Version 2.0 (07/12/94) ====================== - BBSLST is no longer FreeWare (now $10 Shareware). - The database is now self-cleaning! Sysop can optionally set a "Warning Days" parameter to warn a user that their listing will expire, and a "Delete Days" parameter to automatically delete old listings. - Some minor cosmetic changes. - The database is now sorted only if it has been modified. - Made the sort routine slightly faster. Unfortunately, the only way I know of to do this was to reduce the size of the array(s) that hold the BBS Name field for each entry. Simply put, the database now has a maximum size of 1000 BBS entries (in the registered version, 10 entries in the unregistered version). I will "customize" a version for registered users to allow up to 5000 (if anyone REALLY needs that many). Version 1.5 (06/16/94) ====================== - Added "Keyword" Search to find specific text in an extended description. - Added the ability for the sysop to decide how to sort the list(s) for display. Current options are no sort, sort by phone number, sort by BBS Name. Version 1.4 (06/05/94) ====================== - Minor bug fix: Only in a situation where BBSLIST was installed in a directory other than C:\PCB\BBSLST, when the PPE attempted to create a temporary work file, it always tried to create it in C:\PCB\BBSLST, causing unpleasant results if that directory didn't exist - Fixed! - Added a "Software Type" Search to the "S"earch Functions Command and made the search sub-commands stackable. - The Main Menu is now totally configurable. Although the keys that activate the commands can not be changed, the menu is now a display file, rather than being hard-coded, allowing the sysop to change its appearance in any way he/she sees fit. - Small cosmetic change: Since the menu is now configurable, my Copyright notice is now displayed when exiting the program. Version 1.3 (05/31/94) ====================== - Added an Area Code Search function, allowing users to be more "selective" when viewing the database. Version 1.2 (05/26/94) ====================== - Made the "V" (View Listing) and "H" (Help) Commands "Stackable" to allow advanced users to "skip" a step by stacking commands. - Cosmetic change: When entering the optional 3-line extended description, "word wrap" is now active between the lines, making the user's input a little easier. Version 1.1 (05/10/94) ====================== - Made writing to CALLER logs optional. - Made colors used for short list and optional bulletin configurable. Version 1.0 (05/03/94) ====================== First non-beta public release.