ULTRANet Conference list ULTRANet conference list Wed July 27 1994 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- AIDS :=: Discussion about Aids and how to deal with it. ANSI :=: art , graphics, and music. ART :=: Discussion about all forms of art. APPLE :=: Discussion about the apple computer system. ANYTHING :=: An un-moderated conference that is used for ANY topic. Anything goes. (WARNING: This conference may contain fowl language!) AVIATION :=: Talk about flying, planes, jets, etc... AQUATICS :=: Swimming, diving, etc.. ASK-A-COP :=: Ask a police officer a question about ANYTHING. BASIC :=: Discussion about programing in QBasic/GWBASIC/TURBO BASIC etc.. BBS-STUFF :=: BBS things in general. BBS-ADS :=: BBS ads to attract more callers. BBS-DOORS :=: Discussion about doors.. BRE, TW, GWARS, etc... BBS-SOFTWARE :=: Discussion of BBS software. PCboard, SF, TRIBBS, etc... BUSINESS :=: Talk about small business, large store fronts, etc... Or just BUSINESS in general. BUY-SELL :=: Buy\Sell things. This is a place to sell small items. BASEBALL :=: Discussion about baseball. BASKETBALL :=: Discussion about Basketball (B-BALL!).. C++-language :=: Tips\hints etc.. for the C\C++ language. Moderated: D'arcy Emery CATS :=: Discussion about THE best pet ever.. the cat! CARS :=: Discussion about CARS. Fords, etc.. and even SPORT cars! CHESS :=: Chess, the game. Cycling :=: better known as Biking.. Talk about Biking etc.. COLLECTOR :=: Collect cards? Or anything? This is THE conference for YOU! CPM :=: Discussion of the CPM operating system. DATABASE :=: Discussion about Databases. Dbase III, IV, Clipper etc.. DESKTOPUB Desktop publishing. tips, hints, secrets. DEVELOPERS :=: Developing software? Talk to fellow authors. DOS :=: Got a DOS tip? Hint? Having a problem? Here is the place to ask or tell us about it! DOG :=: Like DOGS? Want to get a DOG? Here is the place to post! DUTCH :=: discussion about the DUTCH language. EDUCATION :=: Discussion about education, teachers ENVIRONMENT :=: Discussion about our environment. How can we keep it nice? Etc.. FRANCE :=: Discussion of France. The french-speaking country. FRENCH :=: A conference to talk about FRENCH or ever to speak FRENCH in! FREESPEACH :=: Talk about the issue of Freespeach. GAMES :=: Games, games GAMES!! Talk about computer games or outdoor games! GEOWORKS :=: Geoworks, the GUI interface. GRAPHICS :=: Discussion of computer graphics, BMP, TIFF, GIF, etc.. GEEK :=: Do you know a geek? Here is the place to flame them! (No swearing) HARDWARE :=: Talk about the newest and the oldest computer hardware. HISTORY :=: Discussion of things that happened in the past.. WWII, WWI, golf war, etc... HELPWANTED :=: Do you need help with something? need someone to help out around the store? then THIS is the place for YOU! HOMEIMPROVE :=: Tips for home improvement? Need help? This is the place! HUMOR :=: Got a funny joke? Did you see something funny? This is the place for a laugh! MILITARY :=: Talk about the Military. Ask questions, answer etc.. MODELLING :=: Do you model? Or want to start modeling? Do you make model AIRCRAFT, ships etc..? Then THIS is the place for YOU! MODEMUSR :=: Discussion for ANYTHING about modems. MONEY :=: Want to get rich? How? Or have any other money tips for people, Then THIS is THE place for YOU! MOVIE :=: Talk about the latest movie etc.. MULTIMEDIA :=: Discussion of Multimedia things. MULTITASK :=: Discussion of Multitasking enviroments like windows and OS2, UNIX, DESQVIEW etc. MUSIC :=: Talk about music. Heavy metal, rock, pop , classical, jazz etc.. NETADMIN :=: A conference for moderators and other net- admin staff to talk. (LOCAL TO BIFFS AND HUBS ONLY!!) Moderated by: Paul K. And Matthew Osborne. NETUSERS :=: This conference is for users to ask questions about ULTRANet.. Moderated by: Matthew Osborne & Chris McNutt . NETSYSOP :=: A conference for SysOps to talk. SYSOPS, Co-SysOps, Remote sysops ONLY! OS2 :=: A conference to discus OS\2! OUTDOORS :=: Talk about camping, etc.. And all other out of doors activities. PARANORMAL :=: A conference for talk about Voodoo, Occult, whitchcraft and other un-normal things. PARENTS :=: Talk about parents and being a parent. PASCAL :=: Programing in PASCAL. Hints\tips etc.. Moderated by: Paul K. PETS :=: Talk about pets in general. PCBOARD :=: Disscusion of PCBoard BBS software. Moderated by: Chris McNutt PRIVATEML :=: Users to Users conference. Private Email etc... PENPALS :=: This is the place to look for a PENPAL! RADIO :=: Discussion of radios, satellites, etc.. RELIGION :=: Talk about relgion. Christean etc.. REVIEWS :=: Reviews for Products, programs, BBSs etc. SCI-FI :=: Science Fiction. Fantasy etc.. etc.. STARTREK :=: A conference for the disguising for started. Movies, shows, TNG etc. SPORTS :=: A conference dealing with sports. SHAREWAR :=: A conference to deal with Shareware programs and programing, etc.. SOFTWARE :=: A conference for Hints, Tips, etc.. for any kind of software. TAG-LINE :=: For the trading of Taglines etc.. Technical :=: Technical support for hardware. TEENS :=: A teens discussion area. 19 year old's and under. TOP-TEN :=: Got a topten list of something? Post it here. V-REALITY :=: A discussion of Virtual reality. VIRUS :=: Virus security, etc.. UNIX :=: Talk about UNIX. AIX, Linux, *BSD, etc.. WINDOWS :=: Talk about the "Operating System" known as windows. Windows nt, 3.1, workgroups etc.. WILDCAT :=: Talk about the BBs software. WORLDNEWS :=: Events going on ANY where in the world. WRITERS :=: Talk about Writing, Writers, Books, etc.. WAR :=: A discussion about WAR.