PCB_OS2.TXT Charles Shapiro ABSOLUT(e)LY TEMPORARY BBS (702) 254-8601 I am writting this to try and help other PCBoard sysops that might be attemtping to run a multi-node PCBoard under OS/2. It has taken me 8 months to get to this point and I am sure this file can save you alot of headaches. It is ASSummed that the reader of this .txt file has working knowledge of OS/2 2.0 or OS/2 2.1 I currently run my BBS, ABSOLUT(e)LY TEMPORARY on a 486DX-33 with 16MB of Ram memory. 2 Maxtor IDE drives, 1 345MB (7345) and 1 211MB (7213), all formatted under HPFS. ABSOLUT(e)LY TEMPORARY has 3 nodes. 2 live nodes, and 1 local for the sysop, with U.S.Robotics Dual Standard modems on each live node. This .txt file plus a few files you'll find included will show what I have found to work for me. For example, changes made to the OS/2 CONFIG.SYS file, and DOS SESSION SETTINGS for those DOS FULL SCREEN (important that the BBS sessions are FULL SCREEN and NOT WINDOWS), SESSIONS that the BBS runs in. I would also recommend the following book: OS/2 2.1 UNLEASED Rather than explain what was changed in my OS/2 config.sys, I will just include mine in this .ZIP file. (with comments). Files included in this PCB_OS2.ZIP PCB_OS2.TXT - This file CONFIG.SYS - My CONFIG.SYS with only lines that were changed from the defualt CONFIG3.TXT - A file that explains EVERY line in the CONFIG.SYS file. Check for a newer version.. OS2CNFG?.ZIP on a BBS near you.. DOSSET.TXT - Text file of my DOS SESSION SETTINGS FILE_ID.IDZ - Description of this file to use when uploading to a BBS that uses the FILE_ID.DIZ for uploads.