Virutal-Network Applacation Fourm BBS INFO: Sysop Name _____________________________________________________ BBS Name ________________________________________ BBS Number _(___)____-_______ BBS QWK ID ________ (8 letter limit) Mail Pull Account Password: ________ (8 letter limit [ ] Auto Create Password ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Personal Info: Sysop Address ____________________________________________________ City ____________________ State ____ Zip ________-_____ Country ________ (Leave Blank for USA) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This form can be mailed in these ways: 1) Internet Mail to Video89421@AOL.COM 2) Uploaded to Video World BBS at 913.478.4026 ***Caution: ***Don't forget this network is still in BETA. There for if for some ***reason the hub system doesn't answer don't discontinue all mail runs ***beliving that the hub is down. Thanks! *ATTN: All Sysops out of the 913 area code: *Hub Systems are always needed for info mail Video on Virutal Net or at the *Internet Address provided above Thanks Again...