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GENERAL RULES ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ In accordance with the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986, it is unlawful for a person who is not a member of this Network and/or does not meet the requirements for access to any conference(s), to intentionally intercept, or use any messages or message portions from such conference(s). It is also unlawful for any person who is authorized to have access to any conference(s) to intentionally disclose messages or message portions from that conference to any person who does not have access to it. A user, HUB, NODE, BBS System, SysOp, Co-SysOp in other words ANYONE, that should be threatening with legal action against any legal entity i.e. a Network, PetNET(tm) Network, another user, HUB, NODE, BBS System, SysOp, Co-SysOp in other words ANYONE, will be immediately banned from PetNET(tm). There are no facilities for private messages on any PetNET(tm) conference, including restricted conferences and all messages no matter how they are marked can be read by any Network's Administration staff, members, designee(s), SysOp, Co-SysOp, participating BBS's SysOp's and their designee(s), with authorized access. Since this network is accessible to people of all ages, foul language and profanity is not permitted. We do not allow personal attacks on indivi- duals, nor flaming. You may politely criticize a person's thoughts, but not the person. The English language is the ONLY official, permitted language of this network, in ALL messages regardless of their status and placement. Except when a writer of a message quotes from another message, book or text, and in that case an accompanying translation at the bottom of the quoted text MUST be provided. All messages posted on PetNET(tm) are the property of and the opinion of their writers, and not the local BBS, Hubs, Nodes, their SysOps, Co-sysop or their aides. Quotations from other source(s) must have the prior approval of the original author, or publication. For example, if you want to quote text from an article in the New York Times magazine, you must have the newspaper's written permission, and include the appropriate credit to the author and (or) source. The use of encoded or encrypted messages, (including signatures), are not permitted on the PetNET(tm) network. If it is that private, please use mail, or other more secure means of transmitting your data. No participant shall initiate, discuss, promote, or in any way condone any activity, in the PetNET(tm) message, or files areas, which would violate: Local, City, State, US, International, or Humanitarian written, or unwritten (common sense) laws. Courtesy, and respect is to be followed. PetNET(tm) shall NOT support (or allow) data, (messages or files), of any kind, that has to do with hacking, phreaking, piracy, illegal access to computer systems, though it shall not be responsible, in any way, for such, occurring, due to the actions of it's participants or other Systems. Users should not over quote when replying to a message. A few lines of text, needed to establish the context of your reply and refresh people's memories shall be tolerated, but not more. All signatures should be limited to 2 lines. Posting of PetNET(tm) messages into other networks is not permitted, nor is posting of other networks messages, and (or) advertising of other networks, commercial goods, or services, on PetNET(tm), unless the consent is given by the PetNET Administration. Any transactions, damages, lawsuits, law breaking, occurring as a result of any messages or data exchange on PetNET(tm) network or any partici- pating BBS's, are the sole responsibility of those initiating and (or) originating such actions, transactions, damages, lawsuits, law breaking, message postings, or data exchange (files and, or, messages). A Node/Hub SysOp who will be asked by a conference moderator, or the Network Administrator and her designee(s) to correct a technical problem, or remove the network access of a user as a result of an offense, must immediately acknowledge the receipt of message(s) sent to him/her, and proceed to correct, or act as requested. No Hub/Node is to delete, modify, edit or censor in any respect, any messages coming in or out of their systems, UNLESS it's from one of their users who is in VIOLATION of a PetNET rule, or guideline. This particularly applies to all messages from/to the Network Administration, Net Supervisor(s), Moderators, Conference Liaison, NetSysOps, and their designee(s), which are vital to be passed on to all participating Systems in the Official, unaltered state, to read and act upon. The Net Administrator or it's designee(s) might, will, and should be entitled to freely: Copy, Delete, Edit, Censor, Move, Make Public, Sell, Disclose to Authorities, any, and all messages, or data, that entered the network, at their sole discretion, without any notice given, prior consent, or payment needed, from anyone. The use of color ANSI or RIP graphics, are not permitted on this net, except in the specialized conferences, - where and when indicated. Conference moderators/descriptions will be approved by the PetNET(tm) Administration or their designee(s). The Administration reserves the right to revoke conference Moderator status at it's discretion. It also reserves the right to over rule moderations if it sees fit. All participating HUBS/NODES and Moderators should ALWAYS keep track of the latest official network file updates (PETNET?.ZIP) and download it, making sure they stay informed with the latest changes in policies. ALIASES ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ The use of aliases or handles are NOT permitted on PetNET(tm). Participants must use their real, legal names, except in special conference(s), where aliases might be allowed. CONFERENCE RULES ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ Each conference should usually have a moderator who will be in charge of that conference. From time to time, we might be looking for a qualified conference moderator. If you feel you can handle being a conference moderator, express your desire in a message to your SysOp, or the Network Administrator, in the P_ChitChat conference. In the absence of an appointed moderator, network SysOps, the PetNET(tm) Administrator and/or it's designee(s) will temporarily oversee the smooth flow of the conference(s). Participants, must keep their messages on the topic of the conferences, following Moderator's requests, and immediately stop the flow of messages if they should be required to. Moderations will be posted publicly in the conference where the violation occurred. If a user wishes to discuss it further, they must move the discussion to the P_Mod&User conference. VIOLATIONS ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ Upon violation of any of the above guidelines, users will be publicly notified by either the Node BBS's SysOp, a conference moderator, or the PetNET(tm) Administrator or its designee(s). Important: Unless specified, you MUST timely respond to ALL messages ~~~~~~~~~ of moderation, addressed to you, stating that you will coope- rate and correct all, and any of the problem(s) you've been moderated for. First violation will bring an informal warning. Upon a second offense, a formal warning will be issued. A third offense can result in either a temporary, or permanent suspension from the conference(s), the Network, or the BBS, depending upon the seriousness of the offense. Please understand that your local SysOp carrying the Network is required to enforce these suspensions and lockouts of offenders who access the Network through their BBS, regardless of your membership status or access level with the particular BBS you are accessing PetNET(tm) through. PetNET(tm) Administration reserves the right to also administer warnings, suspensions or lockouts without prior warning if it deems it necessary. These rules, conference names, and descriptions are (c) Copyright 1994 PetNET(tm), New York, any reproduction, modification or usage is expressly prohibited, except the inclusion in any appropriate Screens or Bulletins made available to users that have, or will have access to the PetNET(tm) network. The conference names and descriptions are subject to change, discontinue, at any time, without prior or advance notice given to you, or (and) any Nodes, and at the sole discretion of the PetNET(tm) Administration or its designee(s). ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» Ί PetNET(tm) Network - Conferences List and Descriptions Ί Ί (c) Copyright 1994 PetNET(tm) New York, all rights reserved. Ί ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ P_Cats They're soft and sleek, comfort us with their purring ΝΝΝΝΝΝ and greet you with a soft meow! Share with us your "tails" of your favorite cat. Items to be discussed include general cat care, feeding, veterinary advice, and showing. P_Dogs The conference dedicated to none other than "man's best ΝΝΝΝΝΝ friend" - our ever faithful dogs. Discussion includes but is not limited to such items as dog care, health, feeding, training, breeding and showing dogs. P_Fish Here's the place to find out everything you need to ΝΝΝΝΝΝ know about keeping fish as pets at home in an aquarium. All kinds of aquarium fish are covered, fresh and salt water. P_Rabbits Easter is not the only time to be thinking about ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ bunnies. They make delightful household pets all year round. Find out about different types of rabbits and how easy they are to care for. P_SmAnimals A unique conference for small animals, where all ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ interested in such pets as guinea pigs, ferrets, hamsters, gerbils, rats, mice and the like, meet here and talk in their own spot. P_Rep_Snake This is the reptiles and snakes conference, the place ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ for discussions about the care and maintenance of reptiles, snakes and other related matters. P_Horses You don't have to own a horse to join us here in the ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ horse conference, all that's required is a love for these steeds. P_ChitChat If a conversation has gotten off the topic to be ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ included in a specialized conference, this is the spot for you to continue talking with your friends. * All Hubs/Nodes are required to carry this conf. * P_Exotic This is the conference for any exotic pets you may have ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ who don't fit into the other conferences. It can include such animals as Vietnamese pot bellied pigs, wolf hybrids, monkeys, etc. P_Wildlife This is the place for discussion about any experiences ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ you've had with wildlife animals. Issues having to do with animals which are not kept as domesticated pets are covered here. P_Birds The conference for "our fine feathered friends" ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ - our birds. This area covers birds that are being kept as pets. For discussion about watching and spotting wild birds, please see the wildlife conf. P_NetSysOp This is the Network SysOp conference. Access is ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ restricted to the Network SysOps, and PetNET(tm) Administration only. * All Hubs/Nodes are required to carry this conference * P_Mod&SysOp Restricted to the Conference Liason, Network SysOps ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ and Moderators only. It is intended only for Network SysOps, Moderators, and PetNET(tm) staff, to discuss conference descriptions, users problems, conferences activities, moderators policies, etc. If you are a PetNET Moderator, please ask your SysOp to allow you access to this conference, and download the latest PETNET?.ZIP file for guidelines. Hubs and Nodes may propose the addition or modification of conferences by leaving mail in either P_Mod&SysOp or the P_ChitChat conferences. * All Hubs/Nodes are required to carry this conference, and grant users filling Moderator positions full access to it * P_CLUmour This is the Clean Humor conference. Remember people of ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ all ages have access to this network, so let's keep it clean. Give us your best jokes. P_ Mod&User This is the Moderator and User conference. In this ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ conference, users and moderators can work out problems or differences they may have regarding Network rules. This conference is forced private, in order to eliminate unwanted side opinions from third parties. Make sure you correctly spell the names of your message's recipients. * All Hubs/Nodes are required to carry this conf. * P_AnRights This is the Animal Rights conference. This can be a ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ controversial topic so let's try to keep it civil. As anywhere else, you can criticize a person's ideas, but we do not allow personal attacks on individuals. P_Hardware For discussions about computer hardware, this is the ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ place for related matters. P_Software This conference is for discussions on any kind of ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ software. Don't know what's the best program to get the job done? Is a program not doing what you think it should do? Post a message here and perhaps someone will be able to help you. Also a spot for the programmers and software developers to meet and share small software code that can be read by all callers. It must contain an explanation of what it means, and its purpose, so that those unfamiliar with its nature will be able to comprehend. P_ForSale If you have an item for sale or trade, this is the ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ conference in which you are welcome to post a personal ad. Please note that commercial advertising is not allowed. Same