905 files found in Library "PcBoard PPE Add-Ons"

Return to this Disc's Index
Name Extracted Size Date Description
08FIND16.ZIP Yes 55442 8/16/1994
sysops, make it easy for your users to locate
RIME ID and Site names. 8/16/94 version fixes
bug that was setting users page length to 0
(continuous mode) after reading (H)elp file
and then (Q)uiting FindRIME.
187NMSG1.ZIP Yes 4512 5/2/1994
187NMSG.PPE v1.0 Online Message Broadcast to
Other Nodes! Totally Configurable! Free
187PAGE1.ZIP Yes 5766 5/2/1994
187PAGE.PPE v1.0 Very Configurable Operator
Page Command for PCB! 9 Different PC Speaker
Chat Calls!
187SEC11.ZIP Yes 3236 6/18/1994
187 Message Security PPE v1.1! Replace That
Ugly Security Line After You Enter a Message
With This C00L Prompt! BUG FIX VERSION! No
Delays, Uncrippled, and Registered!
3001CM11.ZIP Yes 3047 3/5/1995
[ Ultra Staff Comment v 1.1 ] The Ultimate
Replacement 'C' Command For 3oo1's! Multiple
Sysop Menu Light Bar Matrix Menu 100%
Configuarable! Contains USC v1 Update!
3001ENTR.ZIP Yes 4853 3/5/1995
[Zoom Light Enter Prompt v1] PCBz Finest
Floating Light Source Prompt... PCB 15.2!
Released By Popular Demand... Perfection in A
PPE! OH! PCBz Finest!
3001LBMS.ZIP Yes 17479 3/5/1995
[ Light Bar Message Prompts ] 3oo1's Complete
Lite Bar Driven Interface For PCBz Message
System. 100% Light Bar Driven Replaces All
Editor And Read Prompts With Bars!
3001MEND.ZIP Yes 2588 3/5/1995
[ Message End Light Bar! v1 ] Scrap The Ugly
Internal PCB "End Of Message:" Prompt for
3oo1's matrix! Kill,Edit,Reply,Next, And End
Comands. PCBs Best EoM prompt! NICE!
662-PPE.ZIP Yes 1797 9/16/1994
662.PPE by Alif Ambler will change the
default answer at the PCBoard mail waiting
prompt #662 (Read your personal mail now)
from NO to YES. For PCBOARD version 15.0 and
later. Source code included. Freeware.
ABTDL_10.ZIP Yes 1985 5/17/1994
DOWNLOAD ABORT 1.0 PPE Do you have GIF files
on your BBS? Are you tired of users who abort
the d/l to escape file & byte ratios. Now you
can send a message to them and to yourself
when someone aborts their download!
Programmed by Greg Moore (94/05/17)
ACD-CUI1.ZIP Yes 8248 11/26/1994
Acidic Presents - CUIE v1.0 - A [PCB] PPE By
Far The BEST And MOST Configurable 'W'
Command Replacement In The Scene To Date.
ACD-LOG1.ZIP Yes 11911 11/26/1994 ACiDic Logon v1.0 - [PCB]
ACDGMS.ZIP Yes 8665 3/5/1995
[ ACDGMS v1.00 - Defcon 4 ] [PCB] GMS is a
graphical message system ppe for PCB v15.2
that allows the sysop to add a graphical,
color message header. Board must NOT carry
ACD_AG20.ZIP Yes 12763 12/4/1994
Acidic Presents - Art Gallery v2.00 - [PCB]
Fully Functional Art Gallery for PCBoard
Upload, Download, & View ANSi Online [Dark
ACE-NAV1.ZIP Yes 2771 8/30/1994 Node Activity Viewer PPE v1.0
ACEMAT26.ZIP Yes 31925 8/30/1994 Lightbar Matrix/NUV PPE v2.6
ACEPRMT2.ZIP Yes 9874 8/30/1994 Configurable Prompts PPE v2.0
ADBOARD1.ZIP Yes 7820 10/14/1994
AdBoard.PPE v 1.0 by Windmill Computer
Services. Displays ads for your callers and
works in conjunction with ONELINE.PPE to give
your BBS a full featured advertising system
ala Prodigy. Works on PCBoard v 15.1 or
higher. Fully functional...not crippled, no
beg screens or time delays.
ADJ-TIME.ZIP Yes 1909 11/22/1993
ADJ-TIME.PPE This is a simple PPE that will
allow the sysop to give the user a determined
number of extra time. This is useful in
display files that you want your users to
read, or for giving your users a little extra
time to complete your new user logon
procedure. This PPE will also allow you to
deduct time from certain users. From:
File-Link Software / Bill Marcy
ADPRMT16.ZIP Yes 4137 1/1/1995
[PPE] ADPROMPT.PPE * v1.6 This PPE will allow
you to show advertisments, directions or just
about anything you can think of at your menu
prompts. This is a PCBTEXT replacement for
#396. Have fun. Updated options, take a look!
Uploaded by: Thom Allen
AFL_PW2.ZIP Yes 5363 3/5/1995
A Disclaimer/NUP PPE Coded by Mr.Mox Can
leave a messy if someone don't know your NUP!.
AF_ENTER.ZIP Yes 5151 8/10/1994
ENTER.PPE v1.0 Beta- Compiled on 08-10-1994
PCBoard 15.0 [PPE] program, to replace your
[C]omment to SysOp And the [E]nter message
main menu command. This can be used on
bulletin board systems, that have more than
one SysOp or group of BBSes which like to
link their comments together, Also for the
new users who is not familiar with the menu
AGSJN10.ZIP Yes 3178 1/7/1995
"J" Replacement for PCBoard Provide a
fullscreen conference selection - totally
AGSLC20.ZIP Yes 4708 1/7/1995
AGSSKW13.ZIP Yes 7500 3/5/1995
SkullWho Version 1.32 Simple 'WHO'
replacement for PCBoard 15.2+ systems. Not
real time, but quite efficient Language &
TB_Q_PPE aware...
AHOSTG14.ZIP Yes 5129 5/7/1994
HOSTAGE.PPE v1.40 - Nice way to spread a warm
Conservative message on your PCBoard BBS.
Based on Rush Limbaugh's TV and Radio show
intros.. America Held Hostage, Day ###.
Adjusted the numbers parameters and centered
the display boxes.Source Included FREEWARE
from Gatorbait Software.
ALF-CONT.ZIP Yes 2761 6/18/1994
Press Enter to Continue PPE v1.0 One of the
most configurable Press any key to continue
ppes Ever Just Give it a try Free
Registration Just call my BBS and register
from da matrix
ALF-DOS1.ZIP Yes 8220 6/25/1994
DOSS Logon v1.0 Fully configurable! Allows
Quick Logon Of Apps The Coolest Dos Logon
ALF-LC10.ZIP Yes 3822 8/13/1994 LAST CALLERS V1.OO
ALF-LOGG.ZIP Yes 1277 6/18/1994 Great User Logger Off PPE
ALF-LOGN.ZIP Yes 3080 7/30/1994
far the nicest looking logon PPE the world
has ever seen. Everything is configurable,
and there's even a nice ansi that comes with
it. Great addition to any board. - PHiZZY -
ALF-MAIL.ZIP Yes 1917 7/21/1994
New Mail 1.o PPE Lightbar New Mail PPE Some
What Configurable
ALF-MESS.ZIP Yes 1829 6/18/1994 Enhanced Enter Message To PPE For PCB 15.1+
ALF-MODE.ZIP Yes 1398 8/13/1994
Replace the `M' command in PCB With A cool
Lightbar One
ALF-NSC2.ZIP Yes 1200 7/21/1994
PPE Asks The Caller If He Wants To See The
Files Uploaded Since His Last Call To The
System, Should Be Run Somewhere In The Logon
ALF-NSV1.ZIP Yes 1868 6/4/1994
NuScan v1.0 By: Mr. Phillie This PPE Lets The
User Check Out What Files Have Been Uploaded
To The BBS Since He Last Checked... May Be
Placed With Logon Procedure
ALF-NUP1.ZIP Yes 3644 6/18/1994
[ NUP v1.1 ] New User Password For PCB No
More Matrix, No More Lamers Cleaned Up,
Tighter Version Enhanced User Interface
ALF-PGE2.ZIP Yes 2721 8/30/1994 ALF PAGE v2.0 PPE
ALF-PHT2.ZIP Yes 2801 6/18/1994
Phat Logon v2.0 For PCBoard! Now A PPE!
Display Full ANSi Logon Menus To Your Users!
ALF-PLEN.ZIP Yes 1395 8/6/1994
ALF-PLEN.PPE is an AMi-X Style PPE that
replaces the (P)age Length Command. Displays
a series of numbers and asks which one is on
the top of their screen.
ALF-READ.ZIP Yes 3743 8/6/1994
ALF-READ.PPE is the best replacement for the
(R)ead Mail Command in PCBoard. Full Lightbar
support, and Configurable
ALF-REV.ZIP Yes 2057 6/4/1994 REVOLVE.PPE v1.0 - PPE Rotator
ALF-TL20.ZIP Yes 3679 7/21/1994
Turbo Login 2.o PPE Fully configurable run
ppes Before and After Turbo login
^^^^^^^^^Good For NUV^^^^^^^ Version 2.o is
th same as 1.o except it has lightbar Suport
ALF-WOM.ZIP Yes 3192 6/4/1994
Wheel Of Morality PPE Fully configurable!
Includes Cool HangUp Option
ALF-WRIT.ZIP Yes 1830 8/13/1994 Lightbar (E)nter Message PPE
ALFBBS3.ZIP Yes 4387 6/4/1994
BBS Lister 3.o A Great BBS Lister For PCB New
Version Includes Lightbar Menus and An
Extended BBS List
ALF_NFS1.ZIP Yes 2756 8/30/1994
Lightbar New File Scan PPE BY DATE! 100%
ALLCALL.ZIP Yes 6793 5/2/1994
ALLCALL [PPE] v1.0 ALL Caller Bulletin
Generator for PCBoard v15.1. Compiled in PPLC
v2.0. FREEWARE!! no registraion. Source
available. By Al Segura Sysop SBG Online!
ALLLIST.ZIP Yes 2685 2/25/1995
ALLLIST.PPE v1.0 Add Alllist.PPE to your main
menu and give your user easy access to
download your allfiles list. Compile PPLC 3.0
FREEWARE Software Kitchen BBS 718-281-0645
ALLTIME_.ZIP Yes 7313 3/5/1995
AMi/X ALLTiME! v.3.0� Ami-Express Style
AllTime PPE N0TE!! Runs only on PCBoard 15.2+
Compiles in a fraction of the time other
PPE's take. Nice AMi/X Look, Totally
Configurable Colors, Etc..
AMARQ10I.ZIP Yes 23041 7/19/1994
Aqmarqee is a Pcboard PPE that will display
predefined rolling text to the caller, on the
top line of your Menu screen. Support for a
different display each day, a security level
display, a File Import Display. Random File
import display. Now configurable for the
PCBTEXT prompts so that you can use this just
about anywhere on your system. Modified
Screen Clearing. Beta Release I. PCBoard 15.1
required. Authors: AQUILA BBS
ANSR.ZIP Yes 10233 7/2/1994
User Disclaimer or Answer PPE - PCBoard 15
Presents user with question to answer and
then performs upgrade or downgrade in
response, can even hangup on user for no or
negative responses. Creates logs of all
events. In PPLC v1 to work with all PCBoard
15.x. Extremely configurable. By Al Segura
APAGE.ZIP Yes 2143 12/17/1994
This is a DIFFERENT way to have your USERS
page you. It makes DIFFERENT sounds and
AR-LS10.ZIP Yes 2489 6/4/1994
LiGHTNiNG SAVE 1.OO By AReS Gets rid of the
old generic PCB save msg style, and adds an
OBV style "Command [?=Help]:" into PCBoard!
Fully Configurable.
AR-NS10.ZIP Yes 1888 6/4/1994
LiGHTNiNG NEWSCAN 1.OO Replace the
"Scanning->" prompt with a feature even
F-Hack BBS' dont have. No more Multi-Page
scrolling during a Msg Scan.
ARCH11.ZIP Yes 1885 8/31/1993
Automatic Read Command Help v1.1; PCBoard
15.0 PPE to automatically help novice users
read messages.
AREAS99F.ZIP Yes 33807 2/3/1995
The Ultimate File Area Lister PPE v0.99f
Automatic File Area Menu System Now With
Group Area Support! Added Instant Filelists
Feature For PCBoard v15.21+ An
UltiWares(c)1995 Release
ATAG.ZIP Yes 46220 12/31/1994
A PPE that will allow you to insert a tagline
into any PCBoard message, while still in the
editor! Lets you see what the tagline is
before it gets inserted. Random selection.
Very nice! By Andrew Lazarus SHAREWARE!
AUSURE30.ZIP Yes 7536 3/2/1995
AREUSURE Version 3.00 [PPE] - Prompts user if
he/she is sure that he/she wants to post the
message in the conference he/she is currently
in. Very good for boards with beginner users
or people who just don't pay attention.
Requires PCBoard 15.21 or higher. Adds
support for Tokens
AUTOP2_0.ZIP Yes 16350 11/18/1994
- AUTOPLUS 2.0 Automessage Utility by Kyle
Eli. Great little util that gets quite a bit
of attention from the users. Make new
messages or reply to a previous one. Easy to
use interface. The source IS included!
AUTSGPWA.ZIP Yes 5404 6/4/1994
AutoSig V1.1 [ By Dark Creation ] PCBOARD
15.1 PPE That provides the users to maintain
a SIGNATURE and have it put at end of message
AV_MSC10.ZIP Yes 1831 3/5/1995 SYS-COMMENT v1.0 for PCB 15.2
AV_XCL11.ZIP Yes 8447 3/5/1995 LAST 10 /X STYLE v1.1 PPE
BBANK2.ZIP Yes 18215 3/29/1994
BBANK v2. All-in-One Logoff Update [PPE]
Non-expiring ! Pawleys BBS (803)237-4547 This
PPE has: a time bank, gambling, note on the
wall, and allows comments to mul- tiple
sysops. Event-aware, allows choice of
logging, allows choice of note in PSA, Can be
set up to not break scripts for automated
users. Very Configurable !!! Compiled PPLC
v2.0, tested on PcBoard 15.1
BBS14A.ZIP Yes 13079 9/13/1993
BBS.PPE v1.3d; Unique BBS Listing PPE
Program. Nice, Compact, and Friendly
BBS200.ZIP Yes 19385 5/7/1994
Pepster's Place BBS Present's Pepster's
Utilities May 7, 1994 Hello.ppe v1.15 Beta (
Caller's Log ) Lister.ppe v2.00 Beta ( BBS
Lister ) Bye.ppe v1.00 Beta ( Display BLT )
Requires PCBoard 15.1 (313) 421-9145 -AND-
(313) 421-9177
BBSL12.ZIP Yes 6966 5/6/1994
Add BBS Search List List BBSs Download
BBS.LST - BBS.PPE for PCB 15.1
BBSL_10.ZIP Yes 18443 7/6/1994
[PPE] Bulletin Board Lister 1.0 Powerful bbs
listing util with seach commands,
configurable colors, logging of actions &
delete Side Front Side Back function (__)
(__) (__) (__) for sysops. ( oo (oo) oo ) ( )
SOURCE /\_ /\/\_/\ / \ Included! by Mr. Data
[CiA] 07/06/94
BCBK121.ZIP Yes 13195 7/30/1994
[FREEWARE] PCB 15.1+ TimeBank PPE v1.21
Lightbar menu driven time bank, uses TPAs.
Security definable maximum deposit time and
maximum daily deposit/withdraw time.
BCCM100.ZIP Yes 43597 6/18/1994
PCB 15.0+ ConfMenu v1.00 Conference menu
creator. Uses 'replacement codes' for full
column configurability. Multi paged, sort
orders, descriptions, definable number of
columns and lines per conference page.
BCCOM100.ZIP Yes 6091 6/18/1994
[FREEWARE] PCB 15.1+ Command PPE v1.1
Spinning/moving command prompt replacement.
Allows you to add own 'command prompt'
designs. BLACKCAT
BCEN21.ZIP Yes 17919 7/30/1994
PCB 15.1+ Enter PPE v2.1 Press Enter
replacement that allows YOU to add your own
moving Enter prompts. Now has User selectable
prompts, non moving prompts can also be used.
19 prompts included.
BCFAL12.ZIP Yes 40099 8/30/1994
PCB 15.1+ File Area Lister PPE v1.2 Lightbar
driven File area lister that supports
multiple pages,lightbar area selection etc..
BCLC110.ZIP Yes 17467 6/18/1994
PCB 15.1+ LastCallers PPE v1.10 (06/06/94)
Configurable, multiple color setups. Added:
Daily, Y'days and Top calls/upload/
download/pages/time registration BLACKCAT
BCMX120.ZIP Yes 120849 7/30/1994
PCB 15.1+ Matrix PPE v1.20 Configurable,
lightbar or dos mode, full logging features,
external feedback/nuv/ infoform/page/sysop
PPEs, multinode aware and more. Lots of
changes in this version, read the history
BCNUK080.ZIP Yes 155173 1/14/1995
PCB 15.2+ Nuker PPE v0.80� A full featured,
lightbar driven FAST nuker. Allows you to
Nuke/ Award/Comment/Free files. If you're
tired of waiting minutes. when nuking, grab
this! This version adds Wildcard support.
BCON110.ZIP Yes 55239 6/4/1994
[FREEWARE] PCB 15.1+ Logon PPE v1.10
Configurable logon/logoff enhancer.Includes
lastcallers, oneliners, broadcast, last
caller message and more. BLACKCAT
BCPR100.ZIP Yes 14668 8/12/1994
PCB 15.1+ Message/Comment/reply PPE v1.00
Replacement for your 'e' and 'c' commands
which replaces a number of message entry
prompts to turn your message entry command
into a configurable ansi menu. BlackCat
BCQT03.ZIP Yes 6802 12/25/1994
PCB 15.2+ Quoter PPE v0.2� Pcboard quoter,
uses pplc 3.0 for easier and seamless
integration. BlackCat
BCTB110.ZIP Yes 10380 6/4/1994
[FREEWARE] PCB 15.1+ ByteBank PPE v1.10
Lightbar menu driven byte bank, uses TPAs.
Security definable maximum deposit KB and
maximum daily deposit/withdraw KB. BLACKCAT
BCTOP110.ZIP Yes 11435 7/30/1994
PCB 15.1+ Top PPE v1.10 Creates top uploaders
(files/bytes), top downloaders (files/bytes)
and top callers bulletins. Extremely
configurable through replacement codes. No
user limit.
BDAY_11.ZIP Yes 5912 12/25/1994
Birthday Greetings PPE - Ver. 1.0. Gives your
users a birthday and a belated birthday
greeting. Also gives your users extra time as
a "birthday present" if you desire! By
Galahad Software
BDB100.ZIP Yes 156243 1/25/1995
< Bulletin Board Database v1.00 - [PPE/EXE] >
ver1.00/PCB 15.2 Enhanced bulletin board
lister! Graphical user interface with
enhanced ANSI High- Light bar, enhanced
RipScrip graphics, w/ user-friendly command
system. Configure any text display/color,
multi-lingual Support, and much more! Setup
emulating PCBoard setup Utilities. Requires
160k HD
BILBORD1.ZIP Yes 10122 6/27/1994
BilBord v1.0 - PPE To Display Ads To Callers.
Displays Can Be Advertiements Or A Features
List. Integrated Seam- Lessly Into The Main
Menu. Unobtrusive Way To Generate Revenues
For Your BBS Rotates Ads Automatically.
Allows Conference AD LOCKing
BIRTH120.ZIP Yes 11390 11/12/1994
The Birth Date Utility v1.20 - PPE v2.00 Now
you can prompt your users for their birth
date information with PCBoard. Use this
program as a prompt replacement, new users
program, or an executed text command.
Completely configurable color and text.
Provides a slash (/) for the user to keep the
date information in a correct format. PCBoard
15.1 [PPE] v2.00
BLA-1LIN.ZIP Yes 3569 3/14/1995 Anonymous Lastcaller 1.00 PPE
BLAB_056.ZIP Yes 191110 3/8/1995
BOOMLAB v0.56 COMPLETE Upload Processor for
PcBoard. Coded by Gene Layton (BOOMER)
03/04/95 Automated PPE to handle failed files
Age test archive 5 different ways. ZAP all
BBS ads even random ads using filelist, CRC
value, or text keywords. Supports 6 different
virus scanners. Can use 1, multiple, or all
scanners! 32+ macros to add file stats to
desc, customize ZIP comment, PCBPASS, etc...
Strip unwanted text from FILE_ID.DIZ's (Can
BLASPAG.ZIP Yes 71722 12/16/1994
Blaster PAGE PPE! FOR PCBoard 15.X
Dox,MOD,and PLAYER included...
BLT-PPE1.ZIP Yes 4226 3/5/1995
Pcboard Nested Bulletins A .PPE allowing
PCboard Sysops to use Nested Bulletins as
featured in other BBS packages. Easy to
install using existing bulletin numbers.
Shareware! 24 hour support on the Global
Connection. 508-534-4944 Global Software
BLT202.ZIP Yes 8004 1/12/1995
@X0CBLT.PPE Version 2.00 (BETA). BLT.PPE is a
Bulletin feature. Check it out! ShareWare
BLTEND1.ZIP Yes 3347 6/4/1994
BLTEND.PPE v1.0 - A new bulletin prompt
replacement in PCBTEXT #224 and #611.
Download, search, and now EDIT comfortable
BOGLOGOR.ZIP Yes 7089 6/4/1994
[LoGoN RuNNeR] PPE Logon runner for
ppe's/ansi/pcb Special features - Random Run,
Security Run, Query Run
BORNDAY1.ZIP Yes 4250 6/25/1994
BORNDAY1.PPE. Checks users age during New
User log-on. If younger than the sysop wants
it sends them msg, writes handle to the TCAN
file so they can't re-apply under that handle
and logs them off. Source code included (as
always). A Banana Republic SIMPLE but USEFUL
PPE. "gorilla" Amato.
BOTH-203.ZIP Yes 12841 9/17/1994
All Caller Bulletin Generator [PPE] PPLCv2-
Generates two caller bulletins, all-calls and
all-stats. Completely revised format, all
colors now SysOp customizable. FREEWARE
Source available-New Support BBS #-ver 2.03
adds node # display and yesterday calls
BR2U.ZIP Yes 3302 10/7/1993
BR [PPE] v.2; Command replacement for use by
users to send messages to one another. It
logs all messages to the callers log.
BRD_FNV1.ZIP Yes 3558 12/17/1993
utility for sysop's with only one node. Shock
your lame users with this and they will be
soon begging for the 2nd nodes number!
Top-o-fun * Author : Braindead
BRG-CHT1.ZIP Yes 3315 3/5/1995
CooL oNeLiNeR BeST oNeLiNeR aRouND! MaKeS
LoG, CoLoRS, MaCRoS aND MoRE...
BRG-ULDR.ZIP Yes 1721 3/5/1995
CoNFiGuRaBLe aNSi'S PoST iF PRiVaTe, aND
BRLU.ZIP Yes 2535 9/1/1993
BRLOGON/OFF [PPE] v1.0; Used in the Logon-
Logoff Script Questionnaire. Sends a message
to all nodes that a user logged on or off
BRNEW.ZIP Yes 9238 10/6/1994 An update to the BR.PPE file. This fixes apro
BULCHK21.ZIP Yes 11099 10/14/1994
Bulletin Read Counter/Monitor. Utility (PPE)
for PCBoard 15.2 to keep track of the desired
bulletins read by the user so as to perform
an automatic upgrade of the newuser once
he/she has read the desired bulletins. SysOp
configurable. ver. 2.1 FREEWARE By Al Segura
source available
BULLWIDE.ZIP Yes 6405 2/14/1995
@X1E@X07 @X1EAn ANSI/arrow key/menu bar@X07
@X1Euser interface to your BULL@X07
@X1EETINS. Many features and@X07 @X1Every
configurable. Sysop@X07 @X1Econfigurable
colors! Easy@X07 @X1Eto install and a *MUST
SEE*@X07 @X1E@X07
BULL_110.ZIP Yes 12760 3/17/1995
USER BULLETIN MAKER - Ver. 1.10 From Galahad
Software. This PCBoard 15.21 PPE allows your
users to enter their own bulletins for event
notices, parties, birthdays, or anything
they'd like! Users can configure the text
color, and SysOps can configure the maximum
amount of bulletins they allow their users!
Only $5 registers!
BWLOC10.ZIP Yes 1616 9/27/1993
BWLOC.PPE v1.0; Bad Weather Log Off Command.
Displays a message to user with your BBS name
and then logs them off the bbs normally.
BYEBYE17.ZIP Yes 5319 5/4/1994
ByeBye PPE v1.7 - Automatic Logoff BYEBYE is
an automatic logoff prompt replacment PPE,
for PCBoards db command. This PPE will
enhance PCB's "Goodbye in 10 seconds..."
prompt. In addition to the count down there
is a graphical time bar, which operates in
one second intervals. Removed EXPIRATION!!
And now uses a key file for upgrades.
Programmer: Richard Stewart (c) 1994 - The
North Shore BBS
CALLB_28.ZIP Yes 28394 10/11/1994
CALLBLOC [PPE] v2.8 - p/o BBS SecurityPak
Unwanted Caller Blocker - Uses Caller-ID info
to Lock-Out abusive users. In PPLC v1 to work
with all PCBoard 15.x. The FIRST, many Sysop
defined options. Now supports CID Name. Works
with any CallerID capable modem that supports
Supported by VULGARID. By Al Segura FREEWARE
Source Available.
CALLID22.ZIP Yes 16904 5/26/1994
CALLERID [PPE] v2.2 - p/o BBS SecurityPAK
Caller-ID utility PPE - for PCBoard 15.x
Performs user Verification/monitoring on
every call. SysOp configurable for display
files, record logging, and much more. Must
have callerid capable modem such as Supra,
PPI, or ZyXEL. Checks user record phone #s
against CallerID info. Now supports Deluxe
CID Name logging. By Al Segura FREEWARE
Source Available.
CALLSEC.ZIP Yes 5150 11/19/1994
A .PPE that allows you to set up specific
times that users with specific security
levels are allowed on your BBS system. .
CALLUP-1.ZIP Yes 15049 2/1/1995
@X0A CallUp v1.0 @X0BCallUp is a very simple
callback @X0BVerification PPE For PCBoard
15.2. @X0BSupports Local Only Or Local and
@X0BLong Distance Call Back. This is
@X0Brelease v1.0.
CALTQP10.ZIP Yes 5309 9/30/1993
This is a PPE program that will allow your
users to generate Quik Pik numbers for play
in the California Lottery.
CBTXTGER.ZIP Yes 4193 8/22/1994
German language files for ChatBox v.3.0, the
PCBoard split-screen chat/page DOOR/PPE from
YCS. This file contains everything needed to
make ChatBox 3.0 German language compatible.
Includes CBTEXT and all ANSI and RIP files.
With thanks to Brent Yandell for the RIP-
CBTXTNL.ZIP Yes 3899 11/3/1994
Dutch language files for ChatBox v.3.0, the
PCBoard split-screen chat/page DOOR/PPE from
YCS. This file contains everything needed to
make ChatBox 3.0 Dutch language compatible.
Includes CBTEXT and all ANSI and RIP files.
CBV107.ZIP Yes 18616 7/29/1994
CBV.PPE 1.07 7/24/94 - A PCBoard 15.1 PPE
that allows you to callback verify your new
users. Installation is simple and painless.
Get rid of all those users that like to
create duplicate accounts on your system!
$10.00 registration fee. Trial version is
fully functional; but is limited to 24
sucessfull callback validations. Has many
customizable features and allows you to use
PCBedit to customize the way it looks! > New
CDAVAIL4.ZIP Yes 5242 8/7/1994
CD-Rom Availability Inquiry PPE - V4.0 * Use
multiple cd-rom discs and cd-rom drives
without scheduling. Searches drive(s) for up
to 15 different discs, then displays the
status of each of the cd-rom discs and an
instruction to access each disc. 08/07/94
$8.50 - Mongoose Shareware/PC Florida BBS:
(813) 625-0190
CDSEL_53.ZIP Yes 34414 11/27/1994
CdSelect v5.3 PPE for PCboard V15.2 Search up
26 Cdroms; Security Specific Conference
searches. Download On and Off-line Cdrom file
list; Hard coded Help screens; Search File
Names or Text Strings; Language, Security,
Graphic specific... Includes New Z & L PPe's!
CENTPPE.ZIP Yes 8109 9/12/1993
PCBoard [PPE]; This program for PCBoard 15.0
Sysops: ONLY, shall create applications for
Centipede & take care of any questions Users
may ask about Centipede. Also good for Sysops
who want to see more about this Network, and
understand what we're about:
CEOM_301.ZIP Yes 16586 1/9/1995
[MS] CEOM v3.01: A Custom End Of Message PPE
[CEOM.PPE] : Custom End Of Message PPE
written in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs Color
and Display Configurable end of message
prompt replacement. An easy to use prompt
which adds a scroll bar and hotkeys, but
honors PCB Commands! [MS]
CFDL_110.ZIP Yes 27207 3/24/1995
[MS] CFDL v1.10:Custom File Directory Lister
[CFDL.PPE]: Interactive Directory List
written in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs A PPE
to replace the "F" command. Will dynamically
create & allow interactive scrolling of the
file directories. Can group directories
quickly & MORE! [MS]
CFDS_201.ZIP Yes 38244 2/28/1995
[MS] CFDS v2.01: Custom F_Directory Scanners
[CFDS-?.PPE]:File Directory Scanner(s)
written in PPL for PCBoard v15.21+ BBS
Color/Display Configurable N and/or L and/or
Z command replacements. Multi- Conference
scanning,User Save options, # of Days Back
Scans & MUCH MORE! [MS]
CFLIST20.ZIP Yes 251208 4/6/1994
Custom File List Builder PPE v2.0 (CL) for
PCBoard v15.1 is an add on command to allow
your callers to construct custom Allfiles
listings and download them. Options include:
- Selected file directories - New files
(since last scan date) - Keyword search (like
Zippy scan) - Cross conference scanning - Any
combination of these This is a MAJOR upgrade
CHATPAGE.ZIP Yes 2991 11/27/1994
CHATPAGE.PPE - Best looking/sounding Chat
Page PPE you can GET! Put it in as the "O"
command and enjoy!
