MANMP INFORMATION SERVICE M-SHOP.PPE RELEASE HISTORY -------------------------- 9/11/94 ------- - Minor updates - We have moved and are settled in now. Changed documentation etc. to reflect new address. - Beginning work on v1.3 and coming soon - v2.0 including new features for PCBoard v15.2! 5/18/94 ------- M-SHOP.PPE - Added considerable log recording. This IS important. This will allow us to track all actions taken by users in MSHOP. In the event of a suspicious transaction, this information will prove invaluable. - Cleaned up the EXIT procedure. Added a nice message and clear screen. 5/17/94 ------- M-SCFG/M-SHOP - Fixed a few minor/major diplay bugs. - Added unlimited # of products suppport! Also, reduces the amount of memory required for M-SCFG considerably! 5/9/94 12:40 ------------ M-SHOP/M-SCFG v1.2 - Removed BOD from the Payment Options. - Consolidated the Registered/Non-Registered into a single source. - Added a checksum to avoid adding a blank shop/dept/img - Added a checksum to be sure the sysop has defined the Main Shops .CNF file before exiting the main configuration menu. 5/6/94 14:07 ------------ M-SHOP.PPE - Fixed a display bug in the Depts and Products menu, where the shop and dept in the title bar would overrun. - Added support for INVOICE.LOG. This file will contain all the invoices generated for every order. This could be very useful for tax records and for keeping the sales transaction records that our wonderful government requires. Important: INVOICE.LOG must exist for the file to be generated. In other words, if no INVOICE.LOG file exists in your M-SHOP directory, the program will generate an error and the log will not be created. 5/2/94 11:32 ------------ M-SHOP.PPE / M-SCFG.PPE - Completed application ! 5/2/94 11:13 ------------ M-SHOP.PPE - Added an item to the department and product menus which will display the shop/dept the user is currently in. - Added support for Intro files to each shop. The intro files are stored in the PPEPATH and are very simply: INTROx. x=shop number. If you would like to create an intro file: Using PCB @ codes only! create the shop intro file and save it in the directory where M-SHOP is located as INTROx (e.g. INTRO1 would be the intro file for shop #1. INTRO2 for shop #2, etc.). 5/2/94 10:19 ------------ M-SHOP.PPE / M-SCFG.PPE - Added support for user configurable TAXation. Added three records to the M-SHOP.CNF file: Tax_Abbrev_State (2 letter state abbreviation), Tax_State (Full Name of State), and Tax_Rate (Real number with tax rate as a multiplier. Two important notes! The state (U_ADDR(3)) record in the user's database must be monitored closely to be sure that the information is consistent and matches the comparison criteria in the program (2 letter caps, full state caps). This information is entered manually in the M-SHOP.CNF and is updated using M-SCFG.PPE. Also, when entering the tax_rate - be sure you enter it as a pure decimal number eaxmple .065 = 6.5% tax rate. Since this is a ver 1.x of the software I have not modified the I/O routines enough to make this seamless. I will in the future, for now put your thinking caps on. Also, on the tax rate. A routine needs to be added which will check for payment method and if B.O.D. is chosen (registered sysops), then the tax needs to be calculated based on a transaction occurring from Kansas. This is according to current mail-order taxation laws since technically we will be selling the merchandise via mail order to the customer. Lastly, be sure to update your MSCCFGx and M-SHOP display screens/menus to reflect your state under the Tax (KS. res). 4/29/94 14:43 ------------- M-SHOP.PPE - Added some informative prompts to the payment selection screen. Before if an invalid payment type was selected, the screenn would simply repaint and it would retain the CCRD_NO on the menu. Now each change of type erases the old CCRD_NO, and if an invalid selection is made, the system prompts the user. - Changed the colorization of the Payments Menu. Before, Y or N were both displayed in yellow. Now, N is colored red. This is more consistant with other parts of the appplication and is more intuitive and easier to read. 4/29/94 10:51 ------------- M-SHOP.PPE - Added ability for a customer to download an INVOICE after they finish their order. The invoice header is customizable. The header is HEADER.TXT in the PPEPATH. 4/29/94 10:24 ------------- M-SCFG.PPE - Changed the default input length for Item_Short_Desc to 45 from 30. This is more in line with what the display allows. Looks better. 4/28/94 15:46 ------------- M-SHOP.PPE - Finished credit card/COD support. Added some finishing touches on the COD support. If COD is the only method available, the shipping totals shown in the main and order menu will reflect the additional $4.00 charge. Also, if there is only one available payment type (not CCRD) the program will skip the payment selection screen. 4/28/94 15:23 ------------- M-SCFG.PPE - Found the bug. Forgot to make a call to a subroutine which writes the M-SHOP.CNF file after a Shops Edit. Fixed. 4/28/94 15:12 ------------- M-SCFG.PPE - Found a couple of problems. If the user was previously configured for accepting credit cards, then changed to NOT support credit cards, the system would retain the TRUE settings for each card type. As a result, M-SHOP would misleadingly report the acceptance of those credit cards in the payment type menu. - M-SCFG seems to have a problem when the CNF files are initialized to zero. For some reason when M-SHOP.CNF says there are 0 shops, you can add shops but the No_Of_Shops entry in M-SHOP.CNF is never updated. If you already have >=1 shop and add shops it works fine! Will figure this one out shortly. 4/28/94 15:07 ------------- M-SHOP.PPE - Added configurable credit card support. Allow user to choose method of payment before finishing order. Added a $4.00 service charge if the user selects C.O.D. Support is now added for all major credit cards except JCB. 4/28/94 11:04 ------------- M-SCFG.PPE - Added support for Credit Cards, COD, and MANMP's Bill On Delivery (BOD). Changed M-SHOP.CNF menu to support these new options and added a credit card toggle menu. Will support Visa, MC, Discover, Carte Blanche, Diners Club, Optima, and American Express. 4/27/94 14:07 ------------- M-SHOP.PPE - Some Basic cosmetic fixes. Found that the Product listings were running the ITEM # into the Short Description. - Found that the Image_Path_Name was running into the description line. - A secondary prompt was using an old variable index which caused a bad value to diplay. M-SCFG.PPE - Basic cosmetic fixes. Made sure all fields were appropriate length for display. - Changed the Item Long Description entry so that the user could see and edit the entire 10 lines on a new menu. - Changed colorization to be more consistent. - Added a flashing * to the "Please Wait... Loading Database" prompt 4/27/94 13:04 ------------- First complete compile of M-SHOP.PPE. The first shareware release provides: Up to 20 shops Up to 20 departments per store Up to 50 products per department = 1000 products per store! = 20,000 products total! Security Level control over individual stores Beautiful ANSI menus and easy to use Bill on delivery support (C) MANMP 1994 Sysop configurable with M-SCFG.PPE (included) Up to 10 file attachments per product! Long and short descriptions for products! Long and short descriptions for file attachments! Very easy installation and maintenance! Version 1.0 is a seamless shopping mall designed for sysops who want to add a shopping mall to their system and use Bill On Delivery support.