PC-VRKNIGHT MEETING FEBRUARY 20, 1994 PRESIDENT: JIM WEIANT, VIRTUAL REALITY Founder #1: JOHN DECOLA, KNIGHT OF THE ROUND TABLE Founder #2 JACQUE VANCE, PC-NURSE BBS Founder #3 VINCE ROSSI, PANTHER'S WORLD ATTENDING: Jim Weiant John DeCola Vince Rossi Jacque Vance Ian Vance * Tom Cardinal * Don Seymore * Tom Oblinsky * William Doubloski Mark Homewood * Eric O'Brian * New Memebers to PC-VrKnight MEETING called to order at 4:00 P.M. by President, Jim Weiant, at 4:00 P.M. Introduction and recognition was given to it's founding members and concept and mission statement was given to those in attendance in the philosophy of PC-VRKNIGHT. Old Business: - At the first meeting, a member stated he "would like to see an encyclopedia on line." Vince Rossi, Sysop, Panther's World, stated that he was looking at avaliable Programs and thinks he may have found one which is in the testing phase. If it passes all tests needed to go on line PC-VRKNIGHT would be the first to have it. New Business: - Name change for WhiteKnight BBS is Knight of the Round Table On-line Service. It's sysop, John Decola, explained that he was recently asked if his system had any backing or was related to the newsletter of the KKK which is called the WhiteKnight. He also stated that when he named his system, he was unaware that this existed and when brought to his attention, he immediately changed it's name. Claims he was receiving phone calls from all over the South checking him out. - President, Jim Weiant, announced what it's founding members had agreed upon based on the necessity of open communication between it's members, that a NET was being established. Members in attendance agreed and discussion began on types of echos and individuals who would moderate. Virtual Reality will be the Hub. * Eric O'Brien will moderate the BRE Echo * Julie Rossi will moderate the "Dear Jem" echo which will resemble "Dear Abby" in style. * Jacque Vance will moderate a Health Related Echo. - Vince Rossi stated he would ammend the Documentation in the PC-VRKNIGHT Policy Documents since additions have arisen which were not visualized with it's conception. - Members in attendance wish to know why echos which were set up were not being read. President explained the role and necessity for having moderators. - There was a general discussion with the Sysops and members on the speed in which PC-VRKNIGHT has grown in three months as well as the increase in interest in it's concept. Founding Members vowed they would take it as high as it would go and not place restraints on it's growth. - Jacque Vance, Sysop PC-NURSE BBS, announced that she and her Co-Sysop had just placed on line, a Prescription Drug Information Section where information on medications can be viewed or downloaded. - Next Meeting Date was set for March 20, 1994 at Betsy Ross at 4:00 P.M., Also announced that the system PC-NURSE BBS, fondly called "THE NURSE" will be at the March meeting for demonstration of Wildcat Software and what is avaliable there. Meeting was adjourned at 5:15 P.M. when a social hour began with Pizza and soda provided. Respectively Submitted, Jacque F. Vance Founder #2 State Host, PC-VRKNIGHT