CHECKING.ZIP Yes 1429 8/13/1994
Simple PPE to replace line #153 in PCBTEXT to
correct the screen scrolling problem while
using David Terry's FLAG PPE...PitBoss
CHKTM96.ZIP Yes 7752 12/29/1994
TimeCheck V .96� - December 30, 1994. Do you
need to allow a certain caller on your BBS at
a certain time? If the answer to that
question is 'YES', you might want to take a
look at this PPE program for PCBoard 15.2.
This program will adjust users times, execpt
for the users that is allowed on during the
time period. If you need further assistance
you can contact me on our Support BBS at
(708) 854-0255 or (416) 287-0935
CIAFSU4B.ZIP Yes 6153 5/2/1994
15.1 PPE that provides a full screen user
editor with easy light bar and user listing
CIALOG.ZIP Yes 1618 6/18/1994
CiALOG is a PCBoard PPE that will Enhance
your User Logon. It will create a graphical
logon simuliar to a V/X one v.02 by Defcon 4
CIAPMT1B.ZIP Yes 10123 5/2/1994
Prompts V1.0 [By Corruptions CiA PPLE]
PCBOARD 15.1 PPE That provides the users to
choose from a menu of prompts or make new
ones. Unlimited with Lightbar menu.
CIDPPE15.ZIP Yes 11419 10/31/1994
CID.PPE 1.50 - Creates CALLERID file with the
phone number in format AAA-EEE-NNNN from CID
info PCBoard gets from modem. Useful for
PCBVerify to speed up verification process.
Displays optional files to User ifCaller ID
is blocked, Out of Area or doesnot match
either User Record Entry. Support for format
returned by Supra & ZyXEL modems. Support
added for Hex Format used in Canada. FREEWARE
w/source by Gary Meeker
CIS_HM10.ZIP Yes 17992 3/5/1995
Hot Key Menu PPE v1.0 Hot key menu ppe!
Replaces your current menu, and adds hot
keys. Along with a few kick ass menus,
Configurable menus and menu prompts! Check
this shit out! 01/26/95 Coded by: Seleriquis
CJOIN10.ZIP Yes 7292 8/1/1993
CJoin v1.0 A Freeware PCBoard 15.0 PPE Util!
Enhance the PCBoard "J" command by making it
more organized by conference type or network
CL15S1G.ZIP Yes 104259 11/27/1994
CALLS Ver 15s1g Statistic Bulletin generator
Supports PCBoard 15.1 changes and features..
Changed to allow for spaces in conference
names. Recognition of some of the common PPE
entries in the CALLERS file. New report for
PPE's. Reduced memory overhead on filename
collection. Added 28800 to Baud Rate report.
Added EDSBACK PPE report, changed batch file
reporting. No source files included. (Changes
made by Gary Meeker) (06-12-94)
CLAST13.ZIP Yes 3223 3/14/1995 LAST CALLERS v1.3 Multi Node Fix
CLCB_160.ZIP Yes 26472 3/24/1995
[MS] CLCB v1.60: Custom Last Caller Bulletin
[CLCB.PPE] Custom Last Caller Bulletin
Generator PPE for PCBoard v15.21 BBSs! Colour
and *DISPLAY* configurable last caller
bulletin .PPE (Uses replacement codes).
Supports configurable running totals of board
activity & MORE! [MS]
CLINTBOZ.ZIP Yes 846 8/4/1993
Replacement graphics screen for use with the
CLINTON.PPE program. A bit snazzier than the
plain old default CLNTG file that came with
CLINT200.ZIP. A must if you like clowns, or
think of politicians that way.
CLINTEGL.ZIP Yes 1003 8/3/1993
Replacement graphics screen for use with the
CLINTON.PPE program. A bit snazzier than the
plain old default CLNTG file that came with
CLINT200.ZIP. This version adds WAIT and CLS
macros to the end of the file for a pause
before executing the command.
CLMEBK32.ZIP Yes 15119 1/14/1995
@X0A CallMeBk 3.2 [PPE] Callmebk Is A Very
Simple Callback Verification PPE For PCBoard
15.2. Now Supports Local Only Or Local And
Long Distance Call Backs Modes. Source Code
Available On Request. @X0CMajor "Bug" Fix
Release FreeWare Compilied 01-15-95
CLNP_110.ZIP Yes 17496 1/9/1995
[MS] CLNP v1.10: A Custom Login Note Pad PPE
[CLNP.PPE]: A User-To-User NotePad PPE
written in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs
Color/Display Configurable. Lets users write
a private two line login note, displayed
*only* to the recipient when they next login.
Receipts & MORE! [MS]
CLR_NODE.ZIP Yes 2731 3/30/1994
CLR_NODE.PPE, v1.0, a replacement for
PCBoard's Access Denied - x is in use on
another Node! It let's PCBoard v15.1 users
that have crashed off of PCBoard from a LAN
to clear themselves from the usernet.xxx file
without having to bother the Sysop. Includes
source code and may be customized to suit
your BBS's needs. (FREEWARE)
CMFL_200.ZIP Yes 22557 12/19/1994
[MS] CMFL v2.00: Custom Master File List PPE
[CMFL.PPE]: A Master File List Creator
written in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs An
advanced program that will create & archive
an *up-to-the-minute* master file list on
demand. Select and Save DIRs, conf configs
and MORE! [MS]
CMNTPPE1.ZIP Yes 3811 8/27/1993
[PPE] for PCBOARD 15.0 or higher. This PPE
compiled Aug. 28 93 Multiple SYSOP commenting
system, allows to pick the appropriate sysop
from a list.
CNAV_401.ZIP Yes 51974 10/23/1994
[MS] CNAV v4.01: Custom Node Activity Viewer
[CNAV.PPE]: A Node Activity Viewer PPE
written in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs
Color/Option Configurable WHO command
replacement. Terse, Brief, Verbose and
Interactive RealTime Modes! Supporting
XFerring Files, User Stats & MORE [MS]
CNFNNEW.ZIP Yes 9476 3/11/1995
*NEW UPDATE* CNFN.PPE - this is basically the
same PPE that is used on Salt Air for their
conference join menu. It will only display
the conferences the caller is able to join.
Updated by Herbert Bushong to allow for
conference subsets to be chosen and displayed
by the caller. Freeware/Public Domain Source
CNFNR.ZIP Yes 7651 1/14/1995
included. Edited slightly (CNFN.PPE) to get
the original to work properly with
RipGraphics. Graphic changes only! Actual PPE
process NOT TOUCHED!
CNUL10C3.ZIP Yes 9227 7/21/1994
[PPE] CNUL v1.0 Candidate Release 3 CNUL is a
100% configurable user lister that lets you
change EVERYTHING including the background
and where everything goes and even what the
lister displays. This does not even have to
be a user lister. With its configurability it
can also be even a Up/Dn Ratio lister or even
other things. Definitely worth a look. This
version adds 6 new items. Plus 100% Free
registration w/NO DELAYS OR CRIPPLES
COBS_110.ZIP Yes 32474 1/9/1995
[MS] COBS v1.10:Custom Online Banking System
[COBS.PPE]: A Time and/or K-Byte Bank written
in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs A powerful &
easy to use Time and / or KByte bank. VERY
*configurable* setup & display interface.
Deposit, Withdraw and Gamble options & MUCH
MORE! - [MS]
CODE10.ZIP Yes 4034 5/24/1994
The CODE PPE - Wiz-Ware Software- -(c) 1994,
Brett Lucey This PPE lets users gamble time,
based on a generated code. Users enter their
guess on a security "panel".
COMMAND.ZIP Yes 2647 12/25/1994 Wirly-gig conference prompt with full source
COMMENT.ZIP Yes 4978 7/19/1994
Multipel Sysop commenting system PPE. Up to
10 sysops, Private comments.
COR-JCNF.ZIP Yes 9373 1/24/1995 Jconf,PCB Ver of the Famous AMi/X jConf Util
CORK10B1.ZIP Yes 11773 8/4/1994
CORKBOARD v1.0 - An Online Advertisement PPE
utility for PCBoard v15.1 or later. Easy to
install and use! CorkBoard displays as many
or as few files specified by the SysOp, with
an expiration date for each after which they
are skipped. Ideal for those SysOps looking
for a unique way to bring in extra money for
their systems, Charity drives and lots more!
++ WIDE AREA BETA v1.0.�1 COMPILED 08/05/94
++ -[ Shareware by George Silberstern ]-
COROFF12.ZIP Yes 5340 6/5/1994 Corosion LogOff PPE
CPPE9309.ZIP Yes 9952 9/16/1993
PCBoard [PPE] v3.0; Centipede Network Program
to install and let Users view what Centipede
is about, and also generates Applications.
NEW: Sysop Menu allows defining of the
control file! New Concept Of Network Help!
CPPRT.ZIP Yes 8151 9/5/1994
The CPRT.PPE picks up where PCB left off when
it comes to conference protection. . Forces
user to enter a password and checks to see if
their name is on the list each time he/she/it
joins the conference!
CRAPS121.ZIP Yes 19993 3/18/1995
Crap Shoot! Ver 1.21 - by Galahad Software. A
PCBoard 15.2+ PPE that recreates the classic
game of craps, with a twist. Features Monthly
and All-Time High Score records, daily
maintenance, and more. As always, only $5
CREATR10.ZIP Yes 10074 4/5/1994
PCBNewsCreator By DynaSOFT PCBNewsCreator is
a very flexible PPE allowing sysops to write
news without having the work of editing the
NEWS file, making a header, etc. Total
FREEWARE! Version 1.00
CRED330.ZIP Yes 52101 10/11/1994
DMSoft Credits.ppe v3.30 - users can purchase
online credits using a credit card. Has
internal config editor, language files,
message left to sysop, makes an downloadable
handling charge, lang warning and inf. Now
sets users expiration date and level to drop
sec in accounting file for each level in
config. Has testmode and tax mode. No
expiration date - limited to 1 level in
non-registered version. From DMSoft...
CREWRD10.ZIP Yes 20254 3/14/1995
WEEKLY REWARD VRSiON 1.0 Weekly top uploader
will receive 10% of HiS pumped bytes
CRZ-FTP.ZIP Yes 3625 3/5/1995
CRaZy World - FTP List PPE Nice little PPE to
maintain an FTP List
CRZ_LAM.ZIP Yes 2418 1/14/1995
CRaZY WoRLD '95 LAME LIST PPE. Let users view
a lame list, and add names and comments to it
100% configurable.
CSSC_301.ZIP Yes 22210 11/9/1994
[MS] CSSC v3.01 Custom Split Screen Chat PPE
[CSSC.PPE]: A Split Screen Chat PPE written
in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs A feature
packed, colour configurable SysOp/User
split-screen chat interface to replace the
F10 PCB Chat. Supports a User Editor PPE
CTLTQP10.ZIP Yes 10229 3/18/1995
versions 15.x. This is a PPE program that
will allow your users to generate Quik Pik
numbers for play in the Connecticut Lottery.
Includes the Pick3, Pick4, Pick5 and Pick6
games. Shareware from Hogard Software
Solutions BBS at (214) 641-6292.
CTUB_100.ZIP Yes 10533 6/18/1994
[MS] CTUB v1.00 : Custom Top Users Bulletin!
[CTUB.PPE]: A Top Users BLTN Generator
written in PPL for PCBoard v15.1+ BBSs
FREEWARE: A Top [1-25] Users Bulletin
Generator. Top Callers, ULers (KB or Files),
& DLers (KB or Files). Up to 9 *Display
Configurable* Bulletins! [MS]
CU-12.ZIP Yes 18689 2/7/1995
@X0A CallUp v1.2 @X0BCallback Verification
PPE For PCBoard @X0B15.2. Supports Local Only
Or Local And @X0BLong Distance Call Back,
Updates User @X0BRecord Comment Field 2,
Utilizes SysOp @X0BConfigurable
Prompts/Screens, Sets @X0BExpiry Date, Tracks
Verified Numbers, @X0BAnd Allows Number
Lockout. Try it!
CUFE_211.ZIP Yes 52240 2/14/1995
[MS] CUFE v2.11: Custom User File Editor PPE
[CUFE.PPE]: A Full Screen User Editor written
in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs Color
configurable Full Screen Online User
Editor.Normal & SysOp Only modes. Full PSA
Support. Conf Flag Updating. *Powerful*,
versatile and MORE! - [MS]
CW_AP_39.ZIP Yes 12193 2/5/1995
AutoPost v3.9 PCB v15.2 PPE to send BBS Ads,
ForSale Ads etc. weekly or monthly and on an
automated basis!!! Unique dating feature can
prevent your ad from being killed as a dupe!
Another top PPE from the author of SubscriP,
Pro-Vote, ConfMenu, RemindMe & many others!!
Fix mistake in docs that caused malfunction.
Visa/MC accepted for instant registration #!
CW_BD_15.ZIP Yes 18121 2/6/1995
Birthday v1.5 Ask users for their D.O.B. and
when the user(s) log-on on their (or shortly
thereafter) birthday, it displays a birthday
greeting! Adds even more personality to your
system! PCBoard 15.2 PPE, Shareware, easy to
install, and fully functional, NOT-crippled!
Visa/MC accepted for instant registration #!
Now supports international dates (dd-mm-yy)!
Support is available on the Intelec Network!
CW_BL_37.ZIP Yes 29276 2/5/1995
BBSListr v3.7 The *ultimate* BBS Listing PPE
for PCBoard 15.2! Added new modems, improved
speed. Users can add entry or delete, modify
entries. See why it's the best of it's kind!
Visa/MC accepted for instant registration #!
CW_CJ_40.ZIP Yes 22800 6/1/1994
ConfJoin v4.0! The best J Cmd Replacement PPE
for PCB v15.1! Automatic!! Never draw another
"CNFN" again! Now no longer needs conference
name prefix! Now you can fully configure your
own custom colors as well! Register ConfJoin
PPE and you'll also get DoorMenu, FileMenu,
MainMenu PPE's free!!
CW_CM_57.ZIP Yes 43451 3/12/1995
ConfMenu v5.7 The best J Cmd Replacement PPE
for PCB v15.2! Automatic! Never draw another
CNFN again!! Supports 15.2 long conf names!!
And no longer needs conference name prefix!!
And you can configure your own custom colors
as well! Now supports conference name sorts!
Bugs fixed and smaller/tighter/faster code!!
Visa/MC accepted for instant registration #!
CW_DM_18.ZIP Yes 17364 2/5/1995
DoorMenu 1.8 PCB v15.2 PPE (v3.0) to replace
the DOOR command menu. Add PPEs "seamlessly"
to your door menu! Now with *instant* Online
Credit Card Registrations!!
CW_FM_17.ZIP Yes 10411 2/5/1995
FileMenu v1.7 The best F Cmd Replacement PPE
for PCB v15.2! Automatic! Never draw another
file menu again! Also lets users search file
directory descriptions! For those with mult-
iple CD-Rom's this lets you have "sub-menus"
for each CD or file group!! Now with instant
Online "credit card" registrations!
CW_FV_14.ZIP Yes 43406 2/5/1995
Fone-Ver v1.4! Callback Verification for PCB
v15.2!! Fully configurable and feature rich!
Fully functional!! Not crippled!! Allows you
to let users reverse their calls (definable)
for better connections! And much, much more!
Now has FVCONFIG.PPE for much easier config!
Visa/MC accepted for instant registration #!
Bug Fix Release - Adds New Features
CW_HH_37.ZIP Yes 15794 2/5/1995
HowHeard v3.7 New Caller Upgrade PPE for PCB
15.2! Upgrade sec levels and conference regs
based on caller's response! Writes to User's
notes PSA. Now with OTHER option for a more
specific response. Small, fast, convenient!!
Now doubled user "choices" from five to ten!
*Instant* Online Registration Codes via CC!!
CW_IA_20.ZIP Yes 15652 10/11/1993
IntApp/Intelec Network Application Generator
v2.0 - Complete network information database
with search options for conference, nodelist
and more! Freeware PPE, installs in CMD.LST.
IntApp requires an up to date net info file.
DL IN-yymm.ZIP for network info/application.
CW_IN_46.ZIP Yes 55966 2/6/1995
IntelApp! v4.6 Intelec Network "Database and
Application" PPE! Freeware! For use with our
IN_yymm.ZIP & INB_yymm.ZIP information file!
Contains both the Application/Database PPEs!
Can also be used to display Intelec INBasket
"network newsletter" files! And now compiled
under PPLC v3.0, for PCBoard v15.2!! Intelec
is a Free, ACTIVE, Highest-Quality Network!!
If you're not a member, you're missing out!!
420+ Members, 12 Countries, 198 Conferences!
CW_MM_40.ZIP Yes 25722 2/5/1995
MainMenu v4.0 A PCBoard 15.2 PPE v3.0. Great
PPE replacement for PCBoard BRDM main menus.
Now supporting multi-lingual "prompt" files!
Shows available/unavailable commands as well
as "all on the fly", never draw another BRDM
again!! Nice little PPE! Visa/MC for instant
registrations!! Support is available via the
Intelec Network in PPL or CW_Support forums!
CW_MQ_36.ZIP Yes 11449 2/5/1995
MsgQuest v3.6 PCB 15.2 Shareware PPE! Script
to Message Base utility, send questionnaires
to the SysOp via msgs. A much easier install
and *unlimited* questionnaires! Instant reg-
istration numbers online via Visa/Mastercard
CW_PE_09.ZIP Yes 16162 8/31/1993
Planet Earth Network Online Application PPE!
Now PEN-App offers hub, conf & rule reviews!
Install as a SCRIPT.LST script questionnaire
Highly recommended for Planet Earth Net Hubs
using PCBoard 15.0. Another Freeware CW PPE!
CW_PPP20.ZIP Yes 98793 10/11/1993
The PCBoard PPE PowerPack! v2.0 Twelve great
PCB 15.0 PPE Shareware & Freeware utilities!
ConfJoin HowHeard MsgQuest Pro-Vote SpeedLim
WelcoMat TimeZone BBSListr UserNews PPE-Menu
IntApp and PenApp!! All now distributed in 1
complete package! Check out PowerPack today!
CW_PV_41.ZIP Yes 46868 2/5/1995
Pro-Vote v4.1! The best PCBoard Vote Utility
now supports As Many As 999 Different Polls!
A results bulletin, a new maintenance module
w/ Login Poll Availability, Displays Percent
of votes as BarGraph. Let's users Add Polls,
and much More!! NON-Crippled Shareware!! Now
compiled under PPLC 3.0 for PCB 15.2! Credit
card orders for instant online reg numbers!!
CW_RM_16.ZIP Yes 19883 2/5/1995
RemindMe v1.6 PCB 15.2 Users enter their own
personal reminders! RemindMe can notify them
at logon or via a message & logon! Users set
days in advance to remind, if a reminder's a
permanent or temporary one. RemindMe! purges
past due temp reminders! Simple to install!!
Auto-maint, Non-crippled, Fully functioning!
Visa/MC accepted for instant registration #!
CW_SL_37.ZIP Yes 14060 2/5/1995
SpeedLim v3.7! Limit callers access based on
connection speed! Block total access or just
access to specific command!! Exclude by time
or by an exclusion usernames list! An option
to send a message to user about when command
is available or at what speed and now caller
log support! Another great CW PowerPack PPE!
Compiled under PPLC v3.0 for use w/ PCB 15.2
CW_SP_45.ZIP Yes 67061 2/6/1995
SubscriP 4.5 Complete Online Shopping Center
supporting credit cards, checks, COD & more!
Offer "instant subscriber upgrade" via check
and/or credit card! Also sell merchandise! A
full featured sales PPE!! Supports shipping,
tax, unlimited categories & items, and more!
And keeps track of who paid and who did not!
Upgrades & downgrades automatically, a users
TCAN file, and up to *255* different levels!
Bug fix release! Added new SCONFIG.PPE util!
CW_TZ_36.ZIP Yes 15462 2/5/1995
TimeZone! v3.6! "Time slot" assignments PPE!
Recompiled with PPLC v3.0 for PCBoard v15.2!
Limits when user(s) or "groups of users" can
access your system!! Now you can adjust time
based on when in the slot the user calls! CC
order available for instant online reg codes
CW_UN_36.ZIP Yes 15054 2/5/1995
UserNews v3.6 Let users enter their own news
items! Shareware PPE for PCBoard v15.2! It's
a breeze to install, and needs little, or no
maintenance!! Visa/MC accepted for *instant*
online registration codes! Support available
on the Intelec Network PPL/CW_Support forums
CW_WM_36.ZIP Yes 11539 2/5/1995
WelcoMat v3.6! For PCBoard v15.2 (PPLC v3.0)
WM is for those who know who will be calling
their BBS and WelcoMat can upgrade them when
they do! Small, fast and convenient! Upgrade
different users to different security levels
and register in many different conferences!!
CC accepted for instant online registrations
CZIPPY10.ZIP Yes 3126 1/24/1995
ZiPPY SCAN UTiL V1.0 This PPE will show a
lightbar to the user, informing him it's
better to join the comb.conf. when he wants
to perform a ZiPPY SCAN
C_DETECT.ZIP Yes 1542 6/18/1994
* DETECT [PPE] 07/Jun/1994 * And Now An
Intelligent Auto Ansi Detecter! You Have To
Replace This On Your PCBoard Ansi Question
And It'll Automatically Answer Yes If Ansi Is
Detected And If Connection In 9600 Baud Or
Greater! If Not It'll Ask Normally The PCB
C_DEVCHA.ZIP Yes 2964 6/25/1994
* Devil's Chatter 31/May/1994 * A New
ColorFull-Funny Chatter For PCBoard. This New
PPE Allows You To Enjoy The Boring User
C_UPLOAD.ZIP Yes 2128 6/25/1994
*CHRONOS UPLOADER V1.0 13/Jun/1994* This New
PCBoard PPE Replaces Your Upload Procedure
With Cool Ansi And Fast-Simple Upload Starter!
C_WALL21.ZIP Yes 4164 6/25/1994
* Wallez V2.1 PPE * The BEST wall never seen
for PCBoard Now You Can See Who Wrote On The
Lines and Users can see How To Use Colors
DBM18.ZIP Yes 24600 9/3/1994
Deluxe Bulletin Menu v1.8. The next add on to
4D's Conference menu! This is what most
people have been asking me for, so here it
is! The best bulletin menu PPE available for
PCBoard users. Multi-Lang, Color
configurable, easy to setup and maintain.
DCALL24.ZIP Yes 26263 9/9/1993
DELUXE CALLERS v2.4; The Best 'last callers'
Utility. For PCBOARD 15.0! A simple .PPE to
use. Installs in just a few minutes. SysOps,
surprise your users with a last callers list
that has an *amazing* look!. Can be used at
logon and/or in blt.
DCM35.ZIP Yes 37632 8/16/1994
Deluxe Conference Menu v3.5. Now supporting
the new 60 character long conference names in
PCBoard 15.2+! This PPE has been clearely
rated as the best for handling your
conference needs! Supports UNLIMITED numbers
of conferences and SORTS! Security specific
nets, FAST! setup. Requires PCBoard 15.2+ and
EMS memory.
DDESCR10.ZIP Yes 2760 6/25/1994
* DoorDescribe! PPE v1.0* Not enough room on
your door menu screen to display
descriptions? This will take care of that for
you. Descriptions up to 255 characters.
Registration $10.00.
DDM12.ZIP Yes 25693 9/4/1994
Deluxe Door Menu v1.2. The next add on to
4D's Conference and Bulletin menus! This is
what most people have been asking me for, so
here it is! The best door menu PPE available
for PCBoard users. Multi-Lang, Color
configurable, easy to setup and maintain.
PCBoard 15.2+
DDOOR20.ZIP Yes 25221 8/25/1993
DDoor 2.0 PPE; PCBoard 15.0. A complete
replacement for the OPEN and DOOR commands!
Allows callers to open another door rather
than returning Main Board Command Prompt.
Registration allows callers to stack several
door commands. Faster and Easier to install
than before because it's completely rewritten
with PCBoard Programing Language!
DDS-PAGE.ZIP Yes 5264 3/7/1995
Sysop Pager which has the possibility to send
a short line to the user to state why you
don't want to chat. For use with PCB15.1+.
SOURCE included.
DEPOS103.ZIP Yes 67713 8/1/1993
The Depository Bank v1.03; This PPE is
written exclusively for PCBoard version 15.x.
The purpose of this PPE is to allow your
users to bank TIME or BYTES and to recover
them when needed. It will also allow the user
to exchange the saved time for bytes or bytes
for time. No maintenance is required by the
Sysop once the PPE is installed.
DIRLIST2.ZIP Yes 6735 2/14/1995
@X1E@X07 @X1EAn ANSI/arrow key/menu bar@X07
@X1Euser interface to your DIR@X07 @X1Efiles.
Many features and@X07 @X1Every configurable.
Supports@X07 @X1Eup to 512 directories.
Easy@X07 @X1Eto install and a *MUST SEE*@X07
DISPWH11.ZIP Yes 2924 11/8/1994
Gary Meaker's Original Dispwhen.PPE modified
to select what baud rates you want to show
the 'file' to as well as the other original
settings. Thanks Gary for the original 'free
source code.'.
DJ-CPC10.ZIP Yes 5265 6/5/1994
DJP Command Password Checker v1.0. Put a
password on any command that you want! Allows
exemption levels too!!
DJ-SLR10.ZIP Yes 5016 6/5/1994
DJP Security Level Raiser v1.0. Let your
users automatically raise their security
level according to a password! Supports an
unlimited number of different passwords and
security levels.
DJBLT110.ZIP Yes 3259 9/11/1994
[ DJBLT 1.10 ] Tired of making bulletin menus
everytime you want to add a new bulletin?
Then this utility is for you! Makes a sharp
looking bulletin menu on the fly! And it's
fast! Not crippled in any way! -> Now
supports up to 999 bulletins! <- PCBoard
15.1+ PPE. Written by: David Muench and Jim
DL-BLIST.ZIP Yes 3448 8/30/1994
BLaCK LiSTeR VeRSioN 1.0 is a .PPE for
PCBOARD 15.+ to let users add names to a
DLCHK11.ZIP Yes 11865 1/30/1995 Download Checker PPE v1.1
DLINFO11.ZIP Yes 4975 9/12/1993
DLINFO.PPE v1.01; PCBoard v15.0 [PPE] program
to replace your prompts 159, 669, 670, 674,
675 to enhance user information when they
don't have enough download bytes remaining or
would exceed limits/ratios.
DLOGON30.ZIP Yes 6459 8/10/1994
DLogon.PPE by Mauricio Pineda v3.0 Allow your
users to download files before fully loggin
onto your board. Great PPE for software
creators that allow testdrive versions to be
downloaded as FREE files. Now allows users to
leave a message with built in full screen
editor. *External Protocol Required*
DLPRM101.ZIP Yes 12037 10/7/1994
[PPE] DLPROMPT v1.01 Replacement for the
"Filename to download (Enter)=None?" prompt.
Replaces single line prompt with full-screen
display showing last five files in batch.
DMN_WB10.ZIP Yes 6032 6/18/1994 WHO'S BEST 1.0 PPE
DMSPPE1B.ZIP Yes 27960 1/11/1995
DMSPPE1B - v.1.0b update to DMSPPE1.
Collection #1 of custom prompts for PCBoard
v.15.1 & 15.2. Features include lite-bar
prompts, online and context-sensitive help,
and support for GRAPH, ANSI, and CTTY modes.
This set contains: - Multi-menu, scrolling
End of Message - More prompt - Scan mail
prompt - New mail prompt - replacement
command line prompt - replacement menu line
prompt - forced Expert on / menus off Prompts
DN-BLIST.ZIP Yes 7391 7/21/1994
.........Drop In ANSi's......... .......One
Entry Per User....... ....LightBar\Extended
Viewer.... ....Display Boards On Logoff....
....Search For Boards By AC!.... ....Download
Latest BBS List.... ...Automatic Edit Board
Stats... .Delete/Modify Stats Sysop Menu.
DN-EMAIL.ZIP Yes 2081 6/5/1994
This Is Graphic Message & EMail PPE This PPE
Makes Entering Public & Private Messages VERY
Simple, With Kick Ass Grafix. EMail Menu Can
Be Changed To Suit Your Needs.
DOD-AF20.ZIP Yes 17283 8/30/1994
- ADDFOFTv2.0 - This program will help you to
save ur HDDspace and to add ur BBSadvertis-
ments only to downloaded files.
DOD-AO10.ZIP Yes 3400 3/14/1995
iMPERiALANSiONLY v1.o: Ami/X and PC/X stylish
Ansi only mode..If you like them you need to
setup this one to your PCB!
DOD-ASFP.ZIP Yes 5312 8/30/1994
- Advanced Stats for PCBoard - This program
uses a very cool PPL function U_STATS().
Leech it and install toy your PCBoard.
DOD-BL20.ZIP Yes 9124 6/25/1994 BBS-LIST v2.0 for PCBoard
DOD-DL10.ZIP Yes 13658 1/7/1995
DEADLOGiNv1.o - Very nice pack which contains
installation and pretty gfx interface make
this pack awesome! -DR
DOD-DRF.ZIP Yes 4088 8/30/1994
DOSCommand [PPE] A small PPEto replace
sysop's function #10 "Execute DOSCommand"..
DOD-FF11.ZIP Yes 3157 7/21/1994 FILE FAKER/NUKER v1.1
DOD-GO99.ZIP Yes 1036 6/5/1994 P/OGRAFXONLY [PPE] Version 0.99
DOD-LD20.ZIP Yes 2843 8/30/1994
- LOADER v2.0 - This program is designed to
load dif- ferent PPEor ANSi &PCBfiles while
user logins to your board.
