CONFERENCES ----------- Below is a list of all current conferences. This marked with a ** do not yet have a conference host. If you are interested in being a conference host, let me know. If you want a conference that is not seen here, I'll be happy to add it. Conference listing as of 12/12/93 listed by HUB local conference number 20. TN:Admin (Required) Strictly for Net-Sysops. Contains messages and information about Theo-Net. 21. Theology and Doctrine (HOST: Michael Wilson) Discussion about God, Christian belief, and such. Might overlap with other conferences, but will center on the general beliefs of Christians, creeds, counsels, and how belief has been determined. There will also be a regular Bible Study. 22. Issues** What issues confront Christians? How do we deal with them? These issues can be from within the church, of from outside the church. 23. Ethics** What is right and wrong? How do we determine it? This type of discussion can get very broad, and encompass all of life. 24. Law and Society** What is law to a Christian? How does God's law conflict with man's law? Is a Christian bound by the laws of the state? This type of discussion and questions concerning law are supported here. 25. Politics and Religion One has said that all of life is politics and religion. Is that true? What is the relationship? Candidates, bills and laws, the government and any such talk is welcome here. No moderator or Host. 26. The Bible (HOST: Bill Quigley) What is the Bible? What does it have to say? What insights or studies do people have from the Bible? How has God used the Bible in your life? General talks and teachings from the Bible are welcome here. 27. Churches** What is the difference in churches? What good (or bad) church stories do you have? General talk about churches or your church, including church ads are welcome here. 28. Christian Education** How should a Christian educate their children? What experiences (good or bad) have you had with Christian education. What about ideas for improving it? Let this conference be your sounding board for these issues. 29. Pastor's Study** Are you a Pastor? Are you studying to be one? Do you have a question for the Pastors? Pastors can come here and share issues, problems, ideas and successes. Others can come and ask of these learned ministers. 30. Religious Debate You have a disagreement with Christianity, or a problem with religion in general, bring it here. No moderator or Host. 31. Challenges to the Church** How are Christians and churches challenged today? What are their biggest obstacles and opportunities? How must churches change to meet the changing world? Any ideas? Being them here. 32. Book/Video/Tape Review** Read any good books, heard any good teaching tapes, seen any good teaching videos lately? Let us know. 33. Music Review** Heard any good Christian music? What is new in Christian music? Let is know what you know! 34. Christian History** What impact has Christian history had on Christians? What interesting things have happened in the past? Any good stories or insight from our rich history? 35. Cults and the Anti-Christ** John calls all those who oppose Christ Anti-Christ. What do you think? Any good stories? Any new cults? 36. Events** What is happening in your church or Christian organization. Let us know, and We'll tall the world. 37. Christian BBS Ads** Do you run a Christian BBS? Upload your ad here. If enough ads are uploaded, we'll publish a Christian BBS Yellow Pages! 38. World Missions** What do you know about world missions? What questions do you have. Do you know of any good missionaries? Or maybe you want to be a missionary and want to know more. Especially if you are a missionary tell your stories here. 39. Television** More homes have T.V. than toilets in the U.S. How should a Christian treat T.V.? Anything good there? Anything bad? What is your favorite show and why? How would you change T.V. Tell us all about it. 40. Disabilities (HOST: Brian Darby) What is a disability? What difficulties do the diabled have? What services are available for the disabiled. What is the Christian response to the disabled? These are the type of questions that are going to be discussed, plus up to date info on services, programs and projects for the disabled.