Welcome to the latest version of Os2Chat (ver 1.2). Os2Chat is a smaller, faster, and easier method of communicating via UANet than IRC and more flexable than talk. This tutorial will familiarize you to the many features available. NOTE: OC, and Os2Chat all refer to the Os2Chat Server. 1. What is Os2Chat? 2. What is needed to use Os2Chat 1. What is Os2Chat? Os2Chat was designed as a multi-user interactive chat system, much like IRC. However, OC is much smaller (21 maximum connections) but incrediably fast. OC is also easier to use with single character commands and easy to use help features. Also, OC is very reliable. To date, The Os2Chat has never crashed nor experienced a single net split. 2. What do you need to use Os2Chat? The major difference between IRC and OC is that Os2Chat is clientless. This means that no special programs are needed to effectively use Os2Chat. Although there is no clients needed to use Os2Chat, it is recommended. If you have an INTERNET client, it is highly recommended that you use it. Please do not use an IRC client, where as you will entrap yourself in the Os2Chat. Os2Chat is Cardware, which means I do not require any money for the use of this program. However, to receive help or support for the program, I DO require, that you mail me a POSTCARD. I want to see how many people actually use this software, and find out if it's worth continuing, based of postcard response determines if i release another version, so start lickin' da stamps and send me a Postcard :) email postcards DONT count. :) You may freely distribute it, as long as you charge nothing more than the cost of transmitting it to someone, OR the cost of a floppy. The cost should NEVER exceed $1.50. An os2chat, talker, mud, client will soon be available. Os2Chat was written by: Stephen Loomis 172 N. College Ave #106 Ft. Collins, CO 80524 ( sloomis@club.ncdl.com ) ( Sophisto on IRC ) ( 'Tag everywhere else ) Member of the following groups: [ Epinicion / Coder ] [ Kosmic Free Music Foundation / Graphics ] [ Ham Radio / N0OAW ]