DOD-LG10.ZIP Yes 3620 6/5/1994 LOG-INv1.0 [PPE]
DOD-LS10.ZIP Yes 8128 8/30/1994
ANSI / RiPLogin System v1.0 Beta Pretty login
matrix features ANSIand RiP gfx.
DOD-LT10.ZIP Yes 4943 12/25/1994
LASTTRANSFERSv1.o: Nice Ul/Dl list of few
last callers. For PCBoard 15.2+...
DOD-MR10.ZIP Yes 2364 1/7/1995
MAILREADER v1.0 - Simple mail reader w/ nice
ansi support..Much better than a original
PCBoard one. -DR
DOD-NUP.ZIP Yes 5603 12/25/1994
NUP v1.o: This is very cool NUPPPE... It will
give various security levels to callers
depending on password they've entered and
many many more stuff... -LU
DOD-PC1A.ZIP Yes 6216 6/18/1994 PPE COMMANDER v1.0a Best PPELoader for PCB!
DOD-PG10.ZIP Yes 42471 7/21/1994 PAGE/CHAT v1.0 [PPE]
DOD-PL10.ZIP Yes 3201 6/5/1994 PPE LOADER v1.0. Best one ever for PCB!
DOD-PM10.ZIP Yes 28989 6/5/1994 PAGEMOD v1.0. VOC Pager for SysOps
DOD-Q20B.ZIP Yes 4479 8/30/1994
QUESTIONv2.0 Beta Version Pretty external
questionaire with customized
colors/bars/menus and questions.
DOD-RAND.ZIP Yes 2194 1/1/1995
15 PPERandomizer - Useful ppe. The best one
among the other randomizers
DOD-RD11.ZIP Yes 3352 7/30/1994 Resume Download v1.1 PPE
DOD-RR10.ZIP Yes 2255 6/5/1994 RUSSIAN ROULETTE v1.0
DOD-RU10.ZIP Yes 2577 6/5/1994 RESUMEUPLOAD[PPE] v1.0
DOD-SLAN.ZIP Yes 5899 1/7/1995
STATLAND v1.o - Configurable statistics door
with a nice File/Messages/Personal
information. Very easy to install into a
PCBoard and PC/x. -DR
DOD-UI10.ZIP Yes 2713 6/18/1994 IMPROVED USER INFO 1.0
DOD-UP20.ZIP Yes 9556 8/6/1994
Lars Upload Processor 2.0 Small and fast.
Able to test ZIP integrity, extract
FILE_ID.DIZ, check file date, replace ZIP
comments, add BBS ADs, delete unwanted lines
from FILE_ID.DIZ, add "Passed through" file
and do many other cool things! Coded by: Lars
DOD-US10.ZIP Yes 3662 1/24/1995
UPLOADSYSTEMv1.0 - Very nice 100% con-
figurable PPE to replace old and shitty [U]
function in PCBprompt. Many useful options
included..PPLC3.01.. - LU
DOD-ZV10.ZIP Yes 5945 8/30/1994
ZipView (tm) 1.0 for PCBoard This PPE offers
easy-to-use lightbar selection menu and other
pretty stuff Throw out that lame 200kb EXEand
use our quality production..
DODMMP32.ZIP Yes 94488 1/7/1995
MEGAMATRiXPROv3.2 - New improved version of
the powerfullest matrix in the world! Added
pcbprot.bat analize routine, impro- ved
upload processor, etc! - LU
DOWNPPE.ZIP Yes 1588 3/7/1995
Download Stats - PCBoard 15.0 PPE File to
show the user their upload/download stats
before beginning a download.
DPA-DI11.ZIP Yes 4677 5/2/1994
DPACWALL.ZIP Yes 2245 8/6/1994
Grafitti Wall v1.0� [PPE] dPAC Grafitti Wall
can be used either in CMD.LST or upon login.
Displays 10 messages. Has easy to use
light-bar options. No rego required.
DSLOT121.ZIP Yes 22572 3/18/1995
DOLLAR SLOTS! Ver. 1.21 From Galahad
Software. A PPE for PCBoard 15.2+. Dollar
Slots Features a Progressive Jackpot,
Multiple Paylines, Monthly & All-Time High
Score Records, and more! As usual, only $5 to
DSPWHN11.ZIP Yes 3332 1/21/1994
DispWhen.PPE - v1.10 - Display any text file
based on Callers Security Level, Time of Day
or Day of Week. Use in PCBText entries or any
text file displayed to User. Version 1.1
Removed code which was no longer needed due
to changes in PPL and compiled with /nouvar
for smaller PPE. FREEWARE From Gary Meeker,
includes Source code.
DT_B-W10.ZIP Yes 15662 6/5/1994
DT_L-C11.ZIP Yes 5923 6/5/1994
DT_SCN20.ZIP Yes 18200 6/5/1994
DT_SYC12.ZIP Yes 30608 5/14/1994
DUP-BLOC.ZIP Yes 12060 6/5/1994
DUPBLOC [PPE] v1.0 - p/o BBS SecurityPak
Duplicate Caller Blocker - Uses Caller-ID
info to LockOut duplicate users. In PPLC v1
to work with all PCBoard 15.x. Extremely
configurable, options galore. Works with any
CallerID capable modem that supports PCBoard
15. By Al Segura FREEWARE
DWNLD303.ZIP Yes 28225 12/21/1994
DWNLD.PPE Version 3.0�3 A PPE for PCB 15.2
that give PCB a FULL SCREEN download counter.
Update allows sysop to FULLY use multilingual
options and adds ability to View & Remove
files, and Change Protocols. MANY fixes and
E-BLT.ZIP Yes 6142 1/22/1995
@X0A @X0F E-BLT.PPE Ver 1.0 @X0A
@X0FE-BLT.PPE Will Show your users their
FidoNet "NetMail" Address in 2 forms 1. Their
Fido Node Address 2. Their Internet Address
Thru Fido @X0A- Shows a Bulletin with their
address and a few examples on how to use it
Compiled PPLC ver 1.0 For Use on PCB 15.xx
and newer.Source Code Included 1-22-94
@X0BMicro-Comp Software @X0C FREEWARE @X0A
ECNFN11.ZIP Yes 11519 3/19/1995
*Enhanced Conf Join 1.1* CNFN.PPE - this is a
modified version of the PPE that is used on
Salt Air for their conference join menu. It
will only display the conferences the caller
is able to join. Updated by Herbert Bushong
to allow for conference subsets to be chosen
and displayed by the caller. Bug fix for
security problem introduced by change in file
formats. Freeware/Public Domain Source
EDSB121C.ZIP Yes 182368 7/11/1994
EDSBack v1.21c [PPE] Call-Back verifier for
PCBoard v15.1. Supports multi-lingual
prompts, user trashcans, number trashcans,
caller-ID searching, automated messages,
powerful ONLINE configuration, timetables,
file flagging, international support, call
back only mode, user upgrading, MUCH MORE!
EMPAGE10.ZIP Yes 5382 6/5/1994
EMERGENCY PAGE PPE 1.o The ultimate
replacement for the O command. Complete with
configurable password, lamer trap, kewl
ENAME101.ZIP Yes 5684 1/10/1995
eName v1.01 is a PCBoard PPE (includes the
PPS source) which converts a user's name to a
legitimate email address. Great for welcoming
a user to an Internet email conference.
Conforms to RFC1137 spec for converting names
into email names. ENAME.INI allows for
customizing colors, domain, and more!
FREEWARE, by Duke Engineering. Call Online
Resource 619.793.8360 for latest.
ENTCOM1A.ZIP Yes 10427 3/14/1995
ENTCOM1A.PPE v1.a Replace the [C]omment to
SysOp(s) command. It's perfect for BBS with
more than one sysop. FREEWARE. PPLC 3.10
PCBoard 15.21 Software Kitchen BBS
718-281-0645 24 hours/7 days
EPPE10.ZIP Yes 2035 6/30/1994
E.PPE - Replacement for PCBoard prompt #199
Displays a generic text filebefore the enter
message prompt, or a conference specific text
file. Includes source. Freeware.
EUNION41.ZIP Yes 18623 8/14/1994
Eastern Union Time Transfer: Designed to
allow your users to transfer time from their
own account to another user's!! This is the
FIRST and ONLY time transferring system ever
available for PCBoard!!! software> Shareware Version is limited to
transfers of a maxumum of 10 minutes. Another
premier release from WizWare!
EU_11.ZIP Yes 2925 8/13/1993
[PPE] ExUser v1.1. Exempts certain users from
forced password changes. Useful if you run a
mail hub and don't wish to force your net
SysOps to change passwords and scripts. Must
have Password PSA enabled.
EX-LPAS1.ZIP Yes 2300 8/30/1994
AUToSEND v1.0�eta PPE Send Files Once
Automaticly To Users
EX-LPDIR.ZIP Yes 8467 8/30/1994 DiR PRo v1.0�eta PPE ONLiNE Dos DIR command
EXPMSG10.ZIP Yes 2202 12/27/1994
Expire Message 1.0 - PPE w/Source that will
write a message to the sysop x days before a
user expires (set on command line). Requires
PCBoard 15.1 minimum. PD/Freeware. Under
PCBoard 15.2, could be run from DOS command
line in an event.
FAKEWHO3.ZIP Yes 1179 1/24/1995 AMi-X Fake WHO command 3 Nodes
FILELIST.ZIP Yes 2925 3/14/1995
main menu and give your user easy access to
download your allfiles list. PPLC 3.1 PCBoard
15.21 Software Kitchen BBS 718-281-0645 24
hours/7 days
FILEMENU.ZIP Yes 12007 2/8/1995
Update/code change to the FLYDIR.PPE - it
still creates the DIR files on the fly, but
the presentation is different then FLYDIR. A
little more "polished" in my opinion. This
one makes use of the Left/Right cursor
control keys, and draws multiple columns for
the files. Useful for up to 100 files per
FILESY01.ZIP Yes 8612 12/25/1994
automate the handling of files failing
BOOMLAB v.43+. It can E-Mail the Sysop so now
you'll know there's files to look at, E-Mail
user, Delete file, and NUKE file! All can be
used in combination and set for each type of
failed test. (CRC/AGE/VIRUS)
FLAG22.ZIP Yes 20473 9/28/1993
FLAG.PPE, v2.2, a replacement for PCBoard's
internal "more?" prompt, gives PCBoard v15.0
the easiest-to-use system for flagging and
viewing files of any BBS around. It gives
callers the ability to point and shoot when
flagging or viewing files. Includes source
code and may be customized to suit your BBS's
needs. Version 2.2 adds screen saving and
restoring across a file view.
FLOTQP22.ZIP Yes 6274 9/21/1993
This is a PPE program that will allow your
users to generate Quik Pik numbers for play
in the Florida Lottery. Now supports both
PICK5 and PICK6.
FLYDIR.ZIP Yes 6197 1/9/1995
This is a PPE designed for creating DIR files
on the fly. It will not use FILE_ID.DIZ
descriptions, and will not use any part of
your existing descriptions
FN110.ZIP Yes 4670 9/27/1993
FLAGNEW.PPE v1.10; PCBoard v15.0 [PPE]
program that flags all new files in specified
directories for later download. Additionally
a capture file with all descriptions will be
zipped and flagged for download.
FOF_TLOG.ZIP Yes 2466 3/7/1995 SCaRFaCE Turbo Login PPE
FPCB210.ZIP Yes 8521 8/11/1993
FPCBNM v2.10; PCBoard 15.0 [PPE] program to
replace the (E)nter a Message command in your
FidoNet netmail conference. Simplifies user
input for both normal FidoNet netmail as well
as sending mail into UUCP using FidoNet
gateways. Now LAN Compactable.
FREEFL10.ZIP Yes 23912 11/30/1994
FreeFile v1.00 PPE - Gorgon Enterprises, Inc.
Are there certain files that you want to make
freely available to unregistered callers? Do
they have trouble finding your free files? If
so, FreeFile is for you! FreeFile installs as
a Logon Script and runs immediately after the
caller enters their password. FreeFile also
install in the CMD.LST as a command. This
program is ShareWare - not CrippleWare, Beg-
Ware or PauseWare! $10.00US - and worth it!
FRUMOR12.ZIP Yes 6819 5/2/1994
FLiGHT*Rumors Ver 1.2 Finally the rumors from
forum hacks for PCBoard 15.x! Users can add
their own rumors at ease with the internal
command. Easy to install - no maintenance!
FSJOIN10.ZIP Yes 14180 6/18/1994
The BEST Full-Screen Conference Join System
Easy to Configure, Totally Color Configurable
Extended Conference Descriptions Forum-hack
look and feel
FSR.ZIP Yes 28256 11/1/1994
FSR.PPE is a logon screen rotator that will
display a RIP or ANSI screen depending on
which RIP/ANSI Graphic mode is on.
FT-LOGOR.ZIP Yes 4299 6/18/1994
[TuRBo-LoGoN-RuNNeR] PPe v2.0 + BuGFiX Logon
runner for ppe's / ansi / pcb Special
features - Random Run,Security Run , Query
Run. NEW - ViPLiST & TuRBo LoGON . A MusT
HaVe For Every SyzoP For PCB 15.X+ ONLY!!
FT-RENTR.ZIP Yes 7971 6/18/1994
[PWA RANDoMiZER] PPe v2.0 + BuGFiX randomized
press enter for PWA's Enter prompt enhancer .
GreaT RaNDoM Press Enter . For PCB 15.X+
FTPMAIL1.ZIP Yes 29899 1/12/1995
FTPMAIL PPE v1.0: FTPMAIL for PCBoard 15.21
[FTPMAIL.PPE]: This program open the
oportunity to ALL PCBoard user's make FTP to
Internet File Server's. Design for work to
PCBoard 15.2x, and any BBS who work with
email Server's UUENCODE & UUDECODE. ## MSmac
FTT108B.ZIP Yes 61886 10/29/1994
[File Transfer Test V1.08 BETA 10/30/94] FTT
is a PCBoard PPE program designed to perform
file transfer testing in a controlled,
repeatable manner, and provide complete
statistic reporting in a uniform format.
Works with any modem, with or without
USRSTATS. Multi-node aware, requires DSZ.COM.
FULOGN13.ZIP Yes 7045 7/23/1994
LOGON.PPE V1.3 PPE for PCB 15.1 that give PCB
a FULL SCREEN logon procedure. The sysop can
display a file and then ask for the users
name and password anywhere on the screen.
This version fixes the document bugs that
were in version 1.2 (left a setup procedure
FWHO_110.ZIP Yes 3323 8/15/1993
FindWho; PCBoard PPE allows you to zippy scan
your download.txt file for any occurence of a
text string. It auto-configures itself,
supports multiple language files, and is fast
F_LOCK11.ZIP Yes 2685 8/6/1994
[FUSION LOCK 1.1 �ETA] Why Do You Need This?
Because It Does This Really /<-Rad Stuff:
ANTI-HACKER Protection to the extreme...n00ks
anyone with a sysop-level account who is not
the actual sysop. Kicks backdoors in the ass!
F_RULES1.ZIP Yes 2705 2/2/1995
Fido Rules Poster v1.0 - This is a PPE to
post rules in Echo Conferences during weekly
maintenance. Sysops, If you are the moderator
for a conference this is a must for you!
GAMBLE31.ZIP Yes 35098 2/16/1995
================================ Ultimate
Time Gambler v3.1
================================ A PPE for
PCBoard 15.2+ which will allow your users to
gamble on-line time by playing one of the
following 5 games: 1) Blackjack (21) 2) Craps
(Casino Style) 3) Safe Cracker 4)
Guess-the-Number 5) Dumb Luck (10 Different
Odds) by Brian Sweeney, sysop@laserbbs.com
The Laser BBS (914-734-7045)
GA_BL_20.ZIP Yes 17359 7/12/1994
> BBSLST.PPE, Version 2.0. < Super
configurable and VERY powerful BBS
List/Database for PCBoard 15.x Self-cleaning
database, optional bulletin creation, and
MUCH more See "FEATURES.TXT" for more
details.. Compiled with PPLC Version 2.0. $10
Shareware - Grey Area Productions > The Grey
Area (201)316-0715 <
GBYEPPE.ZIP Yes 1299 8/5/1993
CPCB Text replacement for #605. Small PPE to
verify user request Log Off
GIVETIME.ZIP Yes 3123 5/9/1994
- The Give Time PPE- === TechnoDork Software
=== - Copyright (C) 1994- This program will
give a user a specified time added to theirs.
This is so that users who need 2 or 3 more
minutes to download something or need time to
get time out of the timebank can do so. I
reccoment making the password at least four
alpha-numeric characters long. This program
is very simple to use. First you need to
create a configuration file, name
GL-BET.ZIP Yes 1717 6/5/1994
Let's Bet For Some Mins! You Can Lose 5 Mins
Or Win 10!
GL-DCHAT.ZIP Yes 2440 6/5/1994
Devil Man's Chatter! Great Chatter! Just Try
This Cool One!
GL-GB002.ZIP Yes 1921 6/5/1994
GoodBye v0.02 PPE Colours And Ansi Logoff
Display! Also Added format c: Prompt!!
GL-NUKE6.ZIP Yes 5761 6/18/1994
UNREAL NUKER v0.06� PPE Added support for
GL-STATS.ZIP Yes 3359 8/13/1994 Perfect Stats! Kewl PPE, Configurable!
GL-SYSOP.ZIP Yes 1433 6/5/1994
Illusion PPE Version 1.1 -> TeMpMaN! Page
Sysop PPE Best One Ever Made!
GL-TOP01.ZIP Yes 9997 8/30/1994 TOP 10 Ul/Dlers PPE, fully configurable
GL-TOP02.ZIP Yes 3478 8/30/1994 TOP 5 Ul/Dlers PPE, fully configurable!
GL-WHO01.ZIP Yes 3281 8/30/1994 WHO is OnLine PPE, fully configurable!
GLOTQP11.ZIP Yes 4861 9/21/1993
This is a PPE program that will allow your
users to generate Quik Pik numbers for play
in the Georgia Lottery or any lottery that
uses six numbers from 1 to 46.
GL_DCHAT.ZIP Yes 2442 6/5/1994
Devil Man's Chatter! Great Chatter! Just Try
This Cool One!
GNS-BAT.ZIP Yes 2812 6/25/1994
Batch Protocol Enhancer 100% Configurable
Prompts/Colors Supports Hot Keys! Light Bar
GNS-BBS3.ZIP Yes 9549 7/26/1994
BBS Lister v3.0 One Push HotKey Support!
Color Configurable! ANSi Configurable! New
BBS Listing and Adding Layout!
GNS-ENT2.ZIP Yes 15071 7/21/1994
GENESiS Enter a Message Enhancer v2.o This
PPE allows you to have a better looking Enter
Message prompts.. Using a menu type set-up..
Now Configurable: ANSi File Background color
of Input
GNS-EOM.ZIP Yes 3503 6/25/1994
[ GENESiS End Of MSG Litebar PPE ] Features:
100% Configurable Strings/Colors/Loc Supports
up to three lines No annoying hardcoded
Author name
GNS-FIL2.ZIP Yes 6077 7/21/1994
GENESiS File Directory Lister! v1.2 ANSi
Configurability Unhigh/Highlight Color
Configuration ANSi Position on Screen..
Conference Specific!!.. Now Allows
Tokening/Stuffing for Easier And Quicker
GNS-JOIN.ZIP Yes 6577 7/21/1994
[GNS-JOIN v1.O (PPE)] Best JOIN Replacement
yet, Allows: "J x" tokening for quick
joining! Simplicity by containing multiple
Msg Confs w/ Areas starting at _1_
Quick-Setup & Configuring Easy-to-add Confs
LightBar Support * Designed for SysOps with
NETWORKS* [Coded By : The Oddity [O7.O6.94]
GNS-LOGF.ZIP Yes 8006 6/25/1994
[ GENESiS Logoff Matrix ] 100% Configurable
Prompts/Colors/ANSi Supports Hot Keys! Light
Bar Driven! or Menu!.Whichever! Best Ever
Made!.. Get It NOW!!!
GNS-LOGN.ZIP Yes 9261 7/21/1994
GENESiS Logon v1.1 Configurable YES/no
litebar Turbo Logon Option Nice Oneliners
Last X Callers AutoMessage 100% Configurable
- All features can be disabled, big
STRINGS.CNF Support for other Logon products,
can be skipped with Turbo Logon
GNS-ONEL.ZIP Yes 5020 6/18/1994 Genesis One-Liners V1.0 PPE for PCB 15.1
GNS-PROT.ZIP Yes 3341 7/26/1994
GENESiS Protocol Selector PPE v1.o This PPE
allows you to have a better looking Transfer
Protocol selector. Fully configurable and
easy to setup using lightbars!
GNS-RUMR.ZIP Yes 11382 7/26/1994
FLiGHT*Rumors v1.5 100% configurable
ANSis/Colors New configurable word stripper!
Stores time/date/author of each rumor Allows
recording to caller log Easy to install! Best
yet! Get it NOW!
GNS-SHOW.ZIP Yes 2087146 6/18/1994
GENESiS ANSi Viewer v1.o [PPE] New Concept
PPE.. Never Before Seen Color Config ANSi
Config This PPE Package Comes PRESET With 14
ANSi Packs.. ACiD, iCE, and CiA Packs SYSOP
. But Well Worth The Time Definatly One of
The Best Coded Unzip With -D Option.. For Sub
Dir. [Coded By : CoNFUCiUS [o6/11/94]
GNSCHAT.ZIP Yes 9205 6/20/1994
GENESiS Chat v1.0� -[ GENESiS .. Back With a
Vengeance ]- Features: 100% Configurable Line
Chat SplitScreen Chat Online Menu [Coded By :
Sleeping Dragon-
GNSTST11.ZIP Yes 7063 7/21/1994
PPe Tester v1.1 BUG FIX! Simply Put.. The
Best Tester Ever! Up to 9 Pre-defined
PPE/Paths that can be run as simple as
pressing any number key! The Above mention is
Configurable! Also features a Lite-Bar Driven
Directory Listing That Helps You Find The PPE
That You Have Forgot The Name Off Light Bar
GNX-GHET.ZIP Yes 12379 11/25/1994 GHeTTo eNTeR PRoMPT
GNX-QUL3.ZIP Yes 6100 12/25/1994 Quick Uploader v3.0
GNX-SUP.ZIP Yes 4155 12/25/1994 SuperView(c) Grabba!
GNX-ZA17.ZIP Yes 6585 12/25/1994 ZipAdd v1.7
GNX_LL27.ZIP Yes 5561 1/24/1995 Lightning Logon! v2.7 By AReS & Strider
GNX_NU10.ZIP Yes 23752 3/7/1995 AMi/X NeW! v.1.0� By BitStream/CK
GO4NEWS2.ZIP Yes 7031 12/7/1994
GO/4 Software News Creator! V1.1 A simple to
install, and snap to use NEW file creator.
Creates a stunning news file with a computer
printout look. Completely free for you. *Bug
Fix Release*
GPPE.ZIP Yes 2006 8/28/1993
Goodbye [PPE] v.1; Replacement for your
(G)oodbye command in PCBoard. Functions
included a logoff comment to the SysOp.
GP_LLO06.ZIP Yes 8179 12/23/1994
GRAFD231.ZIP Yes 10015 11/7/1994
[PPE] GRAF-D v2.31: You can use this PPE to
auto-detect ANSI and RIP support of the
caller and then default the "Do you want
graphics" prompt to default to the best
selection avaialble. Requires PCB v15.2+
GRAPH10.ZIP Yes 1343 4/2/1994
PCBGraphics by DynaSOFT PCBGraphics helps
'new users' that wonder around PCBoard to try
to understand some of the commands. This will
verify when they pick 'M' to toggle graphics
if they are sure they want to toggle it. Easy
to install and a great program! Version 1.00
GUESS10.ZIP Yes 4608 5/13/1994
GUESS.PPE 1.0 by Tom Grandgent WizWare '94
This PPE lets users gamble for time by
guessing a number from 0-9999 with hints.
Fun! Great interface and many options are
configurable. FREEWARE! All we ask is that
you call The Wizard's BBS (508)481-4693 and
run the WIZREG PPE to register it (free
registration!) Enjoy!
GW_OLM11.ZIP Yes 5169 12/5/1994
GW-OLM 1.1 [PPE]H DP '94 On-Line Message PPE
for PCB 15.2 that will send a one line
message to another node similar to the Ami/X
OLM feature.
HAMPPE10.ZIP Yes 10135 1/7/1995
* HAMCALL PPE CDROM DOOR v1.0* Buckmaster Ham
Call CDROM req. Looks up amateur data from
call sign. Compiled w/PPLC 3.0 for PCBoard
HAZ-ST10.ZIP Yes 2676 1/24/1995 MaTRiX STaTS PPe SHoW RePLaCeS THe "V" CMD
HIDEUSER.ZIP Yes 3394 4/8/1994
HIDEUSER.ppe- Ver 1- Simple way to change
Alias name. I use it for my FLAMING base so
users can't tell who posted what. Cuts down
on friction between members and reduces the
change of ill-will affecting the rest of the
BBS. Complete Source included. FREEWARE. A
Banana Republic Sysop & user-friendly PPE.
By: Francis "gorilla" Amato.
HNDCHG1.ZIP Yes 12380 11/30/1994
HANDLE CHANGE PPE v1.0: This simple PPE lets
your users choose a HANDLE iN PCB with KewL
Ansi! Also features LIGHTBAR!
HOHO203.ZIP Yes 90559 3/27/1995
Ho' House (HoHo) V2.03GO/4 Software GO/4's
15.2+.................. The bank is fixed!
You can now use it! As manager of your own
cathouse, you compete with other BBS members
for the rating of "Top Pimp" by carefully
selecting whores, keeping them clean, and,
when all else fails, by sabotaging the other
players.It's an intense game that will bring
out the worst side of competitiveness in
HORSES12.ZIP Yes 19047 2/23/1995
HORSES!! v1.2 PCBoard 15.21+ [PPE]. A day at
the races for your callers. Full horse racing
PPE. Quick and simple setup, no sysop
maintenance. Colorful, great animation, heart
pounding thrills! Released on 02/23/95.
Updated for PCB 15.21. Check it out today!
HOTCH31B.ZIP Yes 18653 7/8/1994
[ HOTCHAT PPE V3.1b ] Multi line chat PPE
replacement for PCBoard. Supports multiple
chat area's and sysop defineable action
commands, sysop defineable private actions,
public messages, private messages, user
definable Hot Tub topics, user paging inside
PCBoard, complete customization with its own
PCBtext style prompt file, and action command
file. full multi-language support for
PCBoard. Joe's BBS (317) 849-0561 Requires
HP-LO100.ZIP Yes 2436 5/2/1994
Loader PPE v1.0 This programm is designed for
load PPE programm or ANSi,PCB files while
user's login
HP-NS100.ZIP Yes 5087 5/2/1994
New Files Scan v1.0 for PCB 15.1 This
programm is very easy in installation and
very convinient in scanning new files in all
HYP_FLAG.ZIP Yes 3309 1/10/1995
FRESUME v1.0 The FRESUME PPE set is to add
all flagged files a user had in his batch d/l
queue before losing carrier to his flagged
files queue when he logs on again. So if a
user loses carrier they don't have to type in
all the filenames of the files they had
flagged. They can simply answer YES to the
question at login.
I-NET101.ZIP Yes 5547 3/6/1995
Easily send Internet mail using your standard
PCB Netmail conference. To be used with
PCBoard 15.21 and higher. I-Net100 is a
PCBoard PPE that can be installed as a
replacement for entering a message in your
netmail conference. It will propmt the user
for the type of mail (Internet or netmail)
and format the required To: fields
accordingly. SHAREWARE $5.00 Registration
IAB121.ZIP Yes 45964 7/18/1994
IAB: Internet Address Book v1.21 A PCBoard
PPE program that will allow your users to
store & retrieve their personal list of
on-line contact addresses (Internet,
Compuserve, America On-line, Prodigy, AT&T
Mail, MCI Mail, RIME Routed, FidoNet & local
BBS IDs) on-line. Enter them once and
forget'em! For use with PCBoard v15.1
Copyright (c)1994 SQLCraft Software
IAMHERE1.ZIP Yes 13072 6/30/1994
IAMHERE1.ppe- A COMPLETE New User Register
replacement. Asks questions, gets answers,
checks birthdate, sends message to sysop &
user, "forces" users to take a file, "forces"
user to send a NEW USER VALIDATION upload &
more! Works with a matrix. Simple to install.
A Banana Repubilc SIMPLE but USEFUL PPE.
Source code included (as always). Coded by
Francis "gorilla" Amato. Freeware!
IHANG230.ZIP Yes 26870 3/30/1994
IMAGinE HangUp PPE v2.30 by Jos De Almeida
This PPE program is an automatic logoff
prompt replacement, that will truely enhance
the PCBoard's "Goodbye in 10 seconds..."
prompt, giving to this procedure the
professional look you have been asking for so
long. Besides counting down the seconds, it
provides a nice and precise graphical time
bar, accurated in half seconds. Full ANSI,
non-ANSI and multi-language support. Color
IM-PP12.ZIP Yes 7286 8/13/1994
ProPager 1.2 [PPE] Full Feature pager with
ALOT of options inside. Read doc for more
info. REALLY GREAT!! For PCB 15.1+ Only!
[Iron Man]
IMR-SX01.ZIP Yes 4044 6/5/1994
Sel-Xfer v0.01b [PPE] - Pulldown Protocol
Selection PPE - Centers Bars all by itself -
Define up to 20 protocols - No [UNREGISTERED]
rubbish - This is a �etatest
INFO1_1.ZIP Yes 10565 11/3/1994
Information PPE Info 1.1 - If you've been
looking for a nice 'W' command replacement,
look no further, this is what you need!