ads are welcome no more than once a week. P_Adoptions This is the conference for Pet Adoptions. You may post ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ here if you have (or know of) an animal that is up for adoption and needs a home. If you are looking to adopt a pet, this is the place to check out. ΪΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΏ ³ΪΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΏ³ ³³ Descriptions for the next conferences are due later, during 1994. ³³ ³³ ³³ ³³ Would you please submit a proposed description for them? ³³ ³³ ³³ ³³ Just use your common sense when posting, in the meantime. ³³ ³ΐΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΩ³ ΐΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΩ P_Abortion ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_African/Americans ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Amiga ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Animations ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_ArtGallery ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Artificial Intelligence ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Audio If you can hear it - it can be discussed here. ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ Anything that relates to the contents of Stereo Review, Audio Magazine, Car Stereo, Audiophile or other sound related magazine will be in here. From frequencies to pink noise, from speakers to crossovers, it will all be here. Ask questions, form a debate, critique a new product, exchange ASCII parameters of wiring diagrams or anything that sparks your fancy. P_Automobiles ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Aviation ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Bbs Ads ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Bbsing ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Beatles ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Bible ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Biking ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Biology ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Books ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_British ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Business ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Cad ΝΝΝΝΝ P_Catholics ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_CdRoms ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Cellular ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Chess ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Classical Music ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Collecting ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_College ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Comics ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Commodore ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Communications ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Crimes ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Cuisine/Recipes ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Databases ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Debate ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Desqview ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Disabled ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Doors ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Drinking ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Electronics Electricity is a wonderful thing. What this ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ conference covers is basically anything that uses it. From complete units like a cd player to its components like diodes, lasers and that sort of thing. It's all up for discussion. Whether you want to discuss an awesome new product or tell others how to build their own project, this is the place to do it. P_Entertainment ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Environmental ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Europe ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Fashion Here we talk about designing fashion, fashion designers, ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ shows, fashion photographers, fashion clones, and related issues. You might come across a real, famous fashion designer who will respond to you. P_Fire/EMS Here, our fire fighters, emergency medical personnel, ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ other support personnel and anyone else interested in these professions or just excited by these activities, can discuss about all related aspects. P_Financial ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Flight Simulators ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Frank Zappa ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_French ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Games ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Gay/Lesbians ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Genealogy ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_German ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Golf ΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Graphics ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Greek ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Ham Radio ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Handyman ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Health ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Health Food ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_History ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_HIV/ARC/AIDS ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Hobbies ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Horror ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Howard Stern The radio personality Howard Stern is currently ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ based in NYC. He's being broadcast on about 16 radio stations around the country. He has also had a syndicated television show and Pay Per View specials. You may also know him from his "E!" entertainment channel Interview show. He has also made numerous appearances on the "Late Show" with David Letterman and the "Tonight Show" with Jay Leno. He has been considered controversial by some, but humorous by others. Although Howard can bring out the worst in some people who do not like his show, pls. keep the posts civil. P_Hunting and Fishing ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Hippies ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Interviewing ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Investors ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Ireland ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Japan ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Jazz Music ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Jewish ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Job Seeking ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Jobs Available ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Kids ΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Landlord & Tenant ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Lans ΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Laptop Computers ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Latino ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Law ΝΝΝΝΝ P_Lotto ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Macs ΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Madonna This conference will be an open area to discuss any ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ and all aspects of Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone's musical, theatre and public career. Generally it is open to debate all good points, bad points, new information, breaking stories, album, concert, or press release dates or information, controversies and any other aspect concerning Madonna. Please make a note that all vulgarity, no matter how relevant, is NOT allowed in any PetNET(tm) conferences. P_Manage Weight ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Marketing ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Math ΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Medical ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Michael Jackson ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Midi ΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Modeling Here we talk about professional modeling, pageants, ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ fashion, fashion photographers, modeling scams, and a variety of related issues. Every once in a while, if you're lucky, you might even come across a real, live professional model who will respond to you. P_Modem Addicts ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Monkees ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Movies ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Mystery ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Mysticism ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Networks ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_News Media ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_New Users ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Orient ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_OS/2 ΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_ParaDox ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Parents ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Phil Collins ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Philosophy ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Photo/Video A place for discussing Photography and Video as a ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ hobby, art, and from the technical point of view. The kind of pictures you like to take, as well as what type of equipment, films & cameras. Lighting, and sound issues for the Video fans, etc. Users assist others with help if they need, or request it. They exchange hints on how, and where to take the best pictures & videos of wildlife, family and any other photogenic subjects. P_Poetry ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Politics ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Pop Music ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Pro Choice ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Programming ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Pro Life ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Psychology ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Quick Basic ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Rap Music ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Real Estate ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Religion ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Resumes ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Rhythm & Blues ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Rock & Roll ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Security ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Scandinavia ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Scanners/Swl ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_School ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Sci-fi ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Science ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Scotland ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Scuba Dive ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Singles ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Skiing ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Smoking ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Sports ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Spreadsheets ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Standards ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Star Trek ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Strange ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Taglines Offline mail reading is becoming an important part of ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ enjoying contacting BBSes. In addition to providing better use of BBS resources, offline reading and replying gives the user a chance to better express his or her feelings on a subject. And, the addition of a tagline allows us a moment of wittiness. Tagline hunting has become a hobby in and of itself. In this conference users share taglines, both those that are witty alone, and those that must be seen in context to truly be appreciated. Warning! stealing other's taglines is recognized legal. P_Taxes/Accounting ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Teachers ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Teens This conference is mainly for teens only. If there is ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ something that affects today's teens, it should be posted in here. If you are a teen and want to make a friend, or have a problem, post it. If you want to talk to others about your teenage experiences, do it. Talk about your relationships or ask how to start one. The discussions objectives here, are to try to ease the difficulties and glorify the good times during adolescence... P_Television ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_The Future ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Treasure Hunting ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_TurboC ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_TurboPascal ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Unix ΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Vacation ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Virus/Hack Info ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Vegetarian ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Virtual Reality ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Visual Basic ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Windows ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Women ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ P_Writers ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