The following is a list of files included in this PC-Net information packet, and a description of each one. FILELIST.TXT - The file you are reading now. READTHIS.1ST - If you have not done so, read it now. :) PCNRULES.TXT - Introducion and policy & guidelines to PC-Net. PC-NET.APP - Application form for membership to PC-Net. HUB-NODE.LST - List of approved PC-Net BBS hubs and nodes. MESSCONF.LST - List of PC-Net message conferences. PCNETANS.ANS - An ANSI screen to be used as a logon screen, etc. PCNETASC.ASC - An ASCII screen to be used as a logon screen, etc. USERULES.TXT - An ASCII screen containing rules for the users of PC-Net, which can be used as a logon screen, etc. Note: You might need to modify the PC-NET.ANS and PC-NET.ASC screens, as well as the USERULES.TXT screen, and rename them to make them compatible with your BBS software.