INFONODE.ZIP Yes 1980 5/2/1994 INFONODE [PPE] - Who PPE like on AmiExpress
INLTQP20.ZIP Yes 7831 8/11/1994
INDIANA LOTTO QUIK PIK v2.0 for PCBoard v15.x
This is a PPE program that will allow your
users to generate Quik Pik numbers for play
in the Indiana Lottery. NOW include the Pick5
game also. Shareware from Hogard Software
Solutions BBS at (214) 641-6292.
IPNET111.ZIP Yes 11955 11/6/1994
IPNET.PPE v1.11 - PPL program for PCBoard.
Makes it easy and quick for callers to enter
netmail messages when using InterEcho and
InterPCB. Allows for an Internet gateway to
be designated and eliminates the need of long
explanations to callers on how to enter
netmail. Compiled with PPLC v3.0. See
IPNET.HIS for changes/additions.
IZ_FL_10.ZIP Yes 8236 1/15/1995
FLIST.PPE v1.00: Allfiles List Creator FList
will create an allfiles list based on a set
number of days. FList is ran via your your
PCBoard 15.2+ EVENTS! Base each list on ANY
number of days from ANY Conference. Optional
placement of a header and footer displays on
each list that is created. Completely SysOp
configurable. No Brag Lines for a
Professional Look. Download Today! I n f i n
i t e Z o n e S o f t w a r e
IZ_FS_21.ZIP Yes 30425 3/18/1995
FScan v2.10: User Log-on New File Scanner!
FScan will allow your users to View or Down-
load a List of New Files as they log in to
your PCBoard v15.21+ BBS. Includes a Files
List/Support Files download option. Totally
SysOp configurable. Multi-Language capable.
Professional and seamless Look. A Must Have!
MAJOR UPGRADE with many *new* features. #1
From The Infinite Zone Software Collection
IZ_QK_10.ZIP Yes 5119 10/26/1994
QWK.PPE v1.0: Allows your users to set their
QWK command settings without having to
execute the "W"rite command. Great for those
SysOps SysOps that use a QWK.MNU. Optional
pre- display of HELP for each setting!
Released as FREEWARE.
JAG-MSCN.ZIP Yes 1374 8/13/1994
Message 296 PPE Version 1.0 This is a PPE
that replaces the boring "Scan for New
Messages" Prompt with a much cooler Lightbar
menu. With hotkeys, cooltext, speed & more.
JASPTNT.ZIP Yes 3360 6/5/1994
JASP V1.0 - Just Another Stats PPE w/
animated bar and all required features
JCMDV10.ZIP Yes 10950 9/18/1993
JCMDV10; Replacement For the (J) oin Command.
Unlike others, has the following features.
MASK OUT of Undersired Conf(s). Renumbers via
PPE the selections for user ease.
JCON117A.ZIP Yes 29092 1/22/1995
@X4F JCONF [PPE] Automated Conference@X0F
@X4F Security Menu v1.17a for PCB 15.x@X0F
@X4F No need to look any further, the@X0F
@X4F last conference menu you'll ever@X0F
@X4F need is here! JCONF is a high-@X0F @X4F
security MATRIX conference menu@X0F @X4F that
allows you to add passwords@X0F @X4F and
security levels to conference@X0F @X4F
SHAREWARE - Registration only $10@X0F @X4F
The MeltDown BBS (904)-745-1507@X0F
JDOIT111.ZIP Yes 4589 6/18/1994
> [JUST-DO-IT v1.11�] < [PPE] FOR PCBoard
JK-BOMB.ZIP Yes 3435 3/7/1995
put a stop to all the loser's that page the
mighty sysop, highly configurable and and
full ami/x style. sysop page utilty, check me
out now, great for every sysop with attitude!
JK-XEDIT.ZIP Yes 6845 3/7/1995
[ AMI/X EDITOR, FOR PCBOARD 15.2 ] The name
is AMI-EDIT it is the best AM I/X message
editor clone out there, ch eck it out now
dude's you'll love it! Easy to install. WHITE
SANDS, 718
JM_AC_12.ZIP Yes 9794 1/8/1995
Alias Changer v1.2 A program which will allow
you to get an alias from a user if it doesn't
already exist in their record. If one exists
the user doesn't even know it's running. Some
of the features of this program are: 1.
Customizable prompts 2. Number of trys to ask
3. Logoff user if no alias? 4. Screens 100%
configurable And best of all is it's price:
JM_AD_12.ZIP Yes 91707 2/5/1995
Advertisement Command Prompt Displayer v1.2
This is a complete replacement for PCBTEXT
line number 396. Features of this program
include: Command Prompt 100% user definable,
One or Two line Command Prompts, Upto 32,767
Advertisements, stops run-a-way ENTER keys,
100% Language Definable, Not crippled in any
way and best of all it's Fully 100% SysOp
Definable. Enjoy.
JM_CO_10.ZIP Yes 17533 3/6/1995
System Operator Comment v1.0 This program is
a menu driven or hot-key based comment to the
System Operator replacement. You may have
upto 9 System Operators in the menu, color,
multilingual and 100% customizable program.
FREEWARE from the author of the JM_ series of
JM_EX_11.ZIP Yes 16671 8/19/1994
@X07 @X0F Execute PPE v1.1 @X07 @X07 Have you
ever wanted to run a @X07 PPE without having
to enter it in @X07 your CMD.LST or other
file before @X07 determining if you even
wanted @X07 to use it? If so this PPE is @X07
just right for you. This PPE @X07 allows you
to try a PPE before @X07 commit to using it.
JM_FM_17.ZIP Yes 94141 2/26/1995
File Menu v1.7. The most complete file
directory displaying PPE for PCBoard! Fast,
SysOp friendly, runs in nightly event, NEW
easy to understand step-by-step install
GUIDE.ME file, categorize file directory,
make one main menu and never make another,
give file totals (size, number of files),
much more. Give it a try today, your users
will thank you for doing so!
JM_FN_16.ZIP Yes 18980 8/27/1994
@X07 @X0F Clear Frozen Node v1.6 @X07 @X07
This program allows your users to clear @X07
a node they inadvertently locked. This @X07
program is an absolute must for any @X07
multi-line or even single line system @X07
which doesn't want to have a node locked @X07
forever without local interaction from @X07
the System Operators. (PCB 15.2+) @X07
JM_FU_17.ZIP Yes 20896 10/10/1994
PCBoard Automated File Uploader v1.6 This
program will make uploading file(s) to your
system much easier for your beginner,
intermediate and advanced users alike.
Features in this release are: Definable
Prompts File (with language support) Ability
to enter filename and description if user so
desires More configurable than before
Pre-upload file to be displayed This PCBoard
PPE requires PCBoard v15.2 or higher to run.
JM_GM_16.ZIP Yes 18634 8/19/1994
@X07 @X0F Graphics Mode v1.6 @X07 @X07 This
program allows for your @X07 users to more
easily change their @X07 graphics mode. It
provides them @X07 with their available
choices and @X07 a description of the
available @X07 choices. This is simply the
best @X07 graphics mode changer for PCBoard
@X07 made. Only the best! @X07
JM_IC_12.ZIP Yes 65047 1/25/1995
Interactive Chat v1.2� A complete PCBoard
Multiline chat PPE. This is a simple
multiline chat replacement for PCBoard's CHAT
command with many features coming. This is a
must see for any multiline BBS where they
want to get there users chatting in a good
clean enviroment. Very SysOp definable.
Extensive action commands! Only $25.00 and
isn't crippled except for a small 5-6 second
JM_MC_10.ZIP Yes 17079 3/6/1995
Message Count v1.0 This program will create a
bulletin file, which you design and show your
users how many messages you have total on
your system. There are quite a few @macros@
you may use with this program. Runs in your
nightly event and is 100% maintenance free
and SysOp definable. FREEWARE
JM_MF_10.ZIP Yes 12633 11/19/1994
Message Footer v1.0: PCBoard PPE will change
the way your users sees the end of message
during message reads. It provides a easy to
use light bar with SysOp definable colors.
Completely maintenance free and best of all
it's also FREE!
JM_NI_13.ZIP Yes 15771 3/4/1995
Name Inputter v1.2 This program will allow
you to provide your users with a more
friendly login by making thier names appear
in Upper and Lower case. This program is
another quality FREEWARE PPE from the creator
of the JM_ PPE PowerPack!
JM_PD_12.ZIP Yes 26101 1/7/1995
PullDown Menu System v1.2� This is a complete
PullDown Menu System. Colors, prompts are all
definable. This should only be used by users
above 9600bps for it's quite graphic
intensive. ANSI must be enabled for this PPE
to run. This is another quality PPE in the
JM_ PPE series of PPE's. Newly improved! @X
codes for a background display, numeric
keypad support and minor bug fix.
JM_PI_12.ZIP Yes 14797 3/5/1995
Phone Inputter v1.2 This handy little utility
will allow you to make all of your input be
identical to each other. The program will
automatically add ()'s and the - for each
telephone number. SysOp defined bad area
codes, prefixes, suffixes, and entire
numbers. A must have program to stop users
from entering false information.
JM_PL_17.ZIP Yes 18553 8/19/1994
@X07 @X0F Page Length Changer v1.7 @X07 @X07
This PPE will allow your users to @X07
visually change their respective @X07 screen
size. It displays to them @X07 numbers in
descending order, @X07 once the program
finishes with @X07 the displaying of the
numbers all @X07 the user has to do is tell
it @X07 what the number is at the top of @X07
their screen and your users will @X07 have a
100% accurate page length @X07 setting for
JM_QS_16.ZIP Yes 18226 8/19/1994
@X07 @X0F Quick Scan v1.6 @X07 @X07 This
program allows for your @X07 users to have
more help available @X07 to them while
reading messages. @X07 It is provided as a
most helpful @X07 way to help your users
better use @X07 all of the available commands
to @X07 them. This is simply the best @X07
help you can get for the Read @X07 command.
Nothing compares to it! @X07
JM_WC_12.ZIP Yes 26987 3/14/1995
WhoCall v1.2 This is one of the many PCB
PPE's produced in the JM_ series of PPE's.
This program will calculate whos called your
system today and also create a bulletin of
whos called your system yesterday, if you
desire. This program is 100% SysOp definable,
multilingual aware and super easy
installation with no crippled features. 100%
JM_XM_15.ZIP Yes 18308 8/19/1994
@X07 @X0F eXpert Mode Changer v1.4 @X07 @X07
This program allows for your @X07 users to
more easily change their @X07 expert mode.
This PPE is for @X07 PCBoard 15.2+ only. This
program @X07 is part of a collection of fine
@X07 PPE's brought to you to help @X07
increase the usability of your @X07 system.
JR-SHOW1.ZIP Yes 1988 8/13/1994
SHOW.PPE by: JoLLY RoGeR - With this PPE you
can show a user 100 PCBOARD files.. Source
code included!
J_CONFX.ZIP Yes 19298 1/5/1995
Three PCBoard v15.2 replacement PPE's for the
JOIN command. One builds/reads from a text
file (ie fast), another builds on the fly
based on the users access rights, and the
third lets the user pick which approach they
want to use. Compiled with PPL v 3.0
(Freeware with complete source).
KALBK16A.ZIP Yes 5150 10/7/1993
Kallback v1.6A: PCB PPE designed to assist
you in calling back users for verification.
KALBK512.ZIP Yes 29565 7/2/1994
@X0BKallback.ppe @X0Fv5.12@X07@X0F Allow your
BBS to call back your users to verify their
phone and then increase their access
automatically. Also includes an optional
subscription mode. Built in config file
creator/editor - language file support. First
and best call back verifier. - Now uses
registration number for easier upgrade -
expires 7/1/94. From: DM Soft
KLT-LGT2.ZIP Yes 3946 6/5/1994
The dopest save, abort, quote and other crap
PPE ever made. lightbar and an installation
program for the lazy bastards who are too
lazy to change shit in the PCBTEXT 163,164
KSRCH100.ZIP Yes 15920 1/1/1995
KEYSearch v1.0 Online Database Browser For
KeyBook Shopping Catalogs - Fast, online DBF
searches User friendly interface On-the-fly
Pricing Written in PPL v.3
LABEL10.ZIP Yes 11104 9/17/1994
LABEL10.PPE PCBoard ver 15.x PPE that will
allow an address label to be printed on
standard "1 up" stock labels on a dot matrix
printer. Use in Scripts or as a stand alone
in your CMD.LST. Configurable printer port,
call another "Write" PPE or the PCB address
configurable colors. You must have the PCB
Address PSA installed. By CBH Software.
LAST120G.ZIP Yes 4405 5/2/1994
LASTONES.ZIP Yes 10120 5/8/1994
LastOnes v1.10 One of the best lastcallers
for PCB 15.1
LBCS100.ZIP Yes 9741 2/10/1995
Light Bar Construction Set 1.0 LBCS allows
you to create custom light bar prompts that
can be used stand alone or to replace
internal PCBoard prompts. The prompt is
totally configurable, with no author or
program name displayed. Menu items may stuff
commands to the keyboard, display a file,
accept input from the user, or run another
PPE. FREEWARE! Another quality PowerPPE!
LBD200.ZIP Yes 5616 6/26/1994
Logon Bulletin Displayer Version 1.00 [ PPE
for PCBoard v15.1 ] This PPE allows a user
when logging on to view, search, and download
bulletins defined by the sysop. Does not
replace the regular bulletin command. Can be
used for displaying stats, subscription
info., rules, or anything else! By:
Integrated Computer Services Support: (609)
272-0619 [14.4k]
LBPK11.ZIP Yes 22748 7/5/1994
[PPE] Lightbar Production Kit 1.1 (__) Create
custom prompt (oo) replacements using a
/-\/-* simple config process. / \ SOURCE
included. Also: * * More? prompt and other
\/(/)(/\/(,,/ setups included. by Mr. Data
[CiA] 07/06/94
LB_MSG_4.ZIP Yes 14975 2/6/1995
[PPE] Version 4.21 of Message Read
@X07command. This is more than an update! The
PPE has been completely RECODED since the
earlier versions! It is now REAL fast. It is
a replacement for your R command. A 100%
configurable LIGHT BAR PPE in PPL 3.0 FREE
WARE! No Registration no delays! Another fine
LC082.ZIP Yes 19996 8/29/1994
LastCallers ver 0.82 BETA. This is a PPE
written for PcBoard 15.1+ to display the last
x callers when a user logs on. Also generates
bulletin files for today's and yesterday's
callers. Now supports @x color codes. Now has
config program.
LCD-ON10.ZIP Yes 4657 12/25/1994
ONEliner 1.O Here's a nice oneliner, cool
input functions and nice layout, everything
is just cool. use it!.
LDUDE-15.ZIP Yes 7110 12/6/1994 LastDudes 1.5 [PPE] Lastcaller for PCB
LEECH10.ZIP Yes 1716 8/1/1993
File Leech Chop Buster - PCBoard 15.0 PPE;
Let your file leeches know you don't care for
them! Source included. Free & fun!
LENOLM33.ZIP Yes 11984 3/7/1995
OnLine Message PPE v3.33 ... Supports up to
200 Line Messages between Nodes! Totally
LF_ON130.ZIP Yes 13339 9/22/1993
OneLiners and More PPE v1.30: Stat Screens;
One Liners; Last Few Callers; Message From
Last Caller; Cosmetic Changes; New Options
LGFMAT02.ZIP Yes 5172 7/26/1994
- Logoff Matrix v.02 by Balrog Great Lightbar
Logoff Matrix for PCBoard 15.1+! This one
kicks ass! Everything is configurable, from
the number of time a user can page the SysOp
to the look/positions of the lightbars!
Enhanced the Feedback to : SysOp option new
in this version. : -
LGN-MORE.ZIP Yes 2828 5/14/1994 A replacement for More (Y/n) PCBoard prompt
LIGHTMNU.ZIP Yes 3340 12/27/1994
@X0FThe Lightbar Menu v1.0@X07 You can use
this PPE for almost anything that uses a
direct command from PCBoard. Example > E for
enter a message or R for read a message.
There are endless posibilities. It would work
great as a submenu to help your new users
with the commands. @X0BYou have to try this
out @X0A@FIRST@@X0D!@X07
LISTR211.ZIP Yes 8858 7/18/1994
BBS LISTER V2.11 [PPE] BBS Lister is a PPE
that allows users to add, view, edit, remove
and download from the bbs list. Great looking
user interface. For PCBoard 15.1+. Compiled
LITEBAR.ZIP Yes 3919 6/27/1994
LiteBar v1.00 by Tom Grandgent A WizWare '94
PPE Production LiteBar is a general purpose
menu system for PCBoard w/ a lightbar
interface and many features, also very
configurable. Run PPEs, view files, or stuff
the keyboard buffer to do almost anything!
LITEPAK1.ZIP Yes 8777 7/2/1994
Litebar PPE PAK#1 fIleAxYs Software QWK -
Replacement - X-Pert Mode Toggle - Broadcast
command replacement. All 3 PPE's written for
PCBoard 15.1 All PPE's feature Litebar Menus
with Cursor key movement. Configurable
Display screens and color. Enhance the look,
feel, and ease of your BBS!!! EASY SETUP!
Written by Robert Ball
LLOTQP11.ZIP Yes 4867 9/21/1993
This is a PPE program that will allow your
users to generate Quik Pik numbers for play
in the Louisiana Lottery or any lottery that
uses six numbers from 1 to 44.
LNZ202.ZIP Yes 6887 2/8/1995
Ever wanted to use the L, N or Z to search
across all conferences? Well, here's the
perfect PPE to do such a task. Treat your
users to something special. Download this new
and improved LNZ.PPE for your enjoyment.
There are many changes to they way it
operates but very little visual display
changes. Fixed the problems with multinode
and drop carrier problems. Requires v15.21
dated 01/19/95.
LOG202.ZIP Yes 21245 5/22/1994
Pepster's Place BBS Present's Pepster's
Utilities May 7, 1994 Hello.ppe v1.15 Beta (
Caller's Log ) Lister.ppe v2.02 Beta ( BBS
Lister ) Bye.ppe v1.00 Beta ( Display BLT )
Requires PCBoard 15.1 -FREEWARE / SOURCE CODE
LOGIN10.ZIP Yes 2712 10/16/1993
LOGIN.PPE; Allows UUCP systems to log into
your PCBoard system while allowing seamless
access for your users.
LOGIN101.ZIP Yes 6068 1/16/1995
NewLogin Version 1.01 [PPE] For PCBoard 15.2
and Higher Extended New User Login Commands!
You have to see this! - By DynaSOFT, Free
Registration -
LOGOFF11.ZIP Yes 4541 5/5/1994
LogOff v1.1 - Automatic Logoff LogOff is a
PPE to help in penalizing your users who
allow a keyboard timeout. This PPE uses a
config file to get security, and amt. of time
to deduct from the user. Will also send a
message to the user, of your choice..Or you
can use the one already supplied. Makes entry
to LOG. Programmer: Richard Stewart (c) 1994
- The North Shore BBS
LOGONOF3.ZIP Yes 5980 7/10/1994
LOGONOFF PPE V1.2 Broadcasts to all other
nodes that a person has logged on or off.
Definable options .. Show Sysop Yes or No,
Show Alias Yes or No Supports notification to
users in Hot Chat. Complete customization
with its own pcbtext style prompt file.
LOGWHOF.ZIP Yes 1281 5/8/1994
like on AmiExpress!
LOKOT.ZIP Yes 6120 9/5/1994
Lock a user from a single door and or several
LOTQP20.ZIP Yes 5000 8/15/1993
Lotto Quik PIK v2.0 for PCBoard v15.0 PPE
that will allow your users to generate Quik
Pik numbers in the Texas Lottery or any
lottery that uses six numbers from 1 to 50.
LOTTO10.ZIP Yes 4736 9/19/1993
LOTTO.PPE Turbo Lottery version 1.0; PCBoard
15.0 [PPE] program, users can win more time
or lose more time.
LSCONF10.ZIP Yes 17066 11/14/1994
Update from Source files for STARCON1.PPE
Original source programmed by Mohammed
Alsbeiay of MidNight BBS - Saudi Arabia This
rewrite allows up to 31 character description
of the first 99 Conference Names. No
commandline arguments are needed. Just plug
and play. New file included is LSCONF.PPE
programmed by LightSpeed Software There is
obviously NO registration fee. FREEWARE.
LightSpeed Software (817) 666-9075 FidoNet
LS_D_LCO.ZIP Yes 1141 12/12/1994 Replace U'r D/L prompt [PPE]
LS_ECOM.ZIP Yes 3903 12/12/1994 Replace U'r Comment Prompt [PPE]
LTAG10.ZIP Yes 1398 9/17/1993
Local Tagline v1.0; PCBoard .PPE that lets
you use your taglines when logged on locally.
Fully configurable and FREE!
LUCKY_31.ZIP Yes 14825 10/22/1994
program, by Sysop configurations, shall award
extra time and extra down load bytes to the
person who is lucky enough to fill out the
survey. This is compiled by the new PPLC 3.0.
This program is PUBLIC DOMAIN! Its purpose is
to better help the Sysop gain a private &
honest understanding from the users.
M2011PWA.ZIP Yes 113407 5/2/1994
MATRIX 2000 v1.1 by CALCULUS Productions
PCBOARD 15.1 Matrix Login [Bug Fixes]
M2_10SEC.ZIP Yes 1021 6/5/1994
M_10SEC v1.2 [PPE] - PCBText Prompt #493
Replace the ugly default prompt 'Hangup in 10
seconds' with a nice animated light bar !
M2_LINER.ZIP Yes 2589 6/5/1994 M_LINER v1.2 [PPE] - OneLiner
MABR00A.ZIP Yes 3464 6/2/1994
Moon Angel Simple Broadcaster 0.0 Free,
Uncrippled, Its new and as you can see, in
its infancy. Try it, maybe you'll like it.
Its your regular broadcasting PPE, not very
configurable, supports up to 20 nodes.
MAFPCB15.ZIP Yes 6924 5/2/1994
PCB 15.1+ NewScan PPE v1.03 N and Z
replacement with the ability to scan back a
number of days (with -days). Major changes:
Now prompts for days to scan back,
directories and extended (download, capture,
flag) options. BLACKCAT
MAILUU11.ZIP Yes 3479 3/9/1995
MAILUUCP v1.1 NEW: For PCB V15.21 Allows your
users to (E)nter a message to the INTERNET
via FIDO's UUCP Gateway with just ONE
keystroke. Easy to install, Easy to use, Easy
on the $$ :-) FREEWARE/PPE. Even "looks" like
you wrote it yourself!
MAILUUCP.ZIP Yes 15066 1/19/1995
MAILUUCP v1.0 Allows your users to (E)nter a
message to the INTERNET via FIDO's UUCP
Gateway with just ONE keystroke. Easy to
install, Easy to use, Easy on the $$ :-)
FREEWARE/PPE. Even "looks" like you wrote it
MAKMWAIT.ZIP Yes 2607 1/22/1995
Make-m-wait PPE version 0.1 Put in your event
batch file such that your board will be tied
up while it's running.
MALL14.ZIP Yes 16305 4/19/1994
Mall.PPE - version 1.4 - Written using
version 2.00 of the PCBOARD PPL language.
Allows up to 66 "Stores", payment C.O.D.,
CASH or Credit Card. Provides for On-line
Help, and special instruction screens. Now
with search functions.
MATRX069.ZIP Yes 7431 8/17/1993
DOS Emulated Logon Matrix v0.69 (08.18.93)
This is a PPE written for PCBoard v15.0 that
is used in place of "enter your first name"
prompt. Features include: System Password,
NUP, feedback, Full-Screen new user info.
MAVO15ZA.ZIP Yes 7508 1/8/1995
MAVOTE Version 1.5Zb - Free, Compact, Fast
Super Voting PPE! Maximum 20 Questions 10
Answers Each - Perfect for 2-10 node BBSes
Contains its own MAUSER Login door for
notifying users to vote! Ultra-fast, a
complete MAJOR upgrade from version 1.3
Converts old MAVOTE.DAT's and creates new
MAVOTE.BIN's. Its Freeware! Not crippleware
and not see you later shareware!
MA_FR10.ZIP Yes 3879 8/8/1993
MA-FR 1.0 [PPE] for PCBoard v15.0; Force
Caller's To Read Their New Mail
MA_GB10.ZIP Yes 5904 8/7/1993
MA-GB 1.0 [PPE] for PCBOARD 15.0. Add a
Celerity-like Logoff Verification
MC0295.ZIP Yes 6494 2/5/1995
MAIL CENTRAL PPE. MC.PPE is a menu that
controls most all PCBoard commands for using
or related to the BBS mail system
MC_AT100.ZIP Yes 3829 1/14/1995
AllTime Top Uploaders & Downloaders v1.0b
Author : Mc Freddy Z / Rel : Dec.28.1994
Simple & Small PPE. Easy Install. It Will
ALWAYS Be Up To Date. Read Docs For Info
MDCSCAN3.ZIP Yes 6283 2/12/1995
MDCScan v1.3 The BEST New File Scanner for
PCBoard! Completely Configurable, nice ansi,
easy Installtion, FREE!, a wonderful PPE!
This will prompt your users during logon to
look at New Files since last CALLED!
MDFILE21.ZIP Yes 10195 3/16/1995
Mighty Duck's FileViewer v2.1 *
FileViewing PPE for PCBoard. Fully seemless
operation. No stupid pauses, no registration
(it's FREEWARE), and no nags. Displays files
in ZIP (only supports ZIP) along the top of
the screen. Checks file integrity before
tagging to download. Able to retreive a file
in zip for separate download. Many more
MDNODE11.ZIP Yes 8993 3/16/1995
Mighty Duck's QNode v1.1 * QNode is a
nodelist browser for QFront. Also helps users
to Enter msgs in your NetMail conference.
Fully configurable. Includes source. FREEWARE
Version 1.2 will have REply function. Mighty
Duck is dedicated to giving PCBoard SysOp's
quality, FREE software...
MDREAD14.ZIP Yes 19342 3/19/1995
Mighty Duck's Mail Reader v1.2 Uses
menus to help users to read their mail.
Menus, prompts and all screens are TOTALLY
configurable, and are Security, Graphics and
Language aware. FREEWARE: No delays, no nags,
no disabled functions. MUST USE PKUNZIP -D
Dedicated to giving you FREE, quality
MDY_NTR1.ZIP Yes 3448 11/29/1994 Enhanced ENTER Prompt for PCB 15.x
MDY_TOPU.ZIP Yes 5076 11/30/1994 Top Uploaders 1.0! [PPE]
MDY_VPB.ZIP Yes 8397 11/28/1994 Prompt Selector 1.0� For PCB 15.2
MEGALIST.ZIP Yes 5538 6/5/1994
* Finally! MegaLister 2.04 * * Tired of your
old lame * * PCB file lister? take * * dis
great util! a real * * FileLister that looks
* * and acts and has all the * * options in
vision/x file * * listers! *
MEN-JN11.ZIP Yes 14900 3/7/1995
Norton Commander Conference Join v1.1b The
Join Conference you have been waiting for a
long time! Divide your conf's in groups 100%
lightbar supported Norton Commander look
Security level aware Enter long group
descriptions Fast scrolling
MESSAGE.ZIP Yes 4470 6/7/1994
This is a PPE designed for the Demo version.
It contains a very simple New User message
PPE, in under 10 lines of code, with a
complete explanation of all functions used.
It will give an example of some of the
features and functions for the PPL Compiler.
Copyright 1994 Clark Development Company.
MFLAG11.ZIP Yes 15278 12/15/1994
[PPE] Major Upgrade to FLAG.PPE! Enhanced
status/prompt line. rewritten to control
NON-batch protocol users, and users that have
NO default protocol selected. ALL info
screens are EXTERNAL,SEC+GRAPH+LANG specific.
(Major shortcoming of original FLAG.PPE was
that batch mode protocol by user was
assummed!). If non-batch protocol in use,
flagged file will be offered for downloading
immediately or (C)ancel, (H)elp. If default
MFLAG201.ZIP Yes 65339 12/1/1994
@X1EMultiflagsystem 2.01 for PCBoard 15.x@X0F
@X1E@X0F @X1ETag files by
cursormovement(LIGHTBAR)@X0F * Autodetection
for ansi or monochrome * Support for PCBoard
@X variables * External config and helpfiles
* Multilingual support,Download preview *
Simple install with setuputility * Many many
powerfull features more! * Make your live
easy with MFLAGGI! Demoversion and Update for
reg. Users
MID5PPE.ZIP Yes 24172 11/3/1994
This File Contain 5 PPE Files For Pcboard
15.1+ By PPLC v2: Replacement to your
MainMenu; Replacement to your Files
Directory; Replacement to your (W) (V)
Commands; replacement to your Conferences
Menu; Programmed By Mohammed Rashed Alsbeiay
MKDIR.ZIP Yes 4892 12/21/1994
MKDIR.PPE is a PPE designed to create DIR
files from the files available on the hard
BEFORE CREATING NEW ONES! It is designed for
corporations, or people wqho do not wish file
descriptions and file maintenance through
MONI13.ZIP Yes 26184 3/16/1995
UltraMoni - v1.3 - PCBMONI .PPE replacement
for the busy PCBoard Sysop. User definable
update and scroll interval. View online user
record. Update node info. Full and compact
display mode. Fully functional. Shareware
only $10. Free BBS support. NEW for v1.1 -
Support for Caller Management System (CMS).
New in v1.3 - Support for PCB 15.21. This is
a must try!! Released 03/15/95.
MOONCH11.ZIP Yes 3490 7/11/1994 Moon Chat v1.1 PPE 10 node systems on PCBoard
MOVIE200.ZIP Yes 44209 2/16/1995
Pepster's Movie Time Trivia 2.00 (including
Time Bank 1.00) The best PPE game written for
PCBoard 15.2 that includes a time bank.
