DharmaNet Zone 96 Echo Conferences ---------------------------------- Administrative ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DHARMASYS DharmaNet Sysops Discussion of DharmaNet, its policies, development, and operation. Network-wide announcements are made here, so it is the responsibility of DharmaNet sysops to stay informed. This conference is also an appropriate place for test messages, welcomes to new sysops, and general discussion among DharmaNet sysops. Access is restricted to DharmaNet sysops and co-sysops, and DharmaNet echo moderators. MOD: Barry Kapke, 1:125/33 DN_FILES DharmaNet File Announcements Discussion of the DharmaNet file distribution system (filebone) and regional libraries. Announcement of new files. Open access. MOD: Barry Kapke, 1:125/33 DNREGION DharmaNet Region Coordinators Administrative echo for DharmaNet Region Coordinators. GASSHO GASSHO E-Publishing Work Group Intended as a work forum for the GASSHO publication committee, using the electronic medium for collective copy editing, proofreading, critique, etc. Access is restricted to workgroup members only. MOD: Barry Kapke, 1:125/33 DHARMABASE DharmaBase Work Group Intended as a work forum for the DharmaBase "database" project, for submitting and reviewing data for the Calendar and Directory projeects. Access is restricted to workgroup members only. MOD: Barry Kapke, 1:125/33 Buddhist ~~~~~~~~ AHIMSA Practice/Philosophy of Non-Violence Discussion of the Buddhist principle & practice of Ahimsa, or non-injury to sentient beings, whether by word, thought, or act. This area is also appropriate to the discussion of vegetarianism as an ethical choice. MOD: Barry Kapke, 1:125/33 BUDDSTDY Buddhist Studies Discussion of Buddhist teachings, history, and events from a scholarly perspective. MOD: Open DANA Dana Discussion of dana. MOD: George Fowler, 96:903/1 DHARMA Buddhist Philosophy & Practice Buddhist theory, philosophy & practice. All schools welcome. MOD: Barry Kapke, 1:125/33 DN_SERVE Dharma Services & Classified A conference where network users can freely trade in, and discuss the availability of, products and services specifically related to spreading the Dharma. This is *NOT* a 'general' buy/sell echo. Mod: Michael Wass, 3:711/918 HAIKU Haiku Creation, posting and discussion of varying forms of poetry and prose of a disciplined and enlightened nature. Mainly concentrating on Haiku, a Japanese form of structured poetry from the 16th century, but open to other forms. Both original and quoted works are welcome. MOD: Michael Wass, 3:711/918 HUM_RACE Race & Buddhism Discussion of racial issues and concerns in the context of Buddhist teachings and practice; how to bring a Buddhist perspective to anti-racism and ethnic diversity work at an individual, community, and societal level; and how to address and work to eliminate racism in the sangha. MOD: Open MEDITATION Meditation Discussion relating to the practice, techniques, and experience of meditation. Helpful advice for the neophyte. MOD: G. Adam Stanislav, 1:129/39 PEACEWORK Engaged Buddhism Discussion of ethics and social responsibility from a Buddhist perspective and an exploration of the philosophy and practice of an engaged, or socially activist, Buddhism. MOD: Barry Kapke, 1:125/33 PURELAND Pure Land Buddhism Discussion relating to the practice, teachers and teachings of the Pure Land traditions of Buddhism. MOD: Open SAKYADHITA Women & Buddhism Discussion relating to women in Buddhism, both bhikkhunis (nuns) and upasikas (lay-practitioners). "Sakyadhita" means "Daughters of the Buddha." MOD: Open SANGHA Int'l Dharma Events & Community Listings Buddhist "calendar." National listing of classes, retreats, dharma events, sitting groups, visiting teachers, etc. MOD: Barry Kapke, 1:125/33 SHILA Buddhist Ethics Discussion of Buddhist ethical precepts that form the foundation for the conduct of monks, nuns, and laypersons. This echo provides a place for grappling with difficult moral and practical questions within the support of an online sangha. MOD: Barry Kapke, 1:125/33 THERAVADA Theravada Buddhism Discussion relating to the practice, teachers and teachings of the Theravada traditions of Buddhism. MOD: John Bullitt, 1:322/750 TIBET_NEWS Tibet News & Culture Discussion of issues and events relating to Tibetan culture, history, and social/political developments. The engagement of Buddhist values in the struggle for human rights and political independence is also explored, although the companion echo VAJRAYANA is more appropriate to the discussion of Tibetan Buddhism and its practice. MOD: Barry Kapke, 1:125/33 VAJRAYANA Vajrayana Buddhism Discussion relating to the practice, teachers and teachings of the Vajrayana traditions of Buddhism. MOD: Kim Day, 1:347/10 VINAYA Monastic Community Discussion of rules and regulations governing the communal life of Buddhist monks and nuns. MOD: Open ZEN Zen Buddhism Discussion relating to the practice, teachers and teachings of Zen Buddhism. All schools of Zen Buddhism are welcome. MOD: Open DharmaNet Zone 1 Echo Conferences --------------------------------- Health/Lifestyle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BODYWORK Bodywork & Massage Therapy Forum A forum for both layperson and bodywork professional to discuss various modalities of "healing" touch. Demystifying human touch and educating about the body. Recent developments in the field. MOD: Barry Kapke, 1:125/33 MOD: Craig Denega, 1:273/939 HOLISTIC Holistic Thought & Lifestyle Forum for discussion of the interconnectedness of body, mind, spirit, and planet. Networking for sustainable futures. Lifestyle as ecosytem. Preventive medicine and wellness. Planetary ethics. MOD: Barry Kapke, 1:125/33 NATURISM Naturist Lifestyle and Discussion Discussion of and support for the naturist lifestyle. MOD: Barry Kapke, 1:125/33 SHIVAMBU_KALPA Water of Life (Uropathy) Discussion of uropathy and the therapeutic uses of urine. MOD: Barry Kapke, 1:125/33 TCM Traditional Asian Medicine & Bodywork Discussion of the theories and practices of traditional Asian medicine and bodywork. Open to both layperson & professional. MOD: Barry Kapke, 1:125/33 VHEAL Vibrational Healing Discussion of the various approaches to health that focus on the "subtle" body. Balneology (therapeutic baths), flower essences, aromatherapy, radionics, homeopathy, uropathy, dowsing, magnets, crystals, etc. MOD: Barry Kapke, 1:125/33 Independent Zone 1 Conferences ------------------------------ BAHAI Baha'i Faith To discuss aspects of the Baha'i Faith, and to share the activities in the Baha'i community around the world. MOD: Pam Cammack, 1:352/19 EMPTY_HAND Martial Arts Discussion of theory and practice of martial arts and their spirit of avoiding conflict and violence. All schools welcome. MOD: G. Adam Stanislav, 1:129/39 SIDDHA_YOGA Siddha Yoga Discussion To discover the joy of the Self and the awakening of inner energy through the Siddha Yoga tradition is the goal of the devotees of Swami Chidvilasananda, who is also known as Gurumayi. This echo provides a place to share insights and experiences gained in the quest for Self-realization. MOD: Linda Martin, 1:125/19 VEGAN Vegetarian Discussion of vegetarian choices and topics. MOD: Linda Martin, 1:125/19 YEN_KI Buddhism & American Culture Discussion relating to Buddhism from an American perspective and the everyday life in America from a Buddhist perspective. Participants could talk just about anything that is on their minds from baseball to abortion to is Jesus a bodhisattva to movies to crime to whatever, and see how being a Buddhist helps them deal with that whatever. MOD: G. Adam Stanislav, 1:129/39