TICROBO Bug Report: If you find a bug in TICROBO, please contact us at one of our #'s listed in the docs. The following bugs have been reported and hopefully fixed. ---------------------------------------------------------- v1.0 - After a file_id.diz import, if the file had 10 desc. lines, 11 would show up with garbage in it when you logged on. - Some desc. lines we're too wide for Robo, causing a small bug in viewing the desc. while in robocfg. v1.01 - Problems still existed with some files that have long descriptions. - Graphical problems popped up while a user was looking at the above mentioned file(s). Causing the screen to go blank except the filename. v1.02 - The TRAREA support was not working correctly. Only 1 file echo per area is being read in, thus any file echo past the 1st for each area is being ignored and processed to the [DEFAULT] area instead.