Allows users to add to questionaire, Top Ten
bulletin, New Question bulletin and automatic
sysop message informing him/her of a new
MP-13.ZIP Yes 8848 3/5/1995
@X0A Msg-Pack v1.3 @X0BMsg-Pack v1.3 QWK
Interface for PCBoard! @X0BThis PPE allows
you to give your users an @X0Beasy to read,
easy to understand, and @X0Beasy to move
around in. Features include:
@X0BSelect/Deselect conferences, Upload a REP
@X0Bpacket, download a QWK packet, & change
@X0Blimits settings. Future release will
@X0Binclude a help system as well. Minor Bug
@X0Bfix release. Requires PCBoard v15.21+.
MPGS204B.ZIP Yes 71127 2/26/1995
MPGS.PPE v2.04� for PCBoard v15.2+ DooM -
DooM - DooM - DooM - DooM - DooM PCBOARD PPE
INTERFACE for the APCi Multi Player Doom Game
Server via a multinode BBS using APCi custom
PassThrough cables or TRN custom 'Switch'
cables. A very nice, quick, and easy to set
up interface. 4 Player DooM is a Blast! MPGS
(c) Applied Personal Computing, Inc.
O'Fallon, Illinois, USA Coded by WizBandit,
MSCAN03B.ZIP Yes 8462 2/4/1995
ZIPPY Scan Across Multiple Conferences
Version 0.03 Beta If You Run CDROMS You Need
This PPE! For PCBoard v15.21+ An
UltiWares(c)1995 Release
MSG2N300.ZIP Yes 54649 5/14/1994
With MSG2Next 3.0 users can check out
previous callers (up to 100 users),view the
oneliners & add their own , leave a liner for
next user , view their status and check if
sysop is available. [Freeware] Coded by Pizza
MSG4U10.ZIP Yes 1597 10/6/1993
Message For You v1.0; PCBoard .PPE that will
beep you or your caller's when reading a
message online addressed to you/them.
MSGQUE11.ZIP Yes 5630 8/5/1993
MsgQuest v1.1 A Freeware PCBoard 15.0 PPE to
place script questionnaire answer files into
your message bases & fully configurable too!
MSHBLT02.ZIP Yes 3641 8/13/1994
- Bulletin v.02 by Balrog Great lightbars
replacement for your bulletin menu! Fully
SysOp configurable, supports 255 different
bulletins, great looking and easy to :
install and configure. : -
MSHCMT10.ZIP Yes 2600 8/13/1994
- Comment PPE v1.0 by Zaskar MuSH strikes
back with this kewl PPE! It's a comment to
sysop PPE. Lightbar Support Fully
Configurable You'll love it! -
MSHYESNO.ZIP Yes 2141 6/25/1994
Yes/No Prompt Replacement by Zaskar Great
Lightbar Yes/No prompt that enhances greatly
the look of the built-in Yes/No prompt of
PCBoard And it's fully configurable.
MTHLAST3.ZIP Yes 3033 5/8/1994
This is the ultimate Last Callers for PCBoard
-Great PC-Style Look [No Ugly ForumHack Junk]
-Very Fast Coding with HeX-Edit Protection.:)
-All colors and header are configurable......
MTNTACRO.ZIP Yes 43371 7/26/1994
The Hackers Acronym Translator v1.0 A nice
fast ppe made for PCB15.1+ with more than
2600 acronyms!! Sysops can add acronyms!
MTV_PL22.ZIP Yes 22587 1/14/1995
MT_BBS11.ZIP Yes 61499 8/18/1993
Modern Technology - BBSList v1.10/Std [PPE]
PCBoard v15.0 + PPE/Door which allows callers
to Create / Add / View / Sort and search by
keywords any sysop definable BBS List file/s
MT_MNU10.ZIP Yes 42065 8/18/1993
Modern Technology - PPE_MENU v1.0; Mini
interface to allow PCBoard v15.0 + sysops run
*any* PPE program directly from within this
menu. It works just like the PCBoard DOOR and
OPEN commands, and can also run any existing
PCB DOOR or Main Menu selections
MT_MTX12.ZIP Yes 121198 8/18/1993
Modern Technology - Matrix v1.20 /Std PPE.
Distributed as a Simulated DOS Login Shell
for PCBoard v15+. However the look and feel
of the Dos prompt can easily be modified via
setup files. Sysops can assign System & New
User passwords allow; Paging the Sysops,
Post/Read Public Msgs, Comments, Blts Check
Password-Info, Full Help / Info and VIP files
PLUS much more!Logs ALL activity to its own
CALLER files
MT_SCN11.ZIP Yes 10092 8/2/1993
Modern Technology Generic Text Scan (v1.1)
[PPE] / Door for PCBoard v15.0+ which allow
callers to Zippy scan/search sysop defined
TEXT files for matches. A popular use for
this PPE would be to search the DOWNLOAD.TXT
file, but you can use it for other purposes
Such as; Search BBS listings, Script Files
etc.. FREEWARE for All PCB Sysops! Enjoy-!
MUR_PIN1.ZIP Yes 5737 8/19/1993
Personal Identification Number PPE (MURPHY)
Mod version: Checks Security Violations,
Password Failures and Regular Logons. All
totally independent and configurable. Mods by
Peter Laur, Ulf Svanlund, Rikard Elofsson
Requires Notes, Stats & Verification (PSA)
MUSHCS10.ZIP Yes 4424 6/18/1994
let's you join a conference in a custom menu.
Instead of choosing with a number, you choose
with arrows! You can put your own ANSI
background file. J;# compatible. Many other
kewl options! Up to 1001 conferences.
MUSHFB11.ZIP Yes 4385 7/30/1994
- Dsfeedback v.1.1 by Daemon Summoner This is
a simple PPE that will make your users choose
to which sysop they will leave their comment
when they use the 'C' command. You can use
your own ansi background. It uses lightbars
and it is fully con- figurable. The bug of
the "Y" is now : corrected. : -
NA-POST.ZIP Yes 2500 6/18/1994
To/Subject/Security Three Little PPE to
custumize your "Enter a Message"Command. Try
it. It's a new idea, not a FUC*I* copy from
another programmer! 100% Sysop Configurable
NDADDR12.ZIP Yes 16152 12/23/1994
is for every sysop that wants to have his
users enter all the address infor- mation. A
cursor-driven menu will show up when a user
logs in that has not entered everything in
U_ADDR(). This PPE will also not accept users
that just type a '-' instead of their real
addresses. Menu will only disapear if the
user has entered ALL the information.
NDCOM110.ZIP Yes 6383 11/7/1994
Cursor-driven Comment-to-Sysop replacement.
100% language configurable. 100% colour
NDFILE20.ZIP Yes 56215 1/8/1995
a must-have for every sysop. NDFiles is a
cursor-driven replacement for the PCB [F]
command. It shows a list with all available
directories. Fantastic features included: o
Displays number of files in dir o Displays
total kb in dir o Possibility to press [D]
and the highlighted dir is downloaded o NO
maintenance if added as event o All screens
configurable o All colors may be freely
NDMONEY4.ZIP Yes 20818 2/26/1995
accepts credit cards to upgrade user levels.
It is the only and original PPE that uses the
PCB Accounting Features of PCBoard. Immediate
upgrade possible. Another high- quality
release. All screens and colors can be freely
modified. Compiled with PPLC 3.10. Needs PCB
15.21 to run. 0$ Shareware.
NDOFFL10.ZIP Yes 6336 7/4/1994
sysops with offline files (e.g. CD-ROMs). If
a user chooses a file which is offline, he
will see a cursor-driven menu and he has the
possibility to leave a message with all the
files he tagged. Completely cursor-driven!
Free registration
NDREAD62.ZIP Yes 27062 12/10/1994
NICE DAY EASY READER v6.2 [PPE]: A must-have
for every PCB sysop! This PPE is a fully
cursor-driven replacement for the 'R' command.
NDTEXT10.ZIP Yes 15717 2/28/1995
NICE DAY TEXTER [PPE] v1.00 This is a new way
of displaying text files to users. Can be
used in news files, bulletins, scripts etc.
User can use cursor keys to scroll text
up/down and can even download the text files
if you like. 100 % configurable. 0$
Shareware. Nice Day PPEs: superb ideas,
thousands of times copied, but never reached.
NE-FRO10.ZIP Yes 1603 8/6/1994
Front-Stat-PPE 1.0 by Elvin Nox A
Front-Status-PPE for PC-Board 15.1+ that
shows whats on the other nodes (without
handles). /X-Style!
NE-NSU10.ZIP Yes 1355 8/6/1994
NSU 1.0 NewFileScan-PPE by Elvin Nox A New
File-Scan-PPE for PCBoard 15.1 scan since
yesterday/today/x days back for everyone who
missed the N Y U, N T U
NETME100.ZIP Yes 9672 12/23/1994
NETM-E v1.00 - Initial release, for PCBoard
15.21 only! works with PCBoard Fido. [PPE]
program to replace the (E) Message commands
in your FidoNet netmail conference. simplify
user input for both Fidonet netmail and into
Internet via Fidonet UUCP gateway. Shareware.
not crippled Oriental Royal
NET_CMDS.ZIP Yes 19767 1/16/1995
: : NET-CMDS.PPE: By Daryl Stogner : : This
PPE is a menu that let's you : : select an
on-screen view of the cmds : : for
AREAFIX/NETMAIL Msgs/Internet : : EMAIL. And
a view of the cmds to use : : for an
Released as FREEWARE! 1-17-95 : :-:
NEWALIAS.ZIP Yes 1943 9/17/1993
NewAlias.PPE; Ask users if they wish an Alias
change after entering each conference. Your
must have the Alias PSA installed on your
system...Can be installed on the CMD.LST,
loaded from within a file or both...
NEWE.ZIP Yes 2945 9/19/1994
PPE replacement for the [E] Command. Displays
a file to the caller and allows them to abort
their message if they are not in the correct
message base area, etc. Supports stacked
names in conjunction with the command. FREE
NEWS100.ZIP Yes 5211 8/18/1993
NEWS.PPE; Lets conference sysops change the
NEWS file in their own conferences.
Installation info and source is included.
NEWS11B6.ZIP Yes 14218 6/5/1994
NEWSPAPER v1.1 - A News File Display Utility
for PCBoard v15.1 or later. Easy to install
and use! Newspaper reads a plain ASCII Text
file, and presents it to the Caller, using a
custom design and color. Newspaper uses the
Caller's Page Length setting, as well as the
custom designs when used in Registered Mode.
BETA CODE 1.1.�6 - COMPILED 05/12/94
NEWS13.ZIP Yes 4205 2/14/1995
NEWS.PPE, Ver. 1.3, by Galahad Software. A
PCBoard 15.2+ PPE that allows multiple news
files to be displayed, and replaces the
internal NEWS command. Now supports RIP
NEWUS101.ZIP Yes 2074 4/2/1994
[PPE] PCBNewUsr By DynaSOFT [PPE] This
wonderful PPE from DynaSOFT enhances
PCBoard's "(C) continue logon as new user (R)
re-enter your name" prompt. Nicely designed
output to help users create create their own
accounts on your BBS! Asks them a [Y] / [N]
question. Version 1.01 - FREEWARE
NJLTQP10.ZIP Yes 10228 3/18/1995
versions 15.x. This is a PPE program that
will allow your users to generate Quik Pik
numbers for play in the New Jersey Lottery.
Includes the Pick3, Pick4, Pick5 and Pick6
games. Shareware from Hogard Software
Solutions BBS at (214) 641-6292.
NLSTVT11.ZIP Yes 3018 6/5/1994
NeW LiST V1.1 - PPE for PCB written by Thomas
De Quincy. This PPE will scan your filelists
and create a ZIP-file with all the new files
from a certain date and download the file.
Extremely fast and easy to setup. A must for
every PCBoard system. NOT CRIPPLED!!!
NMREP106.ZIP Yes 52931 4/20/1994
NetMail/Reply v1.6 This combination of PPEs
replace your (E) command and the (RE)ply
lines in your PCBTEXT. They assist your user
in writing and replying to NetMail. They are
designed to work with QFRONT by Rob
Kittredge. Both PPE's are FreeWare but
included in this archive is a ShareWare
program called EXTRACT. Additionally, this
version adds: Routing Slips - A pretty screen
(SYSOP Changable) to help the user address a
NODESC16.ZIP Yes 14210 2/6/1995
NodeScan v1.6� - PCBoard 15.2+ [PPE] The most
powerful WHO replacement ever made for
PCBoard! Now it supports up to 100 nodes. It
comes with tons of nice features incl.: Full
coloursetup,Broadcast function Enable/Disable
Broadcast by default or security,recipiant
security match for broadcast
messages,multilanguage compatible,fully
configurable,Amazing animated Display. This
version is *FREEWARE* by EuroStar BBS Kiel.
NOKILL.ZIP Yes 3121 8/9/1993
NoKill [PPE] PCBoard PCBtext Replacement to
Warn Users that try to use other Commands
from the main board prompt that lack security
level to do so.
NU-601.ZIP Yes 8020 1/21/1995
Will ask your callers if they would like to
see a list of all the new files uploaded to
your system since there last file scan. There
are a lot of bad imitations out there but,
this is the original! (C)1995 Bill Masuka
NUC102B.ZIP Yes 5810 6/4/1994
[THP] New User Config v1.o2 �eta (6.o4.94)
New User Password prompts. Allows user to
properly enter information for each selected
format when applying. Also allows users to
re-edit registration info before logging off.
Written by Fatal Hitman [THP]
NUFILZ26.ZIP Yes 8726 7/14/1994 NewFileScan PPE v2.6
NUFLAG11.ZIP Yes 15952 1/2/1995
@X0E[PPE] @X0FMajor Upgrade to FLAG.PPE!
Enhanced status/prompt line. rewritten to
control NON-batch protocol users, and users
that have NO default protocol selected. ALL
info screens are EXTERNAL,SEC+GRAPH+LANG
specific. (Major shortcoming of original
FLAG.PPE was that batch mode protocol by user
was assummed!). If non-batch protocol in use,
flagged file will be offered for downloading
immediately or (C)ancel, (H)elp. If default
NUSCAN4A.ZIP Yes 8490 5/23/1994
NEWSCAN 4.0a Will ask your callers if they
would like to see a list of the new files
added to the system since there last file
scan. (If there are any) As soon as they
logon. (C)1994 Bill Masuka
NUV13.ZIP Yes 3219 1/16/1995
NUV v1.3 - New User Verification PCBoard
.PPE. A simple but effective way to toss
obvious idiot new users off your system. Free
w/source! From The Lost Carrier BBS (914)
964-0419 USR V.Everything.
NWSF121.ZIP Yes 16039 3/19/1995
*NEWSFLASH 1.21* NewsFlash is a PPE to
enhance your NEWS display file, letting you
display news entries for a specific number of
days. Simple to set-up and configure.
Includes Maintenance functions, file and
color configurability, and simple Editor PPE
to add entries FREE REGISTRATION Author:
Herbert Bushong Compiled with PPLC 3.x/req.
PCB 15.2+
NYLTQP10.ZIP Yes 10348 3/18/1995
versions 15.x. This is a PPE program that
will allow your users to generate Quik Pik
numbers for play in the New York Lottery.
Includes the Pick3, Pick4, Pick5 and Pick6
games. Shareware from Hogard Software
Solutions BBS at (214) 641-6292.
OCCPS41.ZIP Yes 19515 3/5/1995
OCCPS is a PPE program to allow online
registration processing via credit cards,
order products online, or optionally to
download a REGISTER.ZIP file for mail-in
registrations. Writes CHARGE.LOG file with
all the information needed to verify and
process credit card transactions. Specify
your own security levels, term of sub-
scription, and which credit cards you accept.
OF-TOP15.ZIP Yes 2104 8/6/1994 Over Flow Top U/L D/L Version 1.5�
OFP10.ZIP Yes 88937 9/24/1994
Online Funds Processor 1.0 - PPE for PCB 15.2
The Online Funds Processor (OFP) is a trans-
action processor that is designed to be used
by PCBoard 15.2 SysOps to collect transaction
information from users. This program was
written specifically for use with the service
offered by Dragon Business Services, Inc. OFP
will handle credit card transactions as well
as checking and savings account transactions.
OLDB.ZIP Yes 13359 5/2/1994
OLDB.PPE - On-Line DataBase version 1.0 -
Written using version 2.00 of the PCBOARD PPL
language. Either a single data base or
multiple data bases. Each with it's own
record headings. Each data base can have
aspecial instruction screens.
OLRPVW10.ZIP Yes 7484 8/30/1994
ProView v1.0 by Lord of Road [OLR] One of the
best 'V' command you have ever seen!
configurable + special features.
OLRPWT10.ZIP Yes 4627 8/30/1994
ProWrite v1.0 by Lord of Road [OLR] One of
the best 'W' command you have ever seen!
configurable + special features.
OLRREF10.ZIP Yes 5481 8/30/1994
PCB Refer 1.0 by Lord of Road [OLR] Now your
users can refer newusers to your "closed
board" exactly like you have seen in the
Ami-Express Boards, but in a PCB Style!
ONEARM15.ZIP Yes 16469 11/22/1994
* One Armed Bandit * v1.5 * PCBoard .PPE game
that simulates the playing of a slot machine.
No maintenance required. No configuration
files required. Quick & easy install via
CMD.LST and/or DOORS.LST. Shareware $10. Free
lifetime BBS support! Compiled 11/22/94.
ONELINE1.ZIP Yes 3123 10/14/1994
OneLiner.PPE v 1.0 by Windmill Computer
Services. A PCBoard add-on to display one
line advertisments (or teasers). Can work in
conjunction with our ADBOARD.PPE to present
your callers a full-featured advertising
system ala Prodigy. Fully functional,
FREEWARE. Runs under PCBoard v 15.1 or higher.
OPENWID2.ZIP Yes 5869 2/14/1995
@X1E@X07 @X1EA beautifully designed PPE@X07
@X1Eto replace your OPEN cmd.@X07 @X1EANSI
support, cursor key,@X07 @X1Eand menu bar
support for up@X07 @X1Eto 26 doors & ppe's.
Sinch@X07 @X1Eto install and a *MUST SEE*@X07
ORGAN103.ZIP Yes 46219 3/19/1995
PCBoard Organizer v1.03 for PCBoard 15.2
ORGANIZE.PPE: This program allow your users
to browse the Calendar, or search any Date.
They can place notes on the Notebook, store
Address's and Birthday on the Address Book.
Also have a small Calculator. The Notes and
Birthday's can be seen on the NEWS, if they
match the current date. Made in PPLC 3.0
MSmac Software ## 351-61-314336 [28.8]
ORWAIT11.ZIP Yes 7133 1/8/1995
OR WAIT.PPE 1.1 - Revision 01/08/94 This
[PPE3] replace PCBTEXT #418, the WAIT prompt.
This makes your BBS more fancy and colorful.
CTTY ANSI,RIP support. EXTRA Configur- able
and language aware. Download it NOW. You
can't miss it.This is Public Domain. No
Registration needed. Source code included!
Oriental Royal Presents
OVL-FTR.ZIP Yes 3956 3/7/1995 AMi/X F00TeR! v.1.0� for PCBoard 15.2+
OVL-LMR.ZIP Yes 4402 3/7/1995
AMi/X LAMeRS! PPE for PCBoard 15.2+ Great PPE
to show who the Lamers are on the BBS.
OVL-MPMT.ZIP Yes 6343 3/7/1995
AMi/X MeSSAGe PR0MPTS! v.1.0� Great prompts
for PCBoard to make writing a messy more like
OVL-PAGE.ZIP Yes 4800 3/7/1995 AMi/X PAGe! PPE for PCBoard 15.2+
OVL-PMT.ZIP Yes 3521 3/7/1995 AMi/X PR0MPT! PPE for PCBoard 15.2+
OVL-SRCH.ZIP Yes 1240 3/7/1995
OverKill Ami/X Zippy Scan Completly Like The
Ami Express Version One (Ami/X Clr!)
OVL-USRL.ZIP Yes 2361 3/14/1995
X/UserList v1.1b By Black Viper
Ami/Xpress style for you Ami/X Freaks
PAGE3.ZIP Yes 3483 11/9/1994
O.PPE - Is a PPE program I wrote after see
one I thought was neat. It makes callers
think the Sysop is typing to them then acts
like you dropping carrier on them. Just a fun
program to add variety to your board.
PAGEPPE.ZIP Yes 3246 8/31/1993
PAGE.PPE; Will scare users who page during
your "off" hours.
PANIC.ZIP Yes 6441 7/18/1994
PPE (The panic button) This cute little ppe
will tease & scare your users. Its a joke ppe
from the twised mind of the PHANTOM BBS
PCB-SB.ZIP Yes 70797 5/14/1994
SoundBlaster CHAT PAGE PPE!!! FOR PCBoard
15.X Dox,MOD,and PLAYER included...
PCB90091.ZIP Yes 25165 2/1/1995
PCB900.PPE Accept subscriptions via an easy
to call 900 number. Lower rates than some of
the other 900 services. Charges at both $10
and a $25 level are accepted. V.91b Released
by: The Skull BBS
PCBBBL16.ZIP Yes 19034 5/4/1994
PCBBBL v1.6 - Bulletin Board Lister PCBBBL is
a PPE to help in the creation of master
bulletin board lists. This PPE sorts the
lists by board name. Also has an option for
flagging the lists. Will also check to make
sure that the phone number dosn't exsist in
the data base. Interface is seamless, and
easy for your users to follow. Programmer:
Richard Stewart (c) 1994 - The North Shore BBS
PCBBE110.ZIP Yes 9216 11/23/1994
The PCB Bulletin Executive v1.10
Automatically Creates/Updates Bulletin menu
each time it is run. Displays last date
bulletin was changed. If you don't like
drawing screens each time you change a BLT,
this is the program for you. User is prompted
after each screen rather than at the end of
display. Released 05-01-94
PCBCD100.ZIP Yes 39526 3/4/1995
PCBoard CD-ROM Door - PCBCD v1.00 Oriental
Royal Presents DOS Shell Interface &
commands. A neat [PPE] for PCB 15.21 or later
-ULTRA EASY- setup,even a *mess* CD Perfectly
works w/ PCB D/L Limit & security. Wildcard
search, Multi- Lingual, trashcan support.
Detailed Online Help. Support up to 256 CDs
High quality, non-cripple Shareware
PCBCLM10.ZIP Yes 30770 8/17/1994
PCB-CLM v1.00� [PPE]: The VERY FIRST PCBoard
v15.2 and PPLC v3.0 PPE program! PCB-CLM will
create conference listings by reading a
configuration file... NO more conference
numbers to know, PCB-CLM is intelligent
enough (by some help from the SysOp) to know
what conferences belong to what mail
PCBCNU10.ZIP Yes 13054 8/17/1994
PCB-CNU v1.00� [PPE]: One of the FIRST
PCBoard v15.2 and PPLC v3.0 PPE programs! If
you are using PCBoard v15.2 and have lots of
conferences, then PCB-CNU is for you! PCB-CNU
will update your CNAMES files with longer
(extended) conference names of 60 characters
max., uses a simple ASCII text file for data.
PCBDBC10.ZIP Yes 9841 3/14/1995
PCBDBC 1.0 Creates a database (DBF) and
imports new users to the DataBase. Import.ppe
included to import ALL current users to the
database. Great for Mailing lists. With the
right DB, there is no limit. Need a DBF
compatible Database Application to read &
maintain. (ie. DBase, Approach, AlphaFive,
PCBDE401.ZIP Yes 89607 6/29/1994
The PCB Door Executive ver. 4.01� Creates *1*
Menu for all your Doors & PPE programs. Run
PPE & Doors from 1 menu! Totally Sysop
Configurable. Optionally categorizes your
doors for easier access. display by category
or all at once! Quick Setup, Zero
GO/4 Software Release!
PCBEMAIL.ZIP Yes 65467 2/14/1995
PCBoard PostOffice Version 1.0 The ONLY FULL
At Your FingerTips! Builds And Maintains
Address Books Supports Internet & Fidonet
Supports Local Users Too! Read And Write
Messages With Ease! Advanced EMail Routing
Feature! Advanced Conferencing Feature!
Routes Mail to: Compuserve, Genie America
Online, Delphi, Prodigy! MCI Mail and AT&T
PCBFV94B.ZIP Yes 24781 5/8/1994
Nine One One PCBForum v0.94b PPE Replaces
regular menu prompt with FORUM
Configurable - Easy to Install! FREE
REGISTRATION Supports Multinode
PCBML101.ZIP Yes 72455 8/14/1993
PCBmail 1.0�; PCBoard 15.0 [PPE] program for
Newuser Verfification. Uses standard PCBoard
Userrecords. Saves the address in a .DBF file
for possible mailings.User gets a
verficication number for a free definable
period. Fully configurable. Multi Language
(English & German Language files are
PCBNEW14.ZIP Yes 8816 6/3/1994
PCBNEWS v1.14 - PCB News Editor [PPE] - A
useful Sysop's Aid to help create news files.
Seamless interface, configurable header AND
footer files, can define a security level
needed to add a news entry, can set an
indentation length, more. Don't fuss with
those other NEWS file PPEs! Made by
Whitewater Technologies, Inc. Version 1.14 -
Maintenance Release
PCBOC110.ZIP Yes 288907 12/18/1994
Online Checks Direct! For PCB (v1.10)
PCBOCD (as it is called) is a unique program
that will allow your users to purchase from a
product listing (via the PCBoard Sales
Executive) and to pay for the products with
their checking or savings accounts. Funds are
sent to you via a paper draft within 48
hours. The software was written by GO/4
Softwarem and the service is provided by
American Banking Systems.
PCBSEC44.ZIP Yes 12502 3/11/1995
PCBSEC v4.03 - Encrypted E-Mail For PCBoard.
- Compiled with PPLC 3.0 - Freeware PPE for
the use of PCBoard SysOps A few tiny changes
to the code, the most important being the
ability to ABORT your entry if you change
your mind about sending the message.
PCB_TIME.ZIP Yes 2258 12/31/1994
Time.ppe for PCBoard v15.x Conference command
prompt with source code
PCMAT.ZIP Yes 2861 11/30/1994
PPE - PCMAT: This PPE allow the SysOp to Know
which Users wants to Format his HD.. It
appears is Formating, but IT'S NOT! Than he
receives a
PEGAND2X.ZIP Yes 48661 9/10/1994
================== PEGANODE v2.1a* WHO
REPLACEMENT PPE =================== >!NOW
FRIENDLY!!! <<< =
PEGANOD3.ZIP Yes 102487 1/17/1995
PPLC 3.00 FOR PCBOARD 15.2!!
PEPSTER.ZIP Yes 13076 4/1/1994
Pepster's Place BBS Present's Pepster's
Utilities April 1, 1994 Hello.ppe v1.15 Beta
( Caller's Log ) Lister.ppe v1.00 Beta ( BBS
Lister ) Bye.ppe v1.00 Beta ( Display BLT )
Requires PCBoard 15.1 (313) 421-9145 -AND-
(313) 421-9177
PETC12.ZIP Yes 3844 8/6/1994
Press Enter To Continue V1.02 Totally
Configurable PPE! - Configurable Prompt -
Randomly Selected Prompts - Up to 100
Prompts! - The Most Configurable PETC Prompt
Available ANYWHERE!
PHCD.ZIP Yes 8758 7/26/1994
PPE that tells you what CD-ROM is in the
drive! Handles up to 20 CD'S!
PHONE120.ZIP Yes 6130 8/27/1994
* The Phone Number Utility v1.20 * Prompt
replacement utility that will keep the
correct phone format. Utility will provide
dashes (-) and parentheses (()) for the user
to keep the correct format. Checks for phone
number formats. Very configurable and
PHUN-MEB.ZIP Yes 2681 3/7/1995
Broadcasts a message to all nodes : > at the
login * 90% configurable < > + SPECIAL SETUP
PHUN-TC1.ZIP Yes 1117 3/7/1995
cool PPe to install in the logoff to show the
user what he did during his call (# of
PHUN_ALT.ZIP Yes 3744 5/2/1994 PHUN Anti Lamer Test PPE for PCB 15.1
PHUN_ED1.ZIP Yes 8793 5/14/1994 User Editor v1.0 [PPE]
PHUN_FM1.ZIP Yes 2849 5/14/1994 Flash Mail 1.0 [PPE]
PHUN_HH1.ZIP Yes 1973 7/21/1994
The Happy Hour PPE 1.0! Let Your Users
PHUN_LV2.ZIP Yes 6302 5/14/1994 Last Visitors 1.3 [PPE]
PHUN_MF2.ZIP Yes 1081 7/21/1994 Mail Flasher 2.0
PHUN_MZ2.ZIP Yes 2767 7/21/1994 Multi ZyZop Comment 2.0 LiGHTBAR VERSiON!
PHUN_RT1.ZIP Yes 5759 6/5/1994 RUMour Thing 1.OO [PPE]
PIC-LT5.ZIP Yes 13541 5/14/1994 Last Transfers v1.04 PPE
PIN.ZIP Yes 4786 9/2/1993
Personal Identification Number PPE Uses
Verification field (PCB PSA) to require a 4
digit PIN before accessing your system.
PLA-MENU.ZIP Yes 1143 8/30/1994
MENU [PPE] for PCB Replaces the "?"-command
and removes "Menu Letter/Command you need
Help with"-string...
PMTTV16.ZIP Yes 33164 12/29/1994
Pepster's Movie Time Trivia 1.60 FREEWARE!!!!
Simple, but yet powerful Online Trivia Game
that is 100% FREE. Source Code Available upon
request. Written for PCBoard 15.2 using PPL
3.00. Better than some costly shareware
trivia games out on the market. Won't cause a
hole in your pocket book.
PNODE-13.ZIP Yes 11270 5/2/1994
Private Node v1.3 by: Code 3 Set-up a private
node. This version adds hours to reopen and
an exempt user list. A must for multi-node
PCboard 15.1+ Added new option in PNUSER file
and tightened code. FREEWARE!
