network Guidelines ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ- Although the NetHub Host is responsible for implementing any changes to these guidelines, any ChristNet Hub, Node, or Forum Host may request amendments to these guidelines from the NetHub Host. Such requests or petitions or any and all discussions thereof MUST take place in the CN-AdMin conference of the ChristNet Network and no place else. *eof: CN-RULES.TXT*