You need only read the following if you are applying for HUB status. 1) While I will make no requirement for you to prove experience with echomail/netmail I would HIGHLY suggest that you do NOT apply for HUB status unless you are quite familiar with transferring mail in your preferred style (FIDO or QWK) 2) If you wish to become an RC for a particular area: FREQ RC from 25:25/0 3) HUBS have exceptional authority in this Network. Without HUBS the Net will fall apart. With that authority comes responsibility and the following guidelines: i. You must make mail runs to your RC (Regional Coordinator) at LEAST once per day, unless alternative arrangements are approved by your RC. ii. You will not be required to post every conference on your board however you must make all conferences that your nodes desire available. iii. You may approve an application for dNet when you receive it. Upon receipt of an application you must post it in the dNet News conference and foward a copy to your RC. After confirmation from the RC that the Application has been received, or 72 hours whichever is greater, that applicant may be given a node number if you are a Fido Hub. That node number must take the following form: 25:xxx/yyy ^^ | | Next available number in your net. | |Your Net Number. |..Always. iv. Node Number issuances must be sent to the NodeList coordinator (25:25/1) immediately for addition to the permanent nodelist. Updated Nodelists will be available by FREQ as DNET_NL from each RC and eventually each HUB. v. The 72 hour delay in part iii is to allow current member nodes sufficient time to review new applications. If a new applicant resides in the local calling area of a current member, that member is given rejection authority. (The call must be local from the member node to the applicant and from the applicant to the member node) This policy must be adhered to, in order to prevent 'net saturation' in any particular area. HUBS are prohibited from pressuring a member node in ANY way on the issue of rejection authority Member Nodes MUST submit the rejection request to the HUB SysOp that posts the new application. (I suggest using Netmail to assure timely deliverance of such requests, if a dispute arises as to the timing of rejection requests, the member node will be given the benefit of the doubt.) vi. In the event a HUB system goes down (crashes) the HUB SysOp MUST make alternate arrangements via the RC to ensure member nodes receive their mail. This action may take no longer than 24 hours from the time of the down hub's last mailrun to its RC. Failure to comply with this part will result in _immediate_ removal of violating the hub from dNet until reversed by the appropriate RC. NO EXCEPTIONS! vii. Any further topics that have not been covered in this documentation will be resolved by the RC for your area. The RC is the BOSS for each region and the word of the RC is the word of the Network Administrator. The RC's are hereby given full authority and responsibility to resolve any matters relating to HUBS in their area. iix. In the event that an RC decision is COMPLETELY unsatisfactory, the HUB in question may submit a brief appeal to the Network Administrator for review. The Network administrator will forward the complaint to the remaining RC's for a final dispostion. ix. If you are a QWK or QWK+FIDO HUB, you must make DNET.QWK and DNETCFG.ZIP available as a free download to first time callers that sign on with: FNAME : DNET LNAME : GUEST PASSWORD : SIGNMEUP DNET.QWK must contain current mail from all non-adult conferences in dNet from your System. DNETCFG.ZIP must be a TNET.CFG file that is current for the HUB system (yours). x. HUBS MUST verify that their system is in compliance with the law concerning the distribution of adult message traffic to underage persons (node operators) in their state. xi. RC's MUST maintain a FIDO style mailing system that incorporates the dNet Nodelist. HUBS _are not_ required to provide Fido downlink compatability. xii. If you as a HUB receive an application from a node that has checked the Requesting HUB Status [ ] YES box, foward the application to your RC for appoval, and allow that node to temporarily pull mail from you. IF there is something in this document that you do not understand please check with your RC, if your RC is not capable of handling the problem let the RC foward the situation to the Network Administrator. Thanks for reading this far. I hope you become an active member in dNet! KEEP THE MAIL RUNNING! And keep the suggestions coming!