POB396_3.ZIP Yes 11735 3/12/1995
POB396LS [PPE3] / PCB 15.2 - 2.00[1/1]
PCBoard <*-POB-SUPPORT-BBS-*> Distributor
POB396LS.PPE is a replacement for the main
prompt 396. This PPE include a LINESCROLLER
and any other key shortcuts. [ESC] for BY, UP
for upload, DOWN for download, LEFT for next
conference, RIGHT for prev. conference HOME,
END, TAB, INS, DEL, PGUP & PGDN are free
definable. Fixed some major bugs! *FREEWARE*
[PPE3] by POB(c)1995 German PCBoard
POB605_4.ZIP Yes 6808 3/13/1995
POB605 [PPE3] / PCB 15.2 - 2.11[1/1] PCBoard
<*-POB-SUPPORT-BBS-*> Distributor POB605.PPE
is a replacement for the entry 605 (Proceed
with logoff?) in PCBtext. Read the DOKU
for more details. This PPE is Multilingual,
German is incl. A must if you have running
the POB396LS.PPE This PPE only take in effect
when you have set the setting "Warning on
logoff command" to "YES"! fixed display
bug... *FREEWARE* [PPE3] by POB(c)1995 German
POBBULL2.ZIP Yes 9732 9/15/1994
POBBULL.PPE3 for PCB 15.2 v0.02�[1/1] *
SUPPORT * BBS * Clark Development's German
Distribution Site for order call:
+49-(0)8807-91881 / 93339 ISDN:
+49-(0)8807-93337 / 93338 BULLETIN PPE Menue
for PCB 15.2 only! Full configurable with
configfile Multilanguage Support - unlimited
Bulletins multi page - very fast - select
Bulletin with cursor - security check for
every BULL now you can run PPE's from this
POBDLP02.ZIP Yes 25016 8/29/1994
POB DLPROMPT PPE3 / PCB 15.2 0.02�[1/1]
PCBoard <*-POB-SUPPORT-BBS-*> Distributor USR
14400 08807/91881 (6 NODES RINGDOWN) ZYXEL
19200 08807/93339 (V32/42bis) ISDN 64000
08807/93337 (X75/CAPI) PCBTEXT #550
replacement for PCBoard 15.2 You can also
this PPE use for Uploads in PCBTEXT #474
FREEWARE from the GERMAN PCB Distributor
POBDLP02.PPE v. 0.02� - Display Bug Fixed!
POBJOINA.ZIP Yes 33552 3/12/1995
POBJOIN [PPE3] / PCB 15.21 - 2.51[1/1]
POBJOIN.PPE is the best conference join menu
available! Full lightbar support, net support
(FIDO, INTERNET, Usenet...), show highmsg,
actmsg and last read in sel. conf. Supports
FIDO comp. net, multi lang. supp. shows FIDO
area name if FIDO, and much more Read doku
for all informations!! fixed a minor bug with
direct join *FREEWARE* [PPE3] by POB(c)1995
German PCBoard Distributor PCBoard
POBMOR14.ZIP Yes 10104 9/15/1994
POBMORE.PPE3 for PCB 15.2 v0.14�[1/1] *
SUPPORT * BBS * Clark Development's German
Distribution Site for order call:
+49-(0)8807-91881 / 93339 ISDN:
+49-(0)8807-93337 / 93338 Extendet PPE Menue
for PCB 15.2 only! Full configurable with
configfile Multilanguage Support - unlimited
PPE's multi page - very fast - select
PPE/command with cursor - security check for
every PPE now support for Displayfiles and
POBNLS03.ZIP Yes 6668 1/16/1995
POBNLS [PPE3] / PCB 15.2 - 0.03�[1/1]
POBNLS.PPE is a Nodelist browser for PCB. If
you run FIDO with PCBoard 15.21 you'll need
this! You can search for SYSOP name or BBS
name to get info about NODENUMBER and PHONE #
etc. from the PCBoard NODELIST. If you want
to write a NETMAIL to an other BBS and don't
know his NODENUMBER search with this PPE
online! A must have for 15.21 Fixed some
bugs, added abort in 1. screen. *FREEWARE*
POBSPY01.ZIP Yes 15401 8/14/1994
SPY [PPE3] Ver. 0.01� by POB for PCB 15.2+
WHO replacement for PCBoard w many features
Support new features of PCBoard 15.2 Compiled
with PPLC 3.0 for PCBoard 15.2!! Don't
running with older versions!!!!! A PPE from
the German Distributor of PCB +49-8807-91881
ISDN: +49-8807-93338 FIDO: 2:2480/567 ISDN
(5678) ZYXEL
POB_SC2.ZIP Yes 9269 1/6/1995
POB_SC2 [PPE3] / PCB 15.2 - 1.00[1/1]
POB_SC2.PPE is a very simle PPE only for
PCBoard Distributors! This PPE make it easier
to insert the code for the PCBoard
Distributor DOOR. Automatical updates the
user security and his expiration date.
(Source code includet) *FREEWARE* [PPE3] by
POB(c)1995 German PCBoard Distributor
POG14.ZIP Yes 17882 11/22/1994
.. Pot Of Gold .. v 1.4 .. PCBoard .PPE game
of chance. Try your luck at this fun game. No
maintenance required. No configuration files
required. Quick & easy install via CMD.LST
and/or DOORS.LST. Shareware $10. Free BBS
support. Compiled 11/22/94.
POSTBLT1.ZIP Yes 10812 11/28/1994
POSTLINK Mail run report Utility! Postblt
will create an informative bulletin for your
last mail run, letting your users know how
many messages that were exported, and
imported. Fully configurable as to color,
node ID and Network Name! Can configure to
show Monthly totals & yearly totals!
PPE-MENU.ZIP Yes 21342 11/7/1994
PPE-MENU.ZIP: Generic Menus in PPE format for
PCBoard v15.2+. These menus have HOT-KEYS or
use HI-LITE BARS that move with the arrow
keys to activate a command. EASY to INTALL!
Uses generic PCB commands.
PPEBV_2.ZIP Yes 12926 4/29/1994
PPEBack V. 2.0 So many added functions, we
just HAD to call it V. 2. This PPE is ment to
call user's back if they have line noise.
Functions include time's of callback,
bulletin maker for users that don't connect,
bad number list, etc. A MUST FOR YOUR BOARD!
Kris Steinwender - 04-29-1994
PPEDNEWS.ZIP Yes 2236 2/26/1995
@X09 @X0APPE Developer News Letter@X09 @X01
@X09 @X0EInformation on receiving the @X01
@X09 @X0ENews letter from Cyber Data @X01
@X09 @X0EBBS Development... @X01 @X09@X01
PPEMNU10.ZIP Yes 2713 8/14/1993
PPE MENU v1.00. PPEMNU is a PPE program to
allow Sysops the abiltiy to create special
menus for all the numerous PPE programs that
are being written for PCBoard v15.0. This
menu is displayed just like the Bulletin menu
that comes with PCBoard. Simple to install.
Shareware by Chuck Hogard.
PPEPAKTS.ZIP Yes 24244 5/30/1994 PPE games - Blackjack, Card Sharks & Slots
PPESCR17.ZIP Yes 37949 10/31/1994
PPE-Script v1.70 (11-01-94) - Newask/Logon/
Logoff/Script program. Replaces registration
doors and offers full registration options.
Script file driven .PPE allows branching to
Five levels of scripts and is extremely
versatile and configurable. Allows checking
answers against a list and branching depends
on answers given. By Gary Meeker, $5 donation
requested, but registration number available
from BBS prior to any donation being made.
PPE_MENU.ZIP Yes 21366 11/7/1994
-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- -
PPE-MENU.ZIP: Generic Menus in - - PPE format
for PCBoard v15.2+. - - - These menus have
HOT-KEYS or use - - HI-LITE BARS that move
with the - - arrow keys to activate a
command. - - EASY to INTALL! Uses generic PCB
- - commands. - - from Daryl
Stogner -
PPE_UPGR.ZIP Yes 4143 6/7/1994
This is an example PPE for the Demo version
of PCBoard/PPL Compiler. It gives a very
simple age computation, and shows how a user
could be automatically upgraded for adult
areas of a board, based on their age. It does
not meet legal requirements in most areas,
but does show how age could be calculated. It
give a complete explanation of all functions
used in the accompanying .DOC file. Copyright
1994 Clark Development Company
PR100.ZIP Yes 3167 6/23/1994
PPERUN.PPE - v1.00 - PPE Menu PPE. Checks
security levels before running the PPE in the
menu. Great for keeping those pesky
unregistered users out of your bank or lotto
PPE's! SHAREWARE by Rob Borek.
PRELOG10.ZIP Yes 5119 7/23/1994
Prelog V1.0 PPE that allows users to upload a
file or download from a selected list without
actually loging on to the bbs.
PRFL200.ZIP Yes 21689 6/15/1994
User Profile Version 2.0 for PCB15.1 This PPE
will allow for your Users to see information
about other Users that are on your BBS.
Includes Favorite's, Phone numbers etc. New
information and faster access. Fully
Functional. Will display UNREGISTERED BBS
until Registered. Try it out. Will also work
while in chat when used with the CHATMENU PPE
included in this ZIP.
PRIMEXPT.ZIP Yes 2210 8/13/1994
Xpert Toggle PPE Asks if the user is sure
they wamt to turn expert mose either on or off
PRO-QWK.ZIP Yes 5026 5/2/1994
PRO-QKW.PPE for PcBoard v15.1 Adds All NEW
PROMPT.ZIP Yes 1521 10/7/1994 A nice animated main prompt replacement, anad
PROMPTU.ZIP Yes 5984 5/8/1994
Selectable Prompts PPE for PCBoard This
efficient PPE works for all PCBoard BBSes
that use the famous Violater Prompts and use
the Rumours PPE by Vigilante. THE best
Selectable Prompts PPE Available!
PSNLOG10.ZIP Yes 4104 3/7/1995 LoGiN PPE v1.0 - for PCB 15.2
PSN_USER.ZIP Yes 3017 3/14/1995 USER PPE v.1.0 FoR PCBOARD
PSPRT.ZIP Yes 8032 9/28/1993
This ppe will alow you to pasword protect any
door on your bbs! It will ask the user for
his password and if it dos not mach the one
in the list for his name no go. This also
prevents other users from giving the pasword
out as it only works with there own name.
PTAHANG.ZIP Yes 2122 8/6/1994 HaNGUp PPE v1.0
PTAPROT.ZIP Yes 2737 8/6/1994
PRoToCoL PPe v2.o Replace the T Commd
(Trasfer Protocol) From MaIN MENU!
PUBREAD2.ZIP Yes 8811 9/6/1993
PUB-READ v2.0 Online reading PPE for PCB;
Display any publication with a READROOM.TOC.
Allow users a choice from 99 different
articles from 15+ different publications.
PULL12.ZIP Yes 13314 1/12/1995
Pull Down Menu PPE 1.2 - Scott Eby Best and
ONLY Pull Down Menu PPE. Replaces Main Menu
and is totally configurable. Light bar driven
Cursor PLUS prompt still available while
using menu! A MUST DOWNLOAD!!! Shareware -
PULLD2_2.ZIP Yes 45925 7/3/1994
<<>> <<<
VERSION 2.2 MAJOR REVISION >>> <<PCBOARD 15.1+ bbs's >>> Fully configurable
pull down menus that supports running other
ppe's or regular commands without the use of
an .mnu file. Run from your command line or
anywhere you like. *Now supports secondary
pull down *menus comming from another.
I.S.O.Q. BBS PPE 718-268-5025 TRY NOW YOUR
PULLDOWN.ZIP Yes 5281 1/22/1995
PullDown is the source code to a pulldown
menu system for PCBoard 15.x and higher. I
used procedures in the code so you will to
have PPLC v3.0 or higher to comile the code.
Instructions are sparce but there are some at
the beggining of the code.
PULLSH3.ZIP Yes 24535 1/11/1995
<<>> <<<
VERSION 3.6 MAJOR REVISION >>> <<PCBOARD 15.2+ bbs's >>> Fully configurable
pull down menus that supports running other
ppe's or regular commands without the use of
an .mnu file. Run from your command line or
anywhere you like. *Now supports secondary
pull down *menus comming from another.
I.S.O.Q. BBS PPE 718-268-5025 TRY NOW YOUR
PWA-NSP1.ZIP Yes 4327 3/7/1995
PWA New-Scan Pro-PC v1.0 Ami/X styled new
file scan PPE for PCB! Scan options features
todays, yesterday, weekly, and even user
adjustable in real time. Source code included!
PWAA1L10.ZIP Yes 2978 3/7/1995
[ AMI-X ONELINERS v1.00 by Timecop ] A great
looking, AMI-X styled One-liners PPE.
Features a filter to remove those trouble
causing PCB @-macros, as well as on-the-fly
@-color code interpretation.
PWAAC125.ZIP Yes 6060 3/7/1995
AMI-X Digiclock v1.25 by Timecop Show the
system time with a totally cool AMI-X look!
Hours, minutes, and seconds are shown in
large, ascii-drawn digits which gets updated
every second.
PWAAFSUE.ZIP Yes 3593 3/7/1995
AMI-X Full Screen User Editor PPE This is a
great looking AMI-X styled PPE to install in
your CMD.LST.
PWAALT10.ZIP Yes 2892 3/7/1995
AMI-X Last Transfers v1.00 by Timecop Another
PCBoard PPE with an AMI-X style, this one
creates a bulletin displaying the last X
number of files uploaded and downloaded by
your users.
PWAAM11R.ZIP Yes 4211 7/26/1994
PWA AutoMessage v1.1 By AReS [PWA] The best
AutoMessage PPE around. Highly configurable.
Clone of AutoMessage+ for Renegade. Shows 3
AutoMessages at one time. No Reg, No Bugs,
NEW Features
PWAAMXCH.ZIP Yes 2610 1/14/1995
AMI-X Chat PPE by Timecop A small, quick, and
simple AMI/X styled SysOp Chat replacement
PPE. Very clean with no nonsense.
PWAAP10.ZIP Yes 4615 8/30/1994
Any-Password v1.0 by Drew [PWA] Use this for
your new user password, a system password, or
just about any where you use a password!
Source included.
PWAATB10.ZIP Yes 7371 3/7/1995
AMI-X Alltime Top DL/UL v1.00 by Timecop
bulletins with a great AMI-X look of top
uploaders and downloaders by bytes.
PWAAW135.ZIP Yes 7617 3/7/1995
AMI-X Weektop v1.35 by Timecop Generates a
bulletin featuring all your top uploaders
during a week (x out of 7 days) in an AMI-X
style. Features user exclusions and top
uploader awarding. A PCBoard 15.1+ PPE.
PWAAXCHW.ZIP Yes 3289 3/7/1995
AMI-X Chat PPE bugfix ver. 2 by Timecop A
small, quick, and simple AMI/X styled SysOp
Chat replacement PPE. Very clean with no
nonsense. Minor bugfix version. Wordwrap
added in this version.
PWAAXUVU.ZIP Yes 1625 3/7/1995
AMI-X User Verification Utility A small and
quick PPE that allows you to view information
about any other user, all done in an AMI-X
PWABFV20.ZIP Yes 109165 3/7/1995
[ FileView PPE v2.0 ] This is a fantastic
file viewer PPE that totally eclipses all
other file viewers! Extremely fast, highly
configurable, and has complete lightbar and
hotkey support.
PWABQT10.ZIP Yes 8059 3/7/1995
[ Quoter PPE v1.0 by BlackCat /\ PWA ]
PCBoard message quoter which uses pplc 3.0
for easier and seamless integration. A nice
addition for sysops using Nets to brighten up
your quotes.
PWABWM10.ZIP Yes 26547 3/7/1995
[ WMTop PPE v1.00 by BlackCat /\ PWA ] A PCB
15.2+ PPE : Weekly and Monthly top
uploaders/downloaders bulletin creator (bytes
& files). Uses a database instead of reading
logfiles or adding a TPA. The bulletins are
constantly updated quickly at logoff!!
PWACJ12.ZIP Yes 8943 3/7/1995
Conference Join v1.2 by Drew [PWA] A
conference join PPE that shows only the
conferences a user has access to while
ignoring "blank" conferences as well as
unaccessible ones. Major speed improve- ment
since v1.1! Source is included for 100%
PWACS11.ZIP Yes 18803 8/30/1994
DEF Comment to Sysop v1.1 by Drew [PWA]
Replace your "C" command with the best
looking and easiest to install Sysop Comment
ppe ever. Fully lightbar and and hot-key
driven. Also includes an easy to use config
PWAEEM12.ZIP Yes 13101 3/14/1995
Enhanced End of Message v1.2 by Drew Replace
your End of Message prompt with this clean
looking, highly configurable, hotkey &
lightbar driven PPE replacement. Written in
PPL 3.0 for PCBoard 15.2 only. This is a
minor maintenance release.
PWAEF211.ZIP Yes 24569 3/14/1995
[ Enhanced Flag v2.11 by Drew /\ PWA ] Get
rid of that ancient FLAG.PPE! Use those up
and down arrows to flag your files OBV/2 and
V/2 style. EFLAG.PPE is totally lightbar and
hotkey driven. V2.11 is a small revision
PWAEMC13.ZIP Yes 13434 3/14/1995
Enhanced Mesg Edit Cmds v1.3 by Drew A crisp
& clean looking PPE replacement for your (S)
(A) (D) etc. message edit prompt. Hotkey and
lightbar driven for an easy interface.
Written in PPL 3.0 for PCBoard 15.2+ only.
This version is a minor maintenance/bugfix
PWAEQU10.ZIP Yes 14525 12/25/1994
Enhanced Quick Uploader v1.0 by Drew Do your
blind uploads the CORRECT way: no more
choking if you already have files flagged for
download. Features lightbars, private message
to the sysop, and source code. Another PPE
written in PPL 3.0 for PCBoard 15.2 only,
courtesy of PWA.
PWAFSM13.ZIP Yes 3198 7/21/1994
PWA Editor v1.3 [ By Nemesis ] PCBOARD 15.1
PPE - Allows Sysops To Change the Nasty
Cyan/Yellow Full Screen Message Header - !New
Version/Bug Fix!
PWAFV25R.ZIP Yes 32565 7/21/1994
PWA File Viewer v2.5 [ By Defcon 4 ] Zip File
Viewer that improves the good old PCBFV with
unheard of configurabilty. Many Changes and
fixes from 2.2. Also supports Viglante's new
flag PPE. Read history file for complete list
of changes
PWAJIT10.ZIP Yes 4647 6/5/1994 JOIN-IT V1.00 PPE
PWALC20R.ZIP Yes 2879 7/21/1994
[Lightning Config 2.0][By AReS/PWA] [PPE]
Replacement for the "W" command Gives a full
screen V/2 style account configuration menu.
Updated Version, Full Configurability, No
Bugs, No Reg
PWAMR10S.ZIP Yes 10602 6/5/1994
PWA Menu Rotator v1.0[ By Drew ] Rotate any
number of menus randomly and according to
user security levels! Highly configurable and
not crippled!
PWANFS10.ZIP Yes 22806 8/30/1994
PWA DEF New File Scan v1.0 by Drew Finally, a
user configurable new file scanner! Users are
able to select which file areas they want to
scan and keep the configuration! All regular
PCBoard commands are still preserved. Awesome
lightbar driven file area config,
Multi-conference aware, hot-keys, and totally
easy to use config program.
PWANWS1R.ZIP Yes 4358 6/25/1994
PWA News v1.0 [ By Defcon 4] PWA News is a
graphical replacement for the news file. It
has sysop maintance and and a graphical
message header.
PWAPG21.ZIP Yes 41259 1/14/1995
Prompts Galore! v2.1 by Drew [PWA] Replace
44(!) of those boring PCBoard text prompts
with these slick looking lightbar prompts!
This is a must have for the complete lightbar
maniac. V2.0 has been completely rewritten in
PPL 3.0 for PCBoard 15.2. Minor update to 2.0.
PWAPMT13.ZIP Yes 9728 7/21/1994
Prompts V1.3 [ By CorruptioN ] PCBOARD 15.1
PPE That provides the users to choose from a
menu of prompts or make new ones. Unlimited
with Lightbar menu. Now included with 2
source codes for the ulimate in
PWASIG11.ZIP Yes 6049 6/18/1994
AutoSig V1.1 PPE for PCBoard 15.1 That
provides the users to maintain a SIGNATURE
and have it put at end of message
PWASS02.ZIP Yes 16091 8/30/1994
DEF System Statistics v0.2 by Drew [PWA] A
beta version of a very useful PCBoard
utility. This will scan your CALLERx logs,
accumulate many statistics, and create a
report. In need of beta test sites for this
PWATEAT.ZIP Yes 8284 7/21/1994
PWA T.E.A.T. v1.2 [ By Candy Man ] TEAT is a
PPE which keeps a running database of the
current Ellite acronyms. User can
find/add/change existing ones online to keep
the database accurate.
PWATL11.ZIP Yes 5171 8/30/1994
Turbo Logon v1.1 by Drew [PWA] A completely
flexible Turbo Logon PPE. Specify anything
you want to skip in the logon sequence. Very
easy to use, even easier to configure. Source
PWATP11.ZIP Yes 15949 8/30/1994
Transfer Protocol v1.1 by Drew [PWA] Replace
your boring T command with this slick looking
PPE! Full lightbar and hotkey support.
Non-braindead and reads your PCBPROT.DAT
automatically. Also has an easy-to-use config
program. Source included.
PWATX10.ZIP Yes 3288 7/26/1994
PWA Top/X v1.0[ By Mad Wizard ] Finally a
quick and easy top 10 upload - download
bulletin generator. List 10 users and
classifies them as leech or favorite. All
this in a classic AMI/X format.
PWAUL10R.ZIP Yes 3606 7/26/1994
PWA UserList v1.0 By AReS [PWA] ] Color
Configurable, OBV/2 Style Userlist Incredibly
fast display with User Search Configurable
Header and More
PWAUS12.ZIP Yes 26049 8/30/1994
DEF User Lister 1.2 by Drew [PWA] Get rid of
that boring user listing! This is the most
configurable user listers available. List
almost any popular statistics about a user,
any color, and order that you want! Now
includes an awesome config program!
PWAUSREF.ZIP Yes 7234 3/7/1995
User Refer PPE by Cyber Demon Use this to let
your validated users ref- er other potential
new users. Uses some great looking
ansi-animation effects!
PWAVR10.ZIP Yes 8847 8/30/1994
VROTATE v1.0 by Drew [PWA] For users of
PROMPTS by Vigilante, this allows you to have
random logon screens. Eight sample logon
screens as well as source code is included.
PWC_ANSI.ZIP Yes 2092 8/13/1994
QUiCK ANSi QUeRY v1.0 By MeNTaL Asks Users If
They Want Ansi Or Not, Replacement PPe For
That Old "Want Grafix (y/n)?" PCBPrompt.
PWC_AUTO.ZIP Yes 2813 8/13/1994
QUiCK aUTo MeSSaGe v1.0 By MeNTaL 5 Line Auto
Message PPe Designed To Be Used During Login
Sequence, And From Main Menu.
PWC_FILE.ZIP Yes 2441 8/13/1994
QUiCK FiLe PRoMPT v1.0 By MeNTaL Tired Of
That Shitty Default File Prompt? Well,
Replace It With This PPe And It'll Fix
Everything.. ;)
PWC_MTRX.ZIP Yes 6520 8/13/1994
QUiCK DoS MaTRiX v1.0 QUiCK PPE (C) 1994 By
MeNTaL KaSe [Coder] Renegade/Vision-X Style
PPE Tired Of Slow, Annoying LightBars And
Wanna Try A Dos Matrix For A While? =)
...Well, Here Ya Go... Supports System PW
Mail To Da SysOp NUP System PW Toggle PWs
PWFAIL11.ZIP Yes 2874 9/18/1993
PW-FAIL.PPE v1.1; This is the forgetpw.ppe
taken a little further. You can now depend
upon the users verification word to reveal
the users password. Then the user can call
back and relog on immediately after finding
out his password. No longer need the sysops
PW_MENU.ZIP Yes 9687 5/18/1994
[PPE] This is a self-maintaining menu system.
It will run PPE, EXE, COM, BAT or display
files, with or without Doorway. It will build
it's own command line, or let you enter one
of your own. It will build it's own menu, and
your callers can use a highlight bar to
select what they want to run/display. It can
repalce your DOORS.LST, or your BLT.LST, or
it can supplement either one (or both).
*[From Psycho-Ware] *[SOURCE INCLUDED]*
Q-ND062.ZIP Yes 132717 3/8/1995
NUKEDUKE v0.62� of (11/14/94) - (Q-TIP!)
NUKEDUKE: the best nuker ever made for
pcboard! multiple files nuking/awarding/
commenting, description editor, dummy file
creator, free dl maker, flag.ppe style space
tagging, wildcard support, top nuked users
highscore, turbo mode for hi-speed nuking,
lots of options and much much more Leech it!
A must for every pirate system! ND now
requires PCB 15.2! Unzip with -d !
Q-SD100.ZIP Yes 1064 6/5/1994
SysopDownload [PPE] v1.00 - (Q-TIP 1994)
Sys-Download is a PPE to allow Your CoSysops
to Download any File from your HardDrive like
Q-UBP102.ZIP Yes 8323 6/18/1994
UBPLUS v1.02 of (06/11/94) (Q-TIP) An
ULBY.PPE Application, to add the customized
Uploaded by: String, if ZipZap or Diz/2-PCB
did not process a File (.exe, etc.)
Q-WHO210.ZIP Yes 3091 7/26/1994
QWHO v2.10 PPE of (07/17/94) - (Q-TiP!) QWho
v2.10 is the most configurable 'WHO'
replacement out. Test it and you'll love it
Supporting the 'TB_Q_PPE' thing, too...
Q-XJV210.ZIP Yes 15057 1/25/1995
XTRA JOiN/2 v2.10 for PCBoard 15.1
QFLAG1.ZIP Yes 2265 7/4/1994
A replacement to allow users to flag a
message when using the Q command in Pcboard.
Great PPE just like David Terry's FLAG PPE.
QFMAIL1A.ZIP Yes 8770 8/31/1993
QF-MAIL v1.0b PPE For PCBoard 15.0; Replace
the (E)nter a Message command in your FidoNet
netmail conference. Simplifies user input for
normal FidoNet netmail and can search the
nodelist file if you do not know the exact
FidoNet Address info. Configurable! Can also
be used as a Nodelist Browser! Easy to use.
Will work ONLY with QFront.
QOTD191.ZIP Yes 246556 4/30/1994
Quote Of The Day - Version 1.9 Over 5500
quotes, quips and giggles. Fully
configureable and network friendly Included
is a PCBoard 15.1 PPE for reading &
displaying quotes on a BBS. Written by
Midnight Programmers
QUOTE-ME.ZIP Yes 20645 5/5/1994
Quote-Me PPE v2.0, Quote of the day This PPE
program is a quote of the day generator. That
displays a random quote everytime a user logs
on. It also has the ability to allow your
users to add their own quotes. Uses a key
file to restrict access from adding a quote.
Quote-Me also displays the last caller. * And
now uses a key file for upgrades *
Programmer: Richard Stewart (c) 1994 - The
North Shore BBS
QUOTE.ZIP Yes 29123 11/24/1994
Fix your main menu to display different
quotes anywhere on the screen. FIRST, You
must get this program it contains over 71000
quotes! Use as is or add your own!
QUOTE1.ZIP Yes 34306 1/17/1995
PCBOARD 15.x Fully Functional Uncrippled
Shareware Excellent Color Graphics display!
Configurable to display your BBS name Zip
contains over 1000 quotes Use as is or add
QUOTE_10.ZIP Yes 31751 9/3/1994
TREK QUOTES, vers 1.0. A PCBoard 15.2 PPE
that displays a different quote from the
Original Star Trek for every day of the year.
Performs short animation sequence, then the
quote of the day.
QV11.ZIP Yes 6423 12/20/1994
Quick View v1.1 + PCBoard PPE utility to
quickly pull up a user's record while reading
messages online. Check it out! Compiled on
12/20/94. FREEWARE!!
QWKP095.ZIP Yes 14955 3/21/1995
QWK Packer 0.95� by Rob Borek A complete
lightbar replacement for the QWK command!
Users can modify their personal QWK limits,
get personal mail only, select conferences,
and MORE! Users can also get QWK the
old-fashioned way by typing QWK U or QWK D.
QWK_AXY2.ZIP Yes 3862 8/13/1994
QWK_AXY!.PPE QWK Cmd Litebar - QWK command
replacement - - Written for PCBoard 15.1 - -
Features Litebar Menu with - - Cursor key
movement. Configurable - - Display screens
and color. - - Sample Screens Included! -
EASY SETUP! Written by Robert Ball
R2LODOUP.ZIP Yes 3442 12/25/1994 PCB Logon Door for v15.x
RA-SYSOP.ZIP Yes 5117 6/5/1994
[RA!] Multiple Sysop Selection v0.50b This
PPE for PCBoard v15.1 is designed to maximize
the normal sysop comment command ("C"),
allowing the user to add- ress a comment to a
list of alternative sysops/cosysops.
Featuring: o Fully Scrollable (with the arrow
keys) o Nice marble headers / shading. o
TOTALLY CONFIGURABLE! (colours also). o
REGISTRATION IS -*FREE!*- If you're tired of
lame colour schemes, awful PPEs that deserve
RDSWAL25.ZIP Yes 47257 2/22/1995
RDSWall.PPE v2.5 This is a User 'WALL'
Program * Color Configurable Graphics * FULL
LANGUAGE AWARENESS * Definable Input Lengths
* Optional Disclaimer Display * Display
Centering * Added More REGISTRATION Abilities
Red Dragon Software
READ1_0.ZIP Yes 4109 6/16/1994
V1.0 PPE UltiWares(c)1994 Now An Easy To Use
Color Configurable Lightbar Message Read
Command Set.
READYDL_.ZIP Yes 8839 8/6/1994
ReadyD/L v1.0 [ By: Vsonary ] PPE With
Lightbars for downloading files after you
have flagged them! An original and great
looking PPE which saves times and automatic
installation! FREEWARE!
