-Standard Disclaimer FdLogger is provided 'as is', without warranty of any kind, neither expressed nor implied. The author only guarantees that FdLogger occupy diskspace. In no event will the author be liable to you for any damages, including lost profits, lost savings or other incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use of this program. -Instructions Fd Logger 1.1, A quick, dirty and free utility to Log text on a file in a FD compliant way. Requires 4DOS, 4OS2 or 4DOS for NT. Written by Eduardo Jacob 2:344/2. October 19th 1994. Usage: FDLogger File.Log Flag Message Where: * File.Log: The file where you want Log * Flag: The character to be logged, could be one of these (for example) ! Fatal errors $ Accounting info ? Other errors + Brief messages - Trivial messages * Message: The message you want to Log. Can be 4DOS expression. Example: FDLogger Fd.log ! Dos Memory Free = %@DosMem[K] Kb Would result on: ---------- Wed 19 Jan 94, Fd Logger 1.1 ! 13:13:24 Dos Memory Free = 629 Kb Written at the end of Fd.Log Note that due to the fact it is a batch file, when called from another batch file you should use call Example: Call FDLogger Fd.log ! Dos Memory Free = %@DosMem[K] Kb -Abstract If you like it, use it or find a bug, please netmail me -Copyrigths 4DOS, 4OS2, 4DOS for NT (4NT) are registered trademarks from JP Software, FrontDoor is Copyrigth Joaquim Homrighausen