RECEIPT2.ZIP Yes 4186 2/14/1995
RECEIPT.PPE PCBoard 15.1 PPE that generates a
receipt for your subscribers and allows them
to download it.
REFER12.ZIP Yes 7862 6/5/1994
REFER v1.2: User Referral System PPE
FREEWARE! A very configurable referral door
that allows users to refer other users for
system access, and the sysop to validate them
easily. This PPE runs in conjucntion with
not usable if you are not running these. Now
with external question file! Not crippled in
any way!!! Enjoy!!!
REGREQ.ZIP Yes 9111 3/19/1995
*Registration Request PPE A PPE for use in a
security specific display file of a demo
account for closed boards to allow new users
to download a file containing registration
information before logging them off. User can
also leave name and address to have info
mailed to them. Author: Herbert Bushong
Compiled with PPLC 3.10, requires PCB15.21+
REG_AT10.ZIP Yes 21985 11/29/1994
Easy Auto Message v1.0 Easy auto message
editor and displayer
REG_ER10.ZIP Yes 34067 11/27/1994
Easy Run v1.0 *BETA* This is a PPE Witch will
run other .PPE's for you without installing
them in yer PCBTEXT and/or CMD.LST . This is
not like the other one by that PD guy this
one has a newly added scripting feature .. a
Must for all PPE coders
REG_LECH.ZIP Yes 2691 12/31/1994
Anti-Leech PPE Lockout users by time defined
REMIND01.ZIP Yes 10318 1/24/1995
Remind.PPE v1.0 Counts the number of days
remains till New Years and number of shopping
days till Christmas. Display a message on a
holiday or special events day. Logon/off
script or menu command. FREEWARE Software
Kitchen BBS 718-281-0645!
REMIND1B.ZIP Yes 8787 3/14/1995
REMIND1B.PPE v1.0b This PPE will countdown
the days till the New Year, days left for
Christmas shopping and days used/pass for the
year (1995). Has all the calender holidays
and will display a message to remind you what
day the holiday is on. FREEWARE! PPLC 3.10
PCBoard 15.21 Software Kitchen BBS
REQ301.ZIP Yes 21882 10/13/1994
For PCBoard 15.2 Conference Request.PPE v3.01
- Major new enhancements to this FINE PPE
REQUEST.ZIP Yes 3995 9/6/1993
Conference Request .PPE For PCB 15.0; PPE to
allow your users to view a Conference
Listing, and then make a selection from the
list on which conferences they want.
RESET120.ZIP Yes 6806 7/3/1994
Reset.PPE version 1.20 Reset subscribers that
have expired Reset security level, expired
security level, expiration date. Also allows
resetting the users download bytes and
download files. All done automatically.
RETAIL.ZIP Yes 9208 8/28/1993 Retail Hell v1.0 Text adventure PPE
RFG_LOGF.ZIP Yes 2005 1/25/1995 auTo LoGoFF v1.0 - FuLLY CoNFiGuRaBLe
RGD-BFDL.ZIP Yes 814 1/7/1995 Stats before D/L v1.0
RGD-PAGE.ZIP Yes 2237 11/26/1994 Page PPE. Quick, Simple, and Source Included
RGD-ST2.ZIP Yes 1341 1/7/1995 User Stats v2.0
RGD-ULOG.ZIP Yes 3312 1/7/1995 Login PPE (Newuser, handle, pass, etc.)
RGD-US.ZIP Yes 2820 1/7/1995 User List v1.0
RH_ANSI1.ZIP Yes 2230 6/5/1994
ANSI Login v1.0 [PPE] "Do you want ANSI?"
replacement for PCB 15.1. Fully sysop
RH_CONF1.ZIP Yes 11744 6/18/1994 The Protected Conference v1.0 [PPE]
RH_DOSS1.ZIP Yes 3870 6/5/1994 Protected DOS Functions v1.0 [PPE]
RH_ENTR1.ZIP Yes 6238 6/5/1994 Enter Prompt Replacement v1.0 [PPE]
RH_LOGN1.ZIP Yes 6657 6/18/1994 Full Screen Login Replacement v1.0 [PPE]
RH_TOPS1.ZIP Yes 42654 12/31/1994
= ToTaL ToP CReaToR v1.0 = Totally
Configurable All Tops Have A Differnt PPE For
Building Into Bulletins Creating Tops Online
RH_WHO1.ZIP Yes 5656 7/21/1994 The WhooZ Online Replacement v1.0 [PPE]
RIPIT11.ZIP Yes 2416 5/7/1994
RIPiT version 1.1 RIPiT [PPE] allows your
users to easily receive a copy of RIPTERM
from your BBS! Configurable and 100%
*FREEWARE*!! By Andrew Davis (Used PPLC
RLOGOFF.ZIP Yes 33764 12/26/1994 Random logoff ansi displayer with full source
RMAIL11.ZIP Yes 4447 3/1/1995
RMAIL V1.1 - The PPE scans all conferences
for the MAIL WAITING flag, shows which
conferences contain waiting mail, and
disables download functions until the mail is
read. Registration is only $8. Created by
Lobo Consulting.
RTWHO11.ZIP Yes 3818 6/18/1994
Real Time WHO version 1.1 coded by
Gandalf/Infiny The ultimate WHO remplacement
Use your own header fully configurable clock
display timeslice selectable Coming soon
version 2.0 with more!
RU100.ZIP Yes 3294 6/23/1994
REGUSER.PPE - v1.00 - Keeps unregistered
users or keep a period open for a specific
user. Great for single line BBS's and large
mail hubs! SHAREWARE by Rob Borek.
SAU.ZIP Yes 2126 8/28/1993
SysOp Alert v.2 PPE; Notifies you when a user
logs on your BBS
SCALL121.ZIP Yes 20902 5/28/1994
SAMCALL.PPE v1.21 SamCall v1.21 Callsign
Server, is an addition to PCBoard v15.+ that
will allow callers direct on-line access to
the SAM Amateur Radio Callsign Data base.
Support for ANSI and Non- ANSI terminals.
Callers have the option to save the callbook
info to a private message allowing them to
download and capture the information on the
calls they have just entered. Requires the
SAM Amateur Radio Call- sign Database and
SCAN050.ZIP Yes 1422 8/16/1994
SCAN.PPE - Spice Up Directory Scans! SCAN.PPE
is a PCBoard 15.1 Replacement for PCBTEXT
entry #238. This adds a file header that
gives filename, date size, and description
headings. Adds a bit of class to any PCBoard
setup. Short & Sweet PPS Included - HOMOPHOBE
SCCONF12.ZIP Yes 8431 1/25/1995
Band new PPE to replace the J command from
the PCBoard main menu. Lets you put all of
your confrences in groups that number 1,2,3,4
no matter what thier real numbers are!
StarCOMM FREEWARE! From the StarLanes BBS
SCLIST13.ZIP Yes 17399 1/25/1995
StarCOMM BBS List Utility v1.03 Full BBS List
Three List Choices Full List By Area Code
Quick List Extended Information Name,
Software, Version Multi-Node Node Number of
Listing Extended Network Info Number of
Files, Doors Confrences and CD-ROMs And MORE!
Modified Slow Nag, Now Much Faster!
SCRIPT10.ZIP Yes 11898 1/8/1995
...._____... ofware ed ragon SCRIPT.PPE v1.0
RELEASE 01/08/95 ........ This is a
replacement for prompt 'Questionnaire # to
Answer' that is color configurable, language
aware, and incorprates a `HOT KEY' interface.
This stylish PPE is a MUST HAVE for anyone
that wants an INCREDIBLE look to their BBS.
And registration is only $2 US Dollars
SCROL11E.ZIP Yes 3979 7/11/1994
SCROLL.PPE V 1.1 Shareware scroller for PCB
15.1 Use it to give your menues a scrolling
text. Looks real great. New: Select scrolling
speed and color
SCUM-LN3.ZIP Yes 5649 8/30/1994
ScumLiners v3.0! Full Featured Oneliner For
PCB BuxFixe From 2.0! Adds Bitchin' Color
Support, Who, Who Logged To Callers Log,
Auto-Advertisements, Minimum Security, and
SCUMLC20.ZIP Yes 6109 7/30/1994
Light Comment v2.O by Cloudsend The best
Lightbar SysOp Comment PPE out there for
PCBoard 15.1. Every aspect is now totally
con- figurable. Features easy setup, and
includes sample configs.
SCUMNU10.ZIP Yes 16866 5/8/1994
Newuser Voting PPE v1.o The greatest NUV
system yet made for PCBoard. Supports
multiple (up to ten) infoforms, lightbars,
Newuser Messages, '*' style info- forms.
Blows away the competition!
SCUMPC10.ZIP Yes 2825 8/13/1994
Previous Callers Display v1.o A good last few
callers PPE that will display a sysop
configable number of people with your own
borders! JawBreaker - SCuM '94
SCUMPR10.ZIP Yes 4545 8/13/1994
PROTO-MATIC v1.o - PPE A State-of-the-art
Lightbar Protocol Selection PPE
SCUMQT10.ZIP Yes 5216 8/30/1994
Message Quoter PPE v1.0 Msg Quoter PPE
replaces your internal PCB editor's quoting
system with a configurable setup so your
messages don't look like crap
SCUMRQ10.ZIP Yes 3235 3/6/1994
File Request PPE v1.0 (YOMAMACaffine) A File
Request PPE made for PCB 15.1
SCUMST15.ZIP Yes 5817 6/5/1994
SCuM STaTS v1.5 By MiNDFRYeR '94 Finally,
here is a great way to easily display
multiple status screens to the user! Fully
Sysop configurable! v1.5 By MiNDFRYeR
SCUMTU13.ZIP Yes 48170 6/18/1994
SCuMToP v1.3 by OSiRiS SCuMToP is a Top
Weekly/Alltime Download/Upload Bulletin
Gener- ater for PCBoard v15.x. Fully Sysop
SECFAIL.ZIP Yes 59514 7/20/1994
for "High Security" BBSs where an extra
measure of Security is needed to protect
"sensitive" files from being down- loaded by
callers without the proper Security Level.
Highly SYSOP configurable! Can downgrade or
lockout an offending caller. $5.00
Registration Fee. Author Allen Taylor, CVRC
BBS 317 791-9617. Newest File: 07-20-94
SEC_PAK.ZIP Yes 2433 4/24/1994
BBS Security PAK Announcing the Sysop's BBS
Security PAK - Composed of 3 PPEs (CALLBLOC,
Report Generator (REPORT.EXE). Combined
together to offer a complete BBS Security
System. This is the info file explaining the
basic system and the components and where to
get them. By Al Segura Source Available.
SEC_V200.ZIP Yes 3197 1/20/1995
SEC-JOIN.PPE v2.0; PCBoard 15.2 [PPE] program
to use when joining a conf. Chex security
level and a password.100% sysop configurable.
Stop users from being where they shouldn't
be. Just replaces PCBoards lame excuse for
conf. Security. Lame little PPE's by DANTE
SENDFAXP.ZIP Yes 3750 8/16/1993
PPS and PPE for PCB15 to prepare msg 2b faxed
This script accepts fax number etc, then puts
user in editor to enter message text. Use
with a 'fax mail' program (not included). PPS
source included.
SENDM100.ZIP Yes 22200 6/24/1994
SendMes v1.00 [PPE] For use with PCBoard 15.1
Send a quote to the next caller the fancy
way! Attractive display, binary database of
quotes, SysOp Maintaince fuctions, return
receipts, bad word checking, etc.
SETED11.ZIP Yes 4202 9/11/1993
SETED v1.1; [PPE] will replace the stock W
command on PCboard 15+ with a Menu driven
interface of all the options that a user can
normally edit. It will auto Detect the Alias
and Address PSA's and will edit the menu
SEXCALL.ZIP Yes 2453 3/8/1995 AMi-X Pager... Costumizable
SEXCHAT.ZIP Yes 29051 3/8/1995 The Ultimate FullScreen Chat v1.21
SF11FDS.ZIP Yes 2500 1/5/1994
- SYSFILES.PPE v1.1 Sysfiles is a simple
utility for remote sysops to upload and
download files directly to the system
directories by entering a path with the
filenames. This version also includes a
feature for local sysops to run and test PPE
programs. FREEWARE Coded by Ram Drive Fifth
Dimesnion Software
SHAKER11.ZIP Yes 92229 9/28/1994
MLP game!! SHAKER.PPE (PPLC 3.0) Fun,
exciting game of chance simulating victim
rescue in an earthquake environment- SYSOP
CONFIGURABLE, much more!! V1.1
SHELL_26.ZIP Yes 18950 3/17/1995
THE SHELL GAME - Ver 2.6, a PPE for PCBoard
15.21, from Galahad Software. A game of
chance that recreates the Shell Game. Find
the hidden pea under one of the shells, try
to avoid being arrested, and try not to let
the ShellMaster cheat you! Features a monthly
and Hall of Fame scoring record! Only $5
SHK-KP10.ZIP Yes 6352 3/8/1995 [SHK-PPE] KewlPage! V1.o
SHKCS201.ZIP Yes 9897 3/8/1995 [SHK-PPE] Conference Selector 2.01
SIK-FL12.ZIP Yes 4941 3/13/1995
GeNeRaTe a CooL CuSToM FiLeS LiST FoR eaCH
uSeR oN THe FLY! v1.2
SIK-PEP4.ZIP Yes 4866 3/13/1995 4 NeW aND KeWL eNTa PRoMPT PPe'S
SIK-UP10.ZIP Yes 4102 3/13/1995 SiK auTo-uPLoaDeR v1.0
SINTAX.ZIP Yes 2503 8/30/1994
Doorway Blocker v1.02 [PPE] This Is A PCB
15.1 [PPE] That Will Stop All Users From
Jumpin To DOS Using The (9) Command A Couple
Of Bugs Removed...
SIXGUESS.ZIP Yes 2090 8/11/1993
Simple PPE game in which the computer has
picked a 6-digit # and you guess it.
SK-NULS.ZIP Yes 3860 6/18/1994
This Is A New User Logon PPE for PCB 15.1+
This is A Enhanced Logon For Registering You
New BBS User's. Include's Such Feature's as
Built In New User Alert Alarm, New User PCB
Logging, Forced Message To Sysop. NOT
SKCHAT13.ZIP Yes 10800 11/1/1994
Sy Kopath Chat v1.3 - PCBoard PPE. A fun fake
chat program. Quick and easy install in
CMD.LST and/or DOORS.LST. No configuration
file, no maintenance! Shareware $10. Free BBS
support. Updated for PCboard v15.2.
SL-FB15.ZIP Yes 3235 7/31/1994
FEEDBACK.PPE 1.5�-Shadowlight- A lightbar
Multiple Comment to SysOp replacement for PCB
15.1+ that magnifies the look and feel of
your "C" command! Easy to install and setup!
The most configurable litebar comment to
sysop out! << FREE REGISTRATION >> Written
By: Shadowlight Productions!
SLA-SEYA.ZIP Yes 9832 5/2/1994
SEE YA! .PPE For PcBOARD 15.1 Version 1.1
Removed The Delay SEE YA!.PPE Will Display
Multiple Random Logoff Screens Supporting Up
To 999 Of Them
SMART207.ZIP Yes 19989 8/29/1993
SmartSec v2.07 PPE for PCBoard v15.0; Checks
SecViol, PwdErr, ConfViol, DL Limits, UL
VerFail, ConnSpeed, HighSec, UserNames,
PwdChange, Language Specific, External CFG
files, PSA check, Time check, AutoWrite, 50
users Bypass/Force/WhoCall, TimeLog,
Lantastic & Novell Broadcast... - With
English & Swedish menus/prompts
SNDMSG02.ZIP Yes 3879 6/25/1994
- Send A Message v.o2 by Balrog This PPE is
used to send messages to other or all nodes.
All strings are configurable. Added a black
list feature to this version. -
SNT_LOGO.ZIP Yes 10366 3/8/1995 ->SNT<- Login Util For PCB 15.2 * v1.1
SOI-ENT.ZIP Yes 1331 12/1/1994 Automated Enter Enhancer for PCB 15.1
SOMANY24.ZIP Yes 24486 2/5/1995
[PPE] SO MANY CDs! Version 2.4 More CD-ROMs
than drives? Let users request files from
offline CD's! Sysop notified at login of
requests; if local, sysop loads requested
CD's and file is posted as attachment to
message to user with automatic pack-out after
sysop-defined period. CD-ROM conferences no
longer need to be contiguous! SHAREWARE
SOURCE.ZIP Yes 3741 11/9/1994
Now you can change any thing you like in
Those PPEs .... Free . Programmed by Mohammed
Alsbeiay SysOp of MidNight BBS - Saudi Arabia
- Riyadh BBS Number 966-01-4225067,,,,,23
Voice Number 966-01-4225067 .
SPELL111.ZIP Yes 752717 11/1/1994
PCB Spell v1.11 (A PCBoard 15.2+ PPE!): Wow!
Here is the culmination of work started
several months ago. This is an online Spell
Checker for your messages. Easy to install
simple to use. Users love it. Supports
Multinodes, Multilanguages, etc. A nominal
registration fee will go towards supporting
my education at the University of Utah. Try
it! You'll never mis-spell another worrd
SPLASH.ZIP Yes 3830 12/26/1994
Logon Splash screen replacement with full
source code
SRCH200A.ZIP Yes 12094 4/5/1994
* S E A R C H - 2.0 * [PPE] Compiled for
PCBoard 15.1. Use this great PPE as a shell
type program for your users to locate that
certain file of interest! Can be used as an
additional command as on Salt Air, or used to
replace the L command on your BRDM screens.
ST220B.ZIP Yes 47120 4/27/1994
USRSTATS V2.20 BETA 4/28/94 [PPE] PCBoard/USR
sysops can now allow callers to view modem
diagnostics while on-line! Requires PCB 15.1
and small-footprint USR Courier modem.
Multi-node compatible, super-easy setup. A
truly unique troubleshooting tool. Now
supports the new Courier V.FC modems! 3rd
public BETA release adds custom setup
STARCON1.ZIP Yes 3060 8/22/1994
STARCON Version 1 PPE Compiled on 08/12/1994
By PPLC version 2 For Pcboard 15.1+ This PPE
Will Make an Auto Conferences Menu ......
SysOp You Don't Need any More to Draw or
Redraw Your Conference Menu When You Change
Your Conferences .... Auto Menu Color ...
FreeWare Try it and Enjoy Your Time .....
STAR Bulletin Board System .. Riyadh .. K.S.A
BBS Number 4225067 Voice Number 4225067-23
STARDIR3.ZIP Yes 3222 8/20/1994
STARDIR Version 3 PPE Compiled on 08/12/1994
By PPLC version 2 For Pcboard 15.1+ This PPE
Will Make an Auto DIR Files to All Your BBS
Conferences ..... SysOp You Don't Need any
More to Draw or Redraw Your DIR File When You
Change Your Directories .... FreeWare Try it
and Enjoy Your Time .............. STAR
Bulletin Board System .. Riyadh .. K.S.A BBS
Number 4225067 Voice Number 4225067-23
STATS110.ZIP Yes 8828 8/30/1994
<> ViEW STATS 1.10 PPE FOR PCBOARD 15.0+ <>
STATS14C.ZIP Yes 3943 10/1/1993
Stats v1.4c�; [PPE] program where it will ask
to show users Personal Stats or their Files
Stats, very good. PCB Code ANSI Also (@X)
STATS_.ZIP Yes 6711 9/6/1994
@X0A @X0FSTATS.PPE Ver 1.0 Compiled PPLC 3.0
@X0A @X0FSTATS Will show your users their
Personal,File,System and message
Statistics.Thru a menued system Screens may
be edited with PCBedit to add or remove any
statistic you wish. Compiled 9-06-94
Micro-Comp Software @X0C FREEWARE @X0A
STATX60B.ZIP Yes 7038 3/8/1995
STORMBYE.ZIP Yes 3327 5/25/1994
StormBYE v1.0 By The Ringthane "G" COMMAND
REPLACEMENT PPE Jazz Up Your Logoff Options!
With StormBYE The User Has Options To
Logoff,ReEnter The BBS, Leave Comment To
Sysop or Sysop Defined Co-Sysop. + 2 Sysop
Defined GAG Options! Stormbringer
(404)801-9113 & 9569
STORMC12.ZIP Yes 5139 5/24/1994
StormCHAT v1.2 By The Ringthane Sysop
PAGE/CHAT PPE for PCBoard 15.1 -Pages
With.VOC File Thru SoundBlastr -Chat Time
Available Cognizant -Mails Chat Request &
Reason To Sysop -Offers User Option To Send
Comment -Many NEW Features!A Sysop Must Have!
-Totally Configurable By Sysop! Stormbringer
(404)801-9113 & 9569
STORMLIN.ZIP Yes 5762 6/25/1994
StormLINERS v1.1 By The Ringthane One-Liner
PPE For PCBoard 15.1 Sharp Looking One-Liners
Display With Nice Looking Editor for Users
Sysop Configurable Header & Footer Display
Sysop Configurable WHO Option Stormbringer
(404)801-9113 & 9569
STP301B.ZIP Yes 59564 10/26/1994
sysops can now allow callers to view modem
diagnostics while on-line! Requires PCB 15.1
or 15.2 and small footprint USR Courier
modem. Multi-node compatible, super-easy
setup. A truly unique troubleshooting tool. 8
new features, also includes Beta release of
SUB110.ZIP Yes 162625 10/5/1993
SUB v1.1; PPE for PCBoard v15.0 Subscription
command/door. ASCII/ ANSI/RIP, Multilingual,
receipt, invoice,message to sysop, tax &
handling calculation, & more ...
SUGGEST1.ZIP Yes 23381 9/24/1994
The Suggestion Box! This isn't your run of
the mill program here! Full user voting, in
addition users can add their own Suggestions
for the rest of your users to vote on. Sysop
maintenance is nil, and it takes about 20
seconds to install. Download this today and
give your users a voice in your BBS! GO/4
SUPRSEC.ZIP Yes 6108 3/30/1994
[Super Security PPE]* More Psycho-ware
relating to security. I don't know, it's what
seems to catch my attention. This is a
Challenge/Response security system. If you
don't know what that is, you probably
wouldn't have a use for this. If you do, you
know it would cost mega-bucks to actually
implement it. It was written in response to
an idle conversation I had with a federal
security-type. {Source}
SVOTE410.ZIP Yes 105895 8/11/1994
.Super Vote v4.10 for PCBoard 15.1 and Above.
* * * * * * * * * * * Unlimited Voting
Booths. Unlimited voting * * options. Censor
Trashcan File. Unvoted * * voting booth
notifier. Setup program * * emulating PCBoard
setup program. Online * * help. Multi-Lingual
Operation Support. * * Configurable colors
and text displays. * * Bulletin generating
utility. Informative * * bar graph display
and percentages with * * booth results.
SWHO12.ZIP Yes 5849 10/24/1994
SuperWho [PPE] - v1.2 - A fun replacement for
your PCBoard WHO command that will show fake
users on your system. Limited only by your
imagination. Free BBS support for registered
users! No delays or beg screens. Fully
functional. Released on 10/24/94. Check it
out today! Updated for PCB 15.2.
SYSALERT.ZIP Yes 2451 2/26/1995
SYSALERT.PPE v1.0 Beeps and let the sysop
knows when someone logon their bbs. FREEWARE
Software Kitchen BBS 718-281-0645
SYSALT1A.ZIP Yes 2626 3/14/1995
SYSALT1A.PPE v1.0a Beeps and let the sysop
knows when someone logon their bbs. PPLC 3.10
PCBoard 15.21 Freeware Software Kitchen BBS
718-281-0645 24 hours/7 days
TAB151.ZIP Yes 16769 4/29/1994
TAB - The Address Book v1.51 [PPE] - Allow
your users the ability to store and and
retrieve addresses whenever entering a
message! Save them the time of having to
enter in the name repeatedly. Has ability to
'Quick-Enter' a message by typing '/#'. For
PCB 15.1 systems - A Must have! Made by
Whitewater Technologies, Inc.
In v1.51 you may now configure your OWN
TABPPE62.ZIP Yes 65404 2/19/1995
TABPPE62.ZIP v6.2 PPE written to interface
PCBoard 15.21 BBS's with the True Media's
900-XXXX Subscription service. TABS-PPE
provides access level upgrades, supports
PCB's credit accounting, and provides ASCII
and/or DBase III+ format logging and detailed
information about the service. Smooth
seemless interface. Adds to caller notes,
creates bulletins, and more. Really allows
this service to work for you !!
TAGGED10.ZIP Yes 15304 11/6/1994
TAGGED10.PPE v1.0: Initial release of the
first program that allows your users to keep
a database of the files they want to
download, ONLINE! Your users will love you
for this new addition.
TAPECMS1.ZIP Yes 13382 8/18/1993
@X0E [PPE] for PCBOARD 15.0 or higher; OnLine
file restoration from Colorado Memory Systems
Tape Drive 120 or 250. total of 9 tape
volumes are possible. Add to your CMD.LST.
Shows users which tape is in the tape drive.
TA_USER.ZIP Yes 7888 1/22/1995
USER Listing by T.A. HQ V.2.00 [416] User
Lister Version 2.00, This small and powerfull
utility gives you a very nice display of your
users names, location, area code, security
level and last date they called your
board................. Would you like to
become a member of the T.A. (The Arcade)
group? Call us now at: 416/658-8527 [144] or
416/658-3951 [288]
TBG-DWHO.ZIP Yes 3151 5/2/1994 Devil's Who Version 2.0� for PCB
TBH-FNC.ZIP Yes 2518 5/14/1994 Flame Next Caller v1.0 PPE
TBH-FTS.ZIP Yes 2541 6/5/1994 FiNiSH THe SToRY [PPE]
TBH-KC.ZIP Yes 2772 6/5/1994 KeWL CHaTTeR [PPE]
TBH-TLOG.ZIP Yes 11427 6/25/1994 TURBO LOGON PPE File for PCB 15.1
TCMDE310.ZIP Yes 50588 10/2/1993
The Cat's Meow Door Executive v3.1; PCBoard
PPE that will automatically create your DOORS
menu! Detects & Run's Other PPE's from the
SAME Menu! Totally Color Configurable!
Display doors by catagory or all at once!
Many new features in this release!
TDA-DISC.ZIP Yes 5085 1/25/1995
TDA-LOGI.ZIP Yes 12062 1/25/1995
TERR-BUL.ZIP Yes 1915 5/14/1994 Custom Uploader v1.0 PPE
TH-M2C15.ZIP Yes 9861 2/9/1995
Pre-processor that scans your incoming
Internet email for messages to specified
conferences on your BBS. Saves you transfer
time because it lets you receive messages for
Internet mailings lists once instead once for
each caller. [PPE] Version 1.5 fixes a MAJOR
oops and a minor bug.
THEWHO12.ZIP Yes 7351 1/4/1995
THEWHO v1.02b PPE of (01/01/95) Thewho v1.02b
is the most configurable 'WHO' replacement
out, and you'll love it!
THT194V1.ZIP Yes 2019 1/25/1995
THT MSG194 PPE Two PCBTEXT Prompt's [194,630]
for the Private Message and Return Receipt.
Another Free PPE from->>> <>
THT39622.ZIP Yes 8665 12/26/1994
THT CMD396 v2.02 Replacement for the MAIN
Command prompt for PCB 15.1+ just install
this PPE in the PCBTEXT Record # 396 and ad
your Command Prompt to the MAINMENU.CNF file
upto 4 lines For a Prompt That Will Not
Scroll When The Enter Key is Pressed. And now
Two Line Rumour's Builtin !!!!!! Another Free
PPE from <>
THT550V2.ZIP Yes 2217 6/18/1994
This Small PPE will replace the PCBTEXT #'s
550 and 474, THTP150.zip is also needed for
this PPE to funtion. What it does is uses the
THTP150 Protocol.ppe instead of the stock
PCBoard Protocol list when changing from one
protocol to another for uploads or Downloads
THTAR140.ZIP Yes 4377 7/21/1994
THT-AREA v1.40 This is the Ultimate LIGHTBAR
File Area List PPE, Check it out you will
like this ONE Another FREE PPE from The
Master @ <>
THTC25B1.ZIP Yes 65045 1/25/1995
THT-UP-CHECK PPE v2.50�1 PCB 15.1
THT-UP-CHECK v 2.50 PPE, This PPE Will check
all uploads scan for Virus's Do Date Checking
One of Four Ways, Add file's to an archive,
Remove File's from ZIP's. Remove's UnWanted
Lines from FILE_ID.DIZ Has an Exclude List
for File's that shouldn't Be Date Checked.
Turns Carrier Checking off untill all files
are tested. ReComment's <>
THTCK21.ZIP Yes 72552 7/21/1994
THT-UP-CHECK v 2.10 PPE, This PPE Will check
all uploads scan for Virus's Do Date Checking
One of Four Ways, Add file's to an archive ,
Remove File's from ZIP's. Remove's UnWanted
Lines from the FILE_Id.DIZ Has an Exclude
List for File's that shouldn't Be Date
Checked. Turns Carrier Checking off untill
all files are tested. ReComment's ADDED
Macro's , Added AMIGA style FILE_ID Support,
Also LOCAL MODE is now WORKING WildCard Local
THTCMT10.ZIP Yes 2885 7/21/1994
Comment to Sysop's v1.00 from The Master This
PPE replaces the C command just put it in
your CMD.LST, Edit the .dat and .cnf files
and you are ready!. Has options for Default
Sysop to send Mail to, All colors and so on.
THTDUP11.ZIP Yes 5099 2/1/1995
THTDUP v1.10 PPE Daily Upload Bulletin
Generator For PCB 15.1+, Creates a Display
file with all of Today's Upload's from any
And All Conference's. <>
THTEV100.ZIP Yes 1402 2/1/1995
Two Small PPE'S for PCBTEXT 157 & 116 Event
Timer and Letting the user know How much time
is left before the Event <>
THTJN13.ZIP Yes 3763 7/21/1994
THT-Join PPE Replaces the J command gives you
more control over which Conference a User can
See, The user will only be able to see the
Conference that they are Registered in and
Re-Number's the display so that it only looks
like thats how many you Have. From The Master
@ <> another fine free PPE for PCB 15.1+
THTLC115.ZIP Yes 7106 2/1/1995
The Last Caller's v1.15 PPE THT Last Caller's
AMI Style Last Caller's Display, Many options
all Colors and the number of Last Calls Also
Security Level to be able to see The Last
Caller's <>
THTLG211.ZIP Yes 7430 3/8/1995
A Login PPE for PCB 15.0 & 15.1 replaces the
Prompt's that ask for the USER's Name & PW
FreeWare From The Master @ <> Now Logs
and sends Messages when the User Forget's
there PassWord's or Someone else tries to
hack into the System. Also can Leave a
Comment to the Sysop or Co-Sysop on a
Password Failure.
THTML100.ZIP Yes 1815 2/1/1995
THT-Mail v1.00 PPE Mail Waiting PPE, Very
Configurable All colors, Length of the Colors
ect... <>
THTMNU12.ZIP Yes 8691 5/8/1994
This PPE will create a list of all PPE's and
Door's you have on your System and then you
Will be able to run all of these from One
Command and Menu, I use this as the OPEN
Command for my System. The Master @ <>
THTMSG11.ZIP Yes 7943 2/1/1995
This is the Ultimate PCB 15.1 Message Header
Replacement, For all of you that Don't Care
for the Look of the PCBoard Message Header
this is the PPE for you, completely config
with all Colors and Positions of all Prompts
From The Master @ <> another Great PPE
THTMT411.ZIP Yes 21855 7/21/1994
This is the Ultimate LIGHTBAR Matrix and
NEWUSER Verification & anti Lamer PPE on The
Market, These PPE's have been Tested. All
PPE's are LightBar Controlled Matrix is v4.11
Update .PPE only
THTNK1B4.ZIP Yes 19781 7/30/1994
THT-Nuke Will nuke Files update user's BYTES
Also can give Credit for File's sent, Can
also send Messages to the User's informing
them of why this was done. Supports ULBY.DAT
and THT-TOP.PPE will adjust the BYTES !!!! v
1.00�4 for you all to test and Report
problems if any to Me Please!!! Added
UPLBY.DAT support with this one (SC)!!
THTNS202.ZIP Yes 10659 12/26/1994
THT NewScan v2.02 NewScan PPE for PCB 15.1+
Replace the N in PCBoard with this Very Small
PPE. In This Version I added Multiple
config's for the other Conferences so that
you can set NewScan Up to the Specific
Conference that it's being, Now with ONE LINE
Descriptions <>
THTNWS15.ZIP Yes 3135 5/14/1994
On-Line PCBoard 15.1 New's file editor can
Update the existing News files or OverWrite
Then, New Version that Reads the CNAMES.@@@
THTOFF20.ZIP Yes 2754 2/1/1995
THT Auto-Off v2.00 PPE PPE to replace PCBTEXT
493 Graphics display, Color Configurable
Amount of Time Also, PCB 15.1+ <>
THTONE20.ZIP Yes 60033 7/21/1994
THT ONELINER v2.00 PPE OneLiner's from
<> Configurable any Colors you may want.
PPE For PCB 15.1 v 2.00
THTP150.ZIP Yes 4906 6/18/1994
PROTOCOL.PPE v1.50 - Compiled on 05-28-94
PCBoard 15.1 [PPE] program to replace your
(T)ransfer Protocol main menu command. It
does everything the regular command can do
and just a little more. Added LightBar
Selection and also Support for the THT550.PPE
THTQT1B6.ZIP Yes 7165 2/1/1995
THTQUOTE v1.0 Beta 6 Quoter for Replying to
Messages For PCB 15.1+, Use's AutoSig if you
have it Installed, Completely Configurable
THTSP110.ZIP Yes 3248 2/1/1995
THT-SpeeD v1.10 PPE Displays a Bar Graph of
all Connects to Your Board, Starts at the
Lowest Baud Allowed in your PCBOARD.DAT file.
FreeWare from <>
THTTP2B3.ZIP Yes 23364 8/6/1994
THT-Top v2.00�3 - Top Upload / Download PPE
will send a Message to all user's at the end
of the Week with the top 10 Uploader's /
Downloader, Also has a Monthly display of the
Top 10 Uploader's / Downloader's Added
All-Time Uploader's / Downloader's And this
is a Major Upgrade from v2.00�
THTU360.ZIP Yes 2236 6/5/1994
This PPE replaces 4 PCBTEXT Prompts for the
Upload Status, Display a Screen with the
Amount of space free , Protocol being used
Status of file posting and Control X to abort
Prompts , A nice addition to PCB.
THTUE100.ZIP Yes 10257 2/1/1995
THTUEDIT v1.00 PPE Full Screen User Editor
for online use And though EOM if you can
Modify yours, Or Use the one with the PKG.
Full Conf Support and other Fetures Based on
THTUP118.ZIP Yes 10561 5/8/1994
Full Screen Upload PPE for PCB 15.0 & PCB
15.1 Many new enhancment's in this version
more ERROR Checking for Valid FileNames,
Configurable as far as Where the Box will
display on the Screen and some Colors. Now
with Random Screens. Added Support For
RoBoCom user's now if this is found to be
true the ppe exits and uses the stock PCB
Prompts. Now Support's Local Uploads!!!
FREEWARE from <> 04-09-94 Sorry but No
THTZP100.ZIP Yes 1990 1/25/1995
THT Zippy PPE v1.0 Replace the "Z" Command in
PCBoard, Use In the CMD.LST file. Another
Free PPE From>>> <>
TH_M2C15.ZIP Yes 9860 2/9/1995
Pre-processor that scans your incoming
Internet email for messages to specified
conferences on your BBS. Saves you transfer
time because it lets you receive messages for
Internet mailings lists once instead once for
each caller. [PPE] Version 1.5 fixes a MAJOR
oops and a minor bug.
TH_SIG11.ZIP Yes 5530 12/5/1994
TH-SIG is a small PPE to add a .sig to each
outgoing piece of email and each newspost
that leaves your system. It gathers all
necessary information other than the .sig
itself from PCBOARD.DAT. The .sig is fully
customizable to your tastes. The PPE is
freeware and contains no nags or other
annoyances. Bugfix v. 1.01
TICKLE11.ZIP Yes 59696 1/20/1995
"TICKLE FILE" Ver 1.10 - 01/21/95 - (PPL 3.0)
"Tickle File" is a program that maintains a
personal database which can contain up to 24
filenames with a 15 character description.
Users "Tickle" their memory by viewing their
database, and flagging file(s) to download
from the database. These are files they
wanted during a previous session, but were
unable to D/L due to not enough time/bytes.
Other functions: Add, Edit, Delete, & List
TIEAB31.ZIP Yes 25048 3/15/1995
The Internet E-Mail Address Book PPE! v3.1
Red Dragon Software(tm) 1995. This is a must
have utility for any PCBoard BBS that offers
private internet e-mail! Allows users to
store address as well as automatic starting
of Internet E-mail! Also shows user there
internet address per your system! Now more
configurability options and more purty!
BUG FIX: v3.0 number of addresses allowed.
See HISTORY.DOC for details! SHAREWARE: Cheap
TIMZON11.ZIP Yes 5641 8/4/1993
TimeZone v1.1; A Freeware PCBoard 15.0 "PPE"
utility to assign "time slots" to as many as
30 users!! And you can configure TimeZone to
only operate during certain hours, or exempt
anyone from xx security level and higher. It
is ideal for Net Hubs to handle mail access!
TOPDLS1.ZIP Yes 9453 3/8/1995 TOPDLS 1.0 TOPLEECH PPE FOR PCB 15.2
TOPT11.ZIP Yes 14197 3/14/1995
TOPUP10.ZIP Yes 3871 7/21/1994
TOPUP is a Top Ten Uploaders PPE for use with
PCB v15.1+. Configurable colors & very easy
to install!
TR-SYSP2.ZIP Yes 2132 3/14/1995 SYSTEMPASSWORD PPE v2.0 100% easy install dox
TR-UREPL.ZIP Yes 2395 3/8/1995
Yup, another fine U replacement 101 % sysop
configurable, up to 7 default description
lines and 101 % lamer easy install dox...
TR-WINFO.ZIP Yes 4178 3/14/1995
CHANGE USER INFO PPE v1.0 Another great "W"
replacement for your pleasure. Kewl style and
100% sysop configurable Compiled in PPLC2
runs with any PCBOARD version. And with 100%
easy lamer install dox
TRIAL1.ZIP Yes 5445 5/11/1994
* Trial.PPE v1.0* Nice expired user PPE.
Gives user choice of killing own account.
Sysop definable menus/displays, File d/ls,
and PPE execution. Will also TCAN user name &
alias to help deter leeches.
TRUELOCK.ZIP Yes 10030 3/31/1994
<<< TRUELOCK [PPE] v.98beta 03/31 >>>
Wide-beta release. A PPE designed to TRULY
LOCK out unwanted callers. Most configurable
Caller-ID blocker avail- able. Requires PCB
v15.1 & Caller-ID service. ZyXEL, Supra &
Practical Peripherals supported. If yours is
not supported, let me know! * Fully
functional shareware * PPE by Jody Gyomber.
TSSQF20.ZIP Yes 18763 12/31/1994 CW-QF v1.0: QuickFiles PPE Ami/X Style
TVBBYE.ZIP Yes 2142 6/17/1994
TVBBYE.PPE BYE command replacement for
PCBoard 15.1. Gives your users a 10 second
timer to abort a download. [FREEWARE]
TVIEW35.ZIP Yes 32969 2/25/1995
TextView PPE 3.5 by Joseph Sheppard. For
PCBoard BBS V15.x. Used for displaying text
information to your callers in a format
similar to the PCBoard Bulletin section.
Great for Online Magazines. TextView menu
items can launch other Text Features or PPE's!
UFO-LOTT.ZIP Yes 3630 6/25/1994 Lotto PPE for PCB 1.15+
UFT-BEN1.ZIP Yes 3070 6/5/1994 Bouncing Enter Prompt V1.0
UGRADE10.ZIP Yes 4559 7/24/1994
Upgrade 1.0 for PCBoard 15.1 [PPE] A simple
to configure and use PPE that will allow you
to upgrade paying callers much faster than
using macro keys. It even flags conference
areas that you set up and writes the user a
configurable message. Unlimited conference
areas and conference numbers The source code
is available by simply asking me for it.
Compiled on 07/24/94 - PPLC 2.0
ULPPPE15.ZIP Yes 13098 10/26/1994
ULP PPE Version 1.5 Beta -Inform your users
why their upload failed while they are online
and automatically send them a private message
letting them know their upload failed
UNIDZ200.ZIP Yes 8096 8/21/1994
(PPE) Written by (A. J. King) PERFECT for
PCBoard SYSOPS who want to support an AMIGA
conference, Handles ALL AMIGA FILE_ID.DIZ
formats, (DMS, EXE,TEXT) as well as '.LHA'
filename support! (PCB currently only
supports '.LZH'). ALSO no more asking for
filename at the start of an upload! ALSO
includes the 'RZ' command! V1.03 Fixes a
major Bug. V2.00 Now Supports "Ulby.dat" &
UNOTE101.ZIP Yes 3880 9/27/1993
USERNOTE.PPE v1.01; Adds up to 5 more
questions to the new user script and stores
information in PSANOTES. Questions are fully
configurable. Now logs answers to the callers
UPDATE30.ZIP Yes 9707 8/8/1994
Update Info PPE v3.0 - A PCBoard v15.1 PPE to
make your callers fill in their Address PSA,
Verify PSA, and Notes PSA info. Added more
configurablity from v2.x
UP_DATE.ZIP Yes 4266 2/1/1995
This PPL Code will check the Users file for
the callers Address Info, If there is none it
will display a menu where they place there
address Info.
UR-NUKE4.ZIP Yes 5366 5/2/1994 UNREAL NUKER v0.04� PPE
URT_CFS1.ZIP Yes 1779 1/7/1995 PCB15.2 CONF JOIN FILE STATS PPE V1.0
URT_T521.ZIP Yes 6813 8/30/1994
URT_UL11.ZIP Yes 2539 8/30/1994 USER LISTER V1.o1
USAV12.ZIP Yes 11817 2/12/1995
USAV12.PPE*> PCBoard 15.2 (PPE) This is an
online viewing PPL for USATODAY. I wrote this
PPE out of frustration after trying to
install the USADOOR carried on PLANET
CONNECT. Added new news areas.FREEWARE Fixed
bug 1-24-95 Now includes source code.
Northern Lites BBS (218)843-3345
USERREF.ZIP Yes 2904 2/1/1995
Let you users know that
a new user has applied to your system. Users
can vouch for the new user simply by replying
to the message. By: Col. Kurtz
USER_2.ZIP Yes 1854 7/20/1994
GREAT USER STATS .PPE (07/20/94) Add a Touch
of Class to PCboard! User Stats! MadMan
USRCSV22.ZIP Yes 5004 3/5/1995
USERCSV v2.2 Creates a comma seperated
file with users info. Ready to be imported in
to a database , word processers, and other
applications. FREE REGISTRATION! Gift_Ware
by: Jay Parekh A Touch Of Class On-Line (312)
326 - 0023
USRNET10.ZIP Yes 3626 6/28/1994
USRNET.ppe v1.00 - a little ppe designed to
allow the sysop to change the data in the
usernet file. Clear the caller info ion a
hung up node. Place ficticious callers in the
usernet.xxx file for nodes that are not even
online. Free PPE from DMSOFT
USRPRF19.ZIP Yes 68766 6/25/1994
User Profiler (the MatchMaker PPE) Ver 1.9
Now attach Picture files to Bio's! A user
Bio, MatchMaking PPE that is lightining Fast,
very flexible, zero sysop maintenance. Fully
definable sysop question set. (sample
question set included) NEW STUD.PPE INCLUDED!
Editing Included! New User Mail added! New
Alphabitizing Database added. Users love this
PPE, give it a try today. GO/4 Software
USV028P.ZIP Yes 2760 5/14/1994
Scroller For PCB 15.1 Replace That
Old Boring PRESS ANY KEY With This *NEW*
Scroller,Spinner,And Fadder!!! (3 In 1)
+Amazing Colors
UT_SEC_1.ZIP Yes 2892 2/6/1995
[PPE] SECURE.PPE v1.1 This is a nice PPE to
add security to any of your commands FREE
WARE! No Registration no delays! Another fine
UUNAME10.ZIP Yes 4305 9/13/1993
UUNAME; PPE for PCBoard 15.0 that formats
your callers name into his or her Internet
email address on your system. This PPE can be
run from the PCBoard command line, or from
inside a bulletin or other text display.
UZI-SYCO.ZIP Yes 1811 5/8/1994 SyCo-PPL v1.0B Cool Comment Door for PCBoard
VAULT.ZIP Yes 6329 2/14/1995
@X5E@X07 @X5EA Beautifully Designed TIME@X07
@X5Eand BYTE Bank. Unique ANSI,@X07
@X5EOnline Help, Exchange and@X07 @X5EGamble
Options. FULL Time &@X07 @X5EByte Info Center
For Your@X07 @X5ECallers. A Sinch to
Install@X07 @X5E@X07
VBBS-PCB.ZIP Yes 95226 10/27/1994
VBBS to PCBoard Conversion tools: Convert the
VBBS user database (including Alias, Full
Addresses, and birthdays) to PCBoard format.
Also included is the best file area converter
available. VBBS file areas are converted
(including extended desc.) to PCBoard format.
VEN_VIEW.ZIP Yes 1380 12/26/1994 (V) Command Replacement for PCB 15.1+
VERIF221.ZIP Yes 49068 8/13/1994
VERIFY 2.21 [PPE] Verify is a callback
verification PPE for PCboard 15.1+. Local
mode execution so you can get a feel for the
way it works and looks. Easy to use
configuration program. Will read the users
file and gather existing phone numbers to be
used in the in the Trash File. Compilied
VIG-AC10.ZIP Yes 5862 7/21/1994
Application Center v1.0 for PCBoard Have
people fill out applications for thing else
you can think of using this 100% configurable
Light-Bar PPE.
VIG-PC10.ZIP Yes 60234 7/21/1994
ProVote Colors - InfoForms for ProVote Here
are the stock ProVote InfoForms done up in 7
different color schemes. Use the one that
matches your BBS!
VIG-PM10.ZIP Yes 12393 5/2/1994
ProMatrix v1.0 PPE for PCBoard v15.1 The
ultimate Light Bar Matrix, extremely
configurable, reliable, backdoor-free,
bug-free, maintenance free, and feature
packed. Free reg. Check it! Coded by:
VIG-PR10.ZIP Yes 11565 5/2/1994
Prompts v1.0 PPE for PCBoard v15.1 Replaces
*52* prompts in PCBTEXT, giving you full
screen: logon procedure, apply procedure,
F6-key online user edit pro- cedure, and
(7),(C) sysop command user edit procedure.
Free reg. Check it! Coded by: Vigilante
VIG-PV12.ZIP Yes 110968 7/26/1994
ProVote v1.2 PPE for PCBoard v15.1 NEW UPDATE
to the most popular New User Voting PPE! A
few bugs quellished, and a few features
added. Free Reg!
VIG-SL20.ZIP Yes 42182 7/21/1994
SuperLogon & SuperLogoff v2.0 PCBoard v15.1
PPE that does it all in classic "Forum"
style. New features, incredible
configurability, free reg.
VIG-WP10.ZIP Yes 3692 7/21/1994
Wacko Prompt v1.0 for PCBoard v15.1 Finally,
the much-requested SLAM ENTER prompt seen on
my BBS. This is the most unique animated
pause prompt to date.
VOTE291.ZIP Yes 30917 6/1/1994
Voter++ v2.91 - User Voting [PPE] *New
Unlimited Voting Booths* A full featured
Voting door for your PCB 15.1 (or better)
system. Complete sysop control on all
questions and answers. Unlimited Voting
Booths! Great Graphics! Two minute setup, no
maintenance! View results in Chart or Text
format! Survival Tech Software *Download
VPI-DISC.ZIP Yes 3800 6/5/1994 Disclaimer Viewer and System Password for PCB
VPI-FLAG.ZIP Yes 2782 6/5/1994 Elite File Flag Utiltag FiLe W/ Spacebar
VPIPAUSE.ZIP Yes 1526 6/5/1994 Animated Pause Prompt. Jumping 'Hit Space'
VRS106.ZIP Yes 215848 3/13/1995
Virtual Reality Soldiers (VRS) V1.06GO/4
Software A breathtaking advance in PCBoard
PPE programs! You are stranded on a small
backward planet, trying against all hope to
avoid being killed by Felix, the much feared
mutant leader. Great graphics, Multi-player,
lightning fast response. Quick 1 minute
setup, Auto-maintenance means sysops spend
time playing!
VSCANDIR.ZIP Yes 2034 7/26/1994
[ ScanDirectories By: Vsonary ] PCBOARD 15.1
PPE That improves majorly the searching of
the different file dirs. Fast & Looks GREAT!
Check it out now!!!
VSCHO2.ZIP Yes 147188 12/10/1994
VSCHO2.PPE file will add a Simulated sysop
chat to callers. So they think they are
actually chat with you. This is for a BBS
that you are never there to chat, but gives
callers a chance to chat with your computer.
VSCHO3.ZIP Yes 2910 12/10/1994
VSCHO7.PPE file will add a log on menu option
so callers Can fill out Predifined Script
Questionaires this is for BBS that are tired
of callers not filling out Questionaires when
ask to so this puts it right up front for new
VSCHO4.ZIP Yes 1822 12/10/1994
VSCHO4.PPE file will add a callers address to
PSA by using an ADDRESS command. For sysops
that did not load PSA when starting thier
board up.
VSCHO5.ZIP Yes 3546 12/10/1994
vscho5.PPE - Is a PPE program I wrote after
see one I thought was neat. It makes callers
think the Sysop is typing to them then acts
like you dropping carrier on them. Just a fun
program to add variety to your board.
VSCHO6.ZIP Yes 5918 12/10/1994
VSCHO6.PPE file will add a log off menu
option so callers Can leave a message for
sysops, hangup or just log off. Very good for
boards that want to add more options to
VSCHO7.ZIP Yes 2030 12/10/1994
VSCHO7.PPE file will add a display of your
choice to your (QWK) command. Easy to
install. You just have to edit display file
VSL_PHUN.ZIP Yes 9218 5/8/1994
Very Strange Lines 1.OO [PPE] A STRANGE
VSTAT10.ZIP Yes 2231 1/25/1995
VSTAT10.PPE - Another 'V' replacement for
PCBoard 15.2+. Used for user to view their
personnal statistics. Freeware - Off The Wall
VT-RAT1.ZIP Yes 5052 7/26/1994
A Day at the Rat Races written by THoMaS De
QuiNCy. This is a PPE for PCB 15.1. It is a
gambling game different from all the others.
It's fun to play and win money.
VTLT01B.ZIP Yes 2645 6/16/1994
v0.1� . - . Custom Header, Footer, Colours .
Display CPS, Errors, Time, Date No
UNREGISTERED rubbish Coded by Mad Wizard
VTPS21B.ZIP Yes 1398 6/19/1994
Mad Wizard
VTSTATUS.ZIP Yes 7484 1/25/1995
NODE STATUS 1.0 by SoRaTHiS This Small PPE
shows what Nodes are
active/closed/DLing/Uping/etc, the connect
speed, but does NOT display the Users Handles
or Affils GREAT for those Sysops that have
Mulitple Nodes and run private boards. For
PCB 15.2 + ONLY Shows to the Users who are
just loggin on how active the board is!
Without showing its users !
VTUL01BS.ZIP Yes 2590 6/16/1994
. - No UNREGISTERED rubbish Coded by Mad
Wizard + SOURCE FILE +
VTXUE01B.ZIP Yes 1869 6/14/1994
. Configurable AmiExpress Style . User Config
Editor for PcBoard No UNREGISTERED rubbish
Coded by Mad Wizard
VULGID21.ZIP Yes 6057 4/13/1994
Vulgar name/city language blocker - Utility
(PPE) for PCBoard 15 to prevent users from
using undesirable words or phrases in user
name and city entries. Performed during
newuser logon. Makes CALLER log entries to
let SysOp know of bad user. Hangs-up on user
when SysOp defined words or phrases are
detected. Goes beyond the TCAN check. Puts
CallerID info to CALLBLOC.PPE for lockout. By
Al Segura ver. 2.1 FREE!! No Reg.!
V_INS100.ZIP Yes 6982 11/8/1994
THIS NOW! This install utility used in all
Vinyl PPE's is now freeware for developers!
Automatically installs PPEs into PCBTEXT or
CMD.LST! Tired of writing install- ation
procedures or batch files?? then this is 4
you! Your users (sysops) will benefit too!
Extremely simple to use, and greatly
encouraged! Coded by Vinyl
V_NFS240.ZIP Yes 6886 9/19/1994
NFSCAN [PPE] v2.40 FOR PCB 15.1+! "N"ew file
scan replacement with several enhancements to
the old PCB style setup!
V_SSC100.ZIP Yes 17564 11/8/1994
[ Split-Screen Chat PPE v1.00 ] Over 6 months
in development! Emulates *ANY* other chat
program, Sysop & USER custom colors, next
generation install (no input required!) and
best of all... Totally FREEWARE! o Horizontal
& VERTICAL chat! o Adjustable scroll-back
buffer o Window clearing/Chat logging o and
much more... Coded by Vinyl
WAIT25.ZIP Yes 10991 1/4/1995
edragonoftware WAIT.PPE v2.5 - Release
01/04/95 Looking to add some color and style
to your BBS? Then you need to download this
PPE! This seam- less PCBoard Utility is just
what you're looking for. Replaces the WAIT
prompt. Super Configurable! Now language
aware! Some bugs that were found are now
fixed. And with the registration only 1.00 US
Dollar you can't go wrong
WAITV30.ZIP Yes 11854 1/6/1995
This is the ORIGINAL WAIT.PPE!! Looking to
add some color and style to your BBS? Then
you need to download this PPE! This seam-
less PCBoard Utility is just what you're
looking for. Replaces the WAIT prompt. Super
Configurable! Now language aware! Some bugs
that were found are now fixed. And with the
registration only 1.00 US Dollar you can't go
WC110.ZIP Yes 10496 12/31/1994
[ The Weather Center PPE - v1.10 ] The
Weather Center PPE allows users to download
the weather maps and viewer provided by
Planet Connect Satellite delivery system. It
provides a nice menu, and allows users to
download any, or all of the weather map files
delivered by PC. This version is a minor bug
fix, and enhancement release. KrystalWare
WELMAT11.ZIP Yes 4577 8/3/1993
Welcome Mat v1.1; Freeware PCBoard 15.0 PPE
that selectively upgrades certain users that
you pre-determined and displays an "upgraded
notice" to them. Use at new logon or in BLTs
and now offers conference registrations too!
WH30.ZIP Yes 8955 1/25/1995
WHoZ'HERE PPe v3.o The COOLEST Pre-Logon Who
you have ever seen! Lot of features... o
Multi-language o Multiple headers (up to 99)
o Display User Name, City, Speed and
User/Node Status! o Possibility to ask user
Read DOX for more nfos... o Lot more!
WHO7INFO.ZIP Yes 4323 9/11/1993
WhoCalled v7; Messages Posted, Bytes
Downloaded, And Minutes Used. Msgs Posted,
Files Up/Down, Time On, Node, Logs, Dropped
Carriers, Filters TCAN Names, Calls On Node,
Total Of Calls, Total Mins Used, & MORE!
WHOCA117.ZIP Yes 13164 2/21/1995
WHOCALL PPE v1.17 for PCBoard 15.2
WHOCALL.PPE: This program keeps track of the
last callers who have connected to your bbs
(up to 1000 users). You can also create a
bulletin with the last 5 users who connected
to your BBS, to insert on the NEWS. Very fast
logon MSmac Software ## 351-61-314336 [28.8]
WOW110.ZIP Yes 99988 1/26/1995
* WORDS-OF-WIT Version 1.1 * A PPE for
PCBoard 15.x that creates a random saying to
display to your users. Graphics screen is @X
color code definable. Reads data files as
large as 10,000 lines and more. Includes
4,500+ database of sayings. Registered
version allows your users to enter their own
Words-Of-Wit. * WORDS-OF-WIT Version 1.1 *
WRITE.ZIP Yes 6175 2/14/1995
WRITE.PPE PCBOARD 15.1 PPE Users can use this
beautiful ANSI user information editor to
change their system settings and edit their
personal info. Fully SYSOP configurable.
Online help available. A MUST SEE!!!
WTU_NEWC.ZIP Yes 2486 6/5/1994
Newcount PPE v1.0� From WizWare Software PCB
15.1 PPE will count the number of files that
are dated at the current date from the DIR
file. You can show your users how many
uploads for the day including local uploads
WUI_41A.ZIP Yes 23914 8/14/1993
WUI.PPE v4.10a; PCBoard 15.0 [PPE] program to
replace your (W)rite User Information main
menu command Displays a SysOp definable file
for each WUI command. Works with or without
ADDRESS and ALIAS PSA's. WUI, can now be used
to replace your PCBoard (V)iew Stats command.
Complete Source Code Included
WXPCB.ZIP Yes 3521 4/13/1994
WXPCB.PPE, Places reports generated by
WXMAN{XX} in a simple menu driven format that
your users will enjoy using. The Registered
version will allow up to ten (10) different
reports to be placed at your users fingers in
a snap. Registered users will have the
ability to choose from six (6) different menu
screens, included in the registered package
Compiled under CDC's PPLC V2.00 WXPCB is a
fully configurable Weather Report Generator.
X-PERT.ZIP Yes 1799 8/28/1993
X-Pert [PPE] v1.0; A CMD.LST replacement for
PCBoard (X)pert Mode
XNAME110.ZIP Yes 5494 11/12/1994
X-name v1.10 for PCBoard 15.1 and above
Prompt replacement for the First and Last
name prompts. Small utility that will
capitalize the first letter of each name
while it is being entered. FREEWARE
XUSERS.ZIP Yes 1885 5/2/1994
XUSERS PPE 1.0 RELEASE Nice Forum Hack
looking USER cmd for PCB 15.x
X_LITE30.ZIP Yes 3838 8/13/1994
X_LITE20.PPE eXpert Cmd Litebar - X command
replacement - - Written for PCBoard 15.1 - -
Features Litebar Menu with - - Cursor key
movement. Configurable - - Display screens
and color. - - Sample Screens Included! -
EASY SETUP! Written by Robert Ball
ZEP-32.ZIP Yes 11494 3/30/1994
ZephyrVersion3.2PPE This program is customed
made to display various client rotations, and
their own sub-rotating advertisements. There
is no limitation on client folders or their
ads. This version fixes the program handling
for the BGN and END messages. Version 4.0
will have the literature as well as the beta
sysops online module. *SHAREWARE* Compiled
for PCB15.1/PPLC2.0 Support @ RESY (266/56)
ZLINK110.ZIP Yes 35520 3/5/1995
Z Word Link, Ver. 1.1, by Galahad Software, a
PPE for PCBoard 15.2+. Z Word Link is a word
game that involves skill, strategy, and more
than a little luck! You create three 4-letter
words in a Z chain, and the letters used
determine your score! Only $5 to register!
ZLIST-20.ZIP Yes 72474 3/12/1995
ZippyList v2.0 PCBoard [PPE] - Allows a Sysop
to provide their users with another (Z)ippy
Text Search Interface! Regardless of how much
PCBoard knowledge the user has, ZippyList is
perfect for them! ZippyList is *FULLY* Sysop
configurable and has *total* flexibility! All
searches may also be captured into a
compressed file for the user to download!
Full logging, multi-lingual support, and
more! The ORIGINAL custom